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Old 09-30-2005, 12:08 PM
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Default Pardon me, but your 'SHEET' and 'HOOD' are showing!

Next thing you know, they'll be wanting to legalize 'cross burning' again.

I was in line at my local supermarket near the coast here in Central Florida, the food chain; Publix who have been collecting money for hurricane victims. We here in Florida pride ourselves on being knowledgeable when it comes to hurricanes, especially after three came through last summer.

I replied to the cashier that I couldn?t understand what was taking so long on the Gulf Coast around New Orleans, the images of the suffering in New Orleans had been burned into my brain the way no image has since 9/11.

She agreed that it was taking way too long. I say it?s not like they don?t know what to expect. She says we never had problems like this, then the women in line behind me said "we are fortunate our local stores are doing this for the victims of the hurricaine", and everyone around us agreed.

But then I started thinking, why was this hurricane different? An instructive week, waiting for some kind of response while thousands go days without food, shelter, and water. The answer, as it turns out, is obvious, we are staring into the real face of compassionate conservatism.

That face showed it's ugly head again yesterday in the form of former Republican Education Secretary William Bennett on his radio show, "Morning in America," was answering a caller's question when he took issue with the hypothesis put forth in a recent book that one reason crime is down is that abortion is up.

He said this......."But I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down," .......this comment came from the supposed Holy Grail of Values and Virtue in the Republican party and author of his best seller book entitled "The Book of Virtues."

This from the man who gambled away a fortune of his OWN families "values" while condemning others for doing the same.

Damn racist hypocrite!

The Democratic Party, the traditional home of racists and bigots, was shattered in the 1960?s by the betrayal of Lyndon Johnson and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. A thirty percent slice of the party splintered off for the next election, following George Wallace and his Dixecrats movement.

The Dixiecrat Movement was a little too on the money for mainstream America, the message of ?Segregation Forever? was made less appealing when television showed images of police dogs attacking little children, and fire hoses being turned on unarmed civilians. So the Dixiecrats went underground and bided their time.

They didn?t have long to wait, Nixon?s paranoia ultimately shattered the Republican Party, as well, and American political power lay broken, waiting for the right man to come along and pick up the pieces.

That man was Ronald Reagan, a political genius, who picked up the pieces and formed the new Republican coalition. Corporate America flocked to his banner, and so did the former Dixiecrats, now labeled the Moral Majority or the religious right, it was the same players with different names.

President Reagan merged what has turned out to be a coalition of steel out of the marriage of big business and fundamentalist Christianity. This new breed of Christian took the foreground in the late twentieth and now early twenty-first centuries, some calling themselves, fundamentalists, some Millennials, the message is always the same.

These are the ?Me Christians? the earth is God?s gift to mankind and it is their duty to exploit it.

So now the message from some pulpits is anti-environment and pro-big business. The same pulpits I might add, that thirty years ago were warning their congregations about the dangers of integration, the mixing of the races, and that dark skin was a result of the mark of Cain, God?s sign that these are the people he has decreed must suffer.

White America has made the minimal adjustments required by law, but the bigotry and ignorance still rule the land, it just happens off stage, not in the light where anyone can see. Sixty percent of the schools in America are not integrated. All black or mostly black schools are under funded and ignored. Most cities big and small still have a black section, or a poor section, on the ?wrong side of the tracks,? and most astonishing of all is the continued presumption that this is somehow their fault.

The message of trickle down economics is that anyone who tries hard enough in America will succeed, and that is simply not true. Despite the sprinkling of token blacks and token women, the boardrooms of America are still mostly boys' clubs, bowing to diversity only when it can?t be avoided.

So then along comes Hurricane Katrina, and these compassionate Christians can?t understand why New Orleans? poor couldn?t just load up the SUV with all their worldly belongings and hit the road. They didn?t know any better because they didn?t want to know.

Jeb Bush, when asked when he was first running for governor of Florida what he would do for his black constituency,
replied, ?probably nothing.? George W. Bush is the first president to refuse an invitation to address the NAACP, preferring instead the comfort of his constituency, at campaign stops like the segregated grounds of Bob Jones University.

Now that their message is out in the open, we must be on guard against the ?Compassionate Conservative.? Out and out racism is no longer fashionable, so they have chosen to exploit the bigotry of the voters in a different way. Whenever a candidate uses Gay Marriage as an issue, the compassionate Christians are on the march.

They are relatively easy to spot. Their favorite tool of suppression is the Bible; they use Old Testament Law to justify their anti-gay prejudice in the same way they used to use it to justify their suppression of black America.

They are hell bent on enforcing one verse in Leviticus, while ignoring most of the rest of the law.

These are the protesters who want the Ten Commandments in courthouses, reminding others what rules the Christian God has laid out for individual behavior. It is all-important that the rules of Christianity be forced on others, while they themselves ignore them. These are the people who rail against homosexual unions as somehow denigrating the value of the ?Institution? of Marriage, while ignoring that fact that 45% of these same marriages end in divorce.

It is any wonder then, that Barbara Bush made her astonishing comment that for the poor and homeless, living in the Astrodome must be an ?adventure?? What a bitch! The ?new? Republican Party, then, is the party of the rich, the bigoted and the optimistic.

So the rich get richer, the bigoted are protected and everyone else is waiting for his or her chance to make a fortune in the ?so-called? land of opportunity. So we shouldn?t be surprised when their elected representatives vote outlandish tax cuts for the rich, channeling the money from Head Start into private and religious institutions, where the rich and bigoted send their money and their children, and suggesting that Senator John McCain might be a homosexual in order to defeat him in the South Carolina primary. Or that Max Clelland is a traitor while accusing him of not deserving his Silver Star and supposedly opposes going after Osama Bin Laden becauses he spoke out against the first version of the Patriot Act.

To the religious right, ?One Nation Under God? gives them the right to destroy the Bill of Rights, by whittling away at the separation of Church and State, in order to make their version of Christianity the national religion.

Where are the Democrats in all this, they have never really recovered from the elections of the late sixties and early seventies. The campaigns of George Wallace and George McGovern have left a bad taste in their mouths, and sullied the once proud moniker of the Liberal. The Democrats ignore their base, while trying to keep to the middle ground in order to get elected or re-elected. This version of Republican lite prevents the Democrats from standing up for oppressed minorities, the poor, the immigrants, the gays and lesbians, etc., for fear of being branded with that dirtiest of all campaign labels, that they might secretly be a liberal.

Well NOT ME!..........I'd MUCH rather be called a 'Liberal' than THEIR VERSION of a 'Compassionate Conservative' thank you very much!

Thanks to hurricane Katrina, America has had a glimpse of themselves in the mirror of tragedy. The question remains, then, what are they going to do about it. In the words of the Florida Governor, ?probably nothing.?

Maybe by next election we'll see if that 'mirrior' has a 'crack' in it, huh?????



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

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Old 09-30-2005, 12:40 PM
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Just like a slimy catfish rolling over to a piece of dropped stink bait, good ol' Gimpy has sucked up the latest liberal talking point and regurgitated only a part of what Bill Bennett said. If he had listened to the entire dialog, he would have learned, maybe, that the main point of emphasis of Bennett's comments was the abortion is morally reprehensible; the caller on Bennett's talk show was trying to make a point about abortion and how those who had not been aborted might have added to the tax base. Bennett stated that abortion cannot be justified on economic grounds, any more than it can be justified on penal grounds. He simply was make a valid comparison that economic grounds or any other grounds are indefensible on the issue of abortion.

And will somebody help him extract the panties from the nuclear weggie position so that he can think better: it was the Republicans in the US Senate, led by Sen. Everett Dirksen, that got the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 passed into law over the objections and filibusters of Gimpy's heroes, Robert "Sheets" Byrd, William "I never met a racist I didn't like" Fulbright, and other DEMOCRAT Senators, including Al Gore, Sr.

After your panty removal for this foul-mouthed bigot, go help him wash his mouth out with soap for his name-calling (where are you, David?) of the First Lady.

Ask him why the Democrat mayor of New Orleans ran off and neglected all those poor Blacks in the 9th Ward. Ask him why the Democrat Governor failed to heed the pleas of the National Hurricane Center, the Director of FEMA, and the President of the United States. And finally ask him why the liberal reporters in accurately reported the wave of looting, murders, rapes, and assorted crimes occurring at the Super Dome, when in fact there was not a wave of crime, but that it was an opportunity to heap blame upon the President.

Tell him that he is so hatefully transparent that his head is readily visible intestinally.
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 09-30-2005, 01:30 PM
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Default SuperScout...

DITTO, DITTO, DITTO about such
and all other similar and quite
intelligence insulting babblings
no doubt in the works, by Gimpy.

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Old 09-30-2005, 02:54 PM
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Question Hmmmmmmmmmmmm???

Mah Deah Mista SuperFella.

I think you'd better review things that you've recently posted on this forum like......anti-Semitic, anarchist, socialist, anti-capitalist scum, human detritus and flotsam and many other vile and despicable names BEFORE you try and play that 'name-calling' card with David................don't you????

Oh I's OK for the 'RIGHT-HEADED' folks to use ANY kind of name they want, right?

How silly of me.

PS-------Even YOUR BOY GEE-DUMBYA came out today and CONDEMNED what your "values" hero Bennet said yesterday. So I suppose that means YOU think GEE-DUMBYA is a "slimy catfish rolling over to a piece of dropped stink bait", right?........Your words....NOT mine!



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

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Old 09-30-2005, 06:01 PM
Seascamp Seascamp is offline
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Hodit, hodit , if we dig a bit deeper we just may find that Bennett was basing some of his abortion thoughts on a recent best seller 'Freakonomics? by Steven D. Livitt. This is a fairly strong ?think outside the box? book and in one chapter an interesting argument is made that links 1973 Roe Vs. Wade to the sudden and dramatic decrease in crime in NYC in the early 1990?s and Chicago and Los Angeles. Many other topics as well and all the author does is peruse alternate explanations to real things that have occurred. I?d hardly call the Author a KKK drooling goon, but a really bright and funny egghead economist with probably not bunch of Conservative molecules in captivity.

And tighten yer lap belts, the argument made about the abortion vs. crime rate takes some swipes at NYC Mayor Rudy of the time and his acquired fame resulting from the sudden decrease in NYC crime. Lots of interesting digits and stats and the author has no ax to grind at all, just thinking out side the box and speculating around is all. Good and interesting reading and this is not a commercial.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 09-30-2005, 06:25 PM
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Gimpy, are you so impossibly intellectually challenged that you think I speak for the President, or that the President speaks for me on every issue, that we're in perfect agreement on every issue? Please, please tell me that you're not that bad off.

I will say that the President got some very bad advice, and that if he too had read or heard the entire transcript, his comments probably would have been different.

And what, pray tell, that is if you liberals can stand to pray, have I ever said or wrote that is anti-Semitic? If I've condemned people as being an anarchist, or socialist, or anti-capitalist scum, the very valid and absolute defense in a charge of slander is the truth. If the shoe fits, wear it - if it doesn't fit, go barefooted.

You really should apologize for your remark about the First Lady.

And while you're at it, tell us how many Whites are on the board of directors of Jet Enterprises, Rainbow Extortion Masters, and other Black business enterprises. Oh I forgot, playing the race card is your forte.

If you'll remember history correctly, it was a Democrat controlled Senate that refused to vote up a bill making it a federal crime to lynch a person, led by your hero Robert "Sheets" Byrd, recently resigned as Grand Kleegle (is that the proper title) of the KKK. It was Abe Lincoln (Republican) that freed the slaves, it was the Republican party that made the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 happen, and it is the Republican party that wants to get the Blacks off the Democrat plantation of dependency and continual poverty. If you'll look in your or anybody's membership book, you'll find few if any Republicans in the KKK.
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 10-01-2005, 05:44 AM
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Default You'll

never 'get it', will you Mah Deah SuperFella????



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Old 10-01-2005, 05:49 AM
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Default More on 'Freakonomics'.......

The author establishes the thesis that disadvantaged women made the free choice to not add a child to their over burdened lives and dysfunctional communities. Actually the narrative begins with the saga of the Romanian people living under the brutally repressive boot of the Communist dictator Nickoli Coursacau and his strict forbiddance of abortion; albeit escaping from leftist oppression, a bad dog no-no of the era. The Author strongly suggest the one of the many reasons that Coursacau got his ass capped via adsorbing a magazine load of Kalashnikov rifle fire was that the Romanian women had had quite enough of his repressive bullshit and forced the issue. It?s left to the reader?s imagination as to how the Romanian women may have gone about that, if in fact they did, but it may have had something to do with the concept of ?cut off?, it seems to me.

Hot on the heals of the Romanian experience, we find Roe vs. Wade and there may be some connects there, even if coincidental. The author bravely makes the Romanian connection and continues to advance the thesis that disadvantaged women made free choices and thus the ensuing simultaneous drop in crime in NYC, Chicago and Los Angeles nearly two decades later. Now one would think that a University Prof making such connects would have the pro-abortion Liberals on hands and knees chanting the ama nema na mantra ra-ra deal but no, it?s too late now I think. Like TJ?s infamous book, most likely this one will be bought up in scores and suppressed simply because skinning Bennett for saying the exact same thing and making the KKK drooling goon connect will yield more Liberal mileage. Burning ants, eh, gots to burn them ants.

In terms of my immediate and continuing experience with the former Communist people of Russia and Central Europe, I find that among the few hundred I have come to know there is not one instance of these young people having any desire for marriage or having children, not one. And that has a lot to do with the reality that the indigenous population of the area will be down by 100 million people within a generation or so. I put this on the depression hangover from their immediate leftist past and the covenant left unfulfilled, phony is as phony does, eh. And yes, they are very cynical about continuing leftist corruption and invasive leftist practices that just won?t go away; check out the immediate past in the Ukraine, oh my.
Our US Liberals would be well advised to hang a sheet over that entire mess and get those people to dummy up for they are certainly not a shining example of Hillary?s promised ?Brave new world?. Ha, Hillary?s script writers swiped that phrase from the Russian and Central European Communists of the 50?s, 60?s and 70?s, too funny or sad or both.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 10-01-2005, 01:14 PM
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Can anybody find any logic trail here?

1. If we want to have the Ten Commandments posted in courthouses and other public places, claiming that those of us in favor are going to force the "Christian God" on the unsuspecting. Last time I read the Ten Commandments, they were written in what Christians call the Old Testament, part of the Pentateuch for my Jewish brothers. And how does the display of the Ten Commandments violate the 1st Amendment? How is government "establishing a religion", by allowing the posting of the TC? If the government allows a Confederate monument, does that convey a requirement that we all don the stars and bars grey?

2. If campaigning for the governor's house, why should Jeb Bush promise anything to anybody? Why should the Blacks be treated any differently that anybody else? What's wrong with the concept of egalitarianism that is shouldn't be applied in gubernatorial elections?

3. If the Democrat party is the obstructionist group that preventing the passing of a the bill to make lynching a federal crime, using racist language in their filibusting efforts, how can they claim to be the savior of the oppressed people?

4. If the author has never written an anti-Semitic post, how can he be labeled as anti-Semitic?
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 10-02-2005, 04:17 AM
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Default A legal analysis of the bogus indictment

Former DOJ official Barbara Comstock e-mails this legal analysis:
Ronnie Earle argues that Tom DeLay conspired to make a contribution to a political party in violation of the Texas Election Code. There was no contribution to a political party in violation of the Texas Election Code. There was no conspiracy. Ronnie Earle is wrong on the facts. Ronnie Earle is wrong on the law.
According to the indictment, the conspiracy was to unlawfully make a political contribution of corporate funds to a political party within 60 days of an election.

The Texas Election Code clearly states that "A corporation or labor organization may not knowingly make a contribution [to a political party] during a period beginning on the 60th day before the date of a general election for state and county officers and continuing through the day of the election." Title 15, Texas Election Code, ? 253.104. Texas law also states in part that "A person commits criminal conspiracy if, with intent that a felony be committed: (1) he agrees with one or more persons that they or one or more of them engage in conduct that would constitute the offense; and (2) he or one or more of them performs an overt act in pursuance of the agreement."

The Problems with Earle's case:

In an effort to contrive jurisdiction over DeLay, Earle charges that because Congressman DeLay may have known about the transaction before it occurred, he was then part of a conspiracy.

However, Earle's office has sworn testimony and other exculpatory evidence showing that Congressman DeLay did not have knowledge of the transaction.

In addition: No corporation or labor organization was indicted in this conspiracy. Neither Jim Ellis nor John Colyandro is a corporation or labor organization.

No corporation or labor organization made a contribution during 60 days of an election.

What constitutes a contribution under the Texas Election Code is not strictly defined.

Neither the RNC nor RNSEC constitute a political party under Texas election law. They are considered PACs, just as the DNC is.

Corporations in Texas could have legally made contributions to the RNC or RNSEC during the period in question under Texas election law.

There was no violation of the Texas Election Code. There was no conspiracy. The underlying transaction was legal. Had corporations sent money directly to the RNC or RNSEC, the transaction would be legal. How could anyone conspire to do indirectly what could legally have been done directly?

Comstock adds: Ronnie Earle has a history of using his office for attacks on his political and personal enemies. "The Travis County, Texas, prosecutor investigating Mr. DeLay has a history of using his office for partisan ends."(Congressional prerogative, The Washington Times, November 19, 2004)

Earle has demonstrated a past zeal for indicting conservative figures and even liberals with whom he has personal or professional disagreements. (Target: DeLay, National Review, April 11, 2005)

Earle's partisan prosecutions - which have frequently failed - are designed for political harm, not legal harm. Earle is the same partisan prosecutor who politically indicted and failed to convict:

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison
Conservative Democrat Bob Bullock (when he was Comptroller - later he was Lt. Governor)
Democrat Attorney General Jim Mattox

Ronnie Earle's three year political vendetta against Rep. DeLay has been marked by:

Illegal grand jury leaks,
A fundraising speech by Earle for the Texas Democrat party that inappropriately focused on the investigation,
Misuse of his office for partisan purposes, and
Extortion of money for Earle's pet projects from corporations in exchange for dismissing indictments he brought against them.

Ronnie Earle has been frequently criticized for his methods:

The Dallas Morning News criticized Earle in the Hutchison case:

"the impression of partisan unfairness has certainly been reinforced by the leaks and public comment about Hutchison's case from the District Attorney's office throughout the summer. That the Grand Jury investigation has been conducted with so much fanfare such as the tip-offs to the new media when key records were seized from the former treasurer's office has added a darker tone to the cloudy proceedings." (Hutchison Probe; Fair and Speedy trial is essential, The Dallas Morning News, September 28, 1993)

The Houston Chronicle called into question Earle's impartiality and judgment: "The fact that Earle refuses to recognize his blunder and would do it again calls into question whether he has the necessary impartiality and judgment to conduct the investigation that to a great extent will determine whether Texas election campaigns will be financed and perhaps determined by corporations or by individuals."

(Self-inflicted wound; District attorney's poor judgment in speaking at a Democratic fund-raiser provides an unintended boost for DeLay's defenders., The Houston Chronicle, May 20, 2005)
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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