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Old 08-31-2006, 04:29 PM
39mto39g 39mto39g is offline

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The point to these to guys is that there were no charges filed against them , yet the FBI wants to not let them come back to The US.
I can see it if there were charges filed but there were none.
Im not trying to defend them, I said in the first post, shot them in where they are. But that doesn't address the fundimental rights of US citizens, When your not charged with anything and the FBI is messing with you , whos to say whos next.

Frankly, Bricy, you make me sick with your simplistic lunacy.
You can't have a disscussion on subject, just what are you hear for? I don't come to your thread and try to degrade you or what you say , so stop doing on my thread.

These two have no charges against them, and they are citizens of the United States,
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Old 08-31-2006, 04:55 PM
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Default Hey Booger!

You jelly-filled donut-eatin' terrorist!

Hey ronnie: when you equate our basic training with that of terrorists camps, I have to wonder about your mental stability. Then by extension, since we completed basic combat training, are we then terrorists? Is that the discussion you wanted? Do you consider yourself on the same scale as a terrorist? Or do you even partially or fully understand the definition of a terrorist?

Why don't you just save us all the trouble, and start your babbling posts with..."In the opinion of a highly trained terrorist...."
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 08-31-2006, 05:48 PM
Seascamp Seascamp is offline
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Maybe citizenship and illegal acts are separate issues that have some intersecting area. I don?t know the exact wording or status, but I believe that being involved with a foreign military organization without authorization is grounds for loss of citizenship and deportation. Al Qaeda certainly qualifies so what are those two doing still hanging out here, seems like Afghanistan or Pakistan would be the hot set-up and they could go nose- to-nose and toes-to-toes with guys with guns and do it up properly.
But probably they prefer unarmed civilians caught unawares. But all is not lost, they have bunches of those in Afghanistan, especially young girls trying to get an education. The standard fare is to rape them and then maim them. Cutting off noses and ears, etc., seems to be the popular thing to do, sort of a pleasure then business kind of deal, I figure.

But closer to home, our home-grown terrorists seem to evade terrorist status and are prosecuted under actual crimes committed, or the clever ones run off to Canada when the law is hot on their trail. We got the ELF, the ALF and now the emerging Aztlan. The two former are arsonist?s cowards and Aztlan talks the terror talk, but doesn?t walk the walk, yet.
Previously we had the SDS Weathermen and they were killers, but the klutzes killed more of their own than innocents, but ?for the people.?
Then there was the SLA and their specialty was murder and bank robbery, but ?for the people?, of course. Their last ?heroic? revolutionary act was to blow away a Church Secretary who?s only crime against ?the people? was to be standing in a bank line to deposit tithe monies. Ay sus, a point-blank shotgun blast to the chest for no reason at all, but ?for the people.?
In 2002, the remaining SLA perps were rounded up and put to trial. Guilty of murder and bank robbery, slam the gavel drops. Six years is what they got, six years. California is mighty light on leftist terrorists and those five SLA pathetic sub-culture butchers will be back on the street in a year or so. The alleged trigger person that blew away the Church Secretary had been hiding out as the wife of a wealthy Physician; living in the lap of luxury but ?for the people?, and the apparent ring leader was hiding out as a small job flooring contractor in Eugene, Oregon. That feisty, pip-squeak, ginger haired Mick, bandy roster, should never see the light of day again. But he?ll be back but probably with skull cap and prayer rug this time around, but for ?Allah? instead of ?the people.?

So the beat goes on and on, ad nausea. Same meat, different gravy, but in my acquiescence to the PC culture, I finally accept the term ?Freedom Fighter? in lieu of ?terrorist?. Way cool, but in exact context I view it as nothing more than the term ?Crime Fighter ?. So in my new found PC ness, I assume I?m allowed to substitute the concept of ?against? instead of ?for?. That works for me and I guess I get to be a Liberal now, eh.

Cuba Libre Domingo Scamp :cl:
I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 08-31-2006, 05:48 PM
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Im on a health kick....No black coffee for me....I dunk my jelly filled in Mountain Dew!!!!
Bob K. AKA bOOger

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Old 08-31-2006, 05:59 PM
39mto39g 39mto39g is offline

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Your so stupid that you must think a terrorist camp makes cookies or something, Hint, You get taught to kill. United States Army Training is better but same Principal.
If we ever meet you'll get a chance to see close up my mental stability.

Just stop talking to me , jerk.

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Old 09-01-2006, 01:51 AM
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I don't think that being a citizen of this country gives you the right to go to an enemy training camp and then not expect to get detained, deported, or placed under scrutny by security forces of the U.S. Also in Infantry school I was never taught how to shoot children in the back, murder innocent people, or blow myself up in a school. By your logic, all our airline pilots are also trained terrorists because they learned to fly. I do agree that shooting them in Pakistan would have been fine.


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Old 09-01-2006, 03:00 AM
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I guess we can classify everyone who has drivers license as terrorists.
Bob K
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Old 09-01-2006, 03:08 AM
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Tipical Cop....wanting to give tickets to all of us. How disgusting. Hey, pass me a donut and hmmm, what's that? a mountain dew?


"DISSENT IS PATRIOTIC!" (unknown people for the past 8 years, my turn now)
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Old 09-01-2006, 03:48 AM
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Let's see if I can figure this out. An American citizen goes off to another nation on vacation and we ain't gonna let him back because he went to the wrong spa. Were we watching him at the spa?
In WW2 we took every American citizen of Japanese decent and sent them off to re-education (concentration) camps until we had blown up enough of their ancesteral homeland and theEmporor of that homeland had to concede defeat. We were wrong for what we did to those Americans of Japanese decent then but at least we held them IN America and after the war we imported everything that we could out of said ancesteral homeland to rebuild that country.
Now, if I'm an American, I am FREE to go where I want to go unless the American peoples representative government tells me that I can not go there. If I choose to go there against that governments edict I will be charged by the American Judicial system when I am within their custody.
We just gave a super child molesting pervert a free ticket half way 'round the world on a lie. He got exactly what he wanted along with his perverted fifteen minutes of fame along with champagne and steak but we brought him back to the United States where we would be able to arrest and charge him and he would only have Bubba in the Hoosegow to play with his talleywacker and the children of Tailand would be free of his terror.
Go ahead and let American come back to America and be placed under the watchful eye of the man with the donut under Americas truest sense of liberty and justice.

B.T.W. Because they qualified me on the range theytaught me how to CYA. They also taught me to not shoot back unless either I was ordered to, I was defending myself, or I was defending AMERICAN ideals andthat did not make me a "Terrorist." It only taught me how to bring down terrorto those that that attack those ideals.
With LIBERTY and JUSTICE for all
thanks to the brave who serve their Country
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Old 09-01-2006, 04:40 AM
39mto39g 39mto39g is offline

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You guys just take a little peace of whats said and turn it into whatever you wish.
The whole point of this disscussion was that these two are US citizens and they have not been charged.
I got no problem with holding them, but to hold them you must also charge them, otherwise the FBI is just holding them because they look arab decent.
And the terrorist camp thing. Now your stretching things, Being taught how to kill is in principal the same thing that is being taught in terrorist camps and US basic training. I didn't say the US militart teaches exactly the same thing as being taught in a terrorist camp.
The term terrorist is just a name that is being coined by people being attacked. These people go to training and get trained how to kill. The rules of war are our rules not there rules, so they don't follow our rules and then they are terrorist? To people in the UNITED STATES if you don't follow the rules, then your some kind of bad terrorist.
In WW2 we had very few rules and thats why we won that war, When we killed 1,000s of non combatants we were not labled as terrorist, because we are the ones doing the lableing.
Whats the difference between a rocket falling on Israel or a bomb falling on Tokyo? The rocket came from terrorist and the bomb came from liberators?
The effect is the same, non combatants die and WE get to put labels on which ever we chose. And the American people go on there merry way, Doo, Doo, Doo to Do.

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