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Old 06-16-2008, 09:11 PM
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Default Sorry Curtis

Originally Posted by SEATJERKER View Post

...Gimp, out side of beating the drum to the one, and only tune of John McCain's voting record regarding disabled veterans, I will agree that those numbers do not favor what is right, and what should been done, but what was the chance on those bills, or Hr's on the table not being "up to snuff" to vote in favor of them,...

... and second, outside of the "drum" issue, Do you really feel secure with Obama leading the charge to protect our borders, and above that, taking on the responsabilities of possibly the whole world with his limited 'outside experience" on the issues that the world is up against. I think he'd be a great Vice president for a term under a seasoned president,...

...I don't see him as having the Guts to stand up, and kick the door in to find the bad guys,..


But I have to disagree with you.

I can give you some sites where you can judge for yourself, along with references for some other critical votes. EVERY VETERAN...should be FULLY AWARE of just how BAD John McCains' voting record on "Veterans Issues" (and many other critical issuesa) really is. And how he "compares" with OTHER Senators----ON THE SAME VOTES!

The DAV has been accumulating evidence of "roll call votes" for many years now. You can go here to see their evidence:

And go to the "links" below to see the most recent evidence of "roll call votes"....

U.S. Senate
109th Congress, Second Session

U.S. Senate
109th Congress, First Session\\

U.S. Senate
108th Congress, Second Session

And, for further clarification, I offer the following.

John McCain is treading in the footsteps of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and is sending a razor-sharp message to the fighting men and women of America.

It's written in script-letters of grimy dust along the floors and walls of many understaffed and underfunded VA and military hospitals (remember Walter Reed???).

It's spelled out in the invisible ink of the GI Bill that's still not passed across the Presidents desk (Bush claims he will VETO it!) -- the critically-important Webb/Hagel bill, sponsored by two gutsy Senators (and veterans) with the courage not to quit in the face of cold-blooded Bush/Cheney/McCain resistance.

That secret message is everywhere the American soldier and veteran looks nowadays.

But it's a secret message that's not really all that secret -- it goes something like this: pssst. Hey guys & gals. Come. Be All You Can Be. We'll sing you national anthems and write you flowery speeches. We'll solemnly call you the pride of a nation, the Best of the Best, as we Stop-Loss you back to Iraq for tour after tour. But then, damn it--if you DO manage somehow to keep your ass from gettin' blown up, and find your way back home, you're on your own. Understand?

To which That Happy Warrior, John McCain, might add: This is America, "my friends!" Do what I did! Marry some billionaire good-lookin' chick, and you won't NEED health-care for your war injuries!

Over and over, McCain has chosen tax-breaks for the rich over the desperate needs of our wounded GIs. Whatever his private reasons, in addition to fighting non-stop to block the GI bill, McCain has -- as reported by Aaron Glantz, author of The War Comes Home and is shown in The Congressional Record of "roll call votes".

-- voted against nearly every effort to increase funding for healthcare and disability benefits for wounded soldiers

-- voted against the interests of disabled American veterans 80 percent of the time

-- received a D+ voting grade from the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (when Obama got a B+)

--consistently voted against expanding mental healthcare and readjustment counseling for service members returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, efforts to expand treatment for injured veterans, and proposals to lower co-payments and enrollment fees veterans must pay to obtain prescription drugs.

--received substandard ratings from ALL THE MILITARY SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS.

And this is something most folks seem to forget....... that this ex-fighter/bomber-pilot NEVER lifted a finger to help his Arizona constituent, Mary Tillman, as she struggled valiantly -- through one Pentagon lie after another -- in a lonely quest to find out what really killed her heroic son Pat Tilman.

Some maverick, huh?

For our suffering, sick & disabled vets, the "Straight Talk Express" is a runaway train that SHOULD be called ..."The NO HELP Express"....bound to Nowhere.

Many anti-War groups make it clear that while they oppose the war, they support our troops.---

McCain's real campaign slogan ought to be: I support the war, but I oppose our troops.---

One would, however, anticipate that, as a veteran, one of the planks he would stand front and center on his "platform" would be support of those in our military, especially those who have borne the burden of the battle.

BUT.........his voting record in Congress CLEARLY PROVES this is NOT TRUE!

And, you want to take a peek at how he's voted on some other issues . . . say, children's issues, for example?

The Children’s Defense Fund Action Council (a nonpartisan evaluator of congress), in just ONE YEAR--- 2007----they gave McCain only a 10% rating, the very worst in the senate! Here’s what he voted against:

Increase funding for children with disabilities (S. Con. Res. 21)...........
Protect children from unsafe medications (S. 1082)..........
SCHIP Reauthorization (H.R. 976)...........
College Cost Reduction and Access Act (H.R. 2669)..........
SCHIP (H.R. 976 - motion to concur).........
DREAM Act (S. 2205).........
Funding child health and education (H.R. 3043).........
Improving Head Start programs (H.R. 1429)..........

And per the Congressional Record, so far this session alone he has missed 57 percent of all senate votes and 80% of all relating to children.

This guy is NOT---who he CLAIMS to be!

But, back to Veterans......... The Republicans (and McCain) over the past twelve years or so (especially the past seven under George Bush) have tried to run the VA on the cheap, and refused continually to pass legislation that would properly fund the VA programs necessary that would provide the benefits improvements, health care & services which were so desperately needed.

And, in the meantime the veterans and their families, end up lacking adequate benefits & health care. Many veterans actually are dying while awaiting a decision on their claims for disability benefits due the the increase in waiting times for adjudication of their claims!

Many become homeless, lose their cars, their dignity, their credit ratings and many ending up in divorce. How can destroying veterans and their families be advantageous to America?

This is not information that John McCain or many of the republican candidates or their campaigns are going to lay out there, I imagine they don't want to be seen impugning a war hero. Well, sorry.....but when it comes to my family, my health and my wallet, I will tell it like it is. And tell the TRUTH!

Truth that EVERY veteran should be aware of!




"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

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Old 06-17-2008, 01:36 PM
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Default Gimpy,...

Since quite obvious that you stupidly don't or purposefully won't admit that: "The Darlings
of The Press/Media" and/or Dems are now in TOTAL CONTROL of U.S. Congress and all
legislation for a year and about a half,...people should sneak-a-peek at some of those
super-duper Obama voting records that you absurdly deem quite favorable.

I checked a few out and immediately noticed what you fail disclosing, since no doubt making
your new political god Obama not look very good for all We Americans.
Barack's WONDERFUL (according to you) voting record (EVEN THOUGH QUITE SHORT TIME)
usually coincides with MINORITY of Extreme Left wing and/or Leftists, as known worldwide.

Whereas, McCain's LONGTIME votings are & have been more so similar to MAJORITY, or both
Democrat & Republican Votes.

Thus, and If one were to believe you, it would be fair saying that the overwhelmingly vast
majority of U.S. Senators have just as lousy of voting records, John McCain.

Orrrrrrrrrrrrr,...that only senators voting to Your, DNC, UN, Mexican, Middle Eastern or
America's Leftist Wartime Undermining Crowd likings,...should be deemed FAVORABLE.


P.S. Gimpy,
Call me all the names you like, since makes you & clique look sillier & childlike, then already are.
Appreciate your exposing Dem Majority of U.S. Congress as Vindictively Sore WINNERS, also.
Granted, Dems in general not as despicably Vindictive as ex-Presidents Carter & Clinton.
But,...Vindictively: "Bush Hating" enough.
My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.

Last edited by reconeil; 06-17-2008 at 02:55 PM.
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Old 06-17-2008, 09:10 PM
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Default What????????????????

Originally Posted by reconeil View Post
Since quite obvious that you stupidly don't or purposefully won't admit that: "The Darlings
of The Press/Media" and/or Dems are now in TOTAL CONTROL of U.S. Congress and all
legislation for a year and about a half,...people should sneak-a-peek at some of those
super-duper Obama voting records that you absurdly deem quite favorable.

I checked a few out and immediately noticed what you fail disclosing, since no doubt making
your new political god Obama not look very good for all We Americans.
Barack's WONDERFUL (according to you) voting record (EVEN THOUGH QUITE SHORT TIME)
usually coincides with MINORITY of Extreme Left wing and/or Leftists, as known worldwide.

Whereas, McCain's LONGTIME votings are & have been more so similar to MAJORITY, or both
Democrat & Republican Votes.

Thus, and If one were to believe you, it would be fair saying that the overwhelmingly vast
majority of U.S. Senators have just as lousy of voting records, John McCain.

Orrrrrrrrrrrrr,...that only senators voting to Your, DNC, UN, Mexican, Middle Eastern or
America's Leftist Wartime Undermining Crowd likings,...should be deemed FAVORABLE.


P.S. Gimpy,
Call me all the names you like, since makes you & clique look sillier & childlike, then already are.
Appreciate your exposing Dem Majority of U.S. Congress as Vindictively Sore WINNERS, also.
Granted, Dems in general not as despicably Vindictive as ex-Presidents Carter & Clinton.
But,...Vindictively: "Bush Hating" enough.

Neil-----------you're FULL OF $HIT!

You checked out a "few" of them huh?

What'd you do, pick out a "few" where you saw McCain voting with a few Democrats and repugs that would support you're ridiculous statement?

Did you take the time to "check out" the "ratings" given to McCain by The Disabled American Veterans, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, The American Legion, The Vietnam Veterans of America, ect, etc.? I guess not, right? Because IF you DID you'd have to admit you're FULL OF CRAP!

No matter WHAT you're attempting to "spin" that would seem to justify McCains PISS-POOR voting record-----------his ( and the majority of republicans in Congress) DOCUMENTED VOTING RECORD is right there in black & white, in the Congressional Record.

Damn man, can't you even SEE how astonishingly stupid you sound?

Neither YOU nor McSame can undo, ignore or SPIN his record in any fashion that would show where he has been anything BUT an outright adversary that continually votes AGAINST improvements to VA benefits and VA health care!

It is in the PUBLIC RECORD for ALL to see.

Just because you're such a partisan hack and RNC "kool aid" drinking, right wing radical DOES NOT CAHNGE THESE F-A-C-T-S!




"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
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Old 06-19-2008, 02:52 PM
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Default Gimpy,...

Your usual DNC: "Attack Dog Hack" gutteral nonsense aside,
typically echoed perversions for advancing Democrat Political Lords
or Supremacists over Republican/Conservative Representatives
or BELIEVED. Twist, spin & name call all you like (the DNC norm).
Hell, even perpetually duped Democrat Voters must realize that.

Granted, YOU don't lie, twist & pervert truths near as well as Democrat Notables normally
do in press or on TV. Such are more deviously subtle and not as stupidly obvious and
transparent as YOU ALWAYS ARE. Not near as vile & vicious, either.

So then, and for differently being informed Honestly and not by Standard Democrat
Political Supremacist Bull or: "Pie in sky" fairytales,...The Public should look elsewhere.
Currently a good spot for doing just that, would be in The National Review magazine.

There's a great article in it titled:"Obama's America is September 10th America" by
Author/Editor McCarthy, whom also happens to be Director of The Center for Law &
This guy can be believed. Both Barack & Gimpy cannot.

Sorry, Gimpy. But as usual and given your typical: "DEM Attack Dog" Mentality mode
and/or personal attacking or standard DNC character assassinating manner,
basically or pretty-much ask for it.

Soooooooooooooooooo,...Please Enjoy.

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.

Last edited by reconeil; 06-19-2008 at 03:36 PM.
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Old 06-19-2008, 05:59 PM
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Default The "National Review"??????????????

Who in their right mind would believe something be distributed by THAT RIGHT-RING RAG?????

What you STILL fail to recognize is:................

"unsourced" certainty is not proof,
Insistence is not fact,
Opinion is not evidence,
and most of all,
Arrogance is not credibility

And YOUR "CREDIBILITY" is shot to hell around here!

You "radicals" will never learn,.........will ya?

F-A-C-T-S........trump........B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T.....every single time!




"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
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Old 06-20-2008, 09:00 AM
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Default Gimp or Gimpy,...

You Fanatical Leftist Ideologues are absolutely amazing
with your Gall & Typically Contemptuous Unity in Deceit!!!

Yeah, sure? According to YOU & OTHER America Underminers of The Left, the longtime
reputable National Review magazine is a: "RIGHT-RING RAG".

WHEREAS,...all overall intelligence insulting and purposefully duplicitous writings or displays
like The Obama Book, all Democrat Publications, Daily Koz, Huffington Post, Al Jazeera, Koran,
Mein Kampf and Mao's; "Little Red Book" are diffently pretty-much deemed; "Gospel",........
Shunning, Ostrosizing or Excommunication by Your Herdsmen,...or worse and/or just like
defecting from Islam.

In that context Gimpy,...GET REAL, fool.
Or, as: "The Party of Lincoln" namesake or Old Abe and/or Slave Emmancipator once wisely
stated: ".............................You can't fool ALL The People ALL the time".

So Gimpy,...give it a break. Try being Honest and less DNC programmed, for-a-change.
The People overall and in general aren't just stupidly-gullible: "Marks".

Besides, I must believe that all Sane Americans would much prefer unifying leaders for We
Americans for defeating & destroying Fanatically Radical Islam & Surviving,...rather than
voting for wannabes of quite suspect intent, credibility & allegiance whom longtime hell-bent
at: "Recapturing The White House AT ANY COST to America". Would be a sin to force
such on The US. Military, ALSO.

Democrat Leaders instead preferring to chit-chat with our obviously would be mass-murderers
while MANY Muslims worldwide are Avowed to Allah for doing just that,...not all
that very bright either. That's why I personally believe that all Power & Control Hungry
Democrats...are just-plain-nuts. What good is Power & Control OVER RUBBLE?

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.
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Old 06-20-2008, 04:44 PM
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Default ????????

Originally Posted by reconeil View Post
[b][size=4]So Gimpy,...give it a break. Try being Honest and less DNC programmed, for-a-change.The People overall and in general aren't just stupidly-gullible: "Marks".


I'm still waiting (as I'm SURE many other folks around here are as well) for YOU to show us ALL where any of my postings about John McCains "voting record" is "dishonest"????????

You have as yet --- NEVER ----NOT ONE SINGLE TIME --- EVER ---- shown me or anyone ELSE a damn thing that would "contradict" the F-A-C-T-S I've posted about McCain???

The onlt thing "dishonest" in this thread is YOUR SILLY ATTEMPTS at undermining these "F-A-C-T-S" with your continued rantings and ravings with NO CREDIBLE, VERIFIABLE "SOURCE" EVIDENCE to the CONTRARY of what I've presented for everyones inspection!

Until you can do so, I'll NOT "give it a break"........SHOW US THE DOCUMENTED, "VERIFIABLE" EVIDENCE that PROVES, without a doubt, your ridiculous denial of what I HAVE POSTED?


You WON'T------simply because --- YOU CAN'T!

The "Congressional Record", the DAV, VFW, VVA, IVAW, American Legion, Retired Enlisted Association, etc., ect., ALL have PROVEN MY CHARGES, are in FACT----F-A-C-T-U-A-L!


Give it your "best shot"......OR SHUT THE F--K UP!

Yo Best Buddy,




"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
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Old 06-20-2008, 06:47 PM
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Default Gimpy,...

YOUR: "...OR SHUT THE F--K UP!" shows exactly how Low Class or
Lowly Breed of: "Attack Dog Dems" normally react when opposed.

Thank You Very Much, usual. Your transparency TO ALL is truly appreciated.
You're a prince.

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.
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Old 06-20-2008, 08:41 PM
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glad you liked it..................

I got more where that came from.





"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
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Old 06-21-2008, 03:17 AM
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O/K guys ...Is it possible to tone down the language ...I personnally don't see reason for ALWAYS bold text as I find it offensive if you are ALWAYS shouting at one enother ...when the thread is like BOLD ...I actually skip the thread because I just can't be botherd reading it ... When you post think about the person TRYING to read it

cheers from DOWN UNDER
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