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Old 06-30-2003, 06:46 AM
1IDVET 1IDVET is offline
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Default They Just Don't Get It

By Tom Barrett

Democrat Party rising star Patrick Kennedy, a US Representative from Rhode Island, was running his mouth again. This time he really blew it, alarming even his fellow liberals. "I don't need Bush's tax cut. I have never worked a F***ing day in my life."

The liberals think America is upset about his filthy mouth. Of course we are, particularly since the audience was young people, but we're used to gutter language from a certain class of people. What has really shocked many people is that he was so open about the fact that liberals despise people who work. They think of themselves as some kind of superior race whose job it is to guide and protect the inferior working folks. Kind of like normal people do with their pets.

Since I wasn't there, I pieced together the events from news reports and statements of witnesses in the crowd. As often happens with Kennedy, he let his mouth race ahead of his brain last Wednesday night at a gathering of Young Democrats. After presidential candidate Howard Dean spoke, Kennedy delivered an impassioned peroration against President Bush's tax cut. He got the audience's attention with the statement above. Then, according to a witness, "He droned on and on, frequently mentioning how much better the candidates would sound the more we drank. Finally, he had to be stopped by a DNC volunteer." In an effort to put a "spin" on the disgraceful incident, Kennedy's spokesman, Ernesto Anguilla, said, "He was talking to the crowd; it was a rally-the-troops kind of speech about the tax cut. He was energizing the crowd and got caught up in it and used an unfortunate word, which he regrets using. And no one pulled him off the stage."

Kennedy's mouthpiece placed all the emphasis on the filth that came out of his boss's mouth. He made no apology for the truth Kennedy spoke. Kennedy has never work a %#@*^#! day in his life - and he's PROUD of that!!

Patrick Kennedy is typical of the elitist liberal snobs who control the Democrat Party. He is rich, but feels guilty for having money. He has never worked (being a politician is not a job), so he feels superior to those who do work. He feels he is smarter than the rest of us, so he has an obligation to tell all the poor dim-witted working class people how they should live.

The Kennedys have often been referred to (never by me) as "America's royalty." Camelot, and all that garbage. They have more money than many small nations, they are considered "beautiful people" (I never got that one), they hob-nob with kings and dictators. I suppose that is as close as America has ever gotten to royalty (thank the Lord!). Unfortunately, they believe all this nonsense.

So they act like royalty. They live off the people's sweat (politics has always been the "family business"). They look down on us with a sort of benevolent disdain. They feel guilty because they have so much more than us, so they play Robin Hood. They steal from the "rich" (the middle class) with confiscatory taxes, while carefully hiding their own vast wealth in a maze of trusts, safe from taxes. They give our money to the poor through welfare programs that perpetuate poverty by stealing the incentive to work from the very people they purport to help.

Please notice that:
1) They money they give away is not theirs.
2) They steal from the only productive areas of society.
3) They give our money away in ways guaranteed to keep the poor in poverty.

If it were only the Kennedys, it wouldn't be so bad. But the liberals idolize the Kennedys. They ignore their faults. John F. Kennedy had more women than Bill Clinton, if such a thing is possible. "Teddy" Kennedy (is that a name for a grown man?) killed a woman with whom he was committing adultery, and walked away scot-free. Kennedy nephews have raped and murdered. And of course the liberals forget that old Joe Kennedy, the source of the Kennedy money and prestige, made the money illegally smuggling booze during Prohibition, and bought legitimacy from political bosses. But to the liberals, the Kennedys can do no wrong.

The liberals so want to be Kennedys that they emulate the Kennedys. So they adopt "Royal" attitudes and philosophies. They start to believe that they, too, are wiser than "ordinary" people. They convince themselves that they are "due" money and power because they are of a better class. Then their guilt starts to work on them, and they start to do "good works" to assuage the guilt. If that meant giving away their own money no one would mind. But instead they give away what is not theirs, namely your hard-earned tax dollars. And of course in so doing, they are buying votes with our money. Who do welfare recipients vote for? Liberals, of course.

Thus the royals can have it all, control how the dim-witted folks live and feel benevolent because they give a few scraps to those less fortunate than themselves. After all, it is the tradition of royalty to take care of their pets (excuse me, the commoners).

Here's a thought for young Patrick and all the Kennedy wannabes. Get a job. Find out what it is like to earn an honest living by the sweat of your brow. Being a politician is not the same as making an honest living. Patrick Kennedy was honest when he said he had never worked a day in his life. Politicians produce nothing. They simply take the fruits of the labor of others and redistribute it according to their own political ideologies.

The concept of public service ended when we started paying politicians. In the early days of this nation our leaders were public servants. They earned their living in honest labor and served without pay because they loved their country. Today's politicians still like to call themselves public servants. I wonder how many of them would stick around if we said, "Get a job to earn your living, and volunteer as a part-time legislator." Hmmm. If Congress only operated part-time, think of how much less trouble they would cause, and how much less money they could spend...
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Old 06-30-2003, 07:23 AM
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1IDVET et al-

Ah yes, there is more than a hint of self imposed royalty in most politicians, their pay check (compared to productivity) is often out of line, and their edicts are usually geared to assist the proliferation of their (and their cronies, lackeys and cling-ons) life style and power base!

Unfortunately, and like it or not, we have created an aristocracy of sorts here in the United States! "Ah but then such is the nature of the beast, is it not?!"

Hey, maybe that's the building blocks of the problem. We keep trying to empower a different man (or woman), or even a differing political party, but maybe the inherent weakness rests within some politicos themselves - the silk purse, sow's ear analogy?

Could it also be that 'tis we who sculpted the ogre by accepting the attitude, nurturing the inner corruption, applauding the arrogance, and re-electing fools or equally odious newcomers!

The only ways that I know of to resolve such problems and their perpetrators, is to impeach (a right used far too sparingly in my opinion), vote out, decry, and do what we do here-in - BECOME ACTIVISTS!

If we talk enough, bitch enough, scream loud enough, and get in their faces enough, maybe they (political bonvivants) and their support mechanisms will finally get the message! "Hey, it's worth a try!!"

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Old 06-30-2003, 07:51 AM
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Post Condenscending Self-Righteousness

Condenscending Self-Righteousness,

This attitude can affect both liberals and conservatives. I'm right and know what's best for you. My experiences in politics showed me that people who have these attitudes are usually very rich or the intellectuals from the college scene. When I would come across these people, my attitude was: "we would do the human race a big favor if I took you in the back alley and shot you." But, of course being the sweet, kind, and lovable person I am ( ) I sucked it up and rationalize we have jerks on all levels we must tolerate in this life. I have met members of some Ultra Liberal Organizations that Just think they know everything about everything and they are very condenscending in their cocky way. But I have also met some religous zealots who are just as condenscending. I just can't stand it when people have such attitudes, we all have a lot to learn and no man should think he is better than everyone else just because he has had a little success or was born into wealth. It seems to me that George III of England had this problem with a condenscending attitude and it backfired on him.

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Old 06-30-2003, 07:54 AM
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I have a tendancy to write the knuckleheads, er, powers that be, when ever I have the urge to rant. I usually get the standard reply, but at least I feel a little better. I didn't bitch about it and just sit on my ass wringing my hands and gnashing my teeth. Keep writing the representatives and senators. The more they hear from us, the more they will get the idea. If that doesn't work, vote their asses out of office.
Next time a pay raise for congress comes up, write to them and let them know exactly how much they are really worth.
I think they should be paid less than a soldier. They actually do less, so let's compensate them for what they are really worth.
Are you tired of them giving your money away? Vote against it.
It's time to start convincing the non-voting block to get off their collective arses and vote.
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Old 06-30-2003, 11:02 AM
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Default Sorry Friends...

But, and unfortunately, you're ALL right, correct, honest, aware, or whatever. However, and also unfortunately, we're also not notables and millionaires and/or the ONLY TRUE VOICES of any TRUE CONSEQUENCE in America. No ifs, ands or buts.

Thusly, and if not a millionaire notable of The Press/Media, The Beltway or Hollywood and/or ONLY ONES ACTUALLY PRIVY TO TRUE: "FREE SPEECH",...the absolute truth of the matter is that you have as much chance being heard un-slanted, un-twisted, un-deleted, un-sanitized and/or not politically-corrected on public matters of importance by The Public, as anyones dog or cat has.

Just try sending your opinion to your local newspaper. If anything like New Jersey's HOME NEWS TRIBUNE, one doubts very much if any non-notable and not a millionaire will even recognize his or her very own letter. Naturally, if echoing Big Brothers and/or political nonsense (the acceptable norm), or if connected or affiliated politically somehow, I sure one will have an infinitely better chance at being heard or read.

Still, and since both The Rich and The Poor never have need to worry about finances in America, doesn't anyone else think it absurd that only liberal notables and millionaires and/or ruling elite ALWAYS DEMAND just how much we of The Middle Class can keep (or not) OF MY/OUR VERY OWN MONEY? God forbid if ANYONE IN OFFICIALDOM wants to give us any of OUR MONEY back.

Are all Dems/Libs/Socialists schooled at Nottingham University and/or The Sheriff of Nottingham's alma mater (seems so)? Damn,...I hope those power and control freaks self-destruct, before too late. Sure, foreigners and illegal aliens will have benefits cut. But, so what? Let them wire home for any needed funds, and stop using ME/US as their piggybank.

Neil, a voiceless writer
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Old 06-30-2003, 12:40 PM
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"Shame on you Neil!" If we really thought that our voices were unheard or un-heeded, we wouldn't even bother to pick pen in hand, or turn on the old computer!

"Giving 'em hell is the American way, and you might just be surprised who is listening!?"

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Old 06-30-2003, 03:04 PM
judyvillecco judyvillecco is offline
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Sadly I agree with all the above about our elected. Florida passed the term limit thing to get rid of the lifers like the Kennedy's but boy try to tell that to a New Englander! Taxsachusett's loves their Kennedy's but I don't know why because they have nothing to brag about except high taxes and their brainwashed into thinking they have the only place to live on earth! I campaigned for John but shame on him for what he did to Jackie and his Dad was no count. Just a bunch of drunks. Nothing more. If we paid politicians what we made they might get more serious. The lady that got the smoking ban down here started with walking around with petition in hand. Perhaps we could get pay cuts for politicians with pen in hand! :cd: :cd: :ek:
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Old 06-30-2003, 03:25 PM
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Default Judy

No need to apologize, dear lady, for recognizing the truth. In fact, I would commend you for your honesty! 1IDVET is righter than rain on a tin roof. This country is ripe for a real revolution, not the variety of guns and razor wire, but getting us back to the basic things that made us great to begin with. We despartely need immigration reform, tax reform, and new justices on the US Supreme Court, to name a few changes.

On that subject, it appears that the Nine High Robes, or at least a majority of them, found it in the Constitution that there is an inalienable right to sodomy. Let's see, just what conservative justices voted for that bit of judicial la-la land thinking? Or, gasp!!, could it be that liberal justices so decided? Oh, the horrible shock to think that a liberal would countenace such an idea!! And just think, if, according to their warped interpretation, if a consenting adult and an unsuspecting sheep (all Aggie jokes aside!!) are in the privacy of their own home, then the law of bestiality musn't apply.
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 06-30-2003, 05:16 PM
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I am afraid you might be right on track with the beastiality thing, among other not so favorable "rights." Where will it end, should it go unchallenged by the masses?
I fear anarchy will reign supreme should I, and others such as yourselves, not voice our opinions and vote. Unfortunately, the non-voting block is the loudest voice. They voice their opinion, or lack thereof by not voting. I guess I already said that, but it is a sore point. Status quo my butt.
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Old 06-30-2003, 08:35 PM
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HC: I agree with you on paying members of congress what they are worth and for the time they work also. at this rate Dick Gephardt from Mo. would owe US the taxpayers 88% of his paycheck for the last few months (for while he has been campaigning for president he has been ignoring his duties and has missed 88% of the roll call votes, Senator Graham of Fla has been Not voting a lot also due to his vigorous campaign schedule for President what about his sworn constitutional duties to the state of Fla.?
Bob Dole had it right when he resigned from the senate to run against Clinton .All the other office holders should do the same But, most want to keep their day job at Taxpayer expense. The only office holder that would be suitable for keeping ones day job while campaigning in my opinion is the President all others Take Doles lead and resign first if they plan on running for higher office BTW I still think Zell Miller is doing a great job for the State of Georgia
[><] Dixie born and proud of it.
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