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Old 09-18-2004, 10:12 AM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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Default Quit Hiding Behind Your Wife, Georgie!!


Well well well. Now this seems VERY strange to me. George Bush did not need to check the font on the Killian documents to know if they were real. If they are real, they describe a process in which he took place, was in fact the central character.. If theyre not, then they don?t. That?s the only choices here, there?s no weaseling room, there can?t be a ?possibly? from his view. Anybody looking at papers describing a different scenario for their military career than they?ve always given would know with one look if they were phony . They would HAVE to.
George Bush knows RIGHT NOW if the Killian documents are real and he?s letting his spinmeisters smoke and mirror that. I think that?s the same as lying. NOBODY in the whole wide world could know whether they are real or not as well as he does. Bush knew the minute he looked at those if they were real?if they were real he HAD to see at least 2 of them before. The direct order to take the physical and the order for suspension dated Aug 18th?or their real ones if these are phony?should have been in his files. This goes a LOT deeper than ?just missing a few meetings? (anybody ever see ?Wag The Dog??)
Whats interesting is the response: Now, if I ever found out that a CO of mine had been keeping a secret file on me I?d want to see what?s in it right now, ESPECIALLY if I thought they were forged. I would know they were false without looking at them and I wouldn?t have to check the font or the signature. HEY!!! That didn?t happen like THAT! (Or it DID!)And then I?d get my brother Tom, The Successful Lawyer, and sue for mailicious libel and/or slander and then I?d go to the FBI to put those people in jail. Because those are FEDERAL documents, not ?private? documents and forging them is a very serious federal crime. (If theyre real and not in Bush?s records that?s another serious crime!) I would be very loud and forthright about this because I know whatever real record remains supports my story and I WANT to see it. If there?s phony stuff circulating about me I want to see that too and then the typewriter and who signed it becomes VERY important because whoever typed that out and signed that is going to jail.
But 10 days later and we have heard NOT ONE PEEP out of Mr George W Bush about it. He has never addressed this?a severe insult to his record and absolutely calls him a liar?only sent out the spinmeisters and his wife (!!) Laura thinks theyre: ?probably forged? Hows that again?? Why doesn?t she ask her husband if theyre forged, he is the ONLY one who knows for certain? Likewise we hear McClellan saying something about CBS ?acknowledging? that one of their documents may have been forged? (they did not) Who else knows better than his boss if theyre forged? And his boss sure isn?t saying, although he is certainly the one man the whole world agrees knows the true story of what happened to George Bush in 1972 and 1973. We?re talking about a year and a half here.
His response tells you more than anything they are real. The White House has already issued a statement saying they aren?t seeking an investigation. What earthly reason could they have for not investigating forged federal documents that portray Bush in an AWFUL light?? And who could do it better and more immediately than the president? I hope everyone here appreciates the significance of the Killian papers?we?ll be arguing this next, you?ll be saying that they prove he was ?working with his superiors to fulfill his duty? I mean PULLLLEEEEEZZE!! Bush?s spinmeisters say that now?is that a ?fantasy world of spin? or not?
Bush won?t come out and give us a straightforward account of this incident and I doubt if he ever will until hauled into court for getting his discharge on false pretenses-- which may happen, certainly the evidence points that way...
That?s all we?re asking now. Just come out front, you lying weasel, and give us your explanation for these events which we KNOW occurred. Not your spinners or your ?surrogates? YOU! Like the verbal suspension Killian gave him on Aug 1st, 1972. We KNOW that happened because other papers Bush posted confirm this. If the Killian suspension as given is not the real one, what did the REAL one say? Tell us what Killian had on his mind. Was he all Mr CheneyFrowny Face like some liberal raising taxes on rich people? Or was he all smiley and ARHARHAR like when you signed the Medicare thing that forbade the feds from buying discount drugs from Canada so the drug companies could reap HUGE profits?
Tell us whether you got a direct order to take your physical and then whether you took that physical. Give us your version here, thats all, just the truth as you know it. If the Killian order is false?as ONLY you would know?what did the REAL one say?? That?s all!! Just come out and tell us the truth about it. I?m SURE there MUST be some reasonable explanation?why can?t you come out and tell us about them?? We sure been through your opponents military record with a shitrake and its your turn to tell us ALL about YOUR record you?ve always said you were so proud of. Just what you said before: about not having the right airplanes and not being able to get to your private physician (because of?..?) That?s all we want: just the truth as you?ve said it before. Wave your honorable discharge at us too, but please don?t try to say it explains everything?it only asks questions. How can you be proud of having NO awards or decorations at all when your opponent has so many?? How can you be proud of having your people slander a man who you acknowledge should be proud of his record? If this is uncomfortable for you, just think how uncomfortable it was when your Swiftboat people slimed John Kerry?s medals
Just to set the record straight. I doubt if any of you will have the integrity to apologize to Kerry for sliming his medals. Its funny but I actually agree with you on disliking what he said back then. But people who delight in sliming a man?s medals honestly awarded are beneath the ?spitting hippie? in any kind of patriotism contest.
What?s always so completely amazed me about Bush is the intense, diehard loyalty the guy has. This is a guy with a DUI who ended his career as a pilot suspended from flying?whats GOOD there? I mean he could stab his family to death on Oprah and his people would be saying what a swell leader he is and how that proves he?s got the right plan and his opponents are REALLY awful people. I personally think that a guy who would blow off flying jets to go play politics in Alabama, and then run off to Harvard Grad school with an 8 month early out is chickenshit to the nth degree. I mean they only wanted him one weekend a month and Alabama isn?t a full days drive from Ellington. (PS: I got a 3 month early out to go to college, after 33 months of VERY active duty as a paratrooper. They told me then that was the most I could get)
And here we have a WHOLE lot of evidence that Bush manipulated the system like no one else, played games with his paperwork and??you want to stick to the story about the 102s?? We got him cold, I won?t lay out the urls any more, Ive done it so often. That?s not even good for you because it says that the TANG trained Bush on a plane that went RIF while he was in it and let him go rather than train him to fly another. If he was such a hotshot pilot as has been claimed he should have volunteered to learn to fly another (his dad would have, McCain and Goldwater too?so would McGovern)?I mean I volunteered to be a lrrp because I wanted to be at the top of the game. (plus I wanted a nights sleep and a hot meal) I have to say that his best scenario here says he quit flying to go play politics in Alabama 2 years ahead of his ETS. Thats his story, right out of his autobiography(by Karen Hughes)That?s his BEST scenario, no wonder he doesn?t want to get out front on it.
The last 2 weeks must have been hard on Bush. He took one look at those papers and either: A)knew they were phony and started jumping up and down because CBS had just made him a multibillionaire or B) knew they were good and hid out, hiding behind his spinmerchants and wife because he knows that CBS has the goods on him. I really don?t see much in between ground here, nor much of a 3d choice. And Lawksamussy Me!! What have we seen lately? Trying to kill the messenger and completely duck the content. As CBS says NOBODY so far has disputed the content-certainly not Bush!! And we?re only hearing it from Bush?he would be the only one to know. Come out and tell the truth, you chickenshit weasel and quit hiding behind your wife is what I got to say about that!
So lets check the spin situation here: as of right now (8:30 Sat AM) 10 days after the Killian docs release, the White House has not denied that the Killian documents are real, only issued spinhints (as listed above). But the Cable and internet ?toughguy? screamers, the MAuMaus and the peasants with pitchforks are howling at the moon about fonts and Kinkos stampmarks, the least important thing about the situation. We?re seeing smoke and mirrors like never before. Why aren?t they demanding the arrest of CBS if theyre forged?? Bush knows RIGHT NOW!!. Theyre running around in circles trying to find the blame points. Theyre attacking CBS every way they can. Theyre even spinning what CBS says (Rather is not worried at all nor has he backed off.) A big part of this is to point to CBS but there are at least 2 other investigations (AP and Washington post) of Bush?s military record and theyre ALL going to be bad for Bush. Its going to be worse for him than Ivan in Pensacola.
CBS is not backing off, just increasing the pressure with more Theyre subtly amping it up. As long as the statement of affirmation remains up on their website Bush has the challenge thrown down?they say pretty clearly that he was a chickenshit weenie who weaseled out of his flight duty and he has NOT denied theyre real yet. Boy you?d think he would if they were false.
Look at the spin there. Bartlett has already said that IF TRUE (??!!) they prove that Bush was ?working with his superiors to fulfill his obligations) He wasn?t working very hard, if theyre true, he disobeyed a direct order. Now I?m sure that there?ll be old time military men that will come on now saying, aw shucks that wasn?t so bad but I was a paratrooper?stick it up yr 4th point of contact. Like I said about stabbing his family on Oprah. If I even thought about disobeying a direct order they?d have buggered me BIGTIME?and everybody else who served in the military, or almost everybody else.. But they?ll sure want to kiss this one away for Georgie, I see it coming. Don?t ever tell me he didn?t get special treatment from Day One to 8 months early departure.
More Spin: I believed every word of the old lady, she seemed like a real sharp character that knew the whole story. The old lady BACKED UP Rathers story and shed new light on the story?one thing for sure: some of these documents HAD to exist.They didn?t broadcast the whole interview. Did she ID the fonts? You?ll see this soon, yes or no. She knows whats on them and the important point was that she said she wrote up documents with exact same information. That would hang Bush if true. Where are the ones she typed??. The thing about them being false and she didn?t type them: Killian would have typed them himself as who wouldn?t that was trying to be secret. If I was him, I would have had Georgie type them out letter perfect a thousand times, Killian was taking risks for him. I think she told CBS that they were keeping 2 sets of books in the TANG as the existence of a CYA file would absolutely indicate. She confirmed some VERY important points: that there was a CYA file being kept is REAL significant?how come Bush and the peasants with pitchforks are not baying at the moon to see the whole file?? I sure would if I thought the military was keeping a secret file on me, forged or not but ESPECIALLY forged.
So the latest is that Grounded Georgie had a MAJOR GENERAL to come down and have Georgie sit on his lap and muss his hair up to look cute during BASIC training, punch him on the shoulder and call him a cute little dickens. Gosh NO, that wasn?t special treatment, EVERYBODY had a 2 star general sucking up to their Congressman Dad telling them how swell they were in BASIC. I wonder how swell they said he was in flight school, 22d out of 53 isn?t all that swell but just look how hard theyre trying to make his dismal jobs creation record look good. The first president since Hoover to have less jobs after 4 years than when he went in. Pretty WEENIE!!!.
I mean you guys are comparing this military behavior to a man who indisputably volunteered for Vietnam, indisputably volunteered for hazardous duty, indisputably did 2 tours in Vietnam---and I haven?t even mentioned his medals yet. No wonder you have to lie a lot.

Hi to all my friends There?ll be more

James Worth

PS?if I?m not conversing with you it means I don?t WANT to converse with you. I?m not wasting my time with anybody who?s slimed a Vietnam Vet?s honorably awarded medals in favor of a man who weaseled his way out of his lawful duty?that he was jumped over 100s of other people to get. Our conversation just won?t be good. Have a nice day in whatever hole youre in.
When you can't think what to do, throw a grenade
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Old 09-20-2004, 06:38 AM
razar razar is offline

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Tell us how you really feel.You seem to be holding something back.Maybe you need to work on that hatred thing.Timothy Mcveigh had a hatred he couldn't control,and look what happened.Since Kerry had done all his Rambo stuff in 4 months with all those medals awarded,I wished he would have stayed a full tour of duty.Imagine another 8 months.All VC and PAVN would have been killed or captured,and Kerry could have been elected President of the world.
Lrrp, use some deductive reasoning and critical thinking.Quit using the talking points of the DNC.

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Old 09-20-2004, 09:06 AM
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James has learned well from the fourth estate.
  • When you tell a lie be bold as hell about it.
  • Print the lie in a headline.
  • It doesn't matter what the truth is. Perception is everything.
  • His statementdirected at those of ussupporting thePresident doing soeven if the President were to stab his family to death on Oprah was beyond the pale.

    Waiting to hear the French whine coming out of CBS this morning.


Thomas Jefferson, Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: "In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."
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