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Old 03-17-2003, 12:23 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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I just didn't want to be botherin' folks with unneccessary crap is all. I wasn't whinin'. Just tryin' to be polite and give notice.
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Old 03-17-2003, 02:17 PM
nang nang is offline
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I read your comments everyday, and enjoy them. I feel like I'm sitting across the porch sipping a cup of coffee with ya. Keep em coming- if you want. It's a breath of fresh air. (one thing I've noticed-there must be a huge time difference, I get up early and you've already posted 2 or 3 hours before) . There's a coffee shop in the Warriors Saloon, maybe post some there and see if you get more response-diff service members possibly. Oh well, I like em.

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Old 03-18-2003, 12:22 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee!

'Mornin' folks. Coffee's on! Get a cup and get comfortable! Paper'll be here in a bit.

Well, I've only been tryin' to keep to my little corner of the board here. I know there ain't a lot of Marines postin' here, and I didn't and don't want to intrude in another's 'house'. I was just not wantin' to take up space that could go to someone else if they wasn't anyone stoppin' by fer coffee is all. I'm an asshole, but I sometimes try to be a polite asshole! LOL.

I started makin' coffee so early on the other site when the East Coasters were complainin' that I didn't have it ready when they got up! A couple hours sooner than I did by some margin of error! LOL. So I started fixin' it about midnight Mountain Time! LOL. I don't mind. I been workin' the swing or graveyard shifts most of my life anyway. If folks are spendin' some time with me gettin' their heads wrapped around their day before they start and don't mind drinkin' french roast...'liberty' roast, I mean ...then I don't mind spendin' the time with 'em. I just don't like havin' my time wasted and try not to waste anyone else's if I can help it. I didn't want to waste anyone's time over here is all.

Now that we got that outta the way.

I ain't got shit-all on my mind this mornin'! LOL. Just ramblin' along. Sometimes that's good for ya too...once in awhile! Get yer eyes open and just sit a spell. I lived in Apache Junction, AZ fer awhile some years ago. I had an apartment at the time with a picture window in the kitchen that looked out over the Superstition Mountains. I was late gettin' to work a few times just drinkin' my coffee and lookin' at those hills. Absolutely fascinatin' view! I'd be gettin' my head around my day and those damn mountains would get me every time! LOL. I usually started the day in a good frame of mind, though.

I've got something similar here. I can look out from my deck, which faces East, and see about 45 miles. I made sure of the distance on a map one day. There's a 'hill' out in the badlands that I can see from here and the map shows it to be that far as the crow flies! I can see the plains beyond it some days, but I ain't sure how far that is. Must be near sixty miles. Sunrise can be a thing of beauty! Quite a bit closer, off to the Northeast, I can see Ellsworth. Lookin' out the back yard, if ya look close, you can see Harney Peak out in the Black Hills. It's about thirty some odd miles away. Lots of hills in between here and there. Pretty ridin' on a Harley! Yep. Sturgis is only 30 miles from here! I like the Black Hills. Some folks are about tired of hearin' me say it, but I've never heard the wind in the pines like it gets here. I've been in the Sierras and the Pacific Northwest and I've been in the Rockys and the western most part of the Appalachians. The wind in the pines here will entrance you if you take a few and find a quiet place to sit. Calming in a way that nothing else is. Nearest thing I've heard like it is a gentle surf on a sandy beach in the Pacific.

Well, Ive rambled enough. It's time to warm up yer coffee and get yer day sorted out! We got a new chance! A new opportunity to get it right! It's a new day! Let's go take advantage of it!
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Old 03-18-2003, 04:53 AM
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Default Make no bones about it

Don't stop morning coffee bones, I read it every day I am here just don't post much. You have a great gift of words. I like the description of your view.
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Old 03-18-2003, 04:57 AM
the humper the humper is offline
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Default COFFEE!!!!!!

Some of us are just out of luck. Never had the urge to drink the stuff. Father did, Mother didn't. And the real nasty habit, (they tell me, never had the urge to smoke). But I did try all the other nasty habits.
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Old 03-18-2003, 11:02 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee!

'Mornin' folks! How ya doin'! Coffee's on! Ya better get a cup and get yer head straightened out! Day ain't quite started yet, so we got some time to sit and visit fer a bit!

Anyway. I was thinkin' again. Ya notice how I always end up sayin' somethin' when I got nothin' much to say? Yeah. I've noticed that, too. Kinda funny, really. I usually don't have much to say....I was thinkin' about how sometimes we might not know ourselves as well as we think we do. Oh, you know. The stuff in the mirror bit. No matter how good the mirror, we never really see ourselves as well as we think we do. There's always something that we just can't quite get our eyes on, no matter how we twist and turn and try to make it out. Some call it a 'blind spot'. Now blind spots can be a real big weakness in some situations. Let me give ya an example. I used to be into martial arts in a big way some time back. My 'sensei' had a bad habit, bein' pretty much school trained and not having been in a real fight out on the street, he had a weak spot. I found it right off, 'cause it was the only weak spot he had. I played hell sparrin' with him fer about three years. In the 'ring' he could take me, on points if nothin' else. But when he got 'set', that's when I'd get him. In a fight, there ain't time to get set mostly. You just go from a standing start most of the time. Anyway, the sensei would drop back to get into a set position and I'd nail him. Right between the eyes! For over six months I could do that, again and again and again. Whistle or bell would go off, he'd drop into his set position and I'd nail him again. I got to laughin' too hard one time and he put the hurt on me, ref or no ref. Learned not to laugh at my opponents after that one......

The sensei had a blind spot. Deadly inna fight. We each have our own blind spots about things. People, business, sports, relationships,,,,,,,,,,, something. We each have them. I know I have blind spots by the stuff I can't quite make out in the mirror, no matter how I twist around and up and down.

That mirror? Why...that mirror is life, my friends.

Learn where yer blind spots are at, folks. Things might get a little easier on ya. If nothin' else, the other guy might learn not to laugh at ya after he punches ya between the eyes!

It's a new day! A new opportunity! We got another chance to get it right! Make sure ya take advantage of it!
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Old 03-19-2003, 11:13 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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'Mornin' folks! Coffee's on! Ya better grab a cup and get settled! We got a few minutes to sit and visit before the day starts! Paper'll be here directly! Looks like it might be worth readin' this time!

I still get the funny pages first, though!

Well, I have a couple things on my mind. I'll just pose the one as a question and let it go at that. How're y'all doin' with this war goin' on? You know, how're feelin' about it havin' BTDT and not bein' able to help and all. Give ya another place to rant and get it offa yer chest. That's what morning coffee is all about. Real folks havin' a safe place to visit and have a cup of joe inna mornin'.

Now, on to somethin' that don't really matter in the midst of all this, 'cept fer just goin' on and livin' and bein' normal.

I was thinkin' about somethin' else entirely yesterday when in the middle of a conversation, I thought of something that's worked for me for years. Feller was wonderin' about me havin'
what little wisdom I do and as I answered him, I got to thinkin about this little principle. Oh, I told him I was the biggest damn fool that ever came down the road. Only reason I know what I do is from screwin' it up and then learnin' not to screw it up that way again. I always find a new way to screw it up! That means I've screwed the same thing up over and over and over again. I just do it in different ways is all! LOL.

Anyway, here's the lesson out of all of those times I FUBARED somethin' in my life. Whatever lesson ya learn in life, apply it to everything in your life. Across the board. Apply it to everything. Normally, this works pretty good. A short way of sayin' it is: If ya stick yer finger in the light socket and get bit, ya learn not to do that again! What ya learn is to keep yer finger outta light sockets. At least make sure yer not gonna get bit when ya do!

This example is a bit off the subject, but it fits. Humility. It ain't what ya think it is. Humility is knowin' yer weaknesses as well as yer yer strengths...and then bein' honest about all of them. Yeah! Think about that one fer a bit! Now. Apply that life lesson to yerself. Across the board. This one is an almost automatic application really. Someone asks if yer good at somethin', ya tell 'em. Straight up! It ain't braggin' if ya can do it! If ya can't do it, ya tell 'em! Ain't humility. It's truth!

That's all quite enough to think about this mornin' I guess. Y'all warm up yer coffee and get yer head wrapped around yer day before ya get started!

It's a new day! A new chance to get it right! We'll get there.
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Old 03-20-2003, 11:15 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee!

'Mornin' folks! How the hell are ya! Coffee's on! Grab a cup and get settled! Paper'll be here directly!

Well, I have somethin' to visit on this morning. Don't know what it has to do with anything, but I do have somethin'. LOL. I was visitin' with one of my brothers late last night. I got four brothers.One's an asshole. One's a bit of a jerk and the other two are pretty much real folks. The kinda people ya don't mind havin' a drink with and talkin' about the sun, the moon and the stars with if ya know what I mean. They got some little wisdom and a sense of humor if ya don't mind redneck Veterans fer company! LOL. Anyway, Gary brought up an old topic fer me. Kinda thing that has some good memories. He was talkin' about lyin' like an old dog. I wasn't lyin', honest! Anyway, I got to thinkin'.....

...about old dogs and how they're just there for ya. Good dogs are as hard to find as good friends sometimes. Things go to hell, they don't care. They're there for ya. You go somewhere, they wanta go with ya. Ya do somethin' that seems a little strange, they'll look at ya funny, but they're there for ya. Ya come home, they're always glad to see ya. They'll sit and visit with ya and let ya know that everythings all good. If nuthin' else, ya can do it all again tomorrow. That rabbit mighta got away yesterday, but we'll get him tomorrow!

...old dogs. They don't mind kickin' back and just visitin'....while ya have yer coffee and get yer day sorted out.

Warm up yer coffee folks! No matter how bad it is, we'll get that ol' rabbit today fer sure.
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Old 03-21-2003, 11:12 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee!

'Mornin' folks! How are ya this mornin'! Coffee's on! Ya better grab a cup and get yer eyes open! Paper'll be along directly!

There's been a lot to think about lately, hasn't there? Stock market, war, the UN, NATO, Korea and let's not forget out'friends' in the weaselly three. ( France, Germany and Russia ). Got brother's down here and there. plus one is two, and we got to keep livin' Doin' our part. Makin' sure that what has been done is not in vain. Addin' our voice to the debate. Kissin' and huggin' the ol lady and kids. Lettin' out brothers and sisters know we're here for them. Addin' our effort to theirs and we'll get through almost anything. Now this war thing is pretty much a done deal, it's gonna be the changed landscapes of our lives. Some ways it's gonna be better. Folks are gonna know that sooner or later the US is gonna get tired of playin' patty cake with idiots, tyrants and terrorists. Lots of things addin' up one way or the other.

Some empty places in homes at dinner, another empty rack in the barracks.

Peace activists openly supported by the neo-communist organizations. a polarization, if you will, of who believes what and why. and what we're all gonna do about it.

The and is it an open waste of time and money and space on our shores.

International politics and loans and 'free' help and who takes care of what in the world, when, where and why.

Being drawn in to someone else's fight and only bein' allowed to use half measures and watchin' young Americans die because other nations don't want us to become 'imperialist aggressors', yet yelling for our help time after time after time.

A handful of Marines ordered to drop their weapons and stand by helplessly while the Arabs storm the embassy.....

One plus one is two. A cliche that can be used to cover a variety of good and positive things in our lives and yet, it also works to add up the incidents that have brought us all to where we are today.

A somber mood this morning as I contemplate the loss of more brothers in a war that should've been won more than twenty years ago.

Warm up yer coffee, folks. Things are changin'. Mayhap we'll get it all right this time.

It's a new day! We've got another chance! A new opportunity to get it right! Let's do it!
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Old 03-23-2003, 12:55 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee!

'Morning' folks! How the hell are ya this mornin'! Coffee's on! Ya better get some! Yeah I know I'm a little late, but I been watchin' that firefight on TV. Compelling, but makes me wonder, too. Paper'll be her directly! we'll see what else is goin' on today!

I've been runnin' into a problem lately. Gettin' older. I've been noticin' it fer a couple years now, but it's really startin' to get on my nerves. I can't do what I used to. Now I'm busted up around the edges, but age is definitely a factor! Ya gotta accept yer limitations and figure ways to work around them, but it still aggravates me. It's hard to accept. Now I ain't got any solutions to this one. I haven't really been through it before. Just makin' adjustments the last couple years is all. Workin' around things best I know how. Now most times, that's about all ya can do, I reckon. Now I wasn't busted up very much at first, years ago, but it seems that doc was right, " It'll build up on ya." Who'd a thought one of those college boys knew what the hell he was talking about anyway! LOL.

Well, I've found different interests over the years. Mostly just started havin' some time for doin' stuff I was always kinda curious about. Readin' about stuff. Researching things here and there. Kinda eclectic and random in content, maybe, but still things I was curious about. One thing that's gotten to interest me is the government and the way it operates. I'm still readin' here and there about that one. If I ever get it figgered out, I'll let ya know!

Another has been people. They're aggravatin', and surprisingly indescribable in the things they're capable of doin'. Both good and bad. Tryin' to learn more about folk's motivations or possible motivations in doin' what they do and why....I've been studyin' that one a number of years now. I'm surprised by them every day. Thing is, I'm a people,too. I kinda surprise myself now and then, too. That ain't always comfortable. LOL.

One thing that's been interestin' has been science fiction. I kinda like it. Most of what's written anymore is written by folks who're on the leading edge of their professions. Physicists, astronomers, sociologists, and all sorts of other scientists. Some is written by military folks. They call it military science fiction. Pretty much workin' out strategy and tactics for war in the future, really. Most are just lookin' at the potential effects of technology on the future. Kinda interesting to me.

I've gotten to like the computer. The Ol Lady says I like it too much. That's ok. (I ain't goin' there, though! ) the computer has become like havin' the biggest reference library in the world at yer hands. I go to some weird places sometimes, but that's yet again another story! Hell, I learn as much by accident as I do on purpose surfin' the net! LOL.

I've been doin' a bit of gardenin' here and there, but it looks ike I might have to give that up directly. We'll see what this summer brings. LOL. In some ways. I'm just gettin' lazy.

One thing noticeable the last few years is that doin' fer other folks has gotten to be more satisfyin'. Not the same as hangin' by yer fingertips from a thousand foot cliff maybe, but still, it ain't all that bad. As long as I can find some sort of minor challenge to keep me offa the street and outta trouble, I might be able to get along.

Find somethin' to keep ya interested, folks. Find somethin' that satisfies ya. That somethin' will complete ya. It'll give ya some measure of peace inside. Ultimately, this is what we're all after. A little peace. Might be one way of gettin' there maybe. In the meantime....

...warm up yer coffee. It's Sunday. We got all day to get 'er sorted out.
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