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Old 09-12-2004, 03:40 AM
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A Deep-Pocketed Kerry Partisan Who Can't Keep His Stories Straight

Under Oath, Barnes Testified He Had No Contact With Bush Family Concerning National Guard. "Ben Barnes, then the speaker of the Texas House, said in 1999 that Sidney Adger, a Houston businessman and longtime friend of the Bush family whose son also won a slot in the 147th, had asked him to help get....... WHAT A POLL CAT THIS GUY IS !!!!!!!
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Old 09-12-2004, 06:43 AM
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Default Let the record reflect....

... that Ben Barnes is no relation to me by any stretch of either the imagination or genetics. Furthermore, let the record reflect that he's not my type of Texan, as most of us are truthful, decent, integrity-laced gentlemen and geltlewomen. Facts be known, Ben is disliked around these parts almost is much as his political granddaddy, and the mentor of all liars, Lyndon B. Johnson.


Brice H. Barnes
A True Texan, through and through
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 09-12-2004, 09:05 AM
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Thank you.Now get your Flack Jacket on because your going to needit.Godspeed and Keep your head low...


Thomas Jefferson, Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: "In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."
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Old 09-12-2004, 12:15 PM
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Default exlrrp....

Of course: "CBS sticks to its story",...just like wannabe and/or: "Recapture The White House" Kerry does.
Hey, no people like coming-across as purposefully lying and hypocritical fools and/or phonies,...much less career politicos or career hacks.

Regardless, and no matter what liars you believe, one thing is for certain. Such being, in that during The Vietnam Era NO additional American Deaths and Wounded (and there were many additional), or additional excessive POW Tortures could be attributed to President Bush by his actions, unarguably MANY ADDITIONAL OCCURED DUE TO THE LIKES of Jane Fonda, Bill Clinton and: "Recapture The White House" JOHN KERRY's actions.

Hope I cleared things up somewhat for some tunnel-visioned and/or Myopic Dem Dupes?

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Old 09-12-2004, 02:20 PM
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Vet: Kerry coerced me to testify of atrocities
Renounces participation in 1971 'Winter Soldier Investigation'

A combat veteran who testified to war crimes during the 1971 "Winter Soldier Investigation" has filed an affidavit claiming John Kerry and other leaders of Vietnam Veterans Against the War coerced him into making false claims.

Steve Pitkin during 1971 Winter Soldier Investigation (

Steve Pitkin, who was 20 at the time, says he rode from Washington, D.C., to Detroit in January 1971 with Kerry and another leader, Scott Camil, who had persuaded him to join in the probe that formed the basis of the future presidential candidate's testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee later that year.

Pitkin's renunciation of his participation in the Detroit event was reported by Scott Swett, the primary author of, which documents Kerry's role in VVAW. Swett also is the webmaster for the website of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the group of 254 veterans who contend their fomer colleague, Kerry, is unfit to be commander in chief.

On the second day of the Detroit conference, Pitkin said, he was surrounded by a group of the event's leaders, who said they needed more witnesses and wanted him to speak.

According to Swett, Pitkin protested he had nothing to say, prompting Kerry's response, "Surely you had to have seen some of the atrocities."

Swett writes:

Pitkin insisted that he hadn't, and the group's mood turned menacing. One of the other leaders leaned in and whispered, "It's a long walk back to Baltimore." Pitkin finally agreed to "testify." The Winter Soldier leaders told Pitkin exactly what they wanted ? stories about rape, brutality, shooting prisoners and racism. Kerry assured him that "the American people will be grateful for what you have to say."
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Old 09-12-2004, 04:36 PM
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Today at a rally in D.C. put on by Vietnam Veterans for theTruth Steve Pitkin stood before hundreds of Vietnam Veteransandapologized for his actions.Before he could barely get the words out of his mouth those Veterans along with family members begand to call out.."You're forgiven." I really have no words to describe how proud I was of all them.

That's as real as it gets.


Thomas Jefferson, Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: "In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."
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Old 09-12-2004, 07:04 PM
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Default Steve Pitkin Apologizes at DC Rally

Steve Pitkin and the Winter Soldiers, Scott Swett tells the story of a former VVAW member and participant in the Winter Soldier Investigation who has now filed an affidavit stating that John Kerry and others pressured him to give false testimony about American atrocities in Vietnam.

I watched Steve Pitkin tell his story & apologized to Viet Nam Veterans on c-span during the DC Rally against John Kerry today & I have no malice against this man. To me it was evident he was coerced by the VVAW to give the false testimony.

John Kerry is the one who needs to apologize. I believe his apology if ever given would set next to Hanoi Jane Fonda's with most Viet Nam Vet's. Jim Bishop
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Old 09-12-2004, 07:09 PM
zuni_rocket zuni_rocket is offline
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Default Americans nationwide need to DEMAND accountability !

ALERT: Reports are now exploding across newspapers,
television and the internet that CBS News, led by blatantly
biased Dan Rather, used forged documents during a "60
Minutes" segment Wednesday night in an incompetent attempt
to smear President George W. Bush's National Guard service.
Clearly phony, these "new" documents were easily debunked
overnight by solid evidence from forensic document experts,
typographers and retired military officers.

Closer examination quickly proved the supposedly 30-year-
old documents were generated in a modern-day typeface from
a printer, not a typewriter, negating CBS News' excuse
that the documents were aired because they passed
handwriting analysis.

Yet Dan Rather PUSHED to air the groundless smear in an
obvious attempt to counter President Bush's jump in the
polls. As evidence of fraud mounts, Rather and the network
have refused to name their source OR their expert who
supposedly "authenticated" the documents.

At BEST, Rather and the CBS News staff are guilty of gross
incompetence by allowing their desire to smear the President
outweigh their professional duty to properly check the facts.
At WORST, CBS News may be guilty of deliberately reporting
what they knew to be false, and engaging in libel and
slander against the President of the United States during
a time of war.

Americans nationwide need to DEMAND accountability from
the media -- and we've set up an easy way for you to do
just that.

TAKE ACTION: You can click through below to use (or edit)
our online letter, demanding that CBS News release the
name(s) of its sources and air a retraction as the
documents are proved to be forgeries. Tell the network to
drop its blatant anti-Bush bias and stop trying to sway
the election with unethical and unprofessional "reporting."

Furthermore, IF anchor Dan Rather pushed this story because
of his bias, he deserves to be FIRED -- so you might even
want to ask CBS to dump him NOW and clean house, so that
CBS News can offer fair and balanced reporting worthy of
regaining public trust.

Let's go right to the TOP -- click below to contact CBS
CEO Leslie Moonves himself (a copy will also be sent
directly to CBS News):

NOTE: Be sure to forward this Alert to everyone you know
who's sick of seeing the leftist mainstream media attacking
President Bush with unfounded -- even forged -- allegations,
simply in order to defeat him in the election. Thank you!
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Old 09-13-2004, 07:55 AM
Seascamp Seascamp is offline
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The presumption that CBS is trying to flog is that Rather is an ethical elder statesman of journalism. It then follows that he wouldn?t purposefully set out to deceive, etc., etc. Maybe so, maybe not, but what has been served up is classical and typical CBS slash and burn journalism as was perfected by Mike Wallace. CBS has never been all that concerned with the truth so much as driving a self-generated hypothesis. That isn?t all that hard to do when the emphasis is on presenting only items that support the hypothesis and rejecting all that is contrary to the hypothesis. In other circles it?s called dogma or sometimes propaganda. I just call it CBS or BS for short. If Rather is genuinely pissed-off, he might best direct his ire inward and put the patented and institutionalized Wallace style journalism up on the rack and see what they really have going on in the CBS skunk works . Alas, it?s called entertainment and has been cut loose from the grappling hooks of fact-based journalism long ago.
In industry a joke going around for years has been the attention getter where someone says, ?hey, Mike Wallace is at the front gate and wants to talk to you?. :ek:

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 09-13-2004, 08:51 AM
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From Wire Services.

by Salvador Peralta

published on September 13, 2004

Bush's Guard Service and the Right Wing's Mythology

On Wednesday of this week, CBS's 60 Minutes aired a segment which shed some light on President Bush's failure to fulfill his military obligations to the Texas Air National Guard. 60 Minutes Later, the Right Wing punditry started to respond...

The documentation that 60 Minutes used as the basis for their story included the following:

A memo ordering Bush to take a physical

A memo discussing "options of how Bush can get out of coming to drill from now through November." And that due to other commitments "he may not have time."

A document suspending Bush for "failure to perform to U.S. Air Force/Texas Air National Guard standards and for failure to take his annual physical as ordered."

A memo from Bush's squadron commander where "he is being pressured by higher-ups to give the young pilot a favorable yearly evaluation; to, in effect, sugarcoat his review. He refuses, saying, 'I'm having trouble running interference and doing my job.'"

Within hours of the airing of the 60 Minutes segment, a user named "Buckhead" posted to a web site asserting that proportionally-spaced fonts were not common in 1972, and that the 60 Minutes story was a forgery.

This post was picked up on the blog, and went from there to the CyberSpace News Service where it spread via the drudgereport from whence it was sucked into the right wing press outlets such as Fox news and the Weekly Standard as gospel before finally making it's finally into the mainstream media including the AP, LA Times, and Washington Post.

Holding aside the journalistic credibility of the original sources for this story, "" and "Buckhead", a cursory glance at the facts of the matter show that the entire right wing line is built on a foundation of decepton. The general line of the right wing attack machine is as follows:

Don't deny the story outright. Just raise the possibility that the documents *might* be faked. This gives partisans something to latch onto and a talking point to start regurgitating in the right wing press. Repeat the lie often enough and some people will regard it as the truth.

Of course, that only works if people don't take the time to debunk the lies. So with that in mind, let's deconstruct the four major planks of the right wing's attack on the 60 Minutes Story:

1. Times New Roman Fonts did not exist in 1972

The Times New Roman font was developed in 1931 by Stanley Morison, Typographical Advisor to the Monotype Corporation who adapted the font to the IBM selectric Typewriter in 1947.

2. Documents back then didn't have superscripted 'th' characters

Superscripted fonts appear on other documents in Bush's flight school record, and had been available on IBM electric typewriters since 1947. See here..............

3. The document used proportional spacing which was not available in 1972

Proportional spacing had been available on typewriters since 1941. Press advertisements dating back to 1952 and 1953 suggest that the feature was widely available, and was even used on Richard Nixon's resignation letter in 1974.

4. The document used curlycue apostrophes which did not exist on typewriters in 1972.

Print advertisements for the IBM Exectuive typewriter show that curlycue apostrophes were used as early as 1953. See here...........

Proof that the air force was using typewriters capable of producing documents as early as 1966 can be found here........

The story is a cautionary tale about the effectiveness of the right wing smear machine at obfuscating facts and using outright lies to manipulate the public and to punish those who attempt to hold President Bush accountable for his actions.

Another right-wing false "myth" "DE-BUNKED"!



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

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