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Old 11-10-2003, 10:15 PM
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Default Over in peaceful Arlington...

Over in peaceful Arlington, across the historic Potomac, he rests -our Soldier Unknown - his last fight fought, his last journey ended. Within hallowed stone his tired body sleeps, safe for all time.

It is a simple, sweet story - the selection of one of our own Unknown Dead, thus to be brought home in glory. This war-wracked frame, so slender and so still - this has been the very one selected as representative of the 77,000 American soldiers who made the highest and the last sacrifice, in a cause which the world knows to have been right and just.

The story begins in some battle, when some soldier fell. It ends in our beautiful National Cemetery at Arlington, near Washington, on the banks of that favored stream, the Potomac. Close at hand, in a quiet sanctuary, are the many military decorations that he won; which grateful Allies sent to mark his grave and make remembrance of his sacrifice.

Across the length of line which marks the (WW1) front in France lie four cemeteries, our Gods-acres in the zone of battle. We call them the cemeteries of Aisne-Marne, Meuse-Argonne, Somme, and St. Mihiel. Here the poppies blow, and the white crosses stand row on row. Here sleep our battle dead. Most of the crosses bear a legend - the name and rank of him who sleeps beneath. But on some of them is nothing but a pitiful number and the words "Here rests in Honored Glory an American Soldier Known but to God" - here lie the unknown soldiers, who came to France as high in hope and as pulsing with the justice of their cause as any of the known who rest beside them. They, too, left those they loved behind. But the chance of battle was doubly against them. They were fated to die and lose even their names in addition to their lives. Their beloveds could not find them to bring them back home again.

So, the one has been brought?.. their representative.

Right here, someone may say, "Are we sure that he will never be known? Are not others identified from time to time?"

To be sure, this is indeed so. A ring here, the number on the works of a watch there, the fillings of the teeth, a scrawl on a bit of paper - all these or even less have served to make an identity known. But this soldier, and the ones from whom he was selected, bore neither trace nor remembrance of whomsoever he might have been when his limbs thrilled with life.

As a start for the final selection, the American Graves Registration Service in France made a thorough search of all the burial forms of unknown soldiers in the four cemeteries at the front. From these were picked only the records of those soldiers who gave no clue to, nor evidence of identity. Then the original papers and books showing the interment of these bodies were gone over and from them four bodies were selected which represented the remains of soldiers of which there was absolutely not the slightest indication as to name, rank, organization or date of death. In other words, these bodies had been picked up from isolated graves, hastily dug on the battlefield, and afterwards buried in the permanent cemeteries. No recourse to any record could possibly solve the mystery of their identity.

On October 22, 1921, one body of an unknown was disinterred from each of the four cemeteries. Tenderly the four were convoyed under guard of honor by an officer to Chalons-sur-Marne, next day, where, at the Hotel De Ville, four catafalques were ready and a major of the Quartermaster Corps of the Army was waiting to receive them. As each officer in charge of a body turned it over to the major he also handed in the form pertaining to its burial. Another officer, in the presence of the receiving major, solemnly destroyed the papers by fire. In addition, at headquarters in Paris all other records pertaining to these four bodies were likewise destroyed, so that today we have no record on file either in Paris or Washington showing from whence they originally came or from what cemetery they were later exhumed. So came the dawn of October 24.

Early that morning the Quartermaster with some French and American soldiers, rearranged the caskets, placing them in different positions around the room. The bodies reposed now in different order than they had during the night, by this method there could be no opportunity for any one, even the employees of the American Graves Registration Service, to recognize through the order of arrangement which casket came from each cemetery.

Then came the moment for the solemn selection of the "The One Unknown." There was no way to tell one from another. Each of the four caskets rested on a catafalque draped with an American flag. Palms and potted trees, and the intertwined colors of France and the United States made the mortuary a beautiful one for the simple ceremony to follow. Outside, a French guard of honor stood at the "Present Arms." One American soldier entered the chamber of death, alone, - he was Sergeant Edward F. Younger, Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 50th Infantry, a lad from Chicago, Illinois, who had fought through all of the war as private, corporal, sergeant, and who was wounded twice. In his hand he carried a spray of the roses of France, gift of M. Brasseur Bruffer, a former member of the city council of Chalons, who had lost two sons in the war. As outside the French band played a hymn, Sergeant Younger slowly walked around the caskets several times and finally paused in front of one of them - it was his selection. Gently he laid his roses on this casket, and then came smartly to attention, facing the casket at the salute. He had made his choice; this then was "The Unknown."

The Unknown was now in solitude. Over his casket an American flag was draped and the spray of roses placed atop.

The funeral train was waiting, together with a special car tended by the Government of Paris, resting at the Gare Batignolles under soldier guard. Next morning the train left for Le Harve, with a distinguished company of French and American Officers on board as escorts. This Tuesday, October 25. There was a brief stop at Rouen to take on Major General Duchesne, Commanding General of the 3rd French Army Corps as additional escort. Le Havre was reached at 1:00 P.M., where awaited a machine-gun company and a detachment of sailors, both French, as a new guard of honor.

Here another procession was formed. The American pallbearers carried the casket from the train, followed by the officials and 30 French soldiers carrying the floral offerings, and marched to the square at the railway station where a flag-draped caisson was waiting. As the band of the 5th Division, French Army, played the familiar strains of "Aux Champs," the casket was placed upon the funeral vehicle of a soldier, a gun carriage. A veritable shower of flowers fell upon it-the tribute of the school children of Le Havre. It seemed as if the entire population of that seaport city lined the streets to pay their deep respect to America's Unknown. Twenty deep they lined both sides of the route from the train to the Pier d'Escale, where our gallant cruiser U.S.S. Olympia was waiting to receive the Unknown with all steam up.

Leading the cortege were the drums and bugles of the 129th Infantry of France, and the band which played the funeral marches of Chopin and Mendelssohn on the way; the flag of the 129th; battalions of the Havrais Regiment; sailors from the crews of the Verdun and L'Epernay. Soldiers of the 129th regiment followed, bearing the palms, wreaths and bouquets. Then The Unknown, preceded by a detachment of this comrades, with eight American sergeants on each side of the coffin, and among them Sgt.Younger. More troops marched behind with their arms reversed, and in the rear brought up the orphans belonging to the Fraternite France-Americaine, each little one bearing a flower.

The procession marched through the Boulevard de Strasbourg. A wreath tied with the French and Havre colors, was offered by the city of Le Havre, in front of the Hotel de Ville, where delegations of the fire brigade, customs officials and policemen had gathered. It was carried by two ushers of the Hotel de Ville, who, after walking around the coffin, took their places in front of the gun carriage.

The cortege then continued through the rues de Paris, des Drapiers, du General Faidherbe and the Quai de Bostrom. A reverent and deeply-moved crowd lined the way, decorated with flags flying at half-mast. The procession reached the quay at half-past two. The cruiser Olympia, with the American flags at half-mast and the French flag hoisted half-way up the foremast, was anchored between her escorting ships. All steam was up; our gallant ship tugged at her chains as if impatient to bear her precious freight on its last journey. Admiral Chandler, with the officers of his ship and those of the destroyer Ruben James, stood on the wharf in front of the cruiser. Grouped behind them were the band and detachments of American Marines and sailors of the Olympic.

Major General Henry T. Allen, then commanding forces in Germany said:

"We of far away America, thrilled by the amazing stand of our ancient ally against the terrific onslaught in the early years of the Great War, recognized that the tenets of our constitution - even the very foundations of our political institutions - were threatened. The ruthless treatment of Belgium with an imminent repetition of the same acts on the soil of our time honored friendly Republic and the barbarities at sea, brought forth such a wave of indignation throughout the United States as to produce an hitherto unknown solidarity of sentiment and action. The spirit of this sleeping comrade dominated from the Golden Gate to the Atlantic seaboard and from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. It accompanied and inspired not only the flower of our youth, who saw with clear vision their duty on the agonizing battle fronts, but it made possible the super efforts of fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers, who did the impossible at home that their blood might be victorious abroad.?

General Allen turned and faced the casket. All eyes instinctively followed his glance towards the heroic dead. Addressing he who lay there he said:

"The United States, which is rendering you homage on this day, is likewise paying tribute to your French comrade who fell with you, and who lives in the hearts of his countrymen as you live enshrined in the loving memory of yours. Whoever you be, your gallant deeds are indelibly inscribed in the pages of history to the glory of your nation, and as long as these free states endure will your exploits be sung. In leaving hospitable France, who has so fondly cherished you, another voyage is prepared and further honors await you in the land of your birth."

At this moment the sun of France, hidden as usual behind the sullen clouds, as the American doughboy well remembers, burst out in all its glory. Even the elements conspired to pay homage to our Unknown.

The French were ready to say ?Farewell?.
Monsieur Maginot, representing the French Government, addressed the Unknown:

"Unknown Soldier, valiant son of noble America, fallen on our soil in the cause of right and civilization, it is all of France that inclines before your casket,on which I have been ordered by the Government of France to place the Cross of the Legion of Honor at the moment when your glorious remains, enveloped in the flag of your country, are leaving the land which your sacrifice has helped to save.?

"It is the entire French nation which pays you this last and supreme honor. She cannot forget, she never will forget, what you have done for her in the hour of peril. France was menaced -the France who had sided with the newly-born America, the France whom in its turn the United States would not permit to lose her liberty. We do not know your name, just as we do not know the name of the unknown soldier of France, who rests in Paris under the Arch de Triomphe, but our gratitude turns toward you as toward him, and when our steps lead us to our unknown soldier, where worships the patriotism of an entire nation, some of our most fervent thoughts will be found at the cemetery at Arlington, for our worship must associate in the same plane the two soldiers whose blood has been spilled together on our soil for our country and for humanity.?
Minister Maginot walked over to the casket and decorated the Soldier Unknown with the Cross Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur. Then "Fermez le Ban" and the "Marseillaise" by the band -the ceremonies were at an end.

The military pallbearers lifted the casket and bore it towards the cruisers. There eight pallbearers from America?s sea services awaited - six sailors and two Marines. One by one the sea-faring men took the places of the soldiers and the casket changed hands, silently and swiftly, without being lowered to the ground. The Unknown was then in the Navy's care, with Admiral Chandler in direct charge. So, the casket went aboard the ship while the Olympia's band played soft and low the Funeral march of Chopin.

Aboard ship the stern is the place of honor. There the Unknown was borne by his comrades of the sea to rest amidst flags and flowers. As a last tribute 300 French school children came on board and heaped the casket with blossoms.

The whistle blew its sonorous warning. Moorings were cast off. Two French destroyers pulled out beyond the breakwater. Eight other French torpedo boats left their places outside the piers to accompany the Olympia, now gathering way and slowly moving from her dock and out of the harbor. Seventeen guns boomed salute, to which she replied in kind. Her voyage began.

Our Nameless Warrior was leaving for his last resting place in the land of his birth.

Safely the blue Atlantic bore him across its broad bosom and then the placid Potomac received him as the Olympia steamed up past Mount Vernon, George Washington's home, to the Nation's Capital, which bears the name of the First Great American. There, under the white dome of the lofty Capitol, the chosen lay in state while the people paid him silent homage until Armistice Day, November 11, 1921, the time set for the last ceremonies and farewells.

Meanwhile the Army and the Quartermaster Corps have made every arrangement for the imposing entombment of this sacred son. Eight new pallbearers have been chosen from among the enlisted personnel of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps - all men of the caliber of which heroes are made who had distinguished themselves in the war beyond the call of duty.

Armistice Day dawned clear and bright; the sun shone down on the casket as the medalled bearers placed it on the gun caisson for the very last of the journey, begun on a battlefield in France and drawing to its end down Pennsylvania Avenue.

First the fighting arms of the Service - infantry, cavalry, artillery, with shining bayonets, clanking sabers, and rumbling cannon, still tricked out in war's camouflage. Following the gun carriage which bore the precious burden came such a company as never that historic Avenue had seen. The President of the United States, on foot, marching alone - then the Vice President; the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Associate Justices, marching four abreast; the members of the Cabinet with the Secretary of State at their head; the Governors of States and their staffs; the Senators, the members of the House. Medal of Honor men of many wars, representatives of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard; veterans and many patriotic organizations. General Pershing, who had led the American host to victory three short years before, headed the representatives of the Army.

Meanwhile a hushed and reverent company had gathered at the amphitheater in Arlington where the stone tomb had been made ready to receive its host. Nearly all of the friendly nations in the world had sent their ambassadors or ministers. The States of the Union were represented. So, too, came many relatives whose dead are recorded among the unknowns; and many gold star mothers.

The President took his place. The Marine band played the National Anthem. Chaplain Axton, of the Army, made invocation and then the trumpet call, "Attention," thrice sounded. This was the signal for the entire company to rise, observing silence for two minutes. "America," sung by the audience, next punctuated the stillness and provided fit introduction to the President of the United States, who stepped to the rostrum to speak. As the last memorable word fell from the lips so soon afterwards to be themselves stilled in death, a quartet sang the hymn "The Supreme Sacrifice." Then President Harding stepped up to the casket and decorated the Warrior with the Medal of Honor and the Distinguished Service Cross, the highest honors a fighting man can win at the hands of his country.

Then followed a little procession of distinguished soldiers and diplomats, each laying the highest decoration of his country for valor beside the decorations from the United States, already lying on the casket. Hymns, the Psalm and Scripture followed and then the remains were borne from the apse to the sarcophagus, proceeded by the clergy and followed by the President and his wife, the then Vice President and Mrs. Coolidge, foreign dignitaries, the Cabinet, General Pershing and others.

An American War mother placed a wreath on the tomb in behalf of all American war mothers, followed by a British war mother in behalf of those sister-mothers across the seas. Chief Plenty Coups, head of the Crow Nation, representing the Native Americans of the United States, stepped out from the crowd, a dramatic note of color above the assemblage. Slowly and with native dignity he laid his war bonnet and coup stick on the sarcophagus.

The artillery burst forth in salvos and when the last reverberation had died away down the hills of Arlington, the plaintive notes of "Taps? rose upon the quiet air? farewell to the Soldier Dead.

Our Unknown had come home!

The artillery crashed out the National salute - 21 guns - in promise that his country would keep watch and ward over him until all time shall end.
""Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln,how did you like the play?"

Steve / 82Rigger
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Old 11-10-2003, 10:31 PM
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Thanks Rigger...
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Old 11-10-2003, 10:37 PM
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Thanks Rigger...
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Old 11-11-2003, 07:00 AM
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That's a very potent picture and makes one reflect on VA days like this even more so.

O Almighty Lord God, who neither slumberest nor sleepest; Protect and assist, we beseech thee, all those who at home or abroad, by land, by sea, or in the air, are serving this country, that they, being armed with thy defence, may be preserved evermore in all perils; and being filled with wisdom and girded with strength, may do their duty to thy honour and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Old 11-11-2003, 12:11 PM
VIETNAM 1968 VIETNAM 1968 is offline
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Thumbs up Bless You 82 Rigger:

Your entry concerning the World War I Unknown Soldier's selection, trip back HOME, and final internment at Arlington Cemetery was one of the most beautiful entries that I have ever read on this Forum. As I read every word of it, Tears started falling and by the time I finished, both of my cheeks were soaked. A really beautiful tribute to an American Soldier KNOWN ONLY TO GOD.

Thanks again 82 Rigger for a truly beautiful and emotional entry.

I personally would like our Government to make a GENUINE EFFORT to locate one of our Brothers that ALSO IS KNOWN ONLY TO GOD. We, as Vietnam Veterans, also deserve to have one of our ranks resting beside the World War I, World War II, and Korean War Unknowns.

I find it very fitting that, on this Veterans Day, I again wish all my Vietnam Veteran Brothers and Sisters:


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Old 11-12-2003, 10:29 AM
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Excellent post !! Thanks !!

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