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Old 03-16-2011, 02:52 PM
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The Justice Department Fix Is In

Posted By J. Christian Adams On March 16, 2011 @ 12:00 am In Crime,US News | 31 Comments

The New Black Panther fix is in. I have learned through sources inside and outside the Department of Justice that the long-awaited internal report on the New Black Panther voter intimidation dismissal is done, and sensible Americans aren’t going to be happy. In essence, it will adopt the outrageous position of Attorney General Eric Holder when he testified to Congressman Frank Wolf’s Appropriations subcommittee a few weeks ago: all this fuss about the New Black Panther dismissal does a disservice to his people, or to quote the attorney general at the hearing, “my people.”

I am told that the report is now being transmitted to the deputy attorney general.

The whitewash is authored by the DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR). While it sounds like an impartial shop, it isn’t. In January 2009, Attorney General Michael Mukasey blasted the draft OPR report about the John Yoo and James Bybee terror interrogation investigation as a “hatchet job.” OPR tried to ram through their sloppy work in the final days [1] of the Bush administration and General Mukasey would have none of it. The repudiation was consistent with OPR’s sordid history of omitting relevant investigative facts and inventing legal standards that don’t exist.

Congressmen Frank Wolf and Lamar Smith have been demanding documents and explanations about the New Black Panther case for almost two years. In response, DOJ opened the OPR investigation. But OPR is now headed by Robin Ashton. Ashton, according to multiple sources who have worked alongside her, is a militant leftist partisan. She actually left DOJ to do a detail on the Senate Judiciary Committee for Senator Patrick Leahy. Hans von Spakovsky wrote this piece [2] in which he describes Ashton’s bizarre behavior, such as searching through co-workers’ desks.

Holder appointed Ashton on Christmas Eve. Just a few days later, he essentially telegraphed what her findings should be [3] in the Panther investigation during an interview with the New York Times. While the investigation was still ongoing, he instructed “there is no there, there.” Principled people call that “stacking the deck.”

Ashton is in a position to listen and comply — she answers directly to Eric Holder. His other statement to the New York Times – that the case was a “made-up controversy” — would have never been made by his predecessor, Attorney General Mukasey. Mukasey is a man of profound integrity and impartiality.

What does the OPR report conclude? Indications are that it will conclude that nobody did anything improper in dismissing the case. But it apparently goes even further and concludes that the case was brought because of racial bias, or at least with an insensitivity to Mr. Holder’s “people.” In doing so, signs are that the authors of the report are perfectly willing to adopt some of the favorite lines of the extreme left-wing blogosphere about people who worked on the case and the principle of equally enforcing the law.

Americans know a whitewash when they see it, especially a racially unfair one.

I have been silent until now about the OPR investigation because I assumed the people conducting the investigation were not as corrupt as the people responsible for ordering the case to be dismissed.

But the OPR investigation had many shortcomings. For starters, don’t expect the over 120 pages of analysis and discussion provided by the four trial team lawyers to be part of any leaked report by DOJ. Congress should seek and obtain those documents prepared by the four trial team
attorneys, along with the hundreds of pages of exhibits they provided.

They should be sized up against any work product produced by supporters of the dismissal, if such work even exists. Other shortcomings in the investigation are obvious and scrutiny from Congress and the public should follow, or else the report cannot be taken seriously.

Technically, reports produced by OPR are never released to the public. If the report is leaked, it will be a sure sign the fix is in. Here’s another test, if the report is leaked: Note how closely it echoes the spin and articles from some of the biggest defenders of the New Black Panther dismissal.

Either OPR was taking cues from the left-wing blogosphere, or the left-wing blogosphere was getting inside information on the fix. There are only two options.

If indeed the report is leaked, it may eventually prove to be a good thing. For starters, America will at last have that conversation about race the attorney general has been pining for. After watching the outlandish behavior of his Justice Department (led by Loretta King no less) requiring Dayton, Ohio, to hire black police officers who fail exams, I suspect it is going to be a debate he will lose. This is a nation that treasures fair play.

If the report is leaked, I expect we’ll learn a whole lot more about the New Black Panther Party. Nearly all Americans are rightfully repulsed by the hateful and murderous rhetoric of the group.

If a leaked report ultimately concludes it was perfectly fine to let the New Black Panthers free, and scorches people, the worst fears about this Justice Department will prove true. Add another chapter to the building chronicle of administration lawlessness that already includes ignoring the Freedom of Information Act, annihilating Chrysler securities, and conniving to sustain an unconstitutional health care policy. Americans believe in the rule of law.

Americans are good and decent people who don’t expect armed thugs at the polls when they go to vote. We do expect our government to do something about it after thugs appear. When Americans conclude their government has sided with thugs, and against the people who tried to stop them, there will be a steep price to pay.

Article printed from Pajamas Media:
URL to article:

URLs in this post: [1] in the final days:
[2] this piece:
[3] telegraphed what her findings should be:

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Old 04-01-2011, 06:20 AM
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Surprise: Justice Department Exonerates Itself in New Black Panther Case

by J. Christian Adams

The New Black Panther fix came in just as we suspected. Yesterday the Department of Justice completed its 19 month internal investigation into whether Steve Rosenbaum and Loretta King, the political appointee attorneys who ordered the dismissal of the voter intimidation case, acted unethically. No surprise, DOJ found that DOJ acted ethically. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have heard about the conclusion. The Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) report was the narrower of the two DOJ investigations of the matter, and Congress will be sure to conduct a far broader, and more competent, inquiry.

Of course the American people will be the judge of the black panther dismissal, not the DOJ OPR. Anyone with eyes can see what happened.

Americans have a right to vote without armed racist jackbooted thugs lurking at the entrance to their polling place with a weapon. That offends nearly every American, but not the lawyers at Eric Holder’s Justice Department.

The fix was in early in the DOJ investigation. Holder appointed Robin Ashton, the head of OPR, last Christmas Eve. She worked for Senator Patrick Leahy and was known for rifling through coworker’s desks according to a well sourced National Review article. A week after she was appointed, Attorney General Holder told the New York Times that there was “no there, there” and the black panther scandal was “made up.”

Even former Attorney General Michael Mukasey was shocked at the comments of his successor. So was the conclusion of the OPR report newsworthy?

Apparently to the New York Times, Washington Post, NPR and Associated Press it was. For the first time ever, all four outlets had stories about the black panther scandal on the same day. Naturally the fact the report defended Eric Holder caused the sudden synchronicity of interest in the long ignored story.

It is no accident that Loretta King, one of the central figures in the black panther dismissal, is also behind other nutty DOJ policies, including forcing the Dayton, Ohio police to hire cops that failed the test as well as signing a complaint to sue a school district for refusing to give 19 days of leave to go to Mecca. King emerges as the engineer who regularly sends Holder’s Civil Rights Division off the rails.

This isn’t the first time the DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility has made questionable conclusions. Most recently, OPR lawyer Tamara Kessler wrote a report criticizing former DOJ lawyers John Yoo and Jay Bybee about terrorist interrogation procedures. The report was so shoddy, that Attorney General Mukasey prepared a rebuttal and the office of Deputy Attorney General ripped Kessler’s work apart, replacing it with something more credible. Kessler is the same attorney who wrote reports criticizing the Bush DOJ that many still rely on to defend the black panther dismissal.

Until OPR is no longer directly accountable to the sitting Attorney General, reports defending the actions of the Attorney General cannot be taken seriously. Congress should consider moving OPR functions to the DOJ Inspector General and close down the shop given the questionable history of the office, and the current head Ashton. The Inspector General, a more independent office, has sought to replace OPR’s authority in some areas, and Congress should oblige. At a minimum, Kessler should be exiled to a DOJ job where she can do no more damage to the Department’s reputation.

The OPR report triggered a sudden interest in the black panther story on the pages of newspapers that had never devoted an inch of space to it.

The Beaumont Enterprise, Albany Times Union, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Myrtle Beach Sun News, San Francisco Chronicle, Kennebec Journal, Argus Press, Charlotte Observer, Bismark Tribune and many others suddenly had interest in the story purportedly absolving Eric Holder. Once upon a time, the free press served a function nobler than defending government corruption.

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Old 04-01-2011, 09:27 AM
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The Accurate Source To Find Quotes To Malik Zulu Shabazz – You Should Have Listened to Farrakhan When You Were At His Table – New Black Panthers.”
[Malik Zulu Shabazz - You Should Have Listened to Farrakhan When You Were At His Table - New Black Panthers]
[Malik Zulu Shabazz (born Paris Lewis in 1968)] Source:
Whatever Barack Obama is doing he represents the white man. He represents the ideology of the white man, he represents the polices of the white man, He represents the CIA sabotage set-up lies on an African leader and bomb that man like he George Bush, he represents the white man. And his wife should leave the n***a tonight and she should walk out and his beautiful daughters should walk out on bamboozling, buck-dancing Tom. Source: Oh, yah, I said it, we held back on this negro for a long time, and hell back on him, and tried to hope that the nature of the black man would somehow come to reality, he caved in like a punk! You have fallen into this trap Barack Obama and you should have listened to Louis Farrakhan a long time ago when you were at his table. But you wanna follow the white man but the white man’s time is up. How are you gonna get out of this Obama?
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[Malik Zulu Shabazz] Source:
100 million dollar a week, 200 million dollar a week, disaster! How you gonna get out of it? We pray for his Gaddafi survive, we pray that that black man from black burbber lineage and the black burbers who fought Arab invaders with the – that’s why he have love for Africa. I’m talking about Blacks in Africa. We pray survive. When a black man is under attack we don’t run with the dogs we don’t run with the bloodhounds, we run when the black man is under attack. We seen the white man coming after us the same way all the time, all you see in Libya is just a big case of police brutality. We see the way they team up on us and run us down all the time, sometimes its a nigga police chief that’s in the lead, this time there is a nigga police chief in the lead named Barack-o Obama, it makes no difference the black man is on the run – named Gaddafi. We pray for his safety. And that he survives and so he’s in and the white man will turn on Obama – the white man will say nigga we didn’t give you this authority, this wasn’t Constitutional, you didn’t come before Congress, nigga you just ran out there, you took a call from Netanyahu and ran out there butt dancing. Now you busted. Source: They will turn on him, his future will be ruined because he wanted to be the white man’s nigga. You know he could of been a decent human being. Source:
Malik Zulu Shabazz – You Should Have Listened to Farrakhan When You Were At His Table – New Black Panthers. We see the way they team up on us and run us down all the time, sometimes its a nigga police chief that’s in the lead, this time there is a nigga police chief in the lead named Barack-o Obama, it makes no difference the black man is on the run – named Gaddafi. We pray for his safety. And that he survives and so he’s in and the white man will turn on Obama – the white man will say nigga we didn’t give you this authority. Complete Full Script, Dialogue, Remarks, Saying, Quotes, Words And Text.
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Old 04-02-2011, 02:27 PM
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Can anyone imagine a White Attorney General or even VP Joe Biden referring to fellow caucasians as: "MY PEOPLE", publicly?

Of course not,...since quite biased mainstream press/media would no doubt repeatedly & concertedly at adnauseam pillory such as RACISTS,...and quite rightfully so.

Odd, isn't it? Black & Brown Supremacy or Superiority is called: "Diversity" by Officialdom.
Whereas White or Beige Supremacists are usually labelled: "Nazis" & "Racists", by press.

Why is that?

"Because they can" & most whites fear being called: "Nazis" & "Racists" by Dem Press.


How come non in press & government are ever concerned about offending any White Citizens?
We're not all bad people or descendents of Slave Owners.
My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.

Last edited by reconeil; 04-02-2011 at 02:42 PM. Reason: add P.S.
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