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Old 10-16-2002, 08:37 PM
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Post Admiral Bush's New Deal?!

Ah, yes indeed, it is a ?Grandiose New World Order? for America?s Veterans now that Tony Prince-ipi has taken over the Veterans Administration. Or could it possibly be that the ?Prince? has just initiated a rehashed version of the same old (and worn-out) specter of ?V.A. Christmas Past?!? New faces, after all, do not a prize package make!!

Avas ye swabs, I have been shipwrecked upon the shark-infested reefs of the VA and it?s oft-time troubled waters for some 14 years now, and during this watch, I have witnessed ongoing and often contradictory lies, compounded with provable threats, and magnified by intimidation, mental floggings, and endless delays!

When my claim for benefits was first (purposely) run aground upon the Veterans Administration?s shoals, some 14 years ago to be exact, I still managed to retain (at least) a modicum of misplaced trust in the nearly blind lighthouse keepers of the system! This, however, quickly ebbed amidst the rip-tide of lies and deception (including bogus remands), mis-information, and outright nastiness, spewed forth at the foundering VA! Even the cooks (misinformation chefs) at this school of sharks (opinion) would have had me walking the plank for not swallowing their rotting bait, hook, line and stinker! Is this a mindset shared all the way to the ghettos of DC, or is this just mass paranoia, perhaps?

And as for that ?Five-Star Admiral? set adrift in that ?Oval Office Bathtub?, is this perhaps, the same landlubber who now seeks to create yet another generation of (future) veteran castaways?

After being ambushed (broadsided) at each and every sea-lane, being outgunned by virtue of silver stars and sea-lawyers, but not truth and tenacity, I began to turn my justifiable anger in the direction of these ?Captain Bly Types!? I figured that with the self-inflicted blindness of their (VA?s) cockeyed crow?s nest, and their indifference to facts that do not flow to their liking, as well as that VA/Service Org. conflict of interest (in my case) that weighed down their judgment, like an anchor of a Battle-Wagon, my sole remaining recourse was to chart a different course, directly to the ports of power in Washington DC (Mistake #2, maybe)?

A ship?s company full of Senators and Congressmen too, quickly passed off the blood-drenched pieces of eight that they had been handed, and instantly veered off course to avoid the buoys of conflict. They treated my case (experimentation), after being influenced by $$$ no doubt, like a 60 year old can of over-ripe shark bait! Sixty years being pretty close to the time span that elements of our government, the military and the intelligence sector, have been shanghaiing unwitting service men (and women too maybe) for illegal, immoral and criminal exposure to chemicals and biological agents from hell!

Hell, to my way of thinking, it made absolutely no difference all the way to the White House (opinion), how criminal their ?Predecessory, Predatory Peers? had been in the past! These piranha were, after all, ?Brothers Of The Fin and Shipmates Of State - Gold-plated fellows, one and all!? And how dare any ?Mere American Mortal? cross cutlasses with the gods?!

As a matter of fact, one highly placed example of ?Senate Intelligence?, avowed after my yarn and viewing my paperwork some years back, that, and I quote: ?Heads were going to roll, regardless of rank and/or station?? This warrior, however, quickly dumped his cargo and retreated to the top-deck when the ?Yard-arm of Peer Pressure? swung too close to his pristine dickey (Collar-line)! ?Alas mates, now there be honor, be it watered down with brine, bull shit, and $$$$!?

Yet another (beached) Lord of the Admiralty, once volunteered to share a little ditty with me! He informed me that, and again I quote: ?You are asking questions that some in power don?t want to answer!?? Well, at least ?HE? was honest!?

Well after some 14 hard years before the mast, and after being illogically keel-hauled numerous times, as well as being busted down to ?Sub-Human Third Class?, I finally realized that the ?Pompous Powers That Be? had hung a five hundred pound albatross around my neck! I was ?Persona Non Grata? and labeled as a ?Jonas? by those who had
lowered my flag, even before the first shot of truth had been fired!. Those ever snarling pariahs who would sell out even ?Father Neptune Himself? for a half empty flacon of cheap rum!

And ah yes, the games of time that a few of these pandering mortals play!

I had thought that ?Musical Deck Chairs? had dropped out of fashion upon the sinking of the Titanic, but if these champagne-soaked blokes had anything to say about it, I would have been chained to the bulkhead of the Titanic, along with the other troublesome ghosts, away back in 1912! And as for a scant few of the deckhands of the VA Juggernaut, a few of these yes men may have felt right at home aboard the Widdah (Captain Kidd?s Pirate Vessel)! (opinion)

Well, to shorten another lengthy yarn, I was also once warned to cease and desist putting my quill to paper (writing diatribes), lest my ?Venomous Factualities? pull the cork on the USS-Arrogant (V.A.). I was further warned that Congress might just alter the course of the whole V.A. Fleet, running it into foul weather and turbulent seas, should I capture the ear of someone in Congress who truly gives a tinker?s dam!?

?So what is amiss Captain Bly?? Is there no truth aboard your wooden ship, save for the lash and grog locker! ?Twas not I, after all, that created this tempest, as it has been brewing for decades. I merely pointed out the fact that a small number of your crew has abandoned ship, morally in any event!? And it was, after all, you that gave the orders to scuttle the vessel! (opinion)

As a matter of fact, my fifteen minutes of truth was even set ablaze after a ?Pro-Bone-O? Attorney also ate up much of what was left of my allotted time, while I and my family were kept on bread and water, and locked deep within your ?Brig of Insults!?

Finally, I was just now told by that attorney that I had but three viable options!

1 - Represent myself (He who represents himself, represents a fool)!

2 - Seek another attorney (As of the date of the Pro Bono Attorney?s refusal to represent me, I had but 8 days left before my thirty-day extension ran out!?)

3 - Request the court (COVA) to voluntarily dismiss my appeal. ?In my uneducated opinion, this may have been the whole idea from the start!??

Well, don?t hold your breath ?Oh Free One? as I have not yet begun to fight!

It is again my opinion that this ?Continuing Trial of Sly-V.A. Errors? had indeed been sired, born and irrevocably decided, some 14 years ago behind closed doors at the VA and elsewhere, and my case's burial at sea was purely a formality!

Why you ask, do I feel that the fix was in, long before this ship left port - ?Well, I?ll tell you why!!?

The matter of experimentation upon unwitting, un-informed (non) volunteers during the Cold War (1955 to 1967) was (and is) a hot issue. And were it to become common knowledge, our facade of horror over like experiments abroad could be severely watered-down, not to mention the fact, as a Senate staffer told me years ago, heads would roll over this (provable) Cold War Atrocity!? This revelation, as covered in DAIG-IN 21-75, Chief of Staff Memo 385 and The Church Senate Hearings of 1977, would and could, also prove to be an embarrassment as well as a career (or pension) buster for those involved. But after all is said and done, what are a few thousand suffering victims, when compared to the reputations and $$$ status of the well connected - ?Yeah Right!??

So much for truth and justice? Ah but then, our ?Admirals of State? also have to come up for re-election every so often, do they not? (HMMM)

Now that I am finally finished with my ?Sea-Sermon?, walk me to the end of the plank mates, the bureaucratic sharks await, and their lust for blood is insatiable! [last opinion]


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Old 10-17-2002, 08:41 AM
Wazza Wazza is offline
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Once more the veracity of your profound use of the vernacular is truly inspiring. I noticed on the Veteran Affairs site, a link, which goes straight to the President. Have you thought about sending all your posts to HIM?

Do we agree, disagree or just read in awe? This tale of woe should go straight to Keith.
History states clearly that the world needs a star to steer by. Make Australia that Star.
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Old 10-17-2002, 09:32 AM
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Default Good...HARDCORE.

And as usual, you cut through all the bull and/or political nonsense, and get right to the heart of the matter.

Still, and whether a: "Five Star Admiral" (re. Bush), a Five Star General (re. Eisenhaur), or even a Five Star; "Col. of The Urinal", such as; "Slick Willy" (re. Bill Clinton), their appointed underlings (powerful as they might be also) pretty-much all act the same.
It has to be GOOD for The Party, GOOD for The Beaurocracy, and just SO-SO for The People, and even Veterans.

So Me Bucko and/or Friend, and even though undoubtedly your RIGHTEOUS FIGHT has certainly been an uphill one to say the least, hang-in-there.

Still, and for what it's worth, it seems to me that Wazza gave you a pretty good suggestion. Hey Old Buddy, and even though no guarantees in life about anything, I still think it a good suggestion and worth doing.

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Old 10-17-2002, 11:30 AM
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Your the man!! I've read many of you're threads and I'm at awe for your colorful penmenship. Your OK mate you just need to wash down some of this hardship with a little ale or port.

You just express yourself over and over I really think you've got a lot of things you gotta get off your chest - ha ha. You have courage and near perfect diction which impresses the hell of me.

I only get riled up once in a blue moon. So you blow off that steam and we will be there to support you whenever needed.

Good Show Mate - Good Show

O Almighty Lord God, who neither slumberest nor sleepest; Protect and assist, we beseech thee, all those who at home or abroad, by land, by sea, or in the air, are serving this country, that they, being armed with thy defence, may be preserved evermore in all perils; and being filled with wisdom and girded with strength, may do their duty to thy honour and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Old 10-17-2002, 02:32 PM
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Thumbs up FRIENDS

My dear friends;

"It is indeed refreshing to realize that many of our minds sail along upon the same waterways of life!"

For many years, and throughout several administrations, I have done just what you have suggested! I have usually forwarded copies of my insanity directly to the party(s) that I am addressing in print, over the phone or mano y mano (man to man)!. This includes, for the record, Presidents, a U.S. Senator or two, a couple of selected congressmen, a retired general, a few friends, and of course, the national media! "Hell, they even (occasionally) put my warped opinions into print!"

I say nothing on line, over the phone, or via any other media that I have not told (or would not tell in person) to the affected (or is that infected) political parties themselves! As a matter of fact, in one of the small papers that I once had a free column in (some time back), one of the readers commented: "You say what many people feel, but fear to say!" I do not believe this, however, as most people have what it takes to express themselves, no holds bared! Unfortunately, however, many more merely act the part of ?Charlie
McCarthy? and say only what has been programmed into them! After all, it does not necessarily make one brave to stand by his guns, but rather (merely) a firm believer in the "First of Ten!" (Numero Uno, Bill of Rights)! It is, however, my unshakable opinion, that it is a person's solemn duty and responsibility to aire his beliefs, defend justice, detest well-situated liars, and to legally challenge, that which he feels to be in error or harmful to the majority will!

Many a politico, and greased-behind insider as well, will of course, challenge this analogy. And all too many of them feel that the ?Best Citizen Is A Silent Citizen?" One on the order of those little dolls with the spring-loaded heads, that always nod their approval! One who votes (as told), pays their dues and then shuts up about political matters, and one who always obeys (even the unethical) without legal protest, Constitutional redress, or even a whimper of indignation (a little stench of Hitler and Hussein here, perhaps)?

The ideal citizen to some in power is a person who silently absorbs that which he is programmed to obey, even that which he (or she) feels to be morally, politically, or patriotically wrong!? And most of all, to advance through the political ranks, the obedient citizen must become an eternal team player, right or wrong! What are many politicians, after all, if not people who's arrogance far outweighs their talent and genuine dedication! "Is this not the same credo espoused by many of those international despots whom the free world suffered under in times past and present?!"

This is, however, not the concept that the United States, and indeed, ?Humanity Itself?, was predicated upon! We did not inherit the yoke, but rather pastures to freely till. We were not born to suffer international servitude (even a political one), but rather independence! And it does not matter by what name they are called, what position they infect, or what ideology or party line they call master, there has, and always will be those, who seek to subjugate and control, either by force, intimidation, ridicule or lies, their fellow human beings!! "Unfortunate but true!"

Many in international politics speak of freedom, as long as it is a freedom of their own design. And he who marches to a different patriotic drummer, although barely tolerated even in a free society, is often labeled as a political outcast or a social leper! "Does this not hobble our freedoms with often crippling limitations!" Granted, even a good thing can be overdone, except of course, when the recipient of the goodies is politically or financially connected, or so it appears to me?!

No man (or woman) who strives for what they truly believed in is ever totally wrong, as long as the innocent are not injuried in the process. And no all-powerful entity who seeks to control ?God-Given and Constitutionally-Guaranteed Rights?, is ever (even the slightest bit) right!! For neither name, title, position nor wealth, will ever truly elevate one human being above another. And even when a clique or political party is in control, their self-awarded rights, or their vested agenda, should never be allowed to circumvent the will of the majority or the laws of the land!

Some have (and still do of course) try to pervert the ?True Intent Of Our Founding Fathers?, but these people are naught but ?Farts In A Righteous Tempest? - the stench of this gas, however, always fades away with time!! The problem with some, however, is that title, wealth, and/or political power, all to often goes to their heads! They wrongly consider themselves to be something more than those who put them where they are, and can ?LEGALLY? remove them just as fast!

Election and/or appointment to a position of responsibility, an expensive designer suit, or even a vast fortune, does not deify the mortal coil! But rather, these niceties only enhance one?s (often) delusionary grandeur!

To answer your question my friends - ?Will I fight on to achieve what I perceive to be just and right - you damned right I will!!"

Power and wealth are akin to that expensive designer suit that I mentioned above - ?Once stripped away (either by fate or circumstance), we are (one and all), left standing there (bare-assed), before a far higher power!? (A power that neither recognizes heads of state, nor their ass-kissing lackeys!)

Some may mistakenly believe they can beat this eternal system too, but then - "You can only fool some of the people some of the time; and all of the people some of the time, but you ain't never going to fool the ?Man Upstairs?, at any time!?

Sorry, but a few of you arrogant types in politics (and your toadies), will also discover (some day) that the position at the right hand of God has (according to the Bible), been occupied for at least two millennia. And the games that you have played upon mankind will prevail you not in that ?Hell Of Your Own Making!? Besides my political amigos, how many liars and users do you really suppose make it beyond the front gate of that
place up-yonder?

?Hell?, on the other hand, although jamb-packed with the follies and fools of humanity, still has room for many, many more - even those who think that they can bring their worldly goods and titles along with them! ?Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Absolutists included!? (opinion)

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