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Old 03-05-2005, 11:56 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Ya need to stop worshippin? governments and politicians.

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on, and it?s good and it?s hot, too. I like it like that, myself. Well what?re you lookin at? Grab a cup and get yerself some! You look like you could use it. ?Either that or a hot shower, one of the two? Paper?ll be ?long after a bit, I reckon. Those funny pages are mine, I done told ya!

Well, I don?t rightly know just what we?re a gonna visit over this mornin?. I can?t decide if I?m havin? trouble makin? up my mind who to pick on next?or if I gotta decide if I?m just wastin? my time with ya. ?Little bit of both, I reckon. If I hadda coin, I?d flip it? I could flip you, I reckon. ?If ya land on yer head?

I was emailin? some of them churches and preachers and such, yesterday. Lettin? ?em know that The Constitution was on their side. Fer the most part, from their websites, ?seems like they?re so busy tryin? to impress one another, or a tryin? to impress you, that ya wouldn?t think Christ or God was involved in any of it! Only saw two of their websites where they had a place where ya could even learn more about God and His Christ. ?Didn?t none of ?em have no place where ya could learn more about the Bible come to that. I reckon them websites is fer folks that?re already supposed to be impressed by alla that.

I emailed a lot of newspapers with stuff about the Ten Commandments, The Constitution, and the Separation of Church and State, too. The one feller got mad at me and called me a spammer. He wanted to know where I got his email from, so I told him. It was right there on his Website! Told him if he didn?t want folks like me a emailin? him, he oughta take his addy offa the Internet. He said he was gonna tell on me to AOL. That?s ok. AOL don?t like me anyways. That works good, cause I don?t like them any to speak of.

?Grown man a sayin?, ?I?m going to tell AOL!? ?And yer point is? OH! Showin? that yer a little kid inna growed up body! I thought that?s what yer point was. How about that. He?s a newspaper feller. Real objective, too, don?t ya know? He didn?t like history and facts, so he?s a gonna tell on me to his ?Mommy.? Some kids get like that when ya tell ?em they ain?t no such thing as a Easter Bunny or a Santa Clause. Church folks is worse about it fer some reason. Them folks can be real easy to offend, ya know.

I saw the one feller. He was called, ?The Very Reverend Doctor.? I got to laughin? about that ?un. He got his self a PhD in ?Divinity,? and then got his self put in charge of a buncha folks, and they call him, ?The Very Reverend Doctor.? I reckon if yer gonna replace God with man, and put a man in charge of ya, ya best be a callin? him all kinds a fancy titles though, hadn?t ya? Ya put a man in charge of ya, and ya start in a worshippin? him instead of God, ya best be real nice to that man. Mebbe he?s got his own heaven and hell he can send ya to, ya reckon? Mebbe he knows where the foundations of the Earth are, and just how they was laid out? Ya don?t suppose he knows all about the heavens, too? I reckon a feller like that knows just what holds it all together and keeps it all a movin?, ya reckon? I?ll bet he knew who ya was, and knew all about ya, before ya was born. Ya see, you pick and choose among ya, and you put that feller inna place of God, and ya worship and fear him instead of God, and then ya wonder why they ain?t no power of God among ya no more. ?then ya wonder where yer freedoms went?

Ain?t but One who stands between you and God, and He ain?t called ?The Very Reverend Doctor.?

You need to stop worshippin? men, and ya needa stop worshippin? each other. Ya need to stop worshippin? governments and politicians, too. Ya need to stop worshippin? preachers and rich folks and celebrities. Once ya done that, you won?t be afraid of much.

Ya see, when yer a worshippin? men and governments and preachers and rich folks and celebrities and politicians like that, it means that yer afraid of ?em. Yer a livin? in fear, ya see. Then when someone comes along and tells ya to get offa yer butt and do somethin? about what?s wrong inna ward, town, city, state or nation yer a livin? in, ya look all helpless and afraid?and say, ?What can I do about it?? Then when ya tell them church folks that they?re a doin? it wrong, yer afraid that they?ll kick ya out, or excommunicate ya, fer only tellin? em the truth about what?s really inna Book. You expect preachers and governments and politicians and rich folks and celebrities to provide for ya. Yer afraid they won?t. That kinda fear, and you bein? subject to it, is a form of worship. It?s also a form of slavery.

Stop bein? afraid of the ?Boogie Man.? Stop bein? afraid ?Santa? won?t show up and give ya presents if yer not a ?good little boy or girl.? Stop bein? afraid that the ?Easter Bunny? won?t give ya one of his pretty little eggs. All men can do is send ya to prison or kill ya. Ain?t none of ?em got the power to send ya to heaven or hell. That?s actually yer choice in any case. What you do, or don?t do, is what blesses and saves ya?or condemns ya?even among men?even if ya don?t believe in God. Accordin? to God, yer free to make that choice, too. Bein? afraid of men, or not bein? afraid of men, is a choice. It?s your choice. You can choose to be a slave, or you can choose to be free. In bein? afraid, there is slavery.

When you become so afraid of men that you can make no choice, you are no longer free, and they will take what freedoms you have away from you, either by coercion or by force. You?ll know a real man of God when ya meet one. He?ll be the feller that ain?t afraid of men and governments and preachers and rich folks and celebrities and?newspaper fellers?who want to tell on him to their Mommy?

?And I will set my glory among the heathen, and all the heathen shall see my judgment that I have executed, and my hand that I have laid upon them.?

?And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them.?

Warm up yer coffee, folks. Get yer eyes open ?fore y ahead out the door. We?ve got another chance to get ?er right. We?ve got another opportunity to get ?er all sorted out. Make sure ya take advantage of it.
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Old 03-07-2005, 01:04 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Kinda hard to figger, ain?t it?

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on, and is it good, and is it hot this mornin?! Grab yerself a cup and get ya some. Ya gotta have yer eyes open some ?fore ya start in a visitin? with me, don?t ya know. Paper?ll be along directly, I reckon. I gots first dibs onna funny pages, too!

Yeah, I know I?m late. I slept in a bit, and when I got around to checkin? my email, it didn?t have as much as normal in it, but it had a lot of stuff in it to think about! Thinkin?s hard work, and it takes some time to do it right. I know that most of ya ain?t inta thinkin? much, so you wouldn?t understand?

Anyway, I saw where the one lady was all upset that Art Bell wouldn?t take her phone call over the 9-11 conspiracy theories. She thinks the government did it, and she thinks that she can prove it, too! The reasons that she gives sounds good if yer not payin? attention. Ya get to thinkin? about what she said, she done refuted her own conspiracy theory by what she was a sayin?, conspiracy or not. What she done was to gather enough material to prove her ?point?, but that?s where she left it. She ain?t looked at all of the facts, and she done ignored the ones that disagreed with her ?point.? Critical thinkin? is a lost art in America, I?m afraid. I don?t think that WTC conspiracy?ll matter much anyways? Ya see, I had another email that was all about tsunamis. Seems there?s some predictions about a volcano offa the coast of Africa that?s known fer blowin? off steam oncet in awhile. Last time it did, a big part of the whole island shifted a bit. A mile long crack several hundred yards wide is a pretty big shift, I figger. That island?s kinda small, but it?s a mile high above the ocean!

Scientist?s figger that volcano will blow off again pretty soon. Once or twice in this century, anyways. They figger if it blows up good like Mount Saint Helens did, we?re gonna see a tsunami that?ll make what happened inna Pacific, recent-like, look like a kid playin? inna mud puddle! Couple of ?em bigger waves could hit the East Coast of America that?ll be 160 foot high! The one?s done the most damage inna Pacific was only about thirty-forty foot. You can find more about that at and has a pretty good link to the animated projections of the potential damage a tsunami like that?ll do. Well, that?s better than bein? alive at Krakatoa inna late 1800?s! They didn?t even know it was a comin?, then! Give ya a clue. When Krakatoa went off, it changed the climate of the entire world. It took two years fer the worst of the effects to ?wear off.?

Then there?s ya needa get over to this Website and read. Not just skim it, but read it.
S-l-o-w-l-y. He ain?t the right-wing, militia extremist, wacko some of ya think he is. He?s just another middle-class American ?who happened to stand up fer his rights. The thing is, the government ain?t payin? no attention to the laws they made up, let alone to The Constitution. Agree with Rick or not, you get to lookin? at Rick?s case, you?ll see that the government?s makin? things up as they go along. ?It won?t happen to me,? ya say? That?s what some of them victims of the IRS said they kept thinkin?. ?It won?t happen to me,? is what folks say who get pulled over by the cops and have their car, and everything they got on ?em, confiscated when the cops find more than two hundred in cash on ?em. ?It won?t happen to me, huh? That?s what a couple folks thought when their house got took by the cops, because their kid smoked a joint inna bedroom.

Garth told me I scared him with that stuff about oil pipelines in Southwest Asia that I shared around yesterday. I just shared the facts and didn?t comment much on ?er. I invited folks to check the facts on me, too! I tell ya what. I don?t mind that a bit. Here?s the deal. You best be a checkin? ALL of yer facts if?n ya wanta arguey with me. That stuff in Southwest Asia and inna Middle East? It?s near too much stuff to link to here. I got some of it on page 54 and 55 under on my Website. You only gots ta know yer Bible to follow that ?un, though. Them oil and gas pipelines is what?s gonna be used to bring it to pass. When it comes to that stuff, don?t check yer Bible by what the newspapers say, check yer newspapers by what the Bible says.

I done told all y?all about several things, recent-like, that?s pretty worrisome in some respects. (I done give ya the facts, too. It?s easy to check up on me, if?n ya wanta.) If?n yer a child, they can be scarey. If yer a wonderin? if someone else is a gonna do somethin? about all of it, it definitely is worrisome. If all yer a gonna do is to scream and yell and shout, and run in circles and blame everyone else, and spend yer time chasin? after conspiracy theories, you got good reason to be scared. If all yer a gonna do is figger the next feller screwed up fer standin? up fer his rights, and that yer smarter than that, and that it?ll never happen to you and yours, ya got good reason to be scared.

If ya think that yer church is the only one that?s right, and that no one will ever tell you to shut up, and that no one will ever kill you fer bein? a believer, ya got good reason to be scared. That kinda thinkin? is all little kid thinkin?, ya see. Little kids are scared pretty easy. They even think that TV is real?and they think that it always tells the truth?and that it always shows all of reality. Folks that don?t do what the government tells ?em too is all bad people, ain?t they? Folks that do what they want on their own property, and ain?t hurtin? nuthin? or no one else, is all bad people if they don?t do what the government wants, ain?t they? Folks that don?t do what you want ?em to do, when ya want ?em to do it, is all bad people, ain?t they? Growed up folks that stand up fer their rights under the Constitution is all bad people ain?t they? Then ya turn right around and wonder why the greatest nation on earth has the highest incarceration rate in the industrialized world. Kinda hard to figger, ain?t it? ?if yer a little child. Ya see, critical thinkin?s fer growed ups. Little kids don?t do it any.

I know that fer some of you kids, when that volcano does blow up offa the coast of Africa, that yer a gonna blame the U.S. fer not doin? nuthin? to stop it, or fer not keepin? the death and damages to a minimum. On t?other hand, I know a lot of you folks get all upset when anyone asks ya why ya built that beach house with the basement and then holler when the basement gets flooded. Ya want someone else to pay fer yer house when the ocean knocks it down, too. Ya broke yer toy and ya want Mommy to buy ya a new one, is how yer thinkin? there. I?m here to tell ya, kids. Mommy, and the government, can?t stop no tsunami or earthquake or volcano or hurricane or nuthin? else like that. It?s time to grow up. It?s time to stop livin? inna fantasy world. It?s time to stop livin? inna world of make-believe.

Ya see? all along I ain?t been a tryin? to scare ya any. I been tryin? to get ya to pay attention. I been tryin? top get ya to think some. It?s time to grow up, America. It?s time to wake up America. It?s time to take your nation back.

Warm up yer coffee, folks. It?s a new day! We?ve got another chance to get ?er right. We?ve got another opportunity to get ?er all sorted out. Take advantage of it, will ya?
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Old 03-08-2005, 12:16 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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What?re ya gonna do about it?

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on, and it ain?t too bad, neither. Ya best grab a cup and get yerself some. If?n yer a gonna keep up with me inna mornin?, you best be about havin? yer eyes open some, first. Paper?ll be along after a bit., you can?t have ?em ?til we?re done a visitin?. I already know you can?t do two things to oncet.

Well, what?d ya reckon, anyways? Let?s see here. I gone after politicians, preachers, churches, oil barons, U.S. energy policy, and liberals, here of late. I done gone after conspiracy theorists and I?ve gone after the U.N. I even gone after so-called Republicans and Democrats. I?ve hammered on newspapers and TV and such. I even give the Catholic church a nose twistin?. ?So? who?ve I left out? I ain?t played with the Masons or The Knights Templar yet, have I? International banks wouldn?t a liked what I said about China and U.S. debt and oil, so they?re covered fer now. Yeah, I got a point. Now shut up and pay attention, would ya?

I?m a gonna prove my point, and hammer on churches and denominations and governments some more. This?ll all be a lead-in to what some of you idjits call Easter, so pay attention here. I get to preachin? around the holidays, and this year I just hadda lay some groundwork a might earlier than usual is all. It ties right in with Patriotism in America, too. How? Well, shut up long enough and I might just tell ya! ?And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.?

There. That done said ?er all. I done made my point. Was that short enough for ya this mornin?? ?what?d?ya mean, ?What?d?ya mean?? I done said all that needs a sayin? about it! ?Jesus did, anyways? What? Explain what I mean? You don?t pay no attention to nuthin?, do ya? You just gotta think about it fer a minute, is all! ?no, don?t screw yer face up like that when yer thinkin?? Yer a gonna hurt yerself if?n ya do it that way. ?Screw all yer muscles up in yer neck and shoulders, and make them funny faces, it?s no wonder thinkin? gives ya a headache. You don?t pay me enough to put up with you, ya know that? Ok, ok. Here?s the deal. Try and keep up, would ya?

Them fellers who set these United States up, well, they knew some things most all of you fellers don?t. They was a might more educated than even most folks that go to college in our day and age. They knew some things about freedom that most of you folks don?t, especially most of you folks that call yerselves believers and churchgoers. ?Boy, if this don?t get me on someone?s shit-list? Cussin?? Why, you really don?t know what the Book says about nuthin?, do ya? Shame on ya. Anyways, we?re a talkin? about the Kingdom of God, freedom, and patriotism here. That?s enough fer one day, ain?t it? I kinda thought so, too.

Here?s what them Founding Fathers of America knew that you don?t. Sometimes, ya gotta fight if?n ya want the Kingdom of God to be manifest in yer life. Now, I don?t advocate runnin? down to yer local bar and beatin? on folks to get ?em to believe in God. It might work, and it might not. It?ll work better if?n ya win, I?d reckon? If?n it might work and it might not, God ain?t in it, I don?t figger. He ain?t much fer losin?. Even as big as I am, and as well trained as I am in the manly arts, I wouldn?t do such a thing. No sense bustin? yer knuckles when word?s?ll do.

Sometimes, if?n ya wanta live as a Godly man, ya just gotta get to it. Ya gotta get to it like it?s more important than anything else on this ol? earth. Sometimes, no matter what?s inna way between you and the Boss, ya gotta do whatever it takes to get there from here. It?ll be a burnin? desire in yer heart to be free. It?ll be a burnin? desire in yer heart to know more, to learn more, to be more; and nuthin?ll stand in yer way, not money, not politics, not business, not anything. You?ll reach a point where you want more. You want to know more, you want to learn more, and you want nuthin? but the things of God. Once ya get to a certain point, that?s all you want and need and desire. Ya get to that point, that?s all ya need. God?ll supply the rest. It ain?t always an easy road. Churches and preachers and denominations been a teachin? ya that it is. They say you just gotta hang out and pray for it, and ya don?t haveta do nuthin? but give ?em all yer money, and God?ll answer yer prayers for ya. Sometimes, once in awhile, He?ll do that, too. Mostly, He?ll be a wonderin? why yer too lazy to pick up a knife and fork and feed yerself, though. He done put the food in front of ya. All ya haveta to do is eat of it. Fer you simple folks, that means ya gotta get up and do somethin? fer yerself oncet in awhile. That means goin? to church, and doin? what yer told when yer told, and only when yer told to do it, ain?t gonna save ya.

?And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.?

When someone?s between you and God, and between you and the truth, you won?t let ?em stand in the way. You?ll do whatever it takes. It?s called devotion. It?s called love. If you love God less than you love yer Husband, yer Child, yer Mom, yer Dad, yer Wife, or yer Dog or yer car or yer house, you done missed the point entirely. Even the most peaceful of men, once their families are threatened, resort to violence. Even the most peaceful of men will do everything within their power to provide for their families. If they?re away from their families, they?ll do whatever it takes to get back to ?em?and God help the one who gets in their way.

If you desire the things of God, you will do whatever it takes to get close to Him. When that relationship is threatened, you will do whatever it takes to go around, over, or through the threat. The preacher doesn?t matter. The denomination doesn?t matter. The church doesn?t matter. Only one-thing matters. That you love God, and that you want to be closer to Him?no matter the cost. ?Preacher says, ?Sit down and shut up.? You?ll say ?It ain?t inna Book like that.? They?ll kick ya out and call ya names?and you won?t mind a lookin? fer another place to go to church. Nothin? gets between you and God. Nuthin?.

A violent man preached the word of God in a desert two thousand years ago. He wouldn?t ?Sit down and shut up,? ?so they cut off his head. Another violent man wouldn?t ?Sit down and shut up.? ?And He died on the cross that you and I might be free of any interference from government or church that would try to stand between us and God. ?you see, in their violence, they chose the kingdom of God above all other considerations and things on this earth.

The ?Church,? and the governments of nations, controlled the lives of individual men in such a way that they could not reach out?and touch the face of God. Thus was this nation conceived. Thus was born The Declaration of Independence. Thus was born the Revolutionary War. Thus was born The Constitution of these United States of America. Freedom of Religion. Freedom for each man to worship the God of the Bible in truth and in deed, no matter what anyone else thought, did, or said. No matter what they told you to do, or what they told you to believe about Him.

Violent men took the Kingdom of God by force from those who tried to deny it to you and to me. Violent men in church and in government are even now denyin? you access to freedom?and to the Kingdom of God, wherein all freedoms reside. What?re ya gonna do about it?

Warm up yer coffee, folks. It?s a new day. We?ve got another opportunity to get it right. We?ve got another chance to get it all sorted out.




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Old 03-09-2005, 01:10 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Tomorrow, we might just haveta visit over fear.

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on, and it?s good this mornin?, too! Ya best grab a cup and get yerself some. Paper?ll be along after a bit, I reckon. I gots dibs onna funny pages! ?Well, you?ll just have to wait yer turn, is all? Woody says he?s got dibs onna crossword puzzle, too! ?Doin? crosswords alla time, you?d think he?d be some smarter than he is, wouldn?t ya?

Ya think I?d make a pretty good preacher, do ya? Shoot, I been holdin? back. I ain?t been hollerin? or screamin? or nuthin?! I don?t do that anyways when I preach to folks. (Matter of fact, you gotta listen right close to even hear me when I?m a preachin?.) I don?t know about you, but if?n I wanta get screamed and yelled at, I ain?t gotta go to church to get treated like alla that. I ain?t even gotta go to church to have folks be mean to me, fer that matter. You church folks is mean to folks alla time and then wonder why yer church don?t grow none? Some people?s kids, I?m a tellin? ya.

Some of ya think I?m plumb crazy to begin with, anyways. That?s yer problem, not mine. I know what I?m talkin? about. Most of you don?t even know how to think proper, let alone talk right. Well, ya sit around insultin? everyone and everything, and when someone points out the truth to you, ya get all offended. Yer Mommy, and the government, and yer church, ain?t got nuthin? to do with it, neither! It?s you. Set ya an example. They?s a lot of so-called churches a sayin? that it?s alright to have homosexual folks a runnin? things inna church. Well, whether or not yer a livin? like that is up to you. Just don?t be a tellin? me that it?s ok to have them folks a runnin? things in yer so-called Christian churches, is all. It ain?t inna Book like that, ya see; so yer a even puttin? yer own thinkin? in place of the thinkin? of God onna subject. Someone like me tells ya that, ya get all offended. Love ain?t easily offended, ya dipstick.

You show more grace to the unbelievers, and the sinners among ya, than ya do to anyone who tells ya the truth. Don?t believe me, huh? Tell ya what. Next few times yer to church, you look around and pay attention. You?ll see what I?m sayin?. You?ll see it enough everywhere else ya go, but in church it?ll stand out a bit more?if ya know how to pay attention and think any. The reason it?ll stand out more is that they ain?t many of you church folks real good at tellin? the truth about a matter. The feller that stands up and tells the truth is the feller that yer usually runnin? out of yer church. On top of that, ya tell him to sit down and shut up enough times, he?ll be a goin? home?and not comin? back. Then ya wonder why the truth ain?t bein? preached in yer church! That?s ?cause you don?t want it to be, is all. Ya let sinners run yer church, and ya run truth-tellers out. God ain?t in alla that. He don?t like it none, either. Read the Book. You?ll see what I mean. ?Why doesn?t George go to church anymore?? Well, I ain?t got a clue, do you? (?that?s sarcasm, ya idjit?)

I see where some of ya is a callin? yerselves by names that ain?t even inna Book! Callin? the preacher?s ol? lady ?The First Lady? and such. Callin? yerself, ?The Right Reverend.? Yo, dude! It ain?t inna Book like that. ?Just thought ya oughta know. Then they?s the one bunch of ya a doin? this ?thing? about gettin? women to have themselves a women?s praise and worship get-together away from men? What you ladies is a worshippin? is what ya even call by her right name, and ya think it?s of the God of the Bible! The Queen of Heaven, ya call her. Shoot, even good Catholics know better than to call Mary the ?Queen of Heaven,? let alone pray to some heathen god or goddess! Just so ya know, that?s a heathen ritual yer all involved in. Shoot, yer even makin? heathen sacrifices to that false goddess, and yer a tellin? each other how ?Christian? ya are. Then yer all about how men don?t belong amongst ya. The church has done run most men off already, or else they done punished ?em and leashed ?em fer just bein? men. Ain?t nuthin? about the Book in any of it. Matter of fact, the Book tells ya not to be a doin? stuff like that.

There fer awhile, I was gettin? kinda tickled at some of them church folks, too. They was all about ?I think the Lord is a sayin? such and such to me about ya?? It stopped bein? funny when y?all started in a believin? it. What was funny, when ya lookit the book about prophesying, it?s all about ?This is what the Lord God is saying!? ?Thus saith the Lord,? ya know. Ain?t no real prophets a runnin? around sayin?, ?I think this is what the Lord?s sayin?.? That?s what was funny. Anyone with any sense knows a true prophet of God wouldn?t be a sayin? nuthin? like that. ?God tells ya to speak up about somethin? there won?t be any ?thinking? about it involved. Matter of fact, yer probably gonna end up ?pullin? a Moses? and arguin? with Him about it. ?But God, if I say that?? Ya see?if a true Prophet of God walks in and says, ?Thus saith the Lord!? ?most folks ain?t gonna like it none. They generally ain?t gonna like it a bit, matter of fact.

?Lot of you church folks is all about lookin? fer angels to appear to ya, too. You ain?t gotta look none. When they show up, there generally won?t be no mistakin? the issue. It won?t be about the sun a shinin? through the trees, or shinin? through that fancy window glass some of ya gots, either. Won?t be no mistake or a guessin? about the matter at all. Shoot, ya spend so much time a lookin? fer prophecies and angels and miracles and such, that ya done missed the point entirely. You just wanta be special, ya see. You just wanta get some attention. You just wanta look good inna eyes of men. Ya spend all yer time on such as that, and then ya wonder why the un-godly is takin? over and a runnin? things. Yer seekin? signs and wonders, and ya ain?t a seekin? God any, is what the real deal is there.

Ya see?yer a lookin? fer everything but God?and wonderin? why there ain?t no ?power? among ya. Yer a submittin? yerselves to a board of directors, that preacher, and the other so-called prophetess, and yer a submittin? yerself to governments and to men and to money, but ya ain?t a lookin? fer God?and ya ain?t submitted to Him.

They won?t let me or anyone else preach this stuff in any church. Ya see?it might lose ?em their 501(c)3 non-profit tax evasion status. Jesus paid His taxes, ya see. You folks done think yer better than Jesus. Matter of fact, you ain?t much fer worshippin? Him or God in truth, let alone in deed. Matter of fact, if the Book don?t line up with what you think, you devise a way to bypass the Book entirely. Once ya done that, you ain?t involved in worshippin? the God of the Bible no more. Yer a worshippin? the devil, instead. What? Why those ways you bypass the Book is called traditions and doctrines. Things that men made up to suit men. They don?t suit the things of God much at all.

Warm up yer coffee, folks. It?s a new day. We got another opportunity to get ?er right. We got another chance to get ?er all sorted out. Make sure ya take advantage of it, will ya?

Tomorrow, we might just haveta visit over fear.
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Old 03-09-2005, 11:43 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Death can have no victory over a man like that

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on and it ain?t so bad this mornin?, neither. Get yerself a cup and get woke up, why don?t ya? Paper?ll be along after a bit, I reckon. I gots first dibs onna funny pages, too!

Fear, huh? Most folks in America never been really scared before, I don?t reckon. ??Course, Freddy about scared me a couple times. Naw?Jason was too funny fer words! What?s wrong with ya, anyways? Anyways, the kinda real fear that most folks ain?t faced, has to do with what ya call, ?Facin? the beast.? Folks that ?been there? know what I?m a talkin? about. A lot of grown and tough as nails men will fill their britches in that situation. What I?m a talkin? about is life or death, and I mean right now, and I mean right nasty and ugly about it, too, is what I?m talkin? about. It?s worse when ya have time to think about it first, too. What happens to a feller after he?s been scared like that a few times, he ends up not much scared of nuthin? else. Ya see, sooner or later, he stands right up inna ?beasts?? face and screams back at him. Dyin? in an accident or such ain?t nuthin? like the real kinda fear. Nuthin? at all. Folks watch them scary movies and think that?s bein? scared. Folks get scared over what their bosses and friends and families might say about ?em, or do to ?em. That ain?t bein? scared. Folks get scared about not dressin? like other folks, or not drivin? the right car, or not livin? inna right neighborhood, or not havin? the right kinda house or office. That ain?t bein? scared.

Folks get all scared that they might be wrong about somethin?. Sometimes it?s over somethin? they done believed or thought was true alla their lives. You show ?em the truth; they get all upset, ?cause they?re afraid ta be wrong about somethin?. Sometimes folks miss the point about things, too. Submittin? to peer pressure, whether yer a kid or an adult, is usually based in that kinda fear. Tryin? to fit in somewhere, is usually based in that kinda fear. Tryin? to go to the ?right? church is based in fear like that. Tryin? to belong to the ?right? political party is usually based in fear like that. Sayin?, ?It ain?t a gonna happen to me,? is based in fear like that. Then, not bein? able to say, or to do, the right things that honor, justice, ethics, courage, conviction, and morality calls for is based in fear. If the bank owns yer house, yer afraid you?ll lose yer house if ya say somethin? the other feller don?t like. If the bank takes yer car, yer not gonna be able to get to work to keep yer job, and yer a gonna lose everything, ain?t ya? But it ain?t real fear. It?s the make-believe kind. That kinda fear is comes from what ya call selfish pride.

There?s all sorts a different ways that kinda fear works on folks like you?and oncet in awhile on folks like me. Thing is, it helps to know what?s causin? that fear in ya. Once ya face that fear, you won?t have nuthin? much else to be afraid of. The only place that kinda fear comes from?is inside yerself. Once ya face yerself, facin? other folks openly and honestly gets downright easy on ya. Facin? that ol? beast called death, and facin? that ol? beast called the devil is still kinda scary, but it gets some easier onna feller. He?ll learn how to get right inna beasts? face and scream back at him, instead of cowerin there awaitin? fer Mommy to come help him.

What can happen when ya get all caught up in that make-believe kinda fear? Well, you don?t think there?s anything else out there to get scared about. ?and anyone who tries to tell ya about it, you figger he?s just crazy or don?t know what you know about things. But a man who?s seen the beast?he ain?t afraid of succeedin? or failin? in other folks? eyes no more. He ain?t afraid of what they might think about him. He ain?t afraid of what they might say or do. He ain?t afraid of not wearin? the right clothes or livin? inna right house inna right part of town. He won?t much care about the car he drives as long as it runs good. A man like that is real scary to the rest of you folks, too. Ya see?he?s liable to tell ya what he really thinks about a matter, whether you like it or not. A man who?s faced the beast, and walked away whole, is a man who knows what truly matters. When such a man starts walkin? with God, why, death can have no victory over a man like that. The only thing he?ll come to fear?is not doin? what?s right and proper and good??cause ya see?a man like that has learned what love is all about?and there is no fear in love. A man who knows what love is, is a dangerous man to the rest of ya, for y?all live in fear all of yer days, and love is like a brightly shinin? light in the darkness in which you now live.

Warm up yer coffee, folks. It?s a new day. We?ve got another chance to get ?er right. We?ve got another opportunity to get ?er all sorted out. Make sure ya take advantage of it.

Joshua 1:9 - Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

1 Chronicles 28:20 - And David said to Solomon his son, Be strong and of good courage, and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the LORD God, even my God, will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD.

Zechariah 8:13 - And it shall come to pass, that as ye were a curse among the heathen, O house of Judah, and house of Israel; so will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing: fear not, but let your hands be strong.

Ephesians 3:11; 12- According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: 12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him

Warren "Bones" Bonesteel
Sgt USMC 1976-1983
Author and E-zine columnist
"Morning Coffee"
P. O. Box 1413
Rapid City,SD 57709
(605) 388-3005

"The virtues of men are of more consequence to society
than their abilities, and for this reason, the heart
should be cultivated with more assiduity than
the head." -Noah Webster
Give me a platform from which to speak,
and I will change the world.They'll kill me!
But I'll change the world. It'll be some kinda
fun, I'm a tellin' ya!
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Old 03-11-2005, 12:25 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Well, I reckon that?ll make a feller mad, won?t it?

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on and it ain?t too bad this mornin?, neither. Ya best grab yerself a cup and get ya some! Paper?ll be along after a bit, I reckon. I got first dibs onna funny pages, too!

Well, I reckon that?ll make a feller mad, won?t it? Oh, I spent about an hour workin? on somethin? in my word processor, and the blasted computer crashed the program on me! I usually save it bit by bit as I go along, but that time I was all into it and I wasn?t payin? no attention. I lost an hour?s worth of work inna land of ones and zeros? If ya see it out there, lemme know, would ya? I want it back! That?ll just dang near take the heart out of ya when he starts a new project.

Well, I reckon. I got some research to do, too. Looks like I might haveta learn all about a profession that?s new to me. Some idjit?s talkin? about mebbe puttin? me onna radio program. I mean, can you imagine visitin? over coffee with me fer an hour inna mornin?? I can talk with a microphone in front of me! Done ?er a bit before. I just wouldn?t know what alla them buttons and techniques and such they use is all about, is all. Rush Limbaugh ain?t got nuthin? on me! ??ceptin? money, that is? I ain?t as crazy as he is, anyways! He?s so rich, he?s got other folks readin? his newspaper for him! Now ain?t that somethin?!

There?s another feller a wantin? me to get all involved with their third party. I ain?t too sure about that yet. Near alla them third party folks just wants to kick the other fellers out so that they can get their own faces inna pork trough fer a bit. Most of ?em?s onna right wing of things, and they?d split the vote anyways, if?n they got any backin?. Democrats?d love that, wouldn?t they? I tell ya what; I would, too, if?n I were them! That?d be just what the doctor ordered! Come to that; elect me to go to the Hill in D.C.! After a bit, I?d retire from public life and live forever on them benefits they gots. Shoot, their benefits is almost as good as what some preacher?s gets!

Yeah, yeah, that was a cheap shot, but it?s true, too. I didn?t seen nuthin? inna Book about preachers gettin? retired. They usually preached ?til someone killed ?em or else they died of old age. Don?t sound much like them retirement plans all y?all gots fer them preachers.

Come to preachin?, I got to thinkin? t?other day when I heard one of ya talkin? about how many airplanes, cars, trains, and such is a gonna crash when the ?Rapture? happens. I don?t figger there?s a gonna be that many of ?em crash like that, my ownself. Well, alla them different denominations and churches keep a tellin? themselves that they?re the only one?s a gonna be goin? to heaven! Shoot, if?n even one of ya is right, that means that alla the rest is wrong; and after that, it?s just a plain and simple matter of mathematics! Then ya lookit the Book, and it asks a rather perplexin? question: In the ?end times? will there be any left who believe? He ain?t talkin? about pre-trib, mid-trib, or post-trib, there, folks. ?Just thought ya oughta know.

Comes to that, some of ya teach and preach that if?n ya don?t believe what they believe about such as that, it means that yer a gonna go to hell. I don?t remember seein? that program fer salvation inna Book, myself. Inna Book, He done kept salvation kinda simple as a matter of fact. That means that even you folks a preachin? yer own program of salvation can get saved and go to heaven, if?n ya wanta. If?n I were you, I?d think about simplifyin? things some. Kinda like what the Boss done with ?er. Feller asks, ?What must I do to be saved?? Jesus answered, ?Only believe.? Shoot, that works plumb good fer me. Once ya believe, alla rest?ll come along after a bit. No fuss, no muss, no problem. Read the Book, visit with the Boss man, and the Holy Spirit?ll teach ya what ya need know. It?s inna Book just like that, too. ?It ain?t written up inna Midwestern vernacular Bible version yet, is all.

Ya see, if?n ya done put yerself inna place of God to judge other believer?s a goin? to heaven or not, God ain?t in yer teachin?, yer doctrine, or yer church. If you don?t need God, He knows some other folks who do. Most of ?em won?t be dressin? up all fancy, talkin? like an aristocrat, drivin? fancy cars, or a goin? to them seminaries yer all so proud of. ?A lot of ?em won?t even be a goin? to yer churches come to that.

You church folks go on and on about how the government?s indoctrinatin? yer kids with lies and deceit in them public schools and colleges and such?and then ya indoctrinate yerselves again one another with?lies and deceit. That sorta thing divides ya. The Book says that the Body of Christ ain?t divided. That tells me that ain?t none of ya inna Body of Christ to begin with, don?t matter whether ya call yerselves Catholics, Mormons, Unitarian Universalists?or Baptists or Methodists or whatever else yer a callin? yerselves this week. The Body of Christ ain?t in alla that. The Spirit of God ain?t in alla that. God ain?t in alla that. Yer about fixed to find out how true that is, too. God says, ?Watch this.? ?And I?m a watchin?.

Nope, from what I can tell, they ain?t a gonna be near as many car wrecks and plane crashes as some of ya might figger. Matter of fact, the rapture could take pretty good care of that homeless problem all y?all gots, I figger. I figger it?ll get most of them ten and twenty year-old cars offa the street, too. That?ll make a lot of you church folks happy right there!

Warm up yer coffee, folks. It?s a new day. We?ve got another chance to get ?er right. We?ve got another opportunity to get ?er all sorted out. Take advantage of it, will ya?

I think that I?ll go after politicians, next. What ya figger?
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Old 03-12-2005, 01:00 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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?Peace at any price.?

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on and it ain?t too bad this mornin?, neither. Ya best grab a cup and get ya some! You best be havin? yer eyes open ?fore ya get to visitin? with me, ya know.

So we was gonna talk politics this mornin?, was we? I don?t hardly know where ta start, there. Let?s see. There?s the A.A.R.P. They don?t like Art Linkletter no more. Seems he?s head of an outfit called A.A.R.P. has gotten to be all about money. Seems they get a whole buncha government money every year so that they can go buy politicians. Here lately, the A.A.R.P. has been all involved in political activism that has nothin? to do with anyone bein? a senior citizen. Well, that means that they?re spendin? money on things besides them issues that affect senior citizens, that?s what that means. USA Next is kinda showin? ?em fer what they really are, and is settin? up somethin? to offset the A.A.R.P.?s political activism. A.A.R.P. members is bailin? out and joinin? USA Next. That means it?s costin? the Aarp folks money, and they want Art Linkletter to sit down and shut up. I don?t recollect ol? Art Linkletter fer doin? that when he had somethin? to say.

Pakistan?s a doin? some tradin? with Nepal. Seems that Pakistan is tradin? with China, too; but with Nepal, it?s all about settin? ?em up with military stuff to fight Maoist?s with? I figger that?d be an interestin? game, myself. Ya see, China gets Nepal outta the deal, but I ain?t figgered what Pakistan gets just yet. Well, think about it some. You?ll get there! ?Might haveta do with them oil pipelines or somethin?, mebbe. Seems one of Pakistan?s nuclear scientists done give up all he knew to the Iranians. I wonder what Pakistan got outta that deal? Just so ya know, Iran?s about ready to go with a nuclear weapon. Now, now. They done got more natural gas and oil than they know what to do with! They don?t need no nuclear energy fer electricity. Iran has done said that they wanta destroy a few folks here and there. Israel and America is at the top of their list. So, you know, ya might wanta kinda keep that mind. It?ll be relevant later on. It helps if?n ya know some history. I ain?t talkin? about that made up stuff they mighta taught ya in school, neither! There?s Kashmir, Uzbekistan, India, and a few others all involved with Pakistan?and each other?over those sorts of things, too.

The European Union?s wantin? to sell China some military equipment and technology. There?s folks kinda like me that figgers mebbe they might wanta start sellin? some to themselves, instead. N.A.T.O. is still alive, ya know. Them European folks has always figgered onna U.S. bailin? ?em out again if?n they get into trouble that a way. They spend alla their money on social programs, and they got no money left to build up their military with. Fast as things move inna war anymore, they might be mis-playin? their hand, there. Even in today?s world, by the time the U.S. got everything ready to go, to help out good, it?d be all over and done with. China has been braggin? fer years that they can field an army of two hundred million soldiers. Ferget about Russia! An army that big?d go through Russia like grits through a goose! It?ll be interestin? to see how Russia goes about dealin? with China and the European Union from here on out.

Talkin? about the Russians. Ya know they got their own satellites a circlin? the moon, don?t ya? That means if?n ya wanta, you can check with them to see if America really did land folks there in 1969... Well, some of ya don?t think we did!

Then there?s them Azatlan and MS-13 folks and what not. They?re all a tellin? the Mexican government how to act, and now they?re a tellin? the U.S. how to act, too. Top that off with Supreme Court Justices quotin? European law to back up their decisions with, instead of usin? the U.S. Constitution, and you got yerself somethin? to think about.

Speakin? about space, I hear they lost Pluto again. Well, it?s out there, but they have trouble findin? it oncet in awhile. Then some scientists have decided that they don?t want the Hubble telescope no more, so there was plans fer shuttin? it down. New technology done made it obsolete, and they ain?t done sortin? out what Hubble done showed ?em was out there, yet! Them scientists want the new toy, ya see. ?And they?re a lobbyin? hard for it. Well, that ?Intelligent Design? stuff has got some of ?em all mixed up, and they wanta try and prove that Darwin was right, no matter what the evidence shows ?em! The Theory of Evolution? Why, it?s not a legitimate theory, folks. Thought ya might wanta know that. A lot of scientists went along with the idea just so that they could have a job workin? in science, ya know. They?ve tried fer more than a hundred years to make The Theory of Evolution work, but they can?t make it fit alla the facts without denyin? the facts!

That?s why there?s some amongst ya can?t ever win an argument with me. You just can?t make yer pet theories fit the facts, is all. And I won?t let ya be oncet ya start in on me. I keep givin? ya the facts ?til yer sick of it, or ?til ya admit that yer wrong, if only to yerself. A theory that don?t fit the facts ain?t a theory, ya see. Even a hypothesis is based on facts. Otherwise, all yer workin? with is make-believe and fantasy.

Then there?s churches all upset ?cause they can?t preach what they wanta, so they wanta have a law made up so that they can say what they wanta without losin? their non-profit tax evasion status. Most of them same churches is all about getting? the government to pay up fer poor folks all over the world, come to that. They got their buildin?s, fancy houses and fancy cars and alla that ?bling? to maintain, build, and buy, don?t ya know.

?And that?s what we been a visitin? over this mornin?. The cost of peace at any price. In alla the examples I give ya this mornin?, you?ll see folks dealin? ?Peace at any price.? If yer a workin? from that perspective, yer more a criminal than the feller a tryin? to extort stuff from ya. ?even if yer just dealin? with yer kids?

There ain?t no such a thing as a free lunch, folks. Yer a gonna pay up one way or t?other. The more ya give up fer peace and security, and what you want when you want it, the more yer a gonna give up, ?fore it?s all over and done with. One day yer a gonna wake up and wonder where it all went?and why ya ain?t free no more. ?Peace at any price? is where the answer?ll be. And ya won?t have anyone to blame but yerselves.

A theory that don?t fit the facts ain?t a theory, ya see. Peace at any price just bein? one of ?em. Peace at any price kinda thinkin? is make-believe. ?and we don?t live inna make-believe world.

Warm up yer coffee, folks. It?s a new day. We?ve got another chance to get ?er right. We?ve got another opportunity to get ?er all sorted out. Make sure ya take advantage of it.
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Old 03-13-2005, 12:55 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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A likely scenario.

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on, and it ain?t too bad this mornin?, neither. Ya best grab a cup and get yerself some. If?n yer eyes ain?t open when ya head out the door, it ain?t nobody?s fault but yer own what kinda trouble ya get yerself into! Paper?ll be along after a bit, I?d imagine. I gots first dibs onna funny pages, too. Well, I?m a town kid, now. In town, they got newspapers ya can get everyday if?n ya want! Ya ain?t gotta drive thirty-forty miles to get it, neither!

Well, this mornin?, I?m just about talked out, I figger. I emailed some population maps to some folks, and the one feller was a questionin? me about what was onna one map. Seems there inna southeast them Muslims is mostly all lined up along a East-West interstate. They ain?t like that nowhere else inna country! ?Not coverin? four-five states inna straight line, they ain?t! So a feller gets to thinkin? about things, and he gets to wonderin?.

Can?t prove much. Nope. Kinda hard to prove inna court of law I?d reckon. What? Oh. Well, ya get to lookin? at the illegal immigrants comin? across our Southern border, ya see. Then ya compare it all to stuff on them news websites, and on them watchdog and government websites? Then ya think about MS-13 and them Mexican and South American mafia folks a workin? with terrorist groups? Well, a feller gets to wonderin?. Especially when ya see the illegal immigration population maps fer the Southeastern United States. They ain?t near as many illegal immigrants along through there as they is inna Northeast, the Northwest or, of course, inna the Southwest. It?s almost like they?re avoidin? the place, matter of fact. Oh, you got ?em down there, they just ain?t near as thick onna ground as they is most everywhere else. Only place they?re any thinner is inna Northern Plains states. I ain?t talkin? bout Cubans or Puerto Ricans and such, now. Illegal immigration across the Southern Border is where we?re at. Pay attention oncet in awhile, would ya? Jeez?

Ya get to lookin? at the maps of the places them Azatlan and MS-13 folks want to take over inna U.S., and it all gets a feller to wonderin?. Then a feller gets to noticin? that along that interstate I was talkin? about, there?s all kinds of military and government facilities along the way, or not far from it. Then ya lookit reports of missin? backpack nukes, and dirty bombs, and unaccounted for single-use portable missiles and such as that, and knowin? that there?s more AK-47?s runnin? around in most countries than there are people? A feller?s just gotta do some wonderin?. (And they?re only stoppin? about ten per cent of the folks that cross the border illegally, if they catch that many; which they don?t.)

Now, if I were runnin? a para-military operation, and part of the mission was infiltratin? another country, a ten per cent chance of some few of my people gettin? caught crossin? the border is a chance I?d take, especially when yer talkin? about three-four thousand law breakers a day a gettin? into the country. Especially when yer talkin? about most of ?em bein? turned loose right where they was caught. As a matter of fact, I?d do everything in my power to make sure that they was a real steady stream of other folks a distractin? the Border Patrol, too. ?Even if?n it meant buyin? myself a few crazy American politicians in just the right places. Drugs could finance all of it, of course. Makes it easier to deal with them Mexican Mafioso?s and government officials, too. If I were a nation, or if I were headin? up half a billion folks inna religious extremist outfit, I?d consider it a damn cheap way to conduct a war. After all. It?s Jihad, don?t ya know. Whatever it takes to get the job done. The job at hand is killin? as many American infidels as I can?all to oncet.

?And alla you folks is talkin? about a WTC government conspiracy, or about Kobe Bryant bein? on Michael Jackson?s witness list? Or yer a callin? each other names, or a blamin? everything on Bush, or Kennedy, or Hillary or what not. Shit-fire, yer lives are in danger.

Now, ya see, I ain?t out to scare ya, or to get folks all panicked up and inna lather. What I done was just to put myself inna other feller?s shoes fer a bit, and lookit the facts. Then I got to thinkin?: A feller wouldn?t have to be very danged smart to pull it all off. All ya need is time, patience, and a bit of money here and there. Ya don?t need much, ?cause once yer para-military operatives are in America, they could just get a job, get paid under the table if?n they want, and support themselves and each other, ?til they get the word that it?s time to go to work. I mean, after all, from their perspective, they?ve had twenty years and more to get things set up. To start things off, ya cause a couple big riots here and there in different places around the country, and just as that all starts to start, as ya already have yer people in alla the right places, in an hour or so, yer operations? runnin? almost like clockwork. A big ?Kaboom? over here, a little ?kaboom? over there, a couple of firecrackers poppin? off everywhere else? Yer a gonna have a couple of folks turn chicken on ya, and there?ll be a few glitches, but that?s all been factored in.

?And instead of Americans applyin? what we know to the other feller, we?re all about puttin? the citizens of the United States under a government watchdog agency. Ayup. You want the government to watch and make sure that Americans are all closely supervised. There?s national ID?s with implantable RFID chips bein? next. Then there?s Internet surveillance and phone taps with cameras in the streets. Yer gonna make sure and take American?s guns away from ?em. Yer gonna be a puttin? trackin? devices in all of our cars, and if we don?t sit down and shut up, the government will make us sit down and shut up. People actin? like Americans are bein? throwed in jail, and in prison. We?ve got the highest incarceration rate in the world. (?Give ya a clue. It ain?t because we got more bad people than anyone else inna world, either.) Then yer all about givin? illegal aliens driver?s licenses, free medical care and alla that sort of thing. They ain?t strictly legally entitled to that sort of thing, ya know. ?and most of ?em ain?t payin? no taxes or nuthin?, and most of ?em is takin? jobs and such from American citizens, and it?s all a messin? with the economy inna real bad way?

Shoot, if?n I were a runnin? a para-military outfit that was infiltratin? the U.S., alla that kinda stuff?d tickle me plumb pink! I?d be all about ?Which one of them crazy American politicians is tryin? to get ?er done! Which one of them Political Action groups is backin? alla that stuff? Shoot, I wanta give ?em some money!? and ?If they?re a gonna help us out, we just as well pay ?em for it!? and ?By the way? What?s the chances of us startin? a few political groups like that?? and ?Man, if they?ll believe that kinda crap, how about we get some Imams to go into their churches and colleges, and teach ?em what a great and peaceful thing Islam is?? There?s alla that and more a goin? on, folks. Alla that and more.

Onna U.S.?s part, it?s all about self-deception. It ain?t the government that?s a doin it all to ya. Ya done it to yerself, ya see. When it comes down to it, like me and another little lady was a talkin? about: Yer the politician. Yer the preacher. Yer the teacher. Yer the one responsible. Don?t matter what it is, or what?s a goin? on with you, or with this nation. Yer the one responsible. It ain?t the government. It ain?t Bush. It ain?t Clinton. It ain?t me or anyone else. It?s you.

So. What ya gonna do about it? Cry fer yer Mommy? Scream fer the government to make up some more laws to bind yer own freedoms with? Yer already tossin? each other in prison left, right, and center over them laws yer makin? up as ya go along. Folks in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America is a part of culturally acceptable ritualized killin?, decapitation, dismemberment, rape, torture?(I ain?t talkin? about some lady rubbin? her bra covered titties on ya, or makin? ya get nekkid and build a pyramid) infanticide, honor killin?s and what all else, and they?re walkin? the streets?in the U.S. Here inna U.S., yer throwin? folks in prison fer smokin? a joint, carryin? a Bible, and yer firin? folks fer not movin? a copy of the Ten Commandments. Yer tossin? fellers in prison fer makin? a decision in their own homes, on their own properties; or fer just exercisin? the rights give to ?em by the Constitution of the United States of America. Yer even takin? innocent folks? homes away from ?em, and yer all braggin? about all of it to one another. But the enemy? Him ya love with alla yer heart. You love yer enemies, but you punish your own friends, families, and neighbors, just fer bein? Americans.

The government ain?t deceived you. You done deceived yerselves. Meanwhile, the kinda folks that thinks it?s a good idea to kill, rape, dismember, torture, and decapitate, is already livin?, and killin?, amongst ya. They?re walkin? the streets, buyin?, sellin? and tradin? with ya, while you go on about limitin? yer own freedoms?and puttin? poor fellow American schmucks in prison?fer only bein??an American.

By the way. You don?t have to go to right wing orleft wing websites to find this stuff. It?s inna newspapers, on college websites, on scientist?s websites, on legal library websites, and on government websites all over the Internet.

Just somethin? to think about is all.

Warm up yer coffee, folks. It?s a new day. We?ve got another chance to get ?e right. We?ve got another opportunity to get ?er all sorted out. Make sure ya take advantage of it.
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Old 03-13-2005, 11:52 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Anything less, is slavery.

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on, and it?s good and it?s strong, too! Ya best grab yerself a cup and get ya some. Paper?ll be along directly, I reckon. I gots first dibs onna funny pages, too!

Well, I been a thinkin?. ?I heard that? Well, I can?t figger out who I haven?t pissed off lately. Well, yeah, but yer different. If I get you mad at me, who?m I gonna visit over coffee with? ??Least you think once in awhile. Some folks don?t think fer nuthin?, though. Well, put ?em inna wet paper bag, and see how far they get, you?ll see what I mean!

I don?t know that I have much to visit over this mornin?, to tell the truth. ?Comes to current events and theology and politics and such, it?ll all be just a repeat, as far as the big things is concerned. Alla current events inna world is just examples of what I done talked about before. I done laid out ?most alla the principles and such for ya. Mostly, it?s a matter of gettin? ya to pay attention and to learn to think some. My biggest problem is that all y?all get so wound up in yer own little worlds that it?s hard to get through to ya, sometimes. Feller tells ya the truth, you get mad at him. Or else ya act like a buncha little kids, and make fun of him and justify yerselves while yer a doin? it.

Just this mornin?, fer example, one lady was sharin? around what someone was sayin? about? Well, I reckon I?m just a gonna haveta ?go there? pretty soon, is all. Seems there?s a lot of folks a callin? themselves Christians who don?t figger they should haveta raise a hand to defend themselves. Seems they all think that Jesus told ?em to sit on their butts and get runned over. They think that even the evil among ?em is to be submitted to. I done already mentioned alla that around here a time or three, but I ain?t really got into it any. What I can tell ya is this much: It ain?t inna Book like that. Most of you folks a callin? yerselves Christians don?t read the Book fer yerselves, anyway. Ya let some other idjit tell ya what he says it says, and then ya go to interpetin? the Book by what a man or a woman told ya. Ya don?t pay no attention to what the Book really says about much of anything. ?Kinda like y?all do with the Constitution.

Yeah, there is a real good comparison there. You folks ain?t a followin? the Constitution none, and yer a lettin? other folks tell ya what it says. You don?t read it fer yerself any, and you interpret it by what a man done told ya he thinks it says, instead of just readin? what it really does say. How?s that compare to most alla them folks callin? themselves Christians? Why, yer a doin? it the exact same way! You don?t go by what it really says about things, ya go by what some man tells it says. Just like most politicians, most preachers ain?t a tellin? ya anything near the truth about matters.

Fer example, they ain?t nuthin? inna Constitution about the government providin? fer ya in yer old age. Ain?t nuthin? inna Constitution about providin? for ya when yer outta work. Ain?t nuthin? inna Constitution about the government buyin? ya health care. Ain?t nuthin? inna Constitution about the government providin? yer kids with an education. They ain?t nuthin? inna Constitution about the government providin? anything fer Veterans alla their lives, either. Veterans?ll holler about ?Welfare Moms,? but they?re on welfare themselves. ?Well, them lazy good fer nuthin? folks on welfare gets money. We deserve it more than they do!? And then all of ya say, ?Them corporations gets money from the government, we deserve money, too!? That?s little kid thinkin?. Go cry to yer Mommy. Mebbe she?ll listen some. Then again, if?n she?s a good Mother, she?ll tell ya to shut up and quit yer belly-achin??if she doesn?t take a switch to ya.

That ain?t the point. The point is, that none of ya deserve any of it from the government. (That money ain?t the government?s anyways. It?s yours.) All the Constitution done is give ya the freedom to provide fer yerselves. They ain?t nuthin? inna Constitution about the government, or anyone else fer that matter, a tellin? you how to act in yer own home, as long as ya ain?t a hurtin? nobody else. Ain?t nuthin? in it about providin? anyone one of ya the right to tell anyone else to shut up. ?Long as you ain?t messin? in anyone else?s house, yer good to go. Ain?t none of that stuff, nor a whole lot of other stuff, that?s mentioned inna Constitution. The Constitution don?t even mention lettin? Muslims, Buddhists, Wiccans, Pagans, Secular Humanists, or any other kinds a folks such as that, have freedom of religion. The freedom of religion it was talkin? about is Christian. If ya believe anything else, yer believin? a lie.

Now. Back to comparin? things, again. Fer you church folks, they ain?t nuthin? inna Bible about lettin? unbelievers walk all over ya, hit ya, kill ya, steal from ya, torment ya, treat ya mean, talk bad about ya, or nuthin? like that. Just like with the Constitution, you just ain?t read it. Yer a goin? by what other folks done told ya it said. Yer a goin? by what ya wanta hear, instead of lookin? fer the truth of a matter.

And ya know what? They?re all a lyin? to ya. And yer believin? the lies. They?re all a tellin? ya what ya wanta hear, instead of tellin? ya the truth about matters. Ya see, they all like bein? in control, in charge of ya, and in power over ya. They all like takin? yer money from ya, so that they can give it to other folks, and live high onna hog themselves.

And each and every one of ya is livin? inna fantasy world, includin? alla the folks that ya done put in charge of yer politics, yer churches, and yer very lives. You let them selfish little kids tell you how to live, what to say, and what to do. Yer not free folks at all. Yer all slaves, ya see. You?ve all become slaves to your own selfish desires, selfish needs, and selfish wants. You won?t even help anyone else unless ya get somethin? out of it, even if all ya get, is only the recognition that ya done it.

In the Bible, you?ll find freedom, and the Constitution guarantees ya that freedom in this nation. Anything else, anything less, is slavery. ?And God ain?t no slave master.

You folks really need to grow up. You?ve only replaced Mommy and Daddy with government and with churches. You ain?t mature in any part of ya, and you sure ain?t free.

Right now, the only thing that?s keepin? ya enslaved?is a wet paper bag. That?s what lies and deceit are. It?s up to you to look for the truth. To look for the truth, you have to be able to think. I don?t figger ya can get outta that wet paper bag, myself.

Warm up ye coffee, folks! It?s a new day. Ya got another opportunity to get ?er all sorted out. Ya got another chance?to get outta that wet paper bag. Make sure ya take advantage of it.
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Old 03-15-2005, 12:43 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
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Another scenario.

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?, anyways? Coffee?s on, and is it ever good this mornin?, too! Well, what?re ya waitin? for? Get yerself a cup and get some! If yer eyes ain?t open when yer a visitin? with me, don?t blame me none when ya get lost. Paper?ll be along after a bit, I?d imagine. I always gots first dibs onna funny pages!

Well, where?re we at this mornin?, do ya reckon? I done went after folks that call themselves capital ?P? patriots yesterday. Who?m I a gonna go after today? Now, here?s the real deal fer you folks that ain?t been payin? attention. I ain?t ?after? nobody, ?ceptin? to get ya to think fer yerselves some. I know, I know. It?s real uncomfortable for ya, but ya gotta do it on yer own sometime or another. It?s just like ridin? a bike! Once ya learn how, you don?t ferget. Just hang in there. You?ll get it right sooner or later.

Some of you folks got some stuff I sent out about end-times prophecy yesterday. It weren?t from the Book. It was from news, government and financial websites, and such as that. Funny thing was, it all lined up with what the Book hasta say about end-times prophecy. There wasn?t no ?forcin? it,? or ?makin? it fit? or nuthin?. It was just there in black and white?well, color, too, if?n ya count the maps? The Euphrates is gonna get dried up by dams in Turkey, mostly. They?re settin? up quite a big hydroelectric system, and they done got most of it in place and runnin? already. Iraq, and some of them other folks, don?t like it none. Every so often Turkey slows down the flow of the rivers just to show that they can. (Think Colorado River, here.) That about caused a war over there a few years back. There ain?t much water in some parts of the world, and it?s gettin? to be a resource worth fightin? over. Fer example, in Syria, they ?re mostly an agrarian society, and they ain?t got any water to speak of that don?t come from the Tigress-Euphrates waterways. Syria is fixin? to become an oil importer, too. So, there?s oil and water, and there?s a gonna be blood spilled over water. Somethin? to think about fer you folks that?s all into ?Types and Shadows? inna Book, ain?t it?

Russia, and some folks that was inna old U.S.S.R., like Belarus, is dealin? military and machine tools to China, too. Plus, anyone with any sense onna Euro-Asian continent would want some political influence over the oil and gas inna region, and Russia is all about gettin? some influence over it. They got some oil of their own, but it ain?t gonna be enough to keep ?em growin?. The only reason that they export a bunch of their own oil is fer the cash. China, India, and Russia, have the fastest growin? economies inna world, and I mean they?re mostly in, or near, double digit growth every year, too! That means that they all want ready, quick, and easy access to oil, gas?and water. The European Union is wantin? to deal military stuff to China as well. Now, that said, they?s some real interestin? interactions and treaties and what all amongst all of ?em, let alone any history or bad blood between all of ?em here and there. Ya might wanta look into alla that fer yerselves.

China bragged near forty years ago that they could field an army of two hundred million men. They got three times as many people now as they had then. Military assessments say that China could put two million men inna war zone in one ?lift.? Think about it, now. Two million combat-ready soldiers comin? from over the horizon at ya?all to oncet. In the first ?lift? alone!? I know that?s hard to imagine, but I want ya to stop fer a minute and think about it some. They ain?t comin? down the road, through the mountains, or nuthin? like that. From over the horizon. You military folks and Veterans know what I?m a talkin? about, here. It?s mind bogglin,? but that?s the reality of their present capabilities. That?s most of the population of the Phoenix metro area comin? at ya?in just the first ?lift.? Taiwan is toast, if it comes to a fightin? war, just fer one example. Taiwan has the better navy, but China has alla the submarines. Thermo-nuclear war is the only thing that could stop ?em.

China is also increasin? their known and reported military expenditures at a yearly double digit rate of increase, and have been doin? so fer more than a decade. Most intelligence assessments say that China has under-reported those increases by at least one-half. China also has more than twice as many men in their standin? army than they tell everybody they gots. China is also importin? more than it exports. This a is normally a ?bad thing,? economically speakin?. Watch their raw materials imports, though. That?ll tell ya somethin? about their military spendin? right there. Fer example, they?re importin? more cotton than they can normally use fer civilian manufacturin? purposes. That don?t count what they grow themselves. Cotton? Uniforms, fer one thing! Come on, try to keep up, will ya? That?s just one example. Then yer talkin? about minerals and such that can be used fer conventional weapons. Within the last few years, they?ve doubled their missile production, fer example. So there?s metals and ores and the like to be considered, too. Belarus is sellin? ?em machine tools, and Russia is sellin? ?em war-fightin? ships and aircraft, and the E.U. wants to sell ?em more of the same.

Then lookit the oil and gas pipelines, and the shippin? lanes in the seas and oceans that?re used fer oil transport. They?s some rather interestin?ly placed ?choke-points.? A handful of terrorists could mess it up fer everyone. Terrorists?re commonly attackin? oil and gas pipelines in the region the way it is. Muslim militants are effectively attemptin? to hold the continent hostage. Sooner or later, someone?s gonna get tired of it.

There?s so many ways that it could spark off, that it ain?t even funny. The U.S. bein? active inna region? It calmed things down some? temporarily speakin?. It changed their focus from internal-regional selfish-involvements to external thinkin? about things. The thing is, with us bein? there, as much as it is a help (politically speakin?) it could all back-fire on all of us. U.S. involvement or not; no matter what anyone does, or doesn?t do over there, for good or ill; all it?ll take is one man, in exactly the wrong place, at the wrong time, doin? the wrong thing, and it could all go up in smoke. That?s how dangerous the situation is. Whether the U.S. is involved or not. Someone could literally light a match at just the wrong time? I don?t know about you, but with a war like that buildin? up, I?d wanta have some say-so inna matter.

Bush or Kerry or anyone else like that? They couldn?t stop it, they couldn?t make it any worse. Appeasement hasn?t stopped any of it. Diplomacy hasn?t stopped any of it. Economic sanctions hasn?t stopped any of it. That?s all been tried fer decades. Puttin? a democracy or two in the region could keep it all from sparkin? off. It?s a desperate act that could, maybe?possibly?perhaps?might?keep the whole world from destruction. Whether anyone inna Western Hemisphere were directly involved or not, such a war in that hemisphere will destroy us all.

The real world is a dangerous place, folks. It?s time that you grew up and faced it.

Oh,. That end-times, stuff? I was just lettin? ya know that it?s spring-time is all.

Warm up yer coffee, folks. It?s a new day. We?ve got another chance to get it right. We?ve got another opportunity to get ?er all sorted out. Make sure ya take advantage of it.
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