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Old 03-23-2005, 02:38 PM
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deah Lil' apology is necessary.

I fully am aware that your own personal struggles and experiences with situations of a similar nature have molded and shaped your opinions and you have every right to share them with whomever you please.

As my friend Sid has mentioned, what we DON'T have a "right" to do is make "accusations" or call folks names like "murderer", father to "bastard" children and otherwise publically humiliate anyone for any "perceptions" that may or may not be factual!

At LEAST until ALL THE FACTS are fully examined and thoroughly evaluated. As it appears this particular case so dramatically proves!

I DO however "blame" FOX-NEWS and MSNBC-TV and CNN for their completely UNPROFESSIONAL and obviously BIASED reporting of this sad, sad situation. This is NOT the first time that FOX-NEWS (or for that matter the other two as well) has overstepped their bounds of unbiased "journalism" with their own "brand" of propaganda to support their "political views".

I have been raising hell about FOX for a few years now, they are the most blantantly radical news organization (The Washington Times....owned by the Rev Sun Mung Moon is not far behind) in modern history!

But, it takes a strong and dignified person with loads of integrity to "admit" when they're "wrong". And, for that I am always impressed with your honesty and hold you in very high esteem for it.

And, God bless you for your continued efforts to do the "right" things for all veteans and their families!


Sid................having met you personally, shared food, drink, good times, as well as extremely sad times, and not to mention some damn good "war stories"! I am STILL amazed at your compassion, sense of honor, dignity and ability to fully investigate and understand a "situation" before you "commit" a response or act on it! I say again, I would have been PROUD to have served under your direction and command!




"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

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Old 03-23-2005, 05:53 PM
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Default Awh Shit Gimpy

Twern't nutin, You jus tryin to make this lil okie boy blush.

IDEA, Maybe some time a bunch of us can get on a train and go to OREGON for a few days.

Godspeed my friend have a ball but I will miss you on the mountain.
Old 03-23-2005, 09:48 PM
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This young lady is very sick.That`s a given.She is not,however,terminally ill but it`s becoming increasingly clear that she will die.This is an outrage to me and my moral fiber and I`ll leave it at that because I see no need to defend my moral values to anyone.

Observing this whole scenario with a broader view and taking the focus off of the individual players,I see an absolutely frightening trend gaining an ever strengthening toe-hold in America.In founding our system of government the fathers of our nation,in all their infinite wisdom divided the powers of the government into three EQUAL parts:Executive,Legislative,and Judiciary.The latter has in recent years made a complete mockery of that intended equality between the branches.Reactionary judges are beginning to totally ignore not only the other two branches of government,but The Constitution itself.The judge in this case,Greer,effectively thumbed his nose at both the Legislature and the Executive and this guy is only at District Court level.A District Court activist judge has decided to forego this woman`s constitutional right to life!Now,I might just be one of those morons described above,but this scares the shit out of me.I`m with you,David.You`re ever so correct in saying that we have only seen the tip of the iceberg.
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Old 03-23-2005, 10:50 PM
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Default Well now

Originally posted by phuloi Reactionary judges are beginning to totally ignore not only the other two branches of government,but The Constitution itself. A District Court activist judge has decided to forego this woman`s constitutional right to life!Now,I might just be one of those morons described above .

You said it Griz......................I didn't!

Another UN-informed county heard from.....huh?

Some of the "quotes" I've placed below are from articles in the St. Petersburg Times.

Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge George W. Greer , vilified by many religious protesters, is a church regular. He also is a conservative Republican in a state whose conservative Republican governor tried to overturn one of Greer's orders.

Some of the hundreds of e-mails and letters he gets call him a "murderer." "Are you related to (Josef) Mengele, or just a student?" one man wrote to the St Pete Times, referring to the ruthless Nazi doctor.

An indignant woman who believed his decisions weren't Christian once called and asked if he thought he was going to heaven.
Deputies who fear for his safety escort him to and from work.

He accepts the security precautions, Greer said, as a necessary inconvenience. But he acknowledges that his wife worries.
"I can't dwell on it. I'm not going to do anything stupid. But I'm not going to dig a hole and crawl into it. ... This isn't Colombia. This isn't drug lords terrorizing the judiciary. It's America."(Is it???-------Editorial comment----Gimp)

Judge Greer sits at the epicenter of the international debate over Schiavo's life, a judge who answers critics with the only rebuttal allowed by rules of judicial conduct:.............Silence.

"The really difficult part of this job," Greer said, "is that you can't defend yourself."

"George IS the religious right," said lawyer David Kurland, a longtime friend.

Friends say Greer's intellect is perfectly formed to withstand the very tempest he now faces. Always calm, not prone to mood swings or flares of temper, unerringly polite, he is not easily ruffled, they say.

But the criticisms sting, his friends say. His relationship with his church, for example, has changed. Greer said he is sometimes baffled by the more hateful criticism. But he said his faith has not been shaken."What's so exasperating is that my faith is based on forgiveness because that's what God did," Greer said. "When I see people in my faith being extremely judgmental, it's very disconcerting."

Greer is a Southern Baptist who attended Calvary Baptist Church in Clearwater. But his attendance has since faltered after a Baptist publication the church supported became highly critical of him, he said.

It seems that the term ?activist judge? & "reactionary judge" applies only to judges that disagree with radical Christian conservatives who selectively interpret Christ?s teachings.

Without any sense of irony whatsoever, radical Christian conservatives create an exception for war, the death penalty and have extreme intolerance of people who question "their" interpretation of God?s will.

Given that we continually hear we are battling Islamic religious fundamentalism, it seems a little biddy bit of introspection would be worthwhile for the Christian right. I don?t expect it to happen, but I do pray for it just the same. (and you thought I didn't pray, didn't you?)

If one wishes to raise Terri Schiavo?s case as a way to frame a "culture of life", or "moral" argument, it logically raises other issues as well:

Do radical religious conservatives who feel so strongly about Schiavo (regardless of a court decision) feel the same sanctity of life applies to people on death row (also a court decision )?

Do they feel the same moral outrage about people that aren?t in the headlines? Such as the little 6 month old child in Texas taken off a feeding tube despite his own mothers objections because of a law that George W. Bush signed into law while Governor of that state? Talk about being a "hypocrite".........Wow!

For congressional Republicans to now raise the Schiavo case as an emotional lightning rod is right up there with pushing private accounts for Social Security. It is a sleight of hand to divert attention from broader questions that Congress and the religious right would rather not talk about .

Like I tell all my neighbors, friends, family and former associates.......I TOLD YOU SO, DIDN'T I ??



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

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Old 03-24-2005, 05:03 AM
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Default Griz FYI

I don't care to argue the merits or detractors of this case either as I to have my own thoughts on it which may or may not agree with yours. BUT Judge greer made only the first decision, then it went all through to the Fla supreme Court, then to the Fla legislature then thru the courts again then to the US supreme courts then to Congress of the United States then to the Federal courts then to the 11th circuit of appeals then to the supreme court again. This case has been before the Supreme court of the United States 4 times.

I kind of find it Hard to label Judge Greer a Reactionary district Judge as if he and he alone is responsible for the outcome.

Yesterday the Florida legislature defeated a vote to take over guardianship of Terri. Those reactionary rogue bastards.
Old 03-24-2005, 07:34 AM

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Always makes me kinda nervous when I start hearing folks proclaim that there is only one correct moral way of looking at things.I can't for a fact say that this isn't so,but I can for a fact say that there are an awful lot of folks makeing the same claim for vastly diferent one correct moral ways.Seems unlikely that they all could be correct.

I grew up believeing that we lived our lives until God called us home to our reward(if we were worthy of such)and there are a lot of folks that truly believe that we are "playing God" by useing artificial means to prevent folks from answering that call and going to their reward.They would say that doing so thwarts the will of God and is a sin.They would also say that keeping a body alive when the soul is gone is an abomination.

Now it might come as something of a shock to some,but I have strong moral convictions of my own that are not really represented by anything said thus far on this thread(includeing the above).My purpose in this post is not to present my views,but to point out that some very religeous folks of strong conviction and faith have some very diferent views on what is right and proper when dealing with this kind of issue.

Our constitution does indeed gaurentee the right to life.But doesn't specify when that life is over.It also gaurentees "liberty"(personal choice),and the persuit of happiness.
Old 03-24-2005, 08:39 AM
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Great post honey!
Old 03-24-2005, 01:47 PM
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Default "Reactionary" Politicians---NOT Judges

Are what this country should be "condemning!

Last week, as Congress reassembled for an extraordinary incursion into a private family matter, an anonymous GOP strategist passed around a memo coldly appraising the political benefits of the Terri Schiavo tragedy. How sick can you get?

"The pro-life base will be excited that the Senate is debating this important issue. . . . This is a great political issue . . . and this is a tough issue for Democrats," the strategist wrote.

Similarly, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) spotted the political windfall in the misfortune that Michael Schiavo and his in-laws have struggled with for 15 years. Back in his home state, DeLay is under investigation for possible laundering of campaign funds and other alleged misdeeds that might lead to his indictment.

He quickly linked his alleged ethical lapses to the Florida family's woes. What else is this idiot going to do next?

Speaking last Friday to a group of conservative Christians, DeLay proclaimed, "One thing that God has brought to us is Terri Schiavo, to help elevate the visibility of what is going on in America. . . . This is exactly the issue that is going on in America, of attacks against the conservative movement, against me and against many others."

So then, if I've got this straight, according to DeLay, God visited a heart attack upon a 25-year-old Terri Schiavo to deflect attention from the legal problems DeLay would experience 15 years later brougt on by his criminal and unethical conduct?

It's a wonder lightning didn't strike the stage from which he spoke.

There is a special place in "purgatory" waiting for this sorry excuse of a human being, mark my words! Any "rational" thinking citizen would conclude Delay is an idiot, pandering to a radical group of zealous, virtually unconscious and apparently uninformed folks who probably have the IQ equivalent to a "rutabaga", or some other similar "root" vegetable!

But as the Terri Schiavo case demonstrates, we do not live in a rational time.

Today, to acknowledge the eternal reality that death can be welcomed is to risk being branded as a killer. In the terminology of the day, it marks you as part of the Culture of Death, the force of darkness, arrayed against the Culture of Life, the force of goodness and light and love.

It is idiocy, but the leaders willing to stand up and confront that idiocy are few and far between.

In this bizarre time and place, facts no longer matter. Within the communication back-channels offered through the Internet and elsewhere, facts can be mutated, invented, woven into false story lines and then broadcast as gospel to millions without fear of contradiction or challenge.

And by the time that false story hits the mainstream, it can pack a punch that knocks reality for a loop. As the Schiavo case demonstrates, that false reality can force even the government of the United States to bow down before it.

The real Terri Schiavo, the Terri described by the doctors who have examined her and in reams of court and medical records, has been in a persistent vegetative state with no cognitive functions for 15 years. She has no hope of improvement, let alone recovery. Her cerebral cortex, the seat of human reason and emotion, has atrophied into liquid and cannot possibly be restored.(no matter what some ding-bat, alledged "neuro-physic concluded from a TV "snip-it", 15 minute video)!

If there is any immorality in the controversy surrounding the severely brain-damaged Schiavo, it lies in the unconscionable tactics of politicians like Delay and many, many other Republicans who have inflamed a family tragedy for their own short-term ends. The Bible speaks of people who would do such things ?

and not kindly!



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

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Old 03-24-2005, 02:34 PM
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Before you death worshipers start chortling about this so-called memo allegedly from the GOP, kindly catch up on the latest news, that said memo is probably another example of "Rather-gate" desperation wing of the Democrat bunch.
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Old 03-24-2005, 07:02 PM
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What else could we (I) expect from this source of reason and humility, huh???

Absolutely NO attempt to "recant" charges made in the name of "The Party of Life" (if my memory serves me correctly) that have been PROVEN to be F-A-L-S-E, N-E-F-A-R-I-O-U-S, H-A-T-E-F-U-L and absolutely U-N-F-O-U-N-D-E-D regarding Mr. William Hammesfahr's UN-truthful comment about being a "Nobel Prize" nominee, (the "so-called" doctor) who has been THOROUGHLY discredited.

Not to mention the THREE (3) "so-called" nurses whose "affidavits and testimony" were TOTALLY unfounded (and thrown out of Court for being so "unbelievable" they bordered on the ridiculous) and discredited by ALL THE OTHER EMPLOYEES at the nurseing home!

You should be ashamed to come around here "accusing" others of less than reputable and unethical conduct after the little "show" you've put on around this particular thread, and elsewhere in general on these boards for gosh sakes!

Don't you have a "conscious" at all??? :cd: :cd: :cd:

Just asking??



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
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