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Old 01-08-2005, 12:54 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee

"Why is the church 'doing it' wrong?


"Have we got the whole ?Separation of Church and State? thing backwards?"

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin? anyways? Coffee?s on, and it ain?t too awful bad this mornin?, either. Ya best grab a cup and get yer eyes open some! Paper?ll be along after a bit, I reckon. Naw. You can have at ?em. I been too busy to read ?em lately anyway.

Well, some of ya already got most of this, so you can skip to the end. It?s mostly all about the 501(c)3 church that y?all hear me go on about. I finally got around to doin? some little research onna net about it. Most of you folks won?t like ?er much, and that?s a fact. That never stopped me before! I done commented on it a bit before, and the facts pretty much speak fer themselves. I can read ya from the Book about it another time.

Anyway, bein? under a 501(c)3, a church submits itself directly to the government, and then the government tells it what it can and can?t preach from the pulpit. It?s so bad that some churches won?t deal with another church or preacher unless THEY?RE set up under a 5091(c)3, even if they?re from the same denomination inna same state, inna same city, inna same ?hood! That?s why they can?t talk politics?

This is long, but it is worth it, I do not lie.,00.html
This advertisement kinda says it all...
NOTE: Some 501(c)3 ministries won't even do 'business' with you as a preacher or a church, if you aren't another 501(c)3 ministry.[/quote][/quote]

Stop by fer coffee inna mornin'. There's some rather interestin' things been a happenin' there the last few days.

Just so ya know? alla that kinda pisses off 99.9% of the ministries inna United States of America and the folks that go to ?em right there.

Well, I can get to quotin? the Book about the god of this world and how men and governments are tellin? preachers what to preach and how to preach it?

Well, if yer a gonna piss folks off, I figger ya just as well do ?er right, ya know?

Kinda like Ol? Rick a givin? me that little award. I let the FBI know about ?er. Well, I figgered I?d save ?em some time! It?s tax payer money, don?t ya know! No sense in a wastin? any more than ya have to! I wanna make sure they get the info right the first time! They ain?t asked fer Morning Coffee yet. I don?t know what?s wrong with ?em?

Ayup. I need a bigger bucket or a bigger stick, alright. I just ain?t too real sure which just yet?

Already had a couple folks get mad at me over this ?un about 501(c)3s. One feller told me how I was just a pup compared to him. I allowed as how gettin? old didn?t make a feller any wiser?just old?didn?t mean ya couldn?t learn nuthin? from him?just didn?t mean he was wise is all. Had another feller?you remember the one a wantin? to sue me fer libel? Well he was emailin? me again? last night. I reminded him, my abuse team, and his abuse team, that I had asked him not to do that anymore. He figgered that my abuse team oughta keep an eye on me, and that it weren?t HIS fault that outlook express didn?t automatically delete my name when he hit ?reply all??

Then I sent him a private email a lettin? him know that they was a whole lot of alphabet government places a watchin? that list he was interactin? with ?cause some of ?em was known fer threatenin? the lives of the Pres, Vice-Pres and such? Them alphabet folks ain?t too keen on that sort of thing, fer some reason. I hear it?s bad fer their job security or somethin?. I let that feller know he was in way, way over his head. I let his abuse team know the same thing of course. I told that feller his self-justification was pretty pathetic, too. You?d think a LtCol?d be smarter than that, wouldn?t ya?

??specially as some of them alphabet folks kinda like visitin? over coffee with us around here?

Oh, yeah. The website?s fixin? to move to a new ISP, and seein?s how done it on his own dime and all on his own time, ya might oughta see if ya got a nickle or two to send his way to help him out some. Him and Brian done it just cause they thought I had somethin? to say that was worth hearin? fer some reason. I ain?t makin? no money on ?er. And we ain?t set up non-profit or nuthin?! ?Sides?admin at Morning Coffee is an evil genius ?and if he loses his temper?well?you know how they can get?

I been a gettin? kinda tickled at Rick Stanley. He keeps warnin? me that I?m in real trouble a hangin? out with him. He told me them FBI folks was liable to pay me visit I told him they was plumb welcome to stop by fer a cup of coffee. Shoot?back before I got sorted out with the Boss man, I was the feller that?d go get drunk ?and look fer the cops?they was kind a fun to mess with. Well they was! They finally got wise to me?they didn?t mess with me unless they was fifteen or twenty of ?em?then they was careful about ?er?helicopters, too! They?d put them cuffs on me and put me inna back of the car? After a bit they just give up that, too. I?d open their doors for ?em when we got to the station and hand their cuffs back to em? ?Can I help you, Officer?? Once they figgerd out I was just a havin? fun, they let up some? That one feller, though?I like to never got them cuffs off? He was some kinda surprised when I handed ?em to him. I didn?t get chancet to be gentlemanly and open his car door for him, though?

Rocky: Hey Bullwinkle, we're in real trouble now!
Bullwinkle: Oh good, Rocky! I hate that artificial kind!

You folks warm up yer coffee, will ya? It?s a new day! we?ve got another opportunity to get ?er all sorted out! We?ve got another chance to get ?er right. Make sure ya take advantage of it, will ya?
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Old 01-09-2005, 12:28 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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I wrote some thirty thousand or more words in other venues yesterday...

I'm taking a break.

some of The Archives:

Ya don't haveta register, log in or nuthin'

We'll try alla this agin tomorry, mebbe.

oh, and can adjust the settings on yer 'puter screen. Call yer local iunternet provder techies and they'll help get ya sorted out.

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Old 01-10-2005, 11:51 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Mebbe that?s just me?

?Mornin? Folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on, and it ain?t bad. Ya best grab a cup and get ya some. Paper?ll be along directly, I reckon. I gots first dibs onna funny pages, too.

Just an exhaustin? week this last seven-eight days, I was defendin? anything and everything. You name it. Fer example, yesterday, some feller I was tradin? emails with had most of ?er right over Separation of Church and State. He was a goin? on about how none of the Foundin? Fathers was Christians in any ay, shape or form? Well, I hadda teach him better. He seemed to be a real educated feller. I reckon ?cause of the way I talk around here, he figgered he done found his self an easy target. He kept after me alla way through the Magna Charta, Merry Ol? England, The Planter?s Era?and the last I heard from him was somewhere around Hammarabi, Egypt and pre-law, pre-hysterical, middle-eastern times?well, back then it was each fer his own, and every little city nation-state had completely different rules of law from every other ?un. Go ten-twelve miles and get tossed inna lock-up, or hung, fer doin? the same thing that?d make ya a hero to home, ya know? That?d make travel some kinda interestin?. That?s the main reason why some of them traders made the big bucks back then. It wasn?t the robbers that was dangerous! You go into a new place; the feller in charge might make up a new law right onna spot -special like- just fer you. That?s why folks like Hammarabi and Moses is so well remembered. They laid out laws that made good sense to everybody. All the laws used by everyone after is based on what they come up with. All of ?em.

Anyway, that other feller, he weren?t mean about it or nuthin?. I had a right good time. I gotta tell ya, he knew his stuff, and it as a real fun visit. I did haveta remind him that ol? T. Jefferson wasn?t the only feller a livin? in Colonial America at the time, and that not alla them fellers believed the same things?some of ?em was inta that Masonry stuff, and others was inta Templar stuff, fer example. Thomas Jefferson was a Unitarian, which means his doctrine was some questionable to begin with, Biblically speakin?, but he proclaimed Christ. Some folks is skinny and some is fat, ya know. That feller, he don?t figger they was into that Greco-roman stuff back then, either. ?well, that kinda explains alla them buildin?s I reckon?alla them funny pillars and statues and what all? Looked Greco-roman to me. Shoot. You?d a figgered folks what built their houses and barns and sheds like that woulda liked that sort a thing. Mebbe that?s just me? Let alone the way they set up The Constitution?

Anyways?do that kind visitin? every day, and try a doin? that with one feller over to here, then a goin? on about the Temple Mount with another over to there, political intrigue over to here, and spiritual metaphor and allegory over yonder, and then go on about teachin? another feller about social psychology and behavior in large groups, then they was?well, you get the picture, I reckon. Visitin? over fifteen-twenty different topics and disciplines like that all to oncet, from beginners to PhD level folks! EVERY day?ALL day long, morning, noon and night. Real interestin? ?and so dang much fun, I didn?t wanta miss none of it! Didn?t wanta go to sleep ?cause I mighta missed somethin?! Man, what a ride! I?m a tellin? ya! I ain?t had so much fun since?no? I can?t tell ya about that ?un?statute of limitations ain?t run out yet?

Well, I done reckon?warm up yer coffee, folks. It?s a new day. WE got us another chance to get ?er all sorted out. We got another opportunity to get ;?er right. Make sure ya take advantage of it.

NOTE: One thing ?fore ya head out. The Morning Coffee website done moved to a new server. Old ?un as a givin? us fits. So?now we?re good to go. No more of that stuff about the site bein? down or slow. It?s a bit faster, too. And DON?T bother me with any troubles onna site. I can?t help ya. I don?t know nuthin? about nuthin? about that sort of thing. Only thing I know to do with ?puters when they screw up is to throw ?em through the wall! ?and that ain?t gonna help ya none? You ask He?ll fix ya up. I just toss my hands inna air and forward yer emails to him, anyways. You want a website done up good, he?ll hook ya up fer that, too. You ask him, he can show ya a lot of other examples of his work. He ain?t no new guy at this. He ain?t cheap, but he?s reasonable. (And don?t make him mad. I don?t call him an evil genius w/o good cause?)
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Old 01-13-2005, 01:41 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee

Morning Coffee as ?Intelligent Design??

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on, and it ain?t bad. Get yerself a cup and get ya some. Paper?ll be along directly, like. You can have at them funny pages. I got some figgerin? and some thinkin? ta do.

Well, mostly, we?ll just be a visitin? this mornin?. I gotta get back inna swing of things again. I kinda took a couple days off there, really. I was pretty sick to be honest, plus I was just plumb wore out to boot. Doc gave me some anti-biotics fer an infection, and I think the damn things made it worse fer a bit there? I?ll be a visitin? over ?me? some, mostly as a bad example, and I?ll be kinda steppin? outta character here. I wanta use some fifty-dollar words to kind explain Morning Coffee to the new folks, and fer some of you folks been around fer a spell that gots them letters behind yer names.

First, can you say, ?Intelligent Design?? When it comes to communicatin? a usin? words, that?s Morning Coffee all over, ya idjit. From the greetin? to the salutation, and every word in between. That?s why it gets so dang tirin? some days? Tryin? ta make every word match up everything ya ever said before is a bit of a struggle, too. I ain?t perfect, so I know I done made some mistakes. Then ya toss in that ol? mythological/metaphorical factor?a bit of psychology, a few literary tools, some humor as a teachin? tool, some ritualistic behavioral stuff and what-all, why?it can get plumb complicated on a feller if ya don?t watch out real careful! And that?s just ta start with!

Shoot. It?d take a smart feller, with a good education, six-forty page white papers to begin to begin to explain only one of these columns? That feller ain?t a gonna be me, neither. I?m lazy? What?s Morning Coffee all about? The short version? It?s about rockin? yer world. That?s what it?s about. It?s about paradigm change in yer thinkin?. Re-arrangin? yer world-view. It?s about life, the universe, and nuthin? at all; and it?s a real fun ride, folks, I?m here ta tell ya. It?s about visitin? over a cup of joe, mebbe learnin? ya somethin?, and havin? a few grins ?fore ya head out the door. It?s about revealin? the dream ya think yer a livin? ?and the reality that Life Is?heheheheh?some of ya done thought I left that ?un behind way back there, didn?t ya? Nope. I been a explainin? it to ya all along?all along.

Braggin?? Naw. It ain?t braggin? if?n ya can do it. I been a doin? this fer a spell now, ya see. I might be back to bein? a Watchman onna Wall tomorry, but fer today?why don?t ya warm up yer coffee and get yer head wrapped around yer day for ya head out. It?s a new day, folks. We?ve got another opportunity to get ?er right. We?ve got another chance to get ?er right. Make sure ya take advantage of it.
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Old 01-13-2005, 11:49 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee

What ya figger?

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on, and is it good this mornin?! Get yerself a cup and grab ya some. Paper?ll be along after a bit, I reckon. I gots dibs onna funny pages, too!

Well, I gotta get all selfish again this mornin?. I had more than a couple folks last few weeks tell me I needa change the font I use around here? One wanted the size to be bigger, another wanted this, and another wanted that? I?ll tell all y?all what: With two-damned-million and more of ya: Yer just stuck. Adjust yer ?puter monitor settin?s and go to the Website. Ya ain?t gotta register just to read. Then quit yer bitchin?. ?He?s talkin? about me, I just know he is!? You ain?t the onliest one I get emails from, so quit bein? so selfish, will ya? The world don?t revolve around you. Hell, it don?t revolve around me fer that matter?

Speakin? about alla that sort of thing. I found some of ya the last few weeks done be tryin? to put me into boxes I don?t rightly fit in real good, ?HEY! He?s just like us! He knows what we do!? Ayup. I know a heckuva lot more than alla that, too. And I ain?t you, and I ain?t just like you, so get over yourselves already. Quite tryin? to project yer crap all over other folks, will ya? ?Specially me. I don?t take to it, and you don?t like it when I ask ya politely to knock it off. How?s the Website fit in with alla that? Well, I done went and downloaded a whole buncha info offa the web the last couple days just to show what I know, know about, heard about, wish I knew, and I downloaded a lot of stuff I think I know better than the next guy. Morning Coffee ain?t all about what you think it is. I?m a bit more balanced in what I know than a lot of folks, and neither am I. I ain?t no one issue kinda meathead like some of the rest of ya are. PLUS, when I run across someone don?t know what I do, I try to educate him some. I don?t get all in his face ?cause he don?t know what I do.

I had one feller a doin? that onna Website last night. He was all into them conspiracy theory, mythological and allegorical referents, and a goin? off on how folks were all a goin? to hell if?n they didn?t follow after him. Shoot, I knew what he was talkin? about, but most folks woulda thought he was some kinda alien from Mars fer alla good it woulda done ?em to read what he hadda say. I tried to get him to slow down, be nice, and bring folks up to speed on what he was tryin? to say. He got all mad. Ya get mad at the other feller ?cause he don?t know what you do? Don?t make no sense to me. If he don?t listen, mebbe? I reckon if that keeps up over there I?m a gonna need a moderator. ?Keeps up, one of these days it?ll be a real damned Website, won?t it? Ya see, he was so educated on alla that, that what he was a sayin? woulda been like a PhD a teachin? the fundamentals of physics to a kiddy-garten class. You hadda know all about occultism, and theology, and all sorts of stuff to even have a clue. Most folks ain?t into alla that, so ya gotta bring ?em along slow. He didn?t wanta do alla that and play nice, so I finally hadda have Admin ban him. Aside from everything else, his tone of voice was all about bein? like a spoiled teenager. Then he got PG-17 on me? Not in my house, ya stoop! You play nice.

?And keep in mind. You ain?t the onliest one onna planet?and you ain?t the onliest one I getta visit with inna day?s time. I still get a thousand emails a day, and I read ?em all. I don?t getta answer ?em all, but I read ?em real quick most the time. Readin? fifteen hundred words per minute?ll get ya there from here, don?t ya know.

AND?just cause a feller knows somethin? you do, don?t make him ?just?like?you? I might know a thing or three you don?t, and you might know a few things I don?t. If we get together and visit nice, mebbe we?ll both learn somethin?, what ya figger?

Anyways? why don?t ya warm up yer coffee. We?ll get on to somethin? else tomorry mebbe. It?s a new day, folks. We?ve got another opportunity to get ?er right. We?ve got another chance to get ?er all sorted out. Make sure ya take advantage of it, will ya?
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Old 01-14-2005, 10:13 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee

I always wondered?

I always wondered what?d happen if?n ya did that with a ball of twine a hammer and a screwdriver! ?Next time, I?m makin? sure the cat?s outta the way first. ?Havin? her interfere with my data set like that?

Oh! ?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?? Coffee?s on, and it ain?t too awful bad. Grab yerself a cup and get ya some. Paper?ll be along after a bit, I reckon. I gots first dibs onna funny pages.

Well, what?re we a visitin? over this mornin?, anyways? The hammer and ball of twine thing? Well, ya wouldn?t think a man?s lunch bucket?d go that high would ya? Some things in life bear some experimentin? with. Some thing?s best left the way they are. If it ain?t broke, don?t fix it none. Bad part is, some things is broke, and folks gets so used to it, that they don?t know any better. I had a car like that oncet. Only car I drove fer a long time there. It was just fine when I got ?er. Drove it fer a couple years, no problems. Tune-ups, oil change, that sort of thing. Had a friend drive it oncet after I had ?er a couple years. He came back and told me it needed front-end work. I told him in not so polite terms that his eyes were brown. Car was just fine. Then he asked ma question. ?When was the last time ya had the front end checked?? Well, he had me then, ya see. So, more outta meanness than anything else, I took ?er to the shop the next week, after lookin at ?er myself and realizin? that things just might been a little worn here and there. Low and behold, once she was all fixed up, that ol? car drove like a new machine!

It?s the same with churches, governments, Constitutions, laws, societies, clubs, relationships, and schools, whatever. Just because yer used to it, don?t mean it?s a workin? right. ?Might mean its? time to get out the hammer, the twine, and the screw-driver?and see just how high that ol? lunch bucket?ll go?

I?d recommend havin? some bailin? wire and duct tape handy fer just in case.

Things in this ol? nation is plumb broke to hell and gone folks. Hammers, bailin? wire and no amount of duct tape is a gonna fix it. I think we gotta take ?er alla way down to the frame and re-build from the ground up. It?s gonna be a lot of hard work, but it needs a doin?. If?n ya don?t?Ya just as well toss yer ol? lunch buckets inn air and go home??cause they?s some other folks a waitin? to have their turn at ?er.

Warm up yer coffee, folks. It?s a new day. We?ve got another chance to get ?er right. We?ve got another opportunity to get ?er all sorted out. Ya just as well take advantage of it.
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Old 01-15-2005, 08:13 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Re: Mornin' Coffee: Catchin' up some!

Originally posted by wrbones ?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin? anyway? Coffee?s on and it?s some better than it was yesterday, I?m a tellin? ya! Ya best get a cup and get some. Paper?ll be along directly, I reckon.

Well, I went to set up coffee earlier and the Ol? Lady was inna den a makin? all kinds a noise, so I couldn?t think none. I went and set down inna easy chair and watched some TV fer a bit, next thing I knew I was wakin? up!

Well, I kinda promised that this mornin? I?d be lookin? at those little ?worlds? we so often find ourselves in. Now there?s all kinds a folks we could get to quotin?, and lots of stuff we can look up, but I?m just gonna go and play without a net, so to speak. Now ya see, visitin? with me over coffee inna mornin?, a feller?s done got hisself inta my little world. Lots of things we visit over here haveta do with how I perceive the world and all that is therein. Now yer little ?world? might be some different?dependin? on yer experiences and education and just how curious ya are about the things around ya.

Now what ya see when ya get to lookin? at some things in life and how ya experience it, how ya understand things, and even in how ya seek knowledge about it, has to do with what I call ?barriers? between those little worlds we all live in. Now bein? individuals onna face of the earth, the only thing that helps a bunch is bein? able to communicate with each other verbally, either writin? or a talkin? things over some. Visitin? over things, openly and honestly, can help us get through those barriers some, and we can get to know a bit of just what?s a goin? on with the other feller and learn more about him and his ?world?. Now most times, ya can?t see those barriers folks is livin? with. Kinda like lookin? at a map of the world. When ya start lookin? fer them little make believe lines inna real world, that are all over the place on them maps, they ain?t there. We all have those make believe lines in our heads, too, ya see. Some of ?em are necessary fer gettin? along with others, some of ?em are hindrances to doin? and learnin? and livin?. They are from our own maps of the little worlds that we all live in?if only in our hearts and minds. Lines that separate us from each other, from knowledge and understandin?, from success and failure, from love and fear, from livin? and dyin?, from growth and stagnation, from acceptance and denial, from truth and lies, and any number of other things that might divorce us from reality?and life and livin? it.

Now, the question comes up about how to pierce those barriers, those walls between us and what we would dream of doin? or bein?, and go from livin? negative experiences in life to something perhaps a bit more positive, mebbe. Well, it?s kinda like my Dad always used to tell me, ?It?s all in yer head!? We gotta rearrange our thinkin? some. We needa lookit things from a different point of view than what we might?ve become used to. We needa do our own research into things. We needa learn as much as we can about life and livin? it. Most of all, we needa look fer facts and truth and bein? honest with ourselves. Now if?n alla that don?t get ya out of yer comfort zone, nuthin? with at all, and you ain?t tryin? any.

Now I?m here to tell ya that it?s gonna take some time and effort on yer part, and the world bein? what it is, yer still gonna have to have some boundaries set up, but yer gonna learn somethin? along the way. When ya find out what ya gotta learn in life, it might not always be what ya thought ya needed to know, either. Myself, I?m still a workin? on alla this and I ain?t there yet. I got a couple ideas on how to get there from here, though, and that?s a fact!

I might visit on alla this some tomorry, but I?ll be a preachin? some. The Book has some interestin? things to say about alla this, don?t ya know. ?whether ya believe it?s the word of God or not!

Well, I reckon I done messed with ya enough fer one go ?round. Ya best warm up yer coffee and get yer head wrapped around yer day before ya head out. It?s a new day, folks! We got another chance to get ?er all figgered out! We got another opportunity to et ?er right. ?ain?t that somethin?!

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin? anyway? Coffee?s on and it?s hot and strong if?n it ain?t good. Ya best get a cup and get some! Paper?ll be along after a bit, I reckon.

Well, I kinda hinted that I might be preachin? some this mornin?, but I don?t feel up to preachin?, so I?ll go after alla that another time, mebbe. I heard that! Somebody out there a goin?, ?Whew! That was close!? Think I don?t pay any attention do ya? Well, with preachin? out of the way this mornin?, what do ya figger we?re a gonna visit over anyways? Ya don?t know? Damn. I was hopin? you had an idea?

Well, I reckon?I could tell ya about a little vignette inna yard a couple days ago. Vignette? That means it?s pretty as a picture, don?t ya know. A picture that kinda tells a story, mebbe. The neighbor lady asked us to keep an eye on her dog when she was gone all day the other day. She just wanted us to pop over and say howdy to the dog, as the dog gets lonely sometimes. Well, I went over and let her dog out fer a bit so me and her could visit some. Then after a bit the dog found a spot inna shade inna yard and decided it was a good place to take a nap. Dog looked so comfortable I decided I?d join her. After a bit my cat came on over and joined us. There I was a sittin? with my back to the fence, a dog on one side and the cat onna other?kinda snoozin?. A gentle breeze, the sun a shinin?, the leaves inna trees a talkin?, birds a singin?, the irises a bloomin?, cotton candy clouds a flyin? through the air?and green grass all around. Then the Ol? Lady made it perfect by bringin? me a big glass of iced tea. The neighbor?s dog? Why her name is Frida. She?s good folks. Oh, yeah?pronounce her name with a long ?e? where that ?i? is or she?ll lookit ya funny and wonder who yer a talkin? to. Frida, Baby, and me a sittin? inna shade. That?s even better than wrasslin? with my ol? easy chair, I figger.

No matter what?s a goin? on with ya, you can find a bit of peace in this ol? life now and then.. Feller just gots to be a payin? attention some is all. Then, too, ya gotta ferget what the neighbors might think of ya once in awhile. Ya get to worryin? too much about what other folks might think, ya bein? too selfish and too self conscious about it. I don?t recommend runnin? around the ?hood nekkid, though.

Ya see, when yer thinkin? is too much concerned with what other folks is thinkin? about ya, ya ain?t livin? in hope and glory, yer livin? in fear, ya see. I didn?t grow the green grass just to look at, or to haveta water every other day, mow once a week and fertilize every month or so. I grew it so I could walk around in it bare footed and feel the grass between my toes. I grew it so I could go out, lay down in it and watch the clouds go by. I grew it so I could watch the birds get the worms out of the ground, and see ?em catch bugs in it. I don?t haveta put no bug spray down in my grass, don?t ya know. I put it down so I could watch an old dog and an old cat get comfortable inna shade. If I get to rest my old ?dogs? by a joinin? ?em inna shade, and findin? some little bit of peace and tranquility, no matter what?s a goin? on, why that works pretty good,

It?s one way of piercin? the barrier between love and fear, growth and stagnation, livin? and dyin?, knowledge and understandin?, success and failure, and all manner of other things that seem to separate us from reality?and life and livin? it.

A little vignette of peace and hope and glory?

?and that iced tea just tasted wonderful?

Warm up yer cups, folks! It?s a new day! We got another chance to get ?er right! We got another opportunity to get ?er all sorted out! Make sure ya take advantage of it, will ya?
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Old 01-15-2005, 09:06 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Taking a break

Instituting up to a one month hiatus from today. I may or may not write other things in the meantime, but me and Morning Coffee need a break. The last few days I lost my "spark" somewhere. I need to go find it....

Fer you folks that prays...Pray only for the will of God in my life, anything else is a curse to me, and a curse that I pray will come back on yer own heads.

Been a doin' this Morning Coffee fer well over three years, and I've had several folks the last couple weeks suggest that I may need to take a break. The last week my timing went all to hell. Time to take a break.

Other writings will be on the website, and I will continue to visit with folks as needs merit.
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Old 02-01-2005, 04:26 AM
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Bones....miss your wit and foresight, hope all is going well with you and yours!


Godspeed and keep low!
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Old 02-01-2005, 04:55 AM
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Thumbs up

Peace Bones
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