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Old 01-30-2005, 09:01 AM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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One of the most interesting things about trying to straighten out George Bush, Jr?s records (as he called himself) and write about them is that one never really knows where to start. Its monumental.! There?s a LOT of information to analyze. The Bush Administration has intentionally obfuscated his documents for years and has every one of their responses well planned out in advance. This, of course, gives them an enormous advantage over amateur sleuths like your humble correspondent. The obfuscation is entirely intentional and certainly done to confuse. The best example of this is to examine the documents as they were released, in a complete jumble, on late Friday of a news cycle. You know they weren?t kept in such a sorry disorganized state?this is intentionally messed up. That?s why the first step to understanding these is printing them out and assembling them in chronological order. The Bush people would have done this if it didn?t make Bush look bad, and it does.
This itself is fairly evidential?why would someone go to great lengths to confuse a record they say they?re proud of? The Bush Administration had control of the file?is this how you display evidence of your faithful service? The answer is right in the paper trail and they?re not very proud of it, COULDN?T be proud of it?that?s why they confuse it. The record shows that George Bush was discharged with no medals or awards, stripped of all qualifications after serving only 5 years, 4 months and 5 days of a 6 years Military Service Obligation. See it all n the ?honorable? discharge posted above He signed his name to a 6 year commitment and did not complete it as required by law: This got him out of the draft, though.
The record also shows that he was suspended from flying ( his ONLY known duty on record) on August 1st, 1972 for failing to take his flight exam. Suspension orders were written by his commander, Lt Col Jerry Killian, given to Bush face to face and verbally and copies transmitted up the chain of command as the supporting paperwork I have posted here clearly proves.
In these 2 confirmation orders, the chain of command, along with Killian, is calling for the convening of a flight board as required in Para2-29 AFM35?13. This apparently never happened, although all of Bush?s superiors ordered it. Why did this never happen? Hodges knows for sure, so does Bush.
One of the most suspicious circumstances here is that the records clearly show that he wasn?t paid, nor did he attend any training, for the 6 months period during which he refused to take his physical, was suspended for not doing so and put in 2 transfer requests to nonflying units: and:
The paperwork also has considerable evidence of falsification of documents. I?ve posted 2 documents above(the OETR and the approval of transfer) showing Killian having his name on 2 completely different Bush exit times from his unit?you see why neither of Bush?s CO?s signed it, don?t you? There?s several more examples of this and I?ll be posting some of them.. Falsifying federal documents is a serious crime (so is forging them) This is just one of the reasons why the Bush administration has so intentionally confused the trail;
Bush was paid as a pilot in the MOS 1125D for 47 days after being suspended from flying, this covered a period of a year although 34 of these days were in the last 2 months.
. This is certainly fraudulent unless you think someone should get paid for hazardous duty they weren?t performing and had been disqualified from doing. Bush should have been reassigned when he lost his qualifications: They?re very specific here: Bush should have been reassigned in May 1972 when he went off the books of the 111th..?since he is no longer training in his AFSC or with his unit of assignment.? Which is what the OETR posted above says also. It?s obvious that the ARPC command is completely unaware of any Alabama transfer or ?reassignment?as they should be if it was legal.
Bush?s discharge Points were also figured fraudulently including adding numbers incorrectly: 16+19+15=56 is just one of the examples. The people who signed for these: then-Col Bobby Hodges and then-Maj Rufus Martin are still alive and should be compelled to explain them, even if any statue of limitations time has run out.

So there?s a whole lot to look at there?more than Ive even mentioned above.
But that?s where the story just begins.
Of course Bush ?served? miserably?a pilot who ends his career early, suspended from flying for not taking his physical could only be considered a miserable failure. Even if his story is true?that he ended up his career pushing papers in a back room, its still a disgrace. He could have taken his physical and stayed on flight status, as his superiors wanted and ordered him to, but he chose not to, electing instead to end his career as a pilot suspended from flying.
So one of the elements of the story is to discover why he didn?t.
Many people wonder why I?m so intrigued by this history: It?s partly I?m a historian with a degree in History, just like Bush except I got much better grades in a much less prestigious school(CSUC, ?87) My grades were good enough to get me in without being a ?legacy? from my Dad, though, unlike Bush, or a ?Founding Poet? which is how Bush got into Harvard Business School with mediocre grades from Yale. Just ask if you want these terms explained.

I?m mainly interested in this story because the most important elements of this story happened in 2004 and are happening now. The continuing story is not about Bush?s service but the decades long coverup that continues today. And the intentional obfuscation and confusing of the record by the Bush people. And the deathgrip the Bush people have on the media.
THAT I think is the most important element of this story?its not about the Bush?s miserable record (suspended from flying AND driving!) so much as the way they present it?the way they manage it. Pure genius although not in a good cause. And the media just seems to want to be lead around by the nose.
Here?s how good they are: they got doubt shed on the Killian/CBS documents?and ONLY doubt?without the main participant (GWB) EVER denying that the papers were real and NEVER having them investigated by any official agency at all even though one of Bush?s commander who saw it says he thinks they?re false and Bush certainly knows whether they?re real or not!! This was done with the disinformation put out that I deconstruct on one of the above posts. They flooded the internet with pseudo-authoritative allegations that shed doubt?and ONLY doubt?on the documents.
You see what a fine line they walk here when you look at the documents and Bush?s official record. They HAVE to have them declared false without an official investigation because an official investigation will disclose all the irregularities in the books?and that the CBS documents are real.
There?s lots of proof of this but the most damning thing to Bush, that proves it the most is his response?or lack of response?to these papers.
George Bush KNOWS whether these documents are false or not, right now. George Bush saw the copy of his suspension order that Killian gave him and Hodges and Martin (and others) saw them too. How could someone not know, looking at copies of his suspension orders whether they were real or not? They?re about HIM! He knows for certain exactly what happened, HE WAS THERE! Either it happened that way or it didn?t?there?s no uncertainty for Bush. Bush will talk all day about taking responsibility but he evades all responsibility for the consequences of his own choices in his military career. You will never hear a convincing version of this from Bush, unless under oath ( NOT going to happen!)
The greatest defense strategy in the world is to pretend like this happened to someone else, like Bush was separate from these events. He is NOT!! This IS his record: ending his career as a pilot suspended from flying?and he won?t even confront it or explain it?only lets others do it.. Bush certainly knows what his suspension orders look like and he talked to Killian about them. Either the events happened exactly like the papers describe and they are real or they don?t and they are not. And Bush knows whether theyre real or not. I think the response of ANY normal veteran, when confronted with papers about his military career that he MUST KNOW are forged (or not,) would be to institute legal action, both civil and prosecutorial. It?s an outrage forging federal documents to libel someone!! Its also a serious crime!!
Federal agencies like the FBI are equipped with crime labs and investigative powers exactly to investigate and prosecute federal crimes like this: why have they not been called in to solve this BY ANYONE?? This is AMAZING considering the government is dominated by Republicans who are well known to spend millions on investigations with a lot less proof going in than this. This is their president allegedly libeled here by allegedly forged documents?don?t Republicans want to see these criminals in jail? Danny B. Rather playing drop the soap with a 300 lb roommate named Spike?? Mary Mapes playing ?fingers? with Martha Stewart? You?d sure think so and it would sure seem to be a slamdunk prosecution but nobody?s ever even brought it up but me.
And I?m demanding that this ?crime? be thoroughly investigated and the miscreants revealed to be punished to the fullest extent of the law?all you conservatives going to agree with that?? Why not??
They KNOW where these papers come from: Bill Burkett. If these papers are forged or real, then Burkett is right in the middle. It?s interesting how Burkett?s story has changed over time. Back in 1999 and 2000 Burkett was saying he had incriminating documents that proved Bush?s didn?t serve honorably. At this time, Burkett was saying he?or someone-- had pulled these papers out of the wastebasket after Dan Bartlett and others had gone through Bush?s records and sterilized them. The Killian/CBS documents appear to be them, almost certainly are them.
Burkett at this time was involved with a lawsuit with the ANG about him not getting his retirement and health benefits. It would be very VERY interesting to see how this suit has been resolved and I intend to find this out some day.
Because Burkett is the boy who set up Rather and Mapes and CBS. Their story was 100% good to go, according to them, until Burkett reneged on his story about who he got these from: before it was from ?someone who pulled them out of the waste basket? (him?) now it?s the mysterious lady at the gun show. Why the change?
That?s what the spin about them being? private? documents is about, or part of it anyway.. If they?re ?personal? documents?like Killian was scrapbooking Bush memorabilia?they don?t get investigated. If they ARE federal documents, Burkett is in BIG trouble whether they?re forged or not: if they?re forged, he?s convicted for at least passing them, and if they?re real he can be convicted for stealing them and/or passing them. I wonder if the Bush Administration explained it to him like that.
Visualize this scenario:
Burkett: (to himself) ?Hmmm, I?m about to be completely screwed?what to do, what to do?? Burkett was in a HUGELY good position to put it to CBS, Rather, et al, and danged if he didn?t do it, no doubt about it. That IS the record.
And here?s the beauty of it: HE?S never denied they are real, just like none of the other main players have?or will!. But they?ve still got them almost completely discredited. By shedding only doubts, completely unsubstantiated, all BS, like I prove in the 52 above. ( I said you guys were GOOD didn?t I?)
So if these are forged, what happens to Burkett?? He?s screwed in any prosecution, either way, either for conspiracy to forge and distribute or theft of federal documents (No, you can?t even take them out of the wastebasket!)
I think the Bush people got to Burkett and got him to change his story about where he got the papers?it?s the only real discrepancy in the paper trail. All he had to do was change the story about who he got them from, not his whole story, much of which is on the record. This, along with a concerted media and internet drive to hammer home the disinformation I deconstruct above was enough to shed doubt on the CBS report. But only doubt.
I think that the Bush Administrations refusal to substantiate these one way or another when they clearly have the ability to do so?only letting unnamed experts, bloggers, intente MauMAus do all their fighting for them?tells more about this than anything else. If the suspension was innocent and Killian?s suspension orders proved that, they?d be waving them around like they do his discharge which definitely proves an other than honorable career. Of vourse they have a copy of Killian?s original suspension order.

So there?s lots of ways to go on this story. The miserable service record is well proven, so is the coverup, but the media management of the CBS debacle still has lots of questions to answer.
Like why CBS chopped the story so short. Why did they take the fall so bad when they could have gone down fighting? Why haven?t they like anyone else, insisted on an official investigation of this when it would surely sink Burkett, who screwed them bigtime? They could have just stood there and kept asking Bush if these were the copies of his real orders or not?Yes or No??untill he finally answered. And why are they continuing the pretense of pretending these are private documents? That they can?t be authenticated by George Bush himself or his surviving chain of command? They certainly are federal documents, forged or not. Why did the media completely drop further investigation and interviews of Burkett and Marian Knox, both of whom have dropped back into obscurity?? Why have Bill Burkett and Bobby Hodges changed their stories so many times? I could go on and on, I haven?t even hardly begun to figure out the right questions?this is the planned result of the huge smoke and mirror job they?ve done. By the time people figure out the confused paper trail, the Bush people are putting it down as old news?Genius!!
A federal investigation with real experts analyzing the documents and testimony under oath from all the main players would settle this in short order. Either these are real or they?re not and Bush knows right now. If these are fake, then the forgers and distributors should go to jail. If they are real, then an immediate federal investigation should begin investigating all the issues raised by them (falsification of federal documents, corruption and undue influence, abuse of authority, conspiracy, et al)
But the Bush Administration won?t be enforcing the law either way on this, you can take that to el banco.
Have a nice day!!
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Old 01-30-2005, 09:23 AM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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Default Re: DUI

Originally posted by Andy During the 1970s - 80s, in Maine as well as throughout New England first offence DUI was punishable with a six months loss of license. The penalty was increased if other charges were also brought or if the offense was egregious (Ex. Operator drove into a lake). However, the operator did not get his/her license back without requesting it.

Not all states had reciprocal agreements. Thus, a person could lose his/her license to operate in Maine and obtain a license in Texas without a problem, no violation of law. (Those are just two hypothetical states, don?t have personal knowledge that they didn?t have a reciprocal agreement. But I?d guess they didn?t.)

Were that the case, then he could have asked, or had an attorney request on his behalf the re-instatement of his license. If he was driving on a valid Texas license the Maine re-instatement would have been an after thought. Along those same lines when he was arrested and he clearly was, it is possible an attorney showed up in court to handle the matter. The defendant not appearing for arraignment is VERY unusual but the judge has the right to wave that obligation. We in Massachusetts know a lot about things like that. The privileged Kennedy clan is forever having criminal charges dismissed. This is sometimes done during Saturday sessions of court. Courts are not open on Saturday, except in emergencies, but a judge does have the right to declare a judicial emergency, usually to do some political favors. One of the members of our Governor?s Council, a group who?s main job is to determine who will be judges was arrested twice for DUI. In both matters his cases were dealt with in this manor. (Mass. Judges are appointed for life.)

Also, Andrew Johnson was impeached, in part for vehicular homicide while in office. Johnson was always drunk. When he was sworn in as Vice President he couldn?t utter the oath because he was smashed. The oath was given in private due to his condition. While in Office he drove a horse carriage while drunk and ran over a woman, killing her. He stopped driving carriages after that. Was that the commission of a felony? Criminal charges of vehicular homicide were never brought against him.

Stay healthy,

I take it then, youre not going to dispute the obvious official record?? George W Bush was suspended from flying for not taking his physical AND suspended from driving for drunken driving?
You voted for a man who's been suspended from flying AND driving?
Whats good about a fuckup like that?? I hope it all turns out good

Stay good ol pal
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Old 01-30-2005, 11:47 AM
Andy Andy is offline
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Lightbulb GW & Papers

The law, and anyone involved in those activities will agree, is not black and white. Is forging a public document a crime? Sometimes it is a crime, sometimes is isn?t. Example: Some guy takes his father?s discharge from WWII and does a nice job of adding a Silver Star or two. He shows the DD214 to all his friends. That is forgery but what?s the crime? Yes, it?s wrong, hell it?s immoral but a crime, NO. The question is not, ?Is this the modification of a Federal document?? The question is, ?What illegal act was done with this forged instrument and was it done within the last seven years?? Bush had nothing to do with these documents going public, he?s clear. You?ll recall Bush was involved in a very tough state election for Governor in Texas. If you have a copy of an alleged government document it?s not a matter of when it goes nation, when was it created? With a photocopy of something that was created at a time unknown determining how old it is can be difficult. Keep in mind, 7 year statute of limitation.

Now if these documents were proven to be originals, don?t think that?s the exact case, but if they are original copies, what is the remedy? Would you ask for a new election? Would you get to say people around Bush, not Bush himself, cast aspersions on these document and they were wrong so they aren?t nice people because they were advocates of the president? Again the question is, to what end? Conversely, if they are re-typed or false GWB and the RNC are the aggrieved parties and they want nothing to do with this. Thus, if tens of thousands, probably millions, are spend on determining the origins of these documents the question is WHY? (Also if these documents are as pure as the driven snow, why the shake up at CBS, why were people fired?)

You also asked, ?Are these Federal Documents??. Again, I don?t know, only a document expert could tell you that. Is it a military letter head, yes. James, lets put that into perspective, I have in my possession a small stack of State Summons, papers with a District Attorney?s letter head, papers with a police department?s letter head, all blanks. I?ve copied numerous summons instructing people to come to a party. Sent a letter with the DA?s letter head telling a man (a friend) that he was under investigation for having sex with a duck while visiting in Alabama, etc. Those could be represented as forged instruments but no one complained, there is no crime.

Why didn?t Bush get an injunction against CBS? As I said before he?s like Thomas Jefferson, there?s an issue he doesn?t want to deal with so he?s going to ignore it. That?s not against the law.

Finally, you know I voted for Bush. How do you know that? In a state where the Democratic candidate would get 70% of the vote before one was chosen, who can say who I voted for??? Telling me I voted for Bush is quite an assumption.

Stay healthy,
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Old 01-30-2005, 12:02 PM
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Default re:DUI

James, if this is all you were looking for, here goes.

I have no question at all that GW was arrested for DUI and found guilty. He could have received his license to operate back in 6 months but he didn't do the paperwork, or have it done for him for a much longer time. He didn't just pay a fine, his lawyer entered a plea of "No contest" before a judge, which means, "I don't dispute what the police say in their report". Was he in court when that took place, I don't know, we don't know.

Suspended from flight status, well, it seems obvious that he was. I don't know if a urine sample was part of the test but if it was, that's probably why he didn't take the test.

In his younger years GW used booze and drugs, he would not dispute that. He's what, about 58? Males 50 to 58 who used liquor or drugs or both at some point in their youth, gee, wonder how many of us fit into that category? Just so long as you remember Clinton did not inhale that woman, or something like that.

Stay healthy,
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Old 01-30-2005, 06:29 PM
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is this link still going ....james find another subject PLEASE !!!!

i still luv ya,

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Old 02-01-2005, 05:24 AM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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Default Its too big and too important!!

Originally posted by MORTARDUDE geez...

is this link still going ....james find another subject PLEASE !!!!

i still luv ya,

I think this is just too big a story to let go--tjhats just what the BUsh people want. I haven't even really started yet. Where else should I blog this stuff better than right in the biggest bastion of conservatism on this website?? Who else is going to fight for truth and justice better than an airborne lrrp??
I luv ya too, Lar, don't read the stuff if it upsets you. I'm only trying to tell the truth and get the truth out. Our country needs it.
Stay good

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Old 02-01-2005, 05:27 AM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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This is pretty much the basic document to the whole situation and the rest of the lengthy mess revolves around it and the following question: Is this George Bush?s real suspension order or not? Don?t forget: If this one ( or any one) of the papers are good, theyre all good, obviously.
One of the more obvious spin techniques used by the Bush Administration is to get this and the others declared ?personal? documents?very curious if you were trying to claim they are false and wanted a federal agency to prove it. It?s interesting to see where this claim that they are ?personal? documents found in a ?secret? file comes from. The Bush Administration claims it and CBS went along with it, even though they must have known they were federal documents. But this was written on company time by a company man on the public payroll. This certainly raises questions about CBS?s performance?were they perpetrators or victims in this debacle? Or were they set up and took the easy way out? I?ll be looking at these questions later.
This is obviously a federal USAF written order, forged or not?as such it is a public document. Why does Bush pretend different? It is under the letterhead (typed) of a USAF unit, with that unit?s address on it. It communicates federal business, DEFINITELY not any kind of top secret. It is a written memorandum from the commander of that unit to his superiors describing actions taken in behalf of his duty as a commander of that unit concerning the suspension of a subordinate: George W Bush. It is signed (or initialed?) by the commander of that unit in performance of his duty.
As such, it is a USAF order, forged or not and that makes it a federal document, owned by the public. Bush and his people know this. That means the federal government is required to maintain its integrity.
I can hardly imagine the USAF being good to go on someone typing a USAF unit letterhead on a document, typing false information on it, forging it up to look convincing and forging the units commander?s signature on it. That?s totally cool with them as long as there?s no complaint?? And there?s no complaint from George Bush??? Unbelievable!! There are whole sections set up in the FBI and the military CID just for detecting, investigating and prosecuting forged federal documents of EVERY kind-but surprisingly and suspiciously, no federal agency has even investigated these papers to se if they were forged or not.. There is no ?benign? reason for forging public, federal documents, every single forgery of a public document is a crime against the public. This is NOT a victimless crime, as alleged, the public is the victim.
It is the DUTY of the Bush Administration, the FBI and the military CIDs to investigate and prosecute the crime of forged federal documents but they are not doing it. Why not? Are they waiting for a complaint to be signed? Can any citizen do this? Shouldn?t it be done? I want to do it!!
The Bush Administration wants people to think that this is a ?personal? document from a ?secret? file of Killian. Why? To keep it from being investigated. If this is indeed Bush?s suspension order. Bush is in some real hot water now after all the denial his MauMAus have done. If this is real, he just sat and watched with that knowledge while all those CBS people had their careers tanked. Not to mention all the issues raised in the papers: Fraud, Abuse of Authority, corruption falsification of documents, conspiracy, etc. We?ve heared from the Bloggers, the cable screamers, the pseudo experts, the internet MauMaus--but the most critical denial?that of George Bush?we?ve never heard. And Bush knows for sure. Right now. Even as you read this.
Bush knows right now whether this is real or not. Bush saw his own suspension orders, Killian read them to him and gave him a copy, then forwarded more copies up the chain of command. Bush almost certainly has a copy. We know this happened for sure because of the 2 supporting confirmation orders I already posted above?Killian?s real order, dated Aug 1st, 1972 was written and passed up the chain of command for action.
One of the things most giving veracity to this document is that Killian?s real order for Bush?s suspension?which we know was written?is not in Bush?s files. This knowledge only comes from having straightened out all of Bush?s files?that?s one of the reasons they jumbled them so?its hard to see whats missing. Someone removed that order from Bush?s files?as I said, Bartletts the best guess but there were others, according to Burketts original testimony.
Burkett originally said that ?someone? (him?) pulled them out of the wastebasket after Bartlett and others had sterilized Bush?s files. But that doesn?t match up with the current story?they were given to him by a mysterious lady at a gun show who walked up and handed them to him. That?s a big change?why?
Removing documents from federal wastebaskets is stealing them?that?s how the feds look at it, anyway. Burkett?s in a bad place, whether they?re real or not?he either passed forged documents or stolen ones, if not forging and stealing them himself. CBS and him probably had a deal to portray them as ?personal papers? to cover his ass, then the Bush people leaped on it to cover THEIR asses. This is speculation, I?ll get back to Mr Burkett on another post.

One of the problems in proving this order false is that every single line of it tells the truth. Why would someone forge a document that tells the truth? And how is the real one different? Bush knows this.
Lets take it from the top:
Address?this is the same address used in Hodges confirmation posted above, its also the same address Bush himself uses to address Col Killian in his request for transfer:
It?s got the right date on it: Aug 1st, 1972, confirmed in other supporting paperwork.
It is a memorandum for record. Killian wrote this to his superiors, not Bush, who only got a copy, for his superiors to note and act on, as he was required to do.
?On this date I ordered that 1st LT Bush be suspended from flight status due to failure to perform to USAF/TXANG standards and failure to meet annual physical exam (flight) as required as ordered?
It?s true! He did order Bush suspended from flight status on that date?that?s the record. Conservatives bridle at the ?failure to perform to USAF/TXANG standards? line but he did not get paid, nor perform any duty in the 111th from April 16th, 1972 onward, according to the records (and from May 15th according to the OETR posted above). Its hard to claim you were keeping up your unit standards when you weren?t showing up and you weren?t getting paid. (payroll records: ) Its hard to say you kept your unit standards when you were discharged with no medals or qualifications at all, suspended from flying?which was your only job. Its hard to say you were keeping up your unit standards when you didn?t take your physical AS ORDERED.
And George Bush has never denied he was ordered to take his physical, even when the question was put to him directly by the AP. He would have denied it if he could. Marian Knox also confirmed he was ordered to take his physical.
?I conveyed my verbal orders to?????with requests for orders for suspension and convening of a flight review board IAW AFM 35-13?
This is also the truth?Hodges confirmation order and the other is based on Killian?s real order. They all call for remedies under AFM 35-13?which the conservatives deny even exists.
?I recommended transfer of this officer?? May and forwarded his AF form 1288 to 147th?.The transfer was not allowed?..?
This is the truth:
Here?s Bush?s first request for transfer to a non flying billet:
Here?s the denial:

?Officer has made no attempt to meet his training certification or flight physical.?
Again this is the truth, according to the record?There?s no record of Bush in the 111th from May 15th on, which agrees with the OETR posted above. Unfortunately the OETR disagrees with the date of this suspension?why?s Killian suspending a man he later said wasn?t in the unit at the time? And why didn?t he sign his name on that report?
Its hard to say you made any effort to perform in a unit when you weren?t showing up and you weren?t getting paid. He obviously made no effort to take his flight physical, although he knew it was required.
?officer expresses desire to transfer to nonflying billets?
This is the truth. George Bush requested transfer to nonflying billets twice, the second time successfully: and :
??.I also suggested we fill this critical billet with a more seasoned pilot???
This is the truth. George Bush?s pilot slot didn?t go away when he did. Someone had to fill that slot and someone did. 2 F102 pilots were added to the 111th in Jan, 1973?while Bush was still being paid as a pilot, after he?d been suspended.

One of the questions here is why is this not full signature? It?s hard to imagine why he didn?t sign this?I think that over copying may have whited out the rest of the signature. There?s other possibilities?I think this was typed at the 147th offices, that?s why Marian Knox didn?t see it. Its their address according to the printed letterhead on Hodges confirmation but the 111th might have used it also, obviously did.
Several possibilities exist here. They were trying to keep it secret so would have avoided using Marian Knox to type it. She says she typed orders EXACTLY like this with the same information, but these are not them. She also said she typed out the orders to take his physical but these are not them. This is only to confuse the situation more?why would someone forge these when the ?real? ones say exactly the same thing??
I?m looking at Ms Knox role in this, she only confused the situation, though she backed up Rather?s story about the suspension and the physical orders being written. I think confusing the situation was why she was put in the situation. Her testimony alone?that she thought they were forged?should have launched an official investigation.
There?s 2 full Killian signatures in these documents. Here they all are:

So every line in this paper can be backed up by other supporting paperwork or facts.
SO IF THIS ORDER IS FALSE, WHERE IS THE REAL ONE AND WHAT DOES IT SAY?? I?m dying to find this out, if it takes the rest of my life. George Bush and his people know the answer.
Can I pay the FBI to investigate this? If they won?t investigate forged federal documents as their duty, maybe I can hire them to do it!! Maybe hire some of their technicians and investigators part time?? $50 Grand?? $100 grand?? I?ll write you a check!! (It?ll be tax deductible when I write the book!!)
And if it is real, Bush must live with the consequences of his prior decisions.
I demand the law enforcement agencies in this country, federal and otherwise, do their duty and investigate this obvious federal crime: the forging of federal documents that libel the president. Start by asking Bush if they?re real?the investigation probably would go no further.
You say that?s not a crime without a complaint?? Where do I sign??

Have a nice day
When you can't think what to do, throw a grenade
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