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Old 02-01-2022, 01:59 PM
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Post America Is No Longer A Nation

America Is No Longer A Nation
By: Paul Craig Roberts - Institute for Political Economy - 04-10-19
[Caution: Whomever reads this "may take offense" or interrupt it to be fallacy. I had to read it twice - and think about the issues addressed. There is some truth in this article but it will most likely require each reader - to judge his/her lively-hood pointed out in this post.]

There's truth in it - and we all may not agree - with same summation after reading it.
But read it below - and then re-read it again. Think for moment about what's written and said. I had to read three times - and then some of it made its way home.

I'm am an 2nd generation Italian American born in the mid-40's and I can relate to the issues then and now - even today. There is something in this post that makes sense - but not all will find it - unless they really think back as it relates to his or her up bringing.
Let's begin:

Topic: America Is No Longer A Nation - By: Paul Craig Roberts

The America in which I grew up and lived my early adult life was a nation. Over the course of my life I have watched my country turn into a Tower of Babel. Homogeneity and shared values permitted us to understand one another. This doesn’t mean that there was uniformity or that things were perfect. A Baptist wasn’t a Catholic. A WASP was not a black laborer. A female was not a male. Blacks and poor whites had a hard time becoming middle class, but it could be done. It was possible for middle class people to become “well off,” but difficult to become rich. Immigration was controlled, and the reduction of inflows had helped the Irish and Italians to integrate into society.

Police were helpful and didn’t burst into homes with guns blazing or rough you up on traffic stops. On important issues, compromises could be reached and reforms implemented. English was the language. If you telephoned a service provider, utility, or bank, you quickly were connected to a real person capable of handling every aspect of whatever you were calling about. Today you wait through the Spanish language option for the robo-voice listing the options that might have something to do with the reason for your call. The companies save money and make profits by imposing their service costs on customers.

Technology seems to have worsened the functionality of society. Diversity and multiculturalism definitely have. It used to be that taking or giving offense was something that good manners prevented. Today members of those groups that are entitled to be offended are ready to take offense at any excuse. Today it is easy for a white person and a male to give offense without intending or even knowing that what he did or said was offensive.

Diversity and multiculturalism provide a fertile field for Identity Politics. Identity Politics has succeeded in turning everything white into racism. Indeed, the word “white” is now a code word for racist. Western Civilization and science itself are explained as mechanisms of white domination. The other day a black female college professor declared time to be white. She explained that a tendency on the part of blacks to be late was due to the fact that time was just another white racist construct. Time was white because it made blacks late.

According to Identity Politics, white people are in charge, but the evidence is to the contrary. There are no quotas for whites in university admissions, hiring, and promotion. It is the allegedly victimized “preferred minorities” who get to go to the front of the line. There are no hate speech or hate crime protections for whites. Whites can be called every hurtful and offensive name in the book and have no right or power to demand apologies or the firing of the offender. White DNA has been declared to be “an abomination,” and white people “shouldn’t exist.” In America today, the way to get ahead is to claim victim-hood. Jews are experts at this, and blacks, women, and illegal immigrants have learned the same trick.

University education explains white people as the source of all evil. This is especially the case in what is called black studies and in gender studies, which seems to have developed out of women’s studies or feminist studies. A white male professor who gives a low grade to a female or to a black can expect that some charge might be made against him, but a white male who receives a low grade from a black or feminist professor has no such recourse.

As whites still constitute the majority of the U.S. population, what are the consequences for society when it is the majority that is constantly demeaned? What does it mean when white males, still the backbone of the military, are more easily cowed than women and “preferred minorities”?

When whites become a minority, what is their fate when the new majority has been taught hatred of whites for decades?

What does it mean when Americans fall all over themselves to apologize for using some word or term that someone finds “offensive” when it never occurs to Americans to apologize to Libyans, Iraqis, Syrians, Afghans, Yemeni, Somalis, for destroying the lives of hundreds of thousands of them? The disconnect here is extreme. Words hurt but not bombs. Moreover, I can remember when words now said to be offensive gave no offense to anyone. What has happened is that people have been taught to regard the words as offensive. How else did “girls” become offensive? Identity Politics finds more offensive words every day. Before long a white person will not be able to open their mouth. Language itself is being made dysfunctional. If the means of communication is dysfunctional, how can society be functional?

Identity Politics has produced disunity. Disunity is the antithesis of nationhood.

There are in the U.S. many groups that specialize in teaching hatred of whites by pretending to fight “white supremacy.” A new one on the scene is the Center for Jewish Civilization at Georgetown University. Georgetown is, or was, a Catholic university. One might expect a Center for Catholic Civilization or, as Georgetown is located in America, a Center for American Civilization. But no, it is a Center for Jewish Civilization. Who finances it? Why is it focused on “the far right”? Why is it at Georgetown University?

On April 10 the Center for Jewish Civilization at Georgetown University is hosting an all day propaganda session at the National Press Club to work up opposition to white gentiles who are allegedly using Nazi techniques to attack Jews and blacks. In other words, the Center for Jewish Civilization is doing precisely to white gentiles what the center claims white anti-Semite's are doing to Jews and blacks. The “conference” is focused on “How Do We Deal with a New Ecosystem of Hate and Anti-Semitism on the Far Right?”

We all know what the “far right” is—white people, which as a group are being recast as “white supremacists.” Far right is not a term ever applied to blacks or other races.

Try to imagine a Center for Palestinian Civilization at Georgetown University that was hosting a National Press Club all day event to combat an “Ecosystem of Hate and Anti-Palestinianism in Israel.” The center would be lumped in with the Alt-Right and accused of promoting hate and anti-Semitism.

Or suppose U.S. foreign service veterans formed a Center for American Foreign Policy and criticized Israel’s control over American Foreign Policy revealed in Netanyahu’s boast that at his request Trump named Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, a large chunk of the Iranian government, as a terrorist group. The center would be accused of anti-Semitic tropes.

How is a country a nation when it cannot have its own foreign policy, when words of its language are proscribed, when alleged victim groups have more rights than the alleged dominant class, and when hate is used to create disunity?

[Identity Politics is the ideology that has been used to break America into disunited pieces.] Personal note: I do believe we can all almost agree with that last line!

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Personal note: I grew up in an Italian town on the Southside of Chicago. I was baptized
as a Catholic and went to a Catholic school. The neighborhood was was mostly Polish
and Italians. Of course they came through Ellis Island, NY from all over Europe.
We were classified as Italians (or dago's) - my Mother's family came over from Sweden
and France. It wasn't easy and of course the locals weren't to happy to see so many
immigrants taking their jobs away periodically - and that's when it begins. Your Race &
Religion classified you even back then. Industries would take many immigrants with
qualifications suitable to their trades.
My Grand-Father worked for Pullman Car Assembly as an assembly worker. He was a good
mechanic and they worked for peanuts back then - but Pullman built homes for their employee's
to live in and they saved their money to later buy their own home in Roseland, IL after
Grandpa retired.
Growing up between my Dad's divorces with living off and on with my Grandparents.
The local kids would call us Whap's or Dagoes because we were Italian.
As time went on I moved back into my Mother's home w/Johnny my step-father.
He was German and had four Brothers who all fought for the US during WII.
Even my Mother's brother was in WWII - as an Airforce pilot back then.
He married and moved to LeRoy, MI and raised milk cows.
Getting back to the issues of the report above - race and your nationality was
always a factor for some reason.
I've never been racial or called anyone by the street names that I used to hear and
being called by my neighborhood locals. Those are trigger's that induce anger and
retribution towards the name-callers and later anyone of a different race or color.
When the Viet Nam War my Brother Larry & I signed up for the service. We weren't drafted - but enlisted. Larry was Army and I was Navy.
In those days we had close quarter's on ship's - but here too racial issues would come up mostly by the southern guys who would harass the people of colored or visa-versa. There were several bad fights on board the ships and usually from the Southern boys who would instigate it. I had and still know several men of color that I still talk to this very day. My best Bud Jerry lives in Lancaster, PA and I'd call him about every three to six months to see how he's doing.
But to the post above these issues - still happens today - racial slur's and shootings are always present. Gang's selling drugs, breaking into homes - drive by shootings or being robbed - and the list just goes on and on. I have some swell people of color on my block and we all get along just fine. We watch each other's house's when they go on vacation - or if they spot something that just doesn't look right.
I've have never used colorful metaphor's or racial slur's that I recall. But until race-creed or color & and even Religion are no long a factor - this world will never be at peace. What's worse is to see it in the service. There will come a day when a man or woman of color may save your life or keep you from dying. You learn that in the service and how you were raised.
Believe me life is tough enough - but to fight amongst ourselves - will be our downfall.

O Almighty Lord God, who neither slumberest nor sleepest; Protect and assist, we beseech thee, all those who at home or abroad, by land, by sea, or in the air, are serving this country, that they, being armed with thy defence, may be preserved evermore in all perils; and being filled with wisdom and girded with strength, may do their duty to thy honour and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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