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Old 12-17-2004, 02:30 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee

?Morning folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyway? Coffee?s on, and it?s good and it?s hot. Ya best grab a cup and get ya some! Paper?ll be along directly, I reckon. I gots first dibs onna funny pages, too!

Well, it?s time to start preachin? around here. As bad as you think it?ll sound, remember that there is hope. I wish you people had listened to me years ago. I wish I didn?t have to say some of the things I have to say. I wish I hadn?t been run out of churches and buildings and gatherings of those who claim to love God. I wish?knowing that wishes are the dreams, and the tools, of fools and of madmen, and of diviners, and of others who abide in their sin.

It is time America. The mercy of the Lord is growing short towards you. ?and you do not see the signs of His protection having been lifted from you. Troubles and strife, and every evil work are rampant among you. Should I speak of those who claim no God, I would run out of time in the days and weeks to come. I speak to those who call themselves ?The House of God.? I speak to those who call themselves ?Israel?. I speak to those who compare themselves to themselves, and judge themselves by themselves. I speak to those who call themselves, ?Blessed of The Lord.? I speak to those who claim righteousness, yet there is no righteousness in them. I speak to the pastors, preachers, and teachers among you who claim that the ?Word of the Lord? is with them. Repent. Repent of your ways, O Israel. The time is now even nigh for your judgment. Have you experienced the cleansing of the Lord God Almighty in your hearts? Have you seen what He has done among you? Many have been revealed for who they are among you, and yet they continue to teach and to preach a Gospel that is not of God. They continue to take, and to hinder, and to bind, those who The Lord has set free. And the flock is butchered daily to no effect, and for no other purpose, than that the shepherds among you might prosper at the expense of the flock.

Indeed, many false prophets are among you, and have been proven to be false by their own words and deeds, and yet you continue to support them and to support each other in your sins. Look. Even now, if you return to The Lord, and to His word, He will restore. He will recognize you as His own. He will come among you in great power and in great glory, and He will lead His flock.

He will set mighty men of God among you as your leaders, and He will hold them accountable. The days are short. The time is nigh. Let the prophecies of the false prophets fall dead upon the ground. Let their meaningless prayers be as noise. May their spirits fall upon them all, for God is about to move upon them all. Let their tongues cleave to their mouths. Let their own words reveal themselves to themselves, and may those who follow after them be held accountable for their sin.

Call down the fire of God? You have called it down upon yourselves!

Repent, America, and God will be merciful. Return to Him who has established you, and all will be made whole.

I know that you will not, and my heart is torn for you. You have believed a deception instead of the truth. You prefer darkness to light. Your words praise Him, but your hearts are far from Him. Invasions, storms, the trembling of the earth, all witness against you, and you take no heed. A nation that is bankrupt in all of it?s ways, and you blame this man, or that woman, and this group or that agency, for all of your troubles, not knowing that you are ruined already.

Your hearts are far from God. Many, many proofs has He given you, yet you do not believe, nor do you seek Him with all of your heart, with all of your mind, with all of your soul, and with all of your body. The holiness of Israel is not in the things that you seek. The holiness of God is not in external things that you call holiness. It is in your hearts. God knows the heart of each of you. His presence, and His Word, cannot be denied.

Seek Him, while He yet may be found. Repent, and turn to Him upon whom all holiness resides, and within whom all love, and all righteousness is defined and known to be true.

Tear your hearts, for you have lost all, though you have gained all that you desired in this life. Remove the iniquities among you. Replace them with the love of The Lord for one another. You say that you are not of this world, yet you submit to all that is of this world, and you forget the commandments of God through Christ. You seek God, saying, ?Where is the next move of The Lord?? and ?How will it manifest?? Turn around. There is the Lord God behind you. You have left Him. You seek the face of men, instead of the Face of God.

The ones who God will raise up in these last days are not the ones you would choose. Behold, a new thing? Behold, a thing done again by God in this world. You do not learn from the past, and you say, ?How can these things be done to us? Do we not tithe? Do we not deliver demons from men?s lives? Do we not prophesy? Did we not do these great things?? Ungrateful servants, who steal and beat and rob their fellow servants of all that God has given. How can God not bring justice and judgment among you?

Behold. His judgment is even now among you. No building will contain God. Not one. No group will contain God. Not one. No one trained of men, and no followers of men, will restrain His work in these times.

Behold. It has begun already among you. The goats will be separated from the flock, and the wolves will be killed and destroyed from among you. This will only be the beginning of troubles. Yet, even now. Even now, return to Him who paid the bride price for you. Return, O Israel, to the One who loves you beyond all others. Fall upon His mercy and tremble that you might yet be saved.

These are warnings. The trumpet has yet to sound. You have time, but it is oh, so precious. Repent. Return to Him who has already saved you. Run! Sprint! Your very life is at risk! Grab hold of the mercy seat, and never let go.

There is yet hope, America. Repent. Return to your first love.

So has The Lord said to you, America.

Warren R. Bonesteel
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Old 12-18-2004, 02:25 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee


?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on and is it good this mornin?, too! Ya best grab a cup and get some! Ya gotta have yer eyes open some if?n yer a gonna be a visitin? with me! Paper?ll be along after a bit, I?d imagine. I gots first dibs onna funny pages, too!

Well, I reckon? A few of ya been a might surprised recent-like over the way I been a visitin? around here. Some of you idjits thought ya knew all there was to know about me, didn?t ya? Fooled ya again, didn?t I! I like it when ya get that funny look in yer eyes. Means yer a thinkin?. I warned ya and I warned that I hadn?t even gotten started yet! But nooo-ooo! Nobody listens to ol? Bones. He?s just another hillbilly after all!

Ha. And again, I say, HA! The Lord is with me. Who can then stand against me? There is a difference between arrogance and pride. The world?s version is a false one. Ya done believed a lie over that ?un, but I done visited over false pride and false humility a bunch already. They?re lies, ya see. Arrogance personified in those two.

Anyways?ya remember me a sayin? Jesus? daddy inna flesh was from Nazareth? Some of ya wanted to argue the point. Ya gotta know a bit more than that about the tribes of Israel and how the land was apportioned to ?em. Ol? man Joseph hadda go to Bethlehem to pay his taxes cause that?s where his family was from. Didn?t mean he lived there. ?No, not just to the Romans, either. He hadda go to Jerusalem oncet a year on top of it!

That?s not what I wanta visit over anyways. There?s a whole lot of what they call types and shadows in alla that, but I wanta lay somethin? out right in front of ya this mornin?. Types and shadows? It?s about spiritual metaphor and allegory inna Book is what it is. Real interestin? stuff, too. OK. Here we go. John, Chapter 15. Read the whole thing. Wait a minute? If I got you a readin? it, I best be a goin? back and readin? it my own self? just a sec. ?Man that coffee?s good this mornin?! ?I am?abide?prunin? and trimmin??I am? abide, abide, abide, if?n ya don?t abide, ya get tossed out?as the Father has loved me?so have I loved you?continue in my love? if you keep my commandments? Line upon line, precept upon precept? bonehead English? (one of these days I might haveta take a class in it.) Oh, the mercy seat: Remember, the veil was torn from top to the bottom? There?s only one High Priest now?The horns of the altar as a typology of the ark of the covenant, and the sacrifice of the Messiah?well, study it fer yerself then!;&version=45;

Ok. Verse eleven, then? What book? John, chapter ?uh fifteen.

?I have told you these things, that My joy and delight may be in you, and that your joy and gladness may be of full measure and complete and overflowing

This is My commandment: that you love one another [just] as I have loved you.?

This is fer alla those folks who think the only words inna Book ya gotta follow are the ones in red? Idjits. He didn?t say nothin? agin, or in opposition to, the rest of the Book. Ya gotta read the rest of the Book to know what He was a talkin? about!

Here?s the real kicker in this letter writin? by John:

?No one has greater love [no one has shown stronger affection] than to lay down (give up) his own life for his friends.?

Yeah, it?s the amplified version. Now shut up. I?m a talkin? here! What?ve you laid down fer folks? What?ve you sacrificed? You know what a sacrifice is, don?t ya? I didn?t think so? It ain?t just about dyin? to save other folks lives there, ya idjit. Get a clue. Buy a vowel! Pay attention oncet in awhile, would ya? If yer a doin? ?er right, love ain?t a sacrifice. Once ya figger that out, ya might be on to somethin?, mebbe.

Now, here?s the real deal:

?You are My friends if you keep on doing the things which I command you to do.
I do not call you servants (slaves) any longer, for the servant does not know what his master is doing (working out). But I have called you My friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from My Father. [I have revealed to you everything that I have learned from Him.]?

Did ya catch that? Yer not servants of the Most High God. You?re His friends. Did ya catch the next part? He done already told ya everything He knew about the Boss, that the Boss had told Him to tell folks while He was on this ol? earth. What was His commandment? Love one another as He has loved us. Period. If ya missed this part, yer a doin? the rest of it wrong. Even if ya think yer a doin? the right things, but yer a doin? ?em fer the wrong reasons, yer a doin? it wrong. The reason ya oughta be a doin? them things?is out of love?the same love that He has for you. You are His friends if you keep doin? the things He told ya about. He told ya to love one another. What would you do for those you love as family or as real and true friends? It?s that sort of thing that he?s talkin? about when ya come to believe. The same holds true for those who are your friends?and your family?in the Body of Christ. He didn?t say to love the world. He was talkin? to believers here. He said to love one another as he has loved you.

Here?s the other thing about alla that:

?You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed you [I have planted you], that you might go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit may be lasting [that it may remain, abide], so that whatever you ask the Father in My Name [as presenting all that I AM], He may give it to you.
This is what I command you: that you love one another.?

Guess what? If ya didn?t abide in Him and His love, and the love of the brothers in the body of Christ?it might be why yer prayers don?t get answered. It means it?s time to repent! Means it?s time to turn back and do what?s right in the eyes of God and His Son, the first born of many, of whom you are one! He chose you! Many are called, but few are chosen?and He chose you. How great is that, huh!

What is His commandment? That you love one another!

In the same manner that He loves you.

You wanta see and do the same things Jesus did? Abide in His love. Love one another. He done told ya that ya could do those things now. Tarry in peace?abide?in the peace of God?the peace of salvation? Abide in His love?until?until ye be imbued with power from on high. The power of God. A God of love?for you.

He who believes [who adheres to and trusts in and relies on the Gospel and Him Whom it sets forth] and is baptized will be saved [from the penalty of eternal death]; but he who does not believe [who does not adhere to and trust in and rely on the Gospel and Him Whom it sets forth] will be condemned. And these attesting signs will accompany those who believe: in My name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new languages; They will pick up serpents; and [even] if they drink anything deadly, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will get well.

So then the Lord Jesus, after He had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and He sat down at the right hand of God.

And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord kept working with them and confirming the message by the attesting signs and miracles that closely accompanied [it]. Amen (so be it).

?Believes?abides?trusts? You want to see miracles? The first miracle is that you must love God with all that is in you. The second miracle? You must love each other more than you love yourselves. Then the signs and wonders will follow, confirming the Word of the Lord to the unbelievers. Confirming the Love of God for both you, and for them?if they only believe. If they and you only?abide?trust?love.

First?THEN? First love God?THEN love others?AND these signs and wonders will follow. Do you love your church more than you love God? Do you love your comfort more than you love God? Do you love your preacher more than you love God? Do you love your political party more than you love God? Do you love your house more than you love God? If any of these things, or any thing like them, come before your love of God and your love of fellow believers?do not holler about ?Where are the signs and wonders?? If you are submitted to the governments of this world before you are submitted to God in love, do not holler, ?Why do I not have any of the power of God in my life?? If your church is submitted to the governments of this world, do not holler, ?Why isn?t there a revival? Why don?t more people come to church?? and ?Why doesn?t God keep His word?? You?ve given up your first love. The Boss?s kid done said, ?He that is not with Me, is against Me.?

IF?then?AND signs and wonders will follow.

The Book lays it all out for ya. Pretty simple stuff, really. Ya just have to pay attention oncet in awhile is all. One plus one is two. When ya abide in His love, nothing is a sacrifice. When ya abide in His love, there are no worries about your salvation. ?Remember that lukewarm stuff, here?

Warm up yer coffee, folks! It?s a new day! We?ve got another chance to get ?er right. We?ve got another opportunity to get ?er all sorted out. Make sure ya take advantage of it.

When am I gonna visit over Christmas? You don?t pay attention to nuthin? do ya? Does yer head hurt? Just wonderin?, ?cause you sure ain?t thinkin? any?
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Old 12-19-2004, 02:07 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee

Ok, ok. I?ll give ya a hint

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on and it ain?t so bad if?n I do say so myself. Ya best get a cup and get ya some! Paper?ll be along directly, I reckon. I gots first dibs onna funny pages, too!

Well, I got myself a group of prophets upset with me. This oughta be fun! Well, first off they call themselves ?Master Prophets? and such-like. They offered to prophesy over me, and when they did, they said they couldn?t say anymore about it until I sent ?em some money. Well, I answered ?em? I laughed at ?em. The Word of God is for sale, now, it would seem. It doesn?t mean that they might not be real prophets. It just means that they?re bought and paid for is all. It?s one thing to bring an ?offering? to a prophet. It?s quite another when he says, ?Pay up or else!? I believe Balaam learned a lesson about alla that? They might figger I?m some un-educated hick, and they can?t find out who I?m ?submitted? to, so? Well, this oughta be some kinda fun, I?m a tellin? ya! Well, I told ?em they might wanta re-think their strategy, and they think I was cursin? ?em.

Takin? on the prophets of God. I?m either drunk, stupid?or else I?m on to somethin?.(?and I ain?t drunk?yet. Stupid? Well, I?m still figgerin? that one out, don?t ya know.) Well, if?n they ain?t a doin? right?fer the right reasons? I wonder if?n them fellers is a gonna be real surprised when donkeys start in a talkin? to ?em? Balaam wasn?t. He just got mad at the donkey fer speakin? the word of the Lord to him. Ol? Balaam wasn?t into no ?flesh? in that interaction, I don?t reckon, huh? Ya gotta be careful. God?ll use ya if?n ya want?even if it?s only as a bad example.

Myself, I?d rather be cursed of God than blessed of men. With God?s cursin?, if ya end up listenin? and a doin? what?s right to begin with, a blessin? will come out of it, and God?s merciful to boot. Men, in their blessin?s to one another, so often get other folks into bein? slaves. Nope. Ain?t much mercy inna blessin?s of most men, I don?t figger.

James chapter three, verse thirteen.

?Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.?

Ayup. James has a lot to say about such things?and he?s not talking to unbelievers or to ?baby Christians?, either. It wasn?t condemnation that James preached there. It was an exhortation to return?to turn around?to repent?a word to the church?a body of believers?

James chapter four, verse sixteen

?But now you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.?

Ya beginnin? to get the picture yet? Near everything I ever visit over around here, I can go right to the Book and point it out to ya. I done visited over preachers and believers a boastin? awhile back. Now, I know I get into ?er myself time to time, but I don?t make a real regular habit of it. I know what it can lead to, ya see. It can mess with yer relationship with the Boss man, and I kinda like visitin? with Him, myself. He?s a pretty good sort.

Read John chapter fifteen again. All the way through.;&version=50;

Verse twenty-three.

?He who hates Me hates My Father also.?

If you boast on the things that your ministry is doin??if you boast on the things that your church is doin??if you boast upon these things?you have replaced God with your own works and your own praise. There is no love in it. You are either hot or cold. You love, or you don?t. If you boast, you have replaced the Power of God in your lives. You love God, or you hate Him. To call yourselves this, that, or the other, and then to demand payment or you will not work for God, or do the things that He asks of you? is to hate God, and to hate those whom He has accepted as worthy to hear the word of the Lord as given to you.

What?s this got to do with Christmas? Ok, ok. I?ll give ya a hint. It has to do with growin? up.

Warm up yer coffee, folks! It?s a new day! We?ve got another chance to get ?er right! We?ve got another opportunity to get ?er all sorted out.
Make sure ya take advantage of it, will ya?

...Oh... Bishop and Master Prophet...I'll get to ya inna bit. I gotta a question for you folks.

Well, I got two questions. Why's she call herself "Queen" anyways?
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Old 12-20-2004, 01:15 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee

And as the Book says...

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on, and it ain?t too awful bad, if?n I do say so myself. Get yerself a cup and get yer eyes open. Paper?ll be along after a bit, I reckon. I always gots first dibs onna funny pages!

Well?which way are we headed this mornin?, do ya reckon? Well, I don?t know! I was a askin? you! ?I gotta do alla thinkin? around here, don?t I? It?s a wonder my head don?t hurt.

I wanta tell ya a story this mornin?. A story about a man of sin?and a Bible? One day that man of sin, when drunk, met with another man who was carrying a Bible. It was a brand new Bible that he had borrowed from his preacher for a time. The preacher?s name was on the lower right corner of the black leather cover?in shiny gold letters. The edges of the pages were shiny gold as well. The drunken man of sin teased the other, and as the Book would say, laughed him to scorn. At one point, the man of God offered to let the man of sin look at that new and borrowed Bible. The man of sin tore half of the first several pages from the Bible, then laughed uproariously. The man of God was devastated. I tell you now; man of God, this former man of sin says to be devastated no more. There was a purpose.

Of course, I was that man of sin. Some of those half torn pages were burned, some were scattered, and some were returned to the man of God. A couple of years later, I went on a cross-country trip on a motorcycle, as I have related at other times and in other places. I traveled nearly twenty thousand miles in a year?s time, and I ended up in Oregon, Washington state, Montana, South Dakota, and many other places. In Iowa, I sold the bike, moved to Illinois, and then to Arizona. I came to believe, as I have related another time. More years passed, and I bought and gave away Bible after Bible?witnessing and serving others as best I could, until one day, in a box from a yard sale, hundreds of miles from where I had met that first man of God that I spoke of earlier, with thousands of miles, and seven years between he and I. In the box was a Bible?with a preacher?s name ?in faded gold letters on the lower right hand corner of its black leather cover?and several pages in the front?which were torn in half. ?pages edged with gold?

I have that Bible to this day. It sits in front of me now. The pages are well worn, now. The shiny gold is all but worn away. The preacher?s name is nearly illegible without a hard and close examination. The pages are covered with numbers from the Strong?s Concordance. There are comments, notes; and many words and phrases that are color coded, underlined, highlighted, circled?a few of those original notes and marked passages are possibly even in that preacher?s own hand. Most are from my research and study. Each mark that I have made in that Bible has a purpose. Each mark points to other things in the Book.

There is a season and a time for everything. What happens now, however evil it may seem at the time, may not bear fruit for many years. ?But once the seed is planted?another waters?another tends?and God takes care of the harvest.

John, Chapter fifteen, verse sixteen:

?Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.?

Man of God, I remember some of your words that day. Do you? That part of the conversation went something like this: ?How would you like to have a Bible with some of the pages torn from it?? I said, ?I don?t mind a bit. Give it to me, then!? You decided to return it to its owner instead.

John, chapter fifteen, verse 23:

?He that hateth me hateth my Father also.?

I must confess that I no longer hate Jesus or His Father. (I hated the devil just as much, if you must know.) ?And I never hated you, neither then or now. At the time I just thought that you were?amusing.

A coincidence some might say? Is it the exact same Bible? Even if it is not, do the math? It is only a very, very, small part of what the Boss has done in my life?and I thank Him for all of it?the good times, the hard times?and the peace that I know because of Him. I believe for many, many, reasons. And as the Book says, I must say also: May God bless those who believe and have not seen what I have seen. Their faith is strong. It is very strong indeed.

Warm up your coffee, folks! It?s a new day. We?ve got another opportunity to get ?er right. We?ve got another chance to get ?er all sorted out. Make sure ya take advantage of it.
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Old 12-21-2004, 03:34 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee

Why?m I late this mornin??

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on and it ain?t bad this mornin?, either. Ya best grab a cup and get yerself some! Paper?ll be along after a bit, I reckon. I gots first dibs onna funny pages, too!

Well, I know I?m late this mornin?! Bein? late this mornin? gave me an idea of what to visit over, though. Fer a minute, I had a time figgerin? how it was all a gonna tie in, but it fell right into place. It has to do with waitin?.

Years ago, I heard about a feller who?d spent twenty years a studyin? and a preachin? and teachin? about prayer. It wasn?t too long ?fore I figgered he mostly about sellin? stuff, but he did have some right interestin? and truthful things to say about prayer. At first I thought to myself, ?How can ya spend twenty years studyin? about prayer?? So I started in a readin? and a studyin? the Book on what it hadda say about the matter. ?I get like that when I get curious? Anyway, six months later I came up fer air and decided that a lifetime wouldn?t be enough to learn all there is to know about prayer. Twenty years wasn?t even a real good start onna matter!

One thing I did learn?the most important thing to me about prayer?is learnin? how to wait. No. Not in waitin? for yer prayers to get answered?but in learnin? how to wait?once ya done figgered what ya wanta talk to the Boss about?before ya start in a runnin? yer mouth. There were times after that, when folks would say, ?Warren, do you want to lead the prayer tonight?? OK. Then I would stand ?and wait? without sayin? a word. I would wait upon the Lord. I wait for the presence of the Lord to be made ?manifest?. A few seconds?a minute?how ever long it takes. ?Time like that, it?s not all about just a visitin? with the Boss man. It?s about a business meetin?, if ya will. It?s about a contract. It?s about gettin? yer prayers answered. It?s a bit more serious than just a visitin? over coffee inna mornin? with the Boss. It?s a bit different than a thankin? the Boss fer the day ya just had, as ya lay yer head on yer pillow and get ready to say g?night. In any case, in any relationship, they ain?t no sense a visitin? with a feller until he shows up, don?t ya know! Ya might just end up a talkin? to yerself. If yer a talkin? to yerself like that, don?t be expectin? any answers from folks that ain?t there!

Wait. He?ll ?show up.? In power and in glory. You?ll know when it?s time to start in a prayin?. ?And be prepared for power? be prepared for answers. Be prepared for blessings.

Some of you folks been a talkin? awful nice about me lately. I ain?t alla that. I?m just me is all. I just tell ya, ?Here is the true light of the world! Follow Him.? Ya start in a followin? me, why we?re all liable to end up inna ditch! Lots of folks in ditches these days, ain?t they? Then they wonder why they?re not a goin? anywhere?and they?re all in such a hurry to get ?blessed??that they don?t know how to wait. Ya wait onna Lord, He?ll re-new ya. Ya wait onna Lord, he?ll answer ya. Ya wait onna Lord, He?ll empower ya.

Ya wait onna Lord, He?ll show ya what?s what and just why it?s that a way. Ya learn how to wait, why that Book?ll start in a makin? some real sense to ya. Ya learn how to wait, why I figger some of yer prayers might start in a gettin? answered now and then. Prayer?s a real powerful thing. Real powerful. Right up there with the power of the spoken word. It don?t hurt if?n ya know what the Book actually says about matters, though? That don?t hurt at all.

I will wait upon the Lord. He will re-new my strength. Sometimes waitin? means ya gotta be real quiet?before ya can hear that ?still small ?voice?

Warm up yer coffee, folks! It?s a new day! We got another chance to get ?er right! We got another opportunity to get ?er all sorted out. Make sure ya take advantage of it.

Why?m I late this mornin?? Well?I overslept?
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Old 12-22-2004, 02:08 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee

[It?s there. It?s always there.

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on and it ain?t too bad this mornin?, either. Get yerself a cup and get yer eyes open some, will ya? Paper?ll be along directly, I reckon. I gots first dibs onna funny pages, too!

Well, I reckon. I done told most of ya that I got on some folks? nerves with the way I visit around here. You can email to tell ?em what a good boy I generally am: ?Tell Blake I said ?Hey!? He?s one of our new folks around here inna mornin?. I got a real nice note from him a tellin? me all about how some folks didn?t like my coffee much. Then he asked a question about somethin? I was a visitin? over yesterday! Cool. Means he?s a thinkin?, don?t ya know! Bein? new around here, I?ll cut him some slack. As fer the rest of ya?

Waitin? onna Lord to show up? Why, what?s that all about? He?s always right here ain?t he? Remember that still small voice thing I mentioned? What I did, was use terminology that is commonly used in them there churches about waitin? onna Lord ?and how they apply it to themselves and to the Word of God. Didn?t make much sense when ya lookit that a way, did it? I gave the hint about the real deal inna last little bit we visited over yesterday. One or two of ya was even payin? attention! Ya saw what I was a gettin? at! (Three days ago that friggin? Tony figgered out what I was gonna visit over on Christmas, too?that boy?s too dang smart sometimes? If he hadn?t done it by accident?)

God?s right there, so to speak?but most of the time?you ain?t. ?Goes back to that dancin? inna dark stuff that got so popular around here. Yer a thinkin? about Mom, Dad, the kids, the roast inna oven, work, money, or where yer a gonna eat lunch, and how quick ya can get to the TV to watch the ballgame. Yer a thinkin? about that feller that ain?t dressed real good fer bein? in church the way he is. ?And why is SHE in church? You know where she was yesterday! Yer a thinkin? about how you or someone else is a maneuverin? to get onna paid staff at the church, and what the church board meetin?s gonna be like later inna week. Yer a thinkin? about how screwed up them folks at that other church are. Ain?t no way THEM folks is goin? to heaven is there? Kinda satisfyin? a knowin? that, ain?t it? Real satisfyin?. They?re all a goin? straight to hell and you ain?t! The preacher even said so just last week. The best thing about it is that they don?t have a clue, either!

You might even be a thinkin? about which one of them Christian bookstores has that book ya been wantin? about prayer, or healin?, or the Holy Spirit. That one big name preacher has a new book out, too. Yer about out of them new salvation tracts anyway. Then they had that big denominational meetin? last week. What THEY come up with sometimes? You?d think that three thousand preachers?d have more sense than that, wouldn?t ya? You might even be a thinkin? about how yer gonna organize yer week so ya can get the kid, the ol? man, or yerself to choir practice. Then there?s that new home fellowship they started last week. How?d THAT guy end up in charge of ?em? He?s not a preacher! He?s never even been to seminary! He?s only been walkin? with the Lord fer three-four years, after all. You might be a thinkin? about just how inna world yer gonna get a chance to really sit down and visit with that new pastor. As busy as he is, it won?t be easy. You gotta get to him quick before ol? Charley does. Charley?ll plumb screw the poor kid up! ?His poor wife. She doesn?t know what she got herself into does she? His kids are spoiled rotten to. Gotta get him lined out on that pretty quick.

You might even be a thinkin? about that big ?revival? they got goin? at the civic center next month. Then they got that big doin?s at the local stadium this weekend?and what?re ya gonna wear to it, anyway? Ya gotta figger out how to get Uncle Jim to go. He needs saved if anybody does! Oh, yeah. That new prophetic ministry is gonna be in town inna couple of weeks. How ya gonna get in line to make sure ya get him to pray for ya, and not end up with one of his assistants doin? it instead? Will he give ya a word on that new job ya want so much? Mebbe he can tell ya how good a deal yer gonna get on that house you been lookin? at. Then there?s wonderin? what his new book is gonna cost. You?d love to go to that seminar they?re puttin? on, but man that?s a lot of money. How are ya ever gonna make time for it? Not to mention that yer a gonna go and help serve them folks at the mission fer a couple hours later on next week, ya know. ?And that new elder! Lord have mercy. ?And ya don?t know why they had her doin? a hymn. You can sing better than that without half tryin?? Oh, God, the PTA meetin?s next Wednesday!

Oh?don?t ferget to bring a dish fer that lady?s meetin? on Thursday? Then there?s takin? the dog to the vet this week. That rash is gettin? bad?poor thing. Oh! Ya gotta take the youngest to get his shots fer school again? Oh, yeah, call Judy to take the kids to soccer practice this week too. Make sure to trade her fer a week she wants next month. Dad?s gotta take the car to the garage Monday to get it looked at. It?s got that funny noise in the dash again? Did ya set the timer onna oven? That roast?ll burn up and dry out if they don?t hurry up? Oh, man! What?re ya gonna wear to church tonight? Ya didn?t get to the cleaners yesterday! And why is Warren just standing there? The preacher told him to pray already! What?s wrong with the guy anyway? I got things to do! Come on already, will ya? I gotta get little Joey ready to go to church camp inna mornin?! Jeez. I keep lookin? at him, but Warren? Poor guy doesn?t have a clue, does he? He doesn?t notice nuthin?, does he! Why is he just standin? there? It?s been almost a minute already!

You ain?t a listenin? to nobody when they?re a prayin? about nuthin? are ya? ?and yer ignorin? someone else that?s inna room.

Wait upon the Lord. Yer a listenin? fer a still?small?voice? Ya gotta be kinda quiet and peaceful-like to hear it. It?s there. It?s always there. You just ain?t payin? no attention is all? Ya wonder why so many of yer prayers don?t get answered? It?s because yer ignorin? someone that?s inna room right there with ya. He allows ya yer freedom ya see. He?s kinda polite most times, too. He ain?t a gonna interrupt ya if?n yer busy with other things. But?if you ain?t listenin? to Him?I don?t see why He?s gotta listen to you?but that part?s just me and my opinion. I figger that opinion?s right by what the Book says about such things, though. When yer a waitin? onna Lord?He?ll be right there a waitin? on you. A good servant, even a good friend, knows how to be of good service. He knows how to wait. Part of waitin? on folks is payin? attention to the folks yer a wantin? to help out, if?n ya can?even if?n one of them folks is the Boss man. You can?t hear what they want, or what they need if?n yer busy with other things?and most folks are generally polite about not interruptin? ya. The power of love?the power of God?cannot be made manifest?until you learn how to wait?upon the Lord. God is there to meet your need, but you must learn how to wait. To learn how to wait, you must first learn how to be quiet, and to be at peace. Then?when you listen?you will hear?and you will know how to best be of service to the Boss man. Love Is. We?ll visit over that some more tomorrow, mebbe.

Warm up yer coffee, folks! It?s a new day! We?ve got another chance to get ?er right! We?ve got another opportunity to get ?er all sorted out. Make sure ya take advantage of it, will ya?
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Old 12-23-2004, 03:05 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee

?the next time I try walkin? on water?

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on, and if it ain?t good, it?s hot and it?s strong! Paper?ll be along after a bit I reckon. I gots first dibs onna funny pages, too!

Well?I got some interestin? emails this mornin?. Not that they were unusual in and of themselves, but I found the order that I received ?em in kinda interestin?. First there was this one sellin? Viagra?and a couple emails later was one about meetin? yer hot dream woman. And near the end of the list was the next such spam email. That one was about havin? heart attacks? Sometimes, I wonder if someone?s a tryin? to tell me somethin??

Well, Norman told me that the last couple years I done did everything around here but offer ya a real challenge. (He was really just a bein? nice about sayin? how some of ya don?t think real good?)It wasn?t so much the idea of offerin? ya a real challenge. I was a gonna do that anyways! ?it was just the way he put the idea that struck me as bein? right? I?m a gonna save that ?un fer Christmas. It took me most ?the day yesterday to figger how it was a gonna work, but it?ll work right good the way it?ll fit in. Real easy, too! I was just tryin? to make ?er hard is all? (Let?s see Tony outguess me this time!)

Oh. I had one feller tell me that Mr. Farah is wrong about Target not wantin? The Salvation Army folks collectin? money this year. Seems he wrote ?em a letter, and Target told him that everyone was lyin? about ?er. I suppose one way to test alla that is to just go down to yer local target store and such ?and see if?n they got some folks ringin? bells fer the Salvation Army, huh? Mr. Farah not bein? the only one a sayin? that, ya know. Not by a long sight? Well, this retired Air Force feller name of Roger don?t like much a nuthin? I got to say about nuthin?, so he always runs around behind me a tryin? to prove me wrong? He ain?t always mean about ?er, and it keeps me on my toes fer right now? Most of his emails to me gots a kinda of a sneer in ?em, and I done whipped him inna couple of littler discussions we done had. Ya see?he was a staff level officer inna Air Force?and I was just a lowly Sergeant inna Marine Corps? I think he mighta got himself a post graduate degree in somethin? or other?and I?m just a college dropout. That?s ok. Sergeants inna Marine Corps likes it when ya underestimate ?em like that. They can get all sorts of things done when ya do that to ?em! ?Don?t be real surprised when ya end up a holdin? the ugly end of the stick, though? Lt. Colonel Helbig! I done played games with higher level officers than that, and this time I ain?t gotta worry about my career to do ?er! Ya see? I ain?t got a career like some of you folks do! I?m just me.

I done that on purpose, ya see. I play fair! I don?t always play nice, but I play fair! The good Colonel?s gotten into the habit of stalkin? me onna internet? I?ll give him this. He uses his right name most ?the time. He?s one of them fellers that wanted off my list awhile back, but he keeps emailin? me stuff? Some people?s kids. I?m a tellin? ya?

Yeah, this is all kinda off topic this mornin?. We all needed a break anyways, and some of ya needed time to catch up a bit. That thinkin?s hard work when ya ain?t used to it, ain?t it? That?s what aspirin?s for, ya know?

I got tickled about the one feller yesterday, over alla that stuff some folks was a goin? on about gettin? my ISP to shut me down? I done been in constant contact with my ISP over it since they first told me about it. They was a gettin? a few folks a hollerin? here and there the last couple weeks, then t?other day they got a bunch of ?em a hollerin? about me all to oncet! Well, I laid ?er all out to the abuse folks at my ISP on how things was a happenin? and what the real deal was. Then the one feller read Morning Coffee yesterday and decided he was a gonna help get me shut down. He even promised that he was a gonna do ?er, too! Every email he sent nailed down the defense I put up. I didn?t say nuthin? to him right then. I just sent it all along to my ISP abuse team? I figger along about yesterday afternoon, him and some other folks was a gettin? nice little love letters from their own ISP?s? I hope they signed ?em with a Merry Christmas, too? (My ISP told me they didn?t want me sendin? anymore evidence on alla that, btw?)

I wanted to thank some of you folks fer stickin? up fer me over that, too. ?Didn?t tell nobody what to say or nuthin?, and everything that you folks said to my ISP matched up with what I done told ?em. Like I told a couple of ya already, I don?t walk on water, though. I tried ?er oncet. ?Didn?t work. ?Next time I try it, I?m checkin? the water temperature first, too! ?Well it took me dang near an hour to warm up the last time I tried ?er!

Oh. Ya wanta know what I figger really got things a goin? with that bunch I was a talkin? about yesterday? Well, ya see it?s like this. I got tired of tryin? to reason with ?em, so I sent ?em all an email where I did the absolutely un-thinkable! I prayed fer all of ?em. I prayed fer The Boss man to bless ?em no matter what it takes, too! (Can?t be no worse curse on an unbeliever and a Jehovah God-hater, I don?t figger?) After that is when they ALL went after me and was a tryin? to get me off my ISP. Thing is? I was rock solid. I knew exactly where I stood with things. I presented my ?verbal? case to my ISP?and alla them folks I prayed for?presented all of the evidence for my defense for me. I thought that was kinda cool, myself!

There was a lot more a goin? on here this mornin? than some of ya figger. Most of it still ties in, too! ??Christmas time?s a comin?? Christmas time?s a comin? Christmas time?s a comin???

Well?I don?t know if viagra, hot women and heart attacks fits in? But I?ll let you sort that all out.

?and just so ya know? I didn?t do none of it outta meanness. I actually had some fun with all of it! Love is.

Myself? I?m a gonna warm up my coffee. Yer welcome to join me if?n ya wanta. It?s a new day, folks! We?ve got another chance to get ?er all sorted out. We?ve got another opportunity to get ?er right. Make sure ya take advantage of ?er for me.

?I think the next time I try walkin? on water?I?m a gonna start out with mud-puddles. I just mighta went too big all to oncet the last time?
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Old 12-24-2004, 01:33 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee

You?ll learn how to wait, too?

?Morning folks! How the hell are ya, anyways? Coffee?s on, and who knows how it?s a gonna taste! I just got up?and the coffee ain?t done yet. We?ll get ourselves a cup and get woke up proper inna minute. Paper?ll be along after a bit, I reckon. I done got first dibs onna funny pages, too!

Well, ol? Roger figgers I oughta print a retraction and an apology after yesterday. He made some oblique threats about suin? me and such as that. Folks that know me is laughin? about the idea of me libelin? anybody. I tell ?em the truth. Roger bein? a semi-public figger inna political activism industry, he was fair game in any case. Seems one of his little fits was about me usin? his name without permission. I told him that he was a probably a gonna lose this here ?littler discussion?, too? Then I asked him to take me offa his list?fer the fifth or sixth time over the last few moths? and with his very next email, I reported him to his and mine ISP fer spammin?. He?s pretty much one of those single issue activists?Bush. Oh, yeah. Sorry Roger. I don?t tell nobody that I?m sorry fer a sayin? the truth, unless they admit their feelin?s got hurt, and then I say: ?I?m really sorry, Roger. It?s just the truth of the matter.? I sent him a definition on libel from the dictionary? just so he?d know what he was a talkin? about?

Idjit kids, anyways?they?d be kinda cute if?n they wasn?t so dangerous.

I wrote down some stuff offa the top of my head about the Bill of Rights yesterday? Then I sent it off to the folks in my addy book. I just run ?er through the speel chicker and hit send. Shoot. It ended up bein? sent out as a media release and to the best of the net, fer consideration by such folks. If?n I?d a known that was a gonna happen, I?d done ?er up right? Some folks still don?t know that I do alla this off the top of my head. I been a doin? another sleep deprivation study on myself lately, too. I been a gettin? a little irritable but that?s about it.

Deny the flesh? I see that look in yer eyes. You weren?t payin? attention again, were ya. That was a statement, not a question. Idjit. I done told ya, I don?t know how many times! ?If?n yer a gonna hang out with me ya gotta be a thinkin? oncet in awhile!? What?s wrong with ya, anyways?

Deny the flesh. I got into a real short discussion with a little lady over fastin? and prayer t?other day. Kinda ties in some. ?man, that coffee?s good. Mebbe I?ll wake up inna minute? Anyways. I figger most ?the time?well, here was the example I give ?er. I?m the bad example again, so shut up. (Even I can only piss off just so many people at a time, ya know?) When I get a chance to preach in front of a congregation, I spend a few days a studyin? and a visitin? with the Boss man kinda serious like. Then, the last three days I start in a fastin? and a prayin?, kinda like I mean it. Like I done told her, if I ever got a chance to preach regular, I wouldn?t weigh nuthin? ?and I?m onna thin side to begin with. I hear that when I do alla that before I get to preachin?, that it?s real powerful stuff. Once they get done carryin? me out to the sidewalk, I just smile and wave and move on to the next bunch?

Anyway?oh, yeah. Tony told next time I tried walkin? on water I might wanta make sure it?s January ?and that I?m somewhere north of the forty-fifth parallel. Fer some reason, He seems to think that?s a pretty good rule of thumb fer alla that?

Ya get to fastin? longer?n a week or so, ya gotta get all into beef broths and juices and such. NOW?I want ya to know that it ain?t everybody who has to fast and pray more than a week. Ya don?t wanta do ?er at all if?n the Boss man didn?t out and out tell ya to do ?er. If?n ya know yer diabetic or some such. Don?t fast at all, I?d say, but that?s just me. Ain?t just everybody gotta fast and pray more than a few hours or a day or so anyways. Sometimes fastin? is like that Catholic Lent thing. Ya just give up somethin? or other ya really, really, really like fer a few days. Lent?s the one where they gotta do that, ain?t it?

Ya see?fer most folks, their biggest problem is that their own body is controllin? ?em. Soulish, fleshly, evil, demonic. If?n ya don?t take control of yer own body, it?ll control you in all of yer doin?s. One of the more important things about fasting and prayer is learnin? self-discipline. The most important outcome is a spiritual awareness of the things around ya. So much so, that most of ya that ain?t done it?cannot begin to understand it. That effect will be carried with you to your grave. That effect will change your life, the lives of those around you, and of lives that those lives touch and impact. Once you have that kind self-discipline and that kinda awareness of true spirituality as it is called?then you are much better able to hear that?still?small?voice?when it tells you to go and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. When it tells to preach salvation to the unsaved. When it tells to preach repentance to all who call upon the name of the Lord?when it tells ya to pray for this or that?If yer prayers ain?t a gettin? answered?mebbe you just aren?t able to listen good to start with.

Christmas time?s a comin?. Christmas time?s a comin??Christmas time?s a a comin??

Well, it?s a new day folks! Grab a cup of coffee and get yer head wrapped around it ?for ya head out the door. We got another chance to get ?er all sorted out. We got another chance to get ?er right. Make sure ya take advantage of it, will ya?
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Old 12-24-2004, 08:16 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Christmas Day 2004: I Triple Dog Dare Ya!

Here?s what I been a leadin? up to:

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin? anyways? Coffee?s on and it is good this mornin?! Ya best grab a cup and get yourselves some! It?s Christmas ya know! Ya gotta have yer eyes open this day of all days of the year.

It bein? a holiday, you know I like to keep things short. You got family to visit with and what all, ya know. I been a leadin? up to this directly fer over a month now. I been a leadin? up to it indirectly fer quite a bit longer than that.

Here?s what I been a leadin? up to:

That baby inna manger y?all think so much of?

He grew up.

It?s time that you did, too.

I triple dog dare ya.

May The Lord Bless and keep you all of the days of your life. May His Blessing be upon you and your family, each and every minute of each and every day of the coming year. May you know Him in your hearts and on your lips as you claim to know Him so much before others like you. May His grace and mercy be upon you all of the days of your lives. May His peace shine upon you and through you. May His grace grow in you for all time to come. May His mercy be yours forever. May His strength be yours forever. May His love shine upon you and through you all of the days of your lives. May you never be ashamed of Him, as He has never, ever, been ashamed of you. Speak peace. Be true. Be strong. Be bold. For He is the Lord God of Hosts, and if He be for you, who can then stand against you. Stand I say. Be bold in the Lord. Walk in His strength and in His grace and in His mercy and in His love. Love Him as He loves you.

Be at peace, Oh Mighty Israel. For the Lord your God loves you with all of His heart.

Go, therefore, and preach the acceptable year of the Lord to all who would be saved. It is time, Oh Israel. You have been called forth and you have been chosen. Go forth and preach the Word of the Lord God Almighty. Shew forth His love to all the land.

The King is Risen! Long live the King!

?and Jesus? Happy Birthday, guy. You done good. You done real good. I?m proud to know ya.

Merry Christmas, folks. From me and mine, to you and yours, may you have a most blessed day.

Warm up yer coffee. Give yer Ol? Lady a kiss a hug and a kiss for me. Love on ?em like you?ll never let ?em go. It?s a new day. It?s a new opportunity! It?s a new chance. Make sure ya take advantage of it.

Call upon the name of the Lord, and you shall be saved.
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Old 12-26-2004, 08:29 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee

?You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch?You really are a heel. You're as cuddly as a cactus. You're as charming as an eel. ??Mr. Griiiii-inch.?

OH! ?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on, and is it ever nasty this mornin?! ?But it?ll sure ?nuff get yer eyes open, that?s fer sure? Ya best grab a cup and get yerself some! ?If I gotta suffer, you gotta suffer? Paper?ll be here after a bit. I gots first dibs onna funny pages, too!

?You?re a banana with a greasy black peel??

Oh, that song I was a singin?? The Ol? Lady was watchin? Christmas shows after we got home from Mom and Dad?s place yesterday afternoon. We had a real good time over there. Good eats and good company, it was. I?m real glad, too. Ya see. My folks?ve been makin? a real bad habit of goin? after my Ol? Lady over the years, and I was a gonna put my foot down if?n they did ?er again yesterday. Seven times seventy ?and we was somewhere well over a thousand, ya know. ?and they never asked for forgiveness? Even as good as yesterday was, if they do it one more time? They?ll never get another chance to do it in front of me. My Ol? Lady loves me, you see. She drives me plumb nuts! But she loves me more than anyone else on this poor old earth does. She is flesh of my flesh. To speak ill of her, in her often-ignorant innocence?is to speak ill of me. As much as she loves me, as much as she so often drives me absolutely up the wall! ?I can offer her no less in return. Flesh of my flesh. Heart of my heart. Soul of my soul. Love of my life. Never raise your hand or your voice to her in my presence. Never belittle her in my presence. Never. Absolutely never. I don?t care who you are. You may very well tempt me beyond measure or price. She is not a rich woman. She is not a beautiful woman according to the ways of men. But her love is beyond price to me. I have patience?but there is an end to patience.

?You're a monster, Mr. Grinch. Your brain is full of spiders; You've got garlic in your soul. Mr. Griiii-inch.?

Last year, I had other family members who belittled my wife in her own home?when she was not present. My income is based upon a very small veteran?s disability check ?and her income is from her part-time job. Quite honestly, due to her health, she should not be working at all. Those two family members of mine were living with us temporarily?and were contributing nothing to the household. They became angry when I confronted them. They shut up, but they were angry.

?I wouldn't touch you, with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole.?

Over the last few days, I?ve run across some real interesting people on the internet. One woman kept stating that her opinions matter more than the facts. Her opinions matter more than the experience of those who?d been there and done that regarding armored vehicles and military operations. I proved her wrong?and she took after me on another venue? I was in the middle of proving her wrong yet again, when I was asked by another to forgo a response. I let them know that if they welcomed a proven troll into their midst, that they did not welcome me.

?You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch. You have termites in your smile. You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile. Mr. Griii-inch.?

Yesterday, I offered some small comfort to those who had been hurt by traditional church organizations. I then had a couple of gentlemen begin to question my integrity and my theology. I answered the one gentleman politely, yet as thoroughly as the circumstances warranted. The way in which his queries were posed deserved no less than a polite response. The other gent came after me. (Deb, I saved it this time. Let me know if you want to see how it?s workin? out.) I Had previously told them both to see what Jesus had to say about the matter at hand. The second gentleman quoted Hilel(sp) instead. He then posted a lie about the Roman tax collection system. ?Taxes at that time in history ?in that place? had come up in the course of our discussion? I reminded him that if what he had to say was true (that the temples collected the taxes for the Romans in the form of offerings and such) that Roman appointed tax collectors would not have been a necessity under his version of history or of the Bible. I offered to share what little knowledge I have of such things. He has yet to respond.

?Given the choice between the two of you?I'd take the seasick crockodi-iile.?

Then there was that whole thing a few days ago with folks tryin? to get me kicked off the internet for simply having an opinion in opposition to theirs? in which?at this time, I do believe that I am ahead of them on points?at least temporarily? After several months of their interesting little interactions, I finally responded?fairly?and in kind.

?You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch. You're a nasty, wasty skunk. Your heart is full of unwashed socks; Your soul is full of gunk. Mr. Griiii-nch.?

The gentleman who spoke briefly of suing me for libel? I have yet to hear back from him. I think he received a nice little email from his ISP. I?m pretty sure that his lawyer would tell him that it would be a null game to sue me in any case. I had interacted with him for several months before hand as well? I gave him every reasonable opportunity, you see.

?The three words that best describe you, are, and I quote: "Stink. Stank. Stunk."

Then when I called that one man a false prophet?for not speaking the word of the Lord in truth?and their reply to me that my ?curses would not return unto me.? The Bible has somewhat to say about false prophets and false teachers. So did Jesus for that matter! Real interesting things! Pretty judgmental thing as a matter of fact. Not very forgiving at all!

?You're a rotter, Mr. Grinch. You're the king of sinful sots! Your heart's a dead tomato splot, with moldy purple spots, Mr. Griiii-nch.?

I made mention of false prophets and false teachers in the ?church? the other day? A sweet little thing told me that I was being very judgmental. In both of those instances?I just used the words out of the Bible is all that I did?words right from the New Testament?

?Your soul is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable, Mangled up in tangled up knots.?

?You nauseate me, Mr. Grinch. With a nauseous super-naus. You're a crooked jerky jockey, And you drive a crooked horse. Mr. Griiii-nch.?

Ya know how some folks kinda get on me about my colorful use of the language at times? You really need to read the languages that the Bible was originally written in. The Bible?s accurate, don?t get me wrong? Let?s just say that certain words and phrases were?cleaned up a little bit? The Strong?s concordance is the same way?

?You're a three decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich.?

?With arsenic sauce.?

Whose side are you on people? And why do you call the work of God the work of the Devil? Those who love Him are flesh of His flesh. Bone of His bone. Soul of His soul, and they love Him deeply, and truly. How can He not speak up in their behalf?

To call God, Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit ?Mr. Grinch? is a very dangerous business indeed. It does not matter who you think that you are?but do not be surprised when He turns His face away from such as you when you do so. If you do not accept His love, do not be very much surprised when He does not bestow His love upon you in return?

Call upon the name of the Lord and you shall be saved. Deny Him and burn in hell. It?s that simple?and it?s in the Bible that way. Whether you think that it is ?judgmental? or not?

Do not tempt the Lord your God. Sometimes?just on occasion?other people and God have nothing to do with ?it? what ever ?it? is in your life?and you?are the only bad guy in the room. Repent. Even with the Boss man there comes and end to patience. It?s in the Book.

With my sincere apologies to Dr. Seuss, to his family, and to his estate: I make no money from this column in any way, shape or form? He was a genius and I admire him greatly. This is meant as a tribute. In the story of the Grinch, his words teach the truth of Gospel.

?for you see?even the Grinch was capable of heart?s repentance? are any of you?
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