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Old 01-20-2005, 08:02 PM
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Default Packo & Andy...

Unfortunately, and as honest, forthright, and knowledgeable about the subject of this thread, as you and all others here trying to battle the fanatical DNC's ONE & ONLY Platform and/or "Bush-bashing" political bull s--t, with common sense, sound logic and truths are,...You All are just bucking a quite stubborn brick wall.

After all,...if any staunch Leftist is caught going against The DNC's standard Game Plan of ridiculing, destroying and character assassinating any and all opposition ADNAUSEAM,...such types apparently and finally having developed a conscience, will automatically be shunned.

Such is the normal practice of some tight knit cliques or communities holding fanatically religious beliefs,...just like The Democrats.

Saw one such wild-eyed and exceptionally vindictive type on TV last night. Believe she was called: "Senator Boxer"?
WOW!!!, wouldn't want to meet her in some dark alley,...and especially if being pegged as a Bush Voter. She might go for the jugular.

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Old 01-20-2005, 10:24 PM
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Default Reconeil

James is sharing an opinion held by the majority of my friends, one of my sons and both of my daughter-in-laws. We aren?t going to change each others opinions on the basics but it?s good to get into a healthy debate. I recall one of the biographies on Hitler said that when he was young his mother always agreed with whatever he said. He didn?t get or at least didn?t accept input from others if he did not agree, resulting in some pretty twisted ideas. (I mention Hitler because my daughter-in-law who is half Jewish said, ?I?d rather vote for Hitler than Bush?.

Besides, I?m sad to say the only time I ever talked with James in person I was drunk. So the computer will have to do till the next time.

Stay healthy,
PS: Barb Boxer is only 5?0?. If the two of you meet in a dark alley my money is on you.
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Old 01-20-2005, 10:28 PM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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Default Re: James

Originally posted by Andy James let?s cut to the chase. A local mayor who is about our age was the son of a mayor. He got a deferment from the service in ?68. His dad found a doctor who wrote a note saying that the future mayor was allergic to dust and his draft board bought it. How many tens of thousands of stories are there just like this one? With his dad running the CIA I?m surprised GW went into the reserves even if he didn't take it seriously.

If anyone were to investigate this it would be C.I.D. If there are any violations they are violations of the UCMJ, regardless of who the individual involved is. Fraud has a seven year statute of limitations. 2005 subtract 1972, sorry bout that. Also I did not know that my personal military file was open to the public. Matter of fact, I?ve never seen all my records. I?d love to read my own Article 15 and some of the medical records.

I do not know if the documents are real. Only a document expert, holding the original, could tell if they were real. But if there is no crime (time has run out for a prosecution) why waste the money? You are obviously concerned about tax payers wasting money on Bush in the past, might as well stay consistent.

If Killian did give GW an order and it was never obeyed, it would seem that Killian was a piss poor OIC. When you were a private and your platoon sergeant gave you a lawful order, did you ever just flip him off? If GW wouldn?t get any punishment due to pressure from above, why bother in the first place?

Actually Bush is doing an imitation of my favorite president, Tom Jefferson. In 1802 or 3 a newspaper article ran saying Jefferson had several children with Sally Hemmings, his slave and his sister-in-law. Although the story had legs Jefferson never responded. It was a matter he refused to discuss. Basically that?s just what GW is doing.

James, you referring to GW saying, ??The most disgraceful military record in Presidential history.? There have been 43 presidents. I pointed out two other candidates for that dishonor and you responded by saying, ?I?m not going to compare Bush?s war record to ANYBODY?. Isn?t that a contradiction in logic based on your original post?

Last point: Andy ?By God? Jackson, W.H. Harrison, U.S. Grant, and ?I like? Ike were all war hero?s. Just my own opinion but I think they were all failures as presidents. I do like voting for vets but it sure doesn?t mean they will do a good job.

Stay healthy,
James, you referring to GW saying, ??The most disgraceful military record in Presidential history.? There have been 43 presidents. I pointed out two other candidates for that dishonor and you responded by saying, ?I?m not going to compare Bush?s war record to ANYBODY?. Isn?t that a contradiction in logic based on your original post?

I misspoke myself: I meant I'm not going to waste any more time trying to compare Bush to any one because that is not germane to the issue
The issue is this and i have not gotten an answer yet:
Are the documents I cited above as Bush's suspen sion orders federal documenhts or not.
Youre a cop--there may have been a serious crime commited here: forgery of federal documents and distribution of same? Doesn't that interst you in the least?Doesn't it bother you that someone forged papers libelling your president and that CBS distributed them? Hasn't that forger copmmitted a serio0us crime? Shouldn't he be arrested and prosecuted?? Isn't that the FBI and CID's job??
I'm not asking for an investigation of BUsh's miserable military service--it speaks for itself. I'm demanding an investigatiuon of these possibly forged papers that libel the president!!
Whats up with you conservatives? Afraid that a federal investigation will prove them real?
The FBI could prove these real or fake in short order, they have the best forensic people in the world. All they really have to do is interview the parties under oath to get the story--how much is that going to cost? Just add it to the record deficits that you guys enjoy running up so.
I want a legal opinion--are Bus's suspension orders federal documents or not?? With cops and senior officers here, I should be able to get one?

I'm going to give you guys a little lesson in what we're looking at here.
Killian and Harris falsified documents to cover Bush's exit. Among other things they backdated his exit to look like they didn't suspend him.
Bush was definitely under their command at this time--Killian suspended him on Aug 1st, 1972.
Bush applied for transfer on Sep 5th, 1972--Killian approved it he next day, Hodges a few days later.
This is a smoking gun for Killian
On this paper he approves Bush's transfer to the 187th ojn Sep 5th 1972--Hodges approves it onSep 8th
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Old 01-20-2005, 10:43 PM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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Default OK now look at this one!!

So here we have Killian and Harris in May 1973 giving an OETR on a man they say transferred to another unit on May 15th and never returned.
Look at the document above!! See why Killian and Harris didn't sign their name to this?? This is what Killian was referring to in the CYA document: "I will backdate but not rate" This was as far as Killian gould go to "sugarcoat" Bush's dereliction
Thats exactly what Killian and HArris did--and that is corruption!
This discrpancy shoots down ALL the "He was suspended becuase the F102 RIF' story. If George Bush was suspended for an innocent reason, why do his superiors deny he was there during the time he was being suspended? And why do his confirmation orders specify a flight review board?
This OETR is patently false in that aspect but they sure do deny Bush was in their unit all that time, don't they?
So where was our Georgie?? His "orders" to Alabama were only for 2 weekends, Oct and November 1972. Alabama has NO record of him and everybody denies he was there.
He was getting paid as a pilot all that time--this is fraud!! His points for discharge were rated as a pilot--this is also fraud!!
Where was he and what was he doing?? What actual job was he doing when he was completely disqualified from doing ANYTHING?? (see his discharge)

Oh this a really fine record for you guys to brag about: the weael you elected commander in chief was completly disqualified to do ANYTHING in the miltary and his superiors committed crimes to get his discharge!!
Mighty fine, boys, I hiope youre proud of yourselves!!
There's a lot, lot more!!
Have a nice day!!

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Old 01-20-2005, 10:46 PM
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Default Re: OK now look at this one!!

this didn't come out right
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Old 01-20-2005, 11:13 PM
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Default Smoking gun on Killian and Harris

Sorry about that last postiong error
Consider the document above.

Killian and Hodges definitely knew that Bush was under their command untillSep 15th when his orders to Alabama came.
So they falsified this OETR and backdated it because they wanted it to look like Bush had cleared their unit before they suispended him.
But they didn't sign it because it is obviously false--they had plenty of face time with Bush.
But BUsh didn't get paid at all during this time nor did he show up for training. He COULDN'T show up for training if they were going to put their names to this.

There's more provable falsifications of documents and you'll see them here in due time.
I LOVE cruising therough your little weasel's record. Suspended rrom flying, he ended his career after serving only 5 years, 4 months and 5 days (allegedly!) of a 6 year MSO COMPLETELY unqualified and DISQUALIFIED from his ONLY military job. But what REALLY makes it chickenshit is that, with this miserable a record, he paid people to slander his highly decorated opponent, all the while complimenting that same man's honorable service.
How chickenshit can you get?
I think anyone who would tell lies about another man's combat record is a no morals sonofabitch that would fuck his own mother but when it's done for a little weasel who wasn't man enough to put an NDSM on his record it takes the Roberto Alomar Sportsmanship award of all time. I don't think you'd find many combat vets that would disagree with me on that outside this small group here
Have a nice day!
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Old 01-20-2005, 11:16 PM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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Originally posted by b3196 James
Being a non-politically motivated person who voted for Bush, which probably means I disagree with your way of thinking......I have but one question.....Can I come see you in Oregon at the west coast outing????!!!!

See ya in April
Bob K
You are always welcome in my house
I have many friends that voted for Bush. I don't have any friends that pissed on Kerry's medals.
If you see yourself as my friend you are always welcome, I look forward to it
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Old 01-20-2005, 11:34 PM
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Default Another smoking gun

This is the one that should have been posted above
Killian signs his name to this and then the report goes out over his name backdating this
"I will backdate but not rate" he might as well have been saying: "I'm jeaporadizing my career for a little weasel"
You bet he was pissed at Bush and you bet he ordered him to take his physical and then suspended him--just like Marian Knox said
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Old 01-20-2005, 11:48 PM
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Originally posted by Paco James,

Your a "combat" vet???? How odd on this site. Wow, what was combat like? Sorry I missed it. Next time your back in Vietnam, how about picking up my hip.

You Lost....Kerry Lost....BUSH WON! I rest my case. Have fun with your new life.

Pogue Packo
More non sequiter. Its not about who won or lost its about who weaseled out of his service. America lost when they got a Commander in Cjhief who is completely unqualified to do anything in the military. Next time you see your weasel in a flight jacket with wings on think what a wannabe he is--he sure wasn't authorized to wear them when he left.
You know dam well I'm a combat vet--does it bother you I claim that? Think I don't have the right to say that? I know any medal on a liberal gets you mad--Ive seen you slander every Vietnam vet that went up against your man, youre 2 for 2. For a little weasel that wsn't man enough to put an NDSM on his record (or TAFMS medal either, ROTFLMAO)
Bush's chickenshit record-- No medals at all, and completely disqualified from doing ANYTHING in the military makes even Al Gore look like Audie Murphy. Anybody who got the NDSM looks like a hero compered to your man--how do you call this honorable?

The next time I'm in Vietnam I'm going check to see if "John Kerry's face is in their Hall Of Heroes"
If its not, we're going to talk again about this
Have a nice day
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Old 01-21-2005, 04:07 AM
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I am also a "combat" vet and will vote for whomever I choose. Your not the only one on this site and more combat vets, on this site, voted for Bush than your boy Kerry. Go figure. You also know damn well that it not only does not bother me for you to say that, and I believe you have the right to say whatever the hell you want to. It is when you put it in the context you did that I get a bit testy.

Bush earned the right to wear a flight jacket.....He flew jets. Didn't hear any whinning from your side when Clinton wore one. You know Clinton, the guy who protested in the Soviet Union, dishonered him self by avoiding reserve duty, and wrote that he Loathed the Military.

Kerry gets a Silver Star for killing a wounded Gook and a Marine in Iraq could get 20 years for the same thing. Why hasn't Kerry jumped in to defend that poor grunt instead of going to Syria and kissing ass? Would have thought your boy would jump at the chance to talk about his heroic service again. Let him "report for duty" to help that Marine.


"DISSENT IS PATRIOTIC!" (unknown people for the past 8 years, my turn now)
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