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Old 01-16-2004, 04:03 PM
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Default President served with personal 9-11 RICO Complaint
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Old 01-16-2004, 04:11 PM
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The Ellen Mariani lawsuit Ellen Mariani's open letter to President Bush

by Lisa Walsh Thomas, Unknown News

Dec. 16, 2003

We might call it the lawsuit the U.S. media forgot to tell us about, because ? although the suit was filed here in the U.S. and although it was filed by the widow of a man killed on 9/11/2001 and although it was filed against the president of the most powerful country on earth ? you had to go to New Zealand to read about it.

Louis Neil Mariani was one of the murdered for whom, according to those who instigated the attacks, the U.S. invaded Afghanistan and then Iraq. He died when United Air Lines flight 175 was flown into the South Tower of the World Trade Center on 9/11.

From the day Mr. Mariani was killed through the present, we've been adrift in a sea of flags and patriotism-shaped tears and edgy adrenaline, so one would expect respect to be shown to his widow. Well, depends on which side of she's on...

Ellen Mariani is suing the Bush-Cheney-Ashcroft gang, accusing them of having knowledge and warnings of 9/11 and of failing to warn or take steps to prevent the tragedy. The lawsuit, being handled by Philip J. Berg, former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, further alleges that the Bush crowd has been covering up the truth of 9/11.

The full complaint, filed in Philadelphia on November 26 can be read at this site, or a copy of the 61-page Amended Complaint is available by e-mail by contacting Phil Berg at Mr. Berg states that while 3,000 copies of the press release announcing the complaint were sent out, only one was printed, that at Scoop, in New Zealand.

At the heart of the complaint is the plaintiff's intention to "hold Defendants accountable for allowing the '911' attacks against her nation to occur to profit personally and politically from an illegal war on international terror."

The complaint is filed in the form of a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations)Act, alleging that Defendant Dick Cheney (as one example only) holds 433,333 Halliburton stock options, valued currently at over $26,674,990. (Source: Ohio Rep. Marcy Kaptur, Congressional Record, October 29, 2003)

Ms. Mariani and Mr. Berg note that Halliburton has outperformed the Standard & Poor's Index by nearly forty percent over the last year, and maintains that the performance has been largely on the strength of hundreds of millions in unbid Department of Defense contracts for work in Iraq and Afghanistan. The end point is that Defendant Cheney has personally netted millions from the invasions allegedly in response to 9/11.

No op-ed has room to argue the case, nor should it wish to. The matter is in its earliest stages, excepting one thing. The ultimate judges or jury members in this matter should be the people footing the bill for the wars that are allegedly being waged for personal profit. That's us, Dick and Jane and Spot, the regular people.

And therein lies the problem. The people of the country waging the wars (if indeed such one-sided invasions can accurately be called "wars") are not privy to what's going on.

Ms. Mariani's lawsuit is news, and it should be available without knowing about and going through the alternative press or Europe or being lucky enough to catch it on KNRC, a Denver radio station at 1150AM that opts to report uncensored and unfiltered news. Fortunately, we can listen to the station by going to
Louis Neil Mariani
by Ellen M. Mariani

Dear Neil?

I, as your wife, have searched for sane answers to what happened on that beautiful, sunny, warm Tuesday, September 11, 2001.

You, Neil, were so tanned and fit, happy to be leaving with me before dawn for Boston?s Logan Airport. You and I were traveling on separate planes to the California wedding of my daughter, Gina, your step-daughter. You decided to go out for the wedding at the very last minute, and to help pay for the ticket, we held garage sales together.

Neil, I will never forget when we said goodbye at Boston Airport. Neil, you as a gentleman were always carrying heavy items for me, and that morning, you carried inside the terminal two large boxes full of toys for our grand-kids that were to be there for the wedding as flower girl and ring bearer.

You kissed me at the curb and said goodbye. Then you kissed me again inside and said ?See you, Ellen. I?ll arrive three minutes after your plane lands,? and walked away. But suddenly, you came back, gave me a third kiss and a big hug. It was then I noticed you seemed nervous. I thought it was because you were not used to flying. You then said goodbye for the third time, then left. I looked back to catch a last glance at you, Neil, but you were gone and out of sight.

Neil, you never made it to California for Gina?s wedding that September 15, 2001. I left two hours before you and had a scheduled layover in Chicago. It was there that I found out what had happened to you. Your plane, United Airlines Flight 175, had crashed into the second tower of the World Trade Center. You, my husband, were gone in a ball fire. The September 15th wedding of Gina?s went on in defiance of what had happened on September 11th.

Now as I stood as a new widow of four days, Gina asked me to give her away to be married. I wore two yellow roses, and made a toast in remembrance of you.

Neil, my life as a widow is now very still and has an eerie feeling. I can not hear your voice, or see your handsome face. Many reminders make it hard, like your birthday two days before Christmas. Also, I remember July 30th, which would have been our 14th wedding anniversary.

There is nothing left of you, no resting place or gravesite to visit, just an empty hole in my heart, and the heartache of life without you, Neil. I realize that the sun has shone once again as it did on September 11, 2001, when we parted for the last time, you as my husband, but it does not seem the same. I have wanted to be with you, Neil, so many times since that day and had wished I was with you on that plane, giving each other comfort, like we had done so many times throughout our marriage. This was not to be in the plans God had for us.

Now it is my job to go on without you, Neil. I will always have the memories that we shared together, and I thank God for you being my husband for 13 years. Now, I walk all alone for with death did we part. My hope and prayer to God is that we all find peace and comfort and support one another, as we go on living without our loved ones.

Peace and God Bless Us All,

?Ellen M. Mariani

Published by

Since the initial press release, several alternative sources have printed it, along with Ms. Mariani's "Open Letter to Bush," copied below. This case will never make it to trial, of course, but the questions being raised by Ms. Mariani are also being raised by many other relatives of 9-11 victims.

It's the responsibility of a free press to make this information and these questions available to us. They are failing miserably.

This copy of the Open Letter is from Citizens Watch at this web page:

Thursday, 27 November 2003

Open Letter To The President Of The United States
Mr. Bush,

This "open letter" is coming from my heart. I want you to know that I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat and that this is not an attempt to "bash the Government."

You Mr. Bush should be held responsible and liable for any and all acts that were committed to aid in any "cover up" of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. As President you have a duty to protect the American people. On September 11th you did not instruct your staff to issue a nationwide emergency warning/alert to advise us of the attack on America. We had to receive the news of the attacks via the news networks.

In the months leading up to the attacks you were repeatedly advised of a possible attack on American soil. During your daily intelligence briefings you were given information that had been uncovered that the very real possibility existed that certain undesirable elements would use commercial aircraft to destroy certain "target" buildings. You never warned the American people of this possible threat. Who were you protecting?

When you took no responsibility towards protecting the general public from the possibility of attack, you were certainly not upholding the oath you spoke when you took office. In that oath you pledged to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. On the morning of the attack, you and members of your staff were fully aware of the unfolding events yet you chose to continue on to the Emma E. Booker Elementary School to proceed with a scheduled event and "photo op." While our nation was under attack you did not appear to blink an eye or shed a tear. You continued on as if everything was "business as usual".

In the days following the attacks all air traffic was grounded and Americans, including myself, were stranded wherever they had been when the flight ban was imposed. I was stranded at Midway Airport in Chicago, unable to continue on to California for my daughter's wedding. Imagine my surprise when I later found out that during this "no fly" period a number of people were flown out of the country on a 747 with Arabic lettering on the fuselage. None of these people were interviewed or questioned by any local, state or federal agencies. Why were they allowed to leave and who exactly was on that flight? We know for a fact that some of the people on the flight were members of (or related to) the royal family of Saudi Arabia and members of the Bin Laden family. Were these people allowed to leave because of the long-standing relationships that your family has with both families?

It is my belief that you intentionally allowed 9/11 to happen to gather public support for a "war on terrorism." These wars, in Afghanistan and Iraq, have not accomplished what you stated were your goals. Why have you not captured Osama Bin Laden? Where are Saddam's weapons of mass destruction? All that has happened is a bill that is passed before Congress for 87 billion dollars to rebuild what you ordered blown to bits. As an American who lost a loved one in the "war on terror" I do pray and support our troops who were sent to Afghanistan and Iraq by you. These troops have and will continue to die for your lies. As an American I can make this statement as it appears that associates of your family may stand to prosper from the rebuilding of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Mr. Bush the time has come for you to stop your control over us. Stop blocking the release of certain evidence and documents that were discovered by the 9/11 Investigation Commission if you have nothing to hide proving you did not fail to act and prevent the attacks of 9/11. Your reason for not releasing this material is that it is a matter of "national security." When in fact I believe that it is your personal credibility/security that you are concerned with. You do not want the public to know the full extent of your responsibility and involvement.

After 9/11 the Patriot Act and Homeland Security Act were passed. Both of these allow the government to tap your telephone, search your home, and seize whatever they feel they need to do on a whim. They can do this without a judge's review or a warrant. I feel that this is in direct conflict with our rights as stated in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

We the families of 9/11 victims need to have answers to the following questions:
1. Why were 29 pages of the 9/11 committee report personally censored at your request?

2. Where are the "black boxes" from Flight 11 and Flight 175?

3. Where are the "voice recorders" from Flight 11 and Flight 175?

4. Why can't we gain access to the complete air traffic control records for Flight 11 and Flight 175?

5. Where are the airport surveillance tapes that show the passengers boarding the doomed flights?

6. When will complete passenger lists for all of the flights be released?

7. Why did your brother Jeb (the Governor of Florida) go to the offices of the Hoffman Aviation School and order that flight records and files be removed? These files were then put on a C130 government cargo plane and flown out of the country. Where were they taken and who ordered it done?
It has been over two years since hundreds of our lost loved ones "remains" have still yet to be identified and their remains placed in a landfill at Fresh Kill. We want our heroes brought back and given a public and proud resting place where we all can pay our respects and honor them. These innocent people never had a chance as they were taken from us on that sad September Day.

In the court of public opinion Mr. Bush, your lies are being uncovered each day. My husband, all of the other victims and their families and our nation as a whole, has been victimized by your failed leadership prior to and after 9/11!

I will prove this in a court of law!

?Ellen M. Mariani
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Old 01-16-2004, 04:22 PM
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From Ron and the unknown Press----

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Old 01-17-2004, 07:48 AM
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Thanks for having the guts to post this.

It's a real "eye opener".



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Old 01-17-2004, 08:15 AM
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It took guts to post something so ludricous? Gee, I thought it only took a single finger doing a brainless cut-and-paste. Using wrong body parts for unintended purposes has been directly related to the cause of aids, too. Oh, well...........
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 01-17-2004, 11:06 AM
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I went to the two websites that Mortardude provided links to in two separate posts. If those statements made are true we are in some deep do do. This would explain why Bush is signing that damn gun law bill into effect this September. It would also throw some light on why Hinckley was let out of the nuthouse to see his family unsupervised. This would explain/throw a light on a lot of mysterious things that have taken place the past few years.

How can these people who have to wipe their butts just like me, can keep on raping us Fellow American's and keep on getting away with it?

As an American Veteran who loves his country, what can I do to help hedge off this garbage on the HILL?

This is really some scary stuff taking place right in front of every American alive.

Why did he and the Mexican Fox get together and turn loose all 10 or 12 million illegal Mexicans on our streets with no real papers, fingerprints, pictures stored on file, birth certificates to rob us of what use to be good paying jobs here in America?

I'm mortified.

I regret that I have but one life to live...

I could sure use another one right about now...
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Old 01-17-2004, 05:17 PM
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by neowmn Wednesday, Dec. 03, 2003 at 7:49 AM
Mrs. Mariani is a brave woman. We need to scream at our media for not reporting the truth. It is up to us.

9/11 MEDIA ALERT: Press Ignores 9/11 Widow's Bush Treason Suit

Widow's Bush Treason Suit Vanishes in Blink of Media Eye
by W. David Kubiak

"The decision 'not to do the story' appears to be multiplying all over the nation." -- Fred Powledge, ACLU

"Whoever said `no news is good news,' was BADLY misinformed." -- Dan Rather

Think you're already amazed, alarmed or appalled enough by the state of US journalism today? Chew on this a while and think again.

Grieving New Hampshire widow who lost her man on 9/11 refuses the government's million dollar hush money payoff, studies the facts of the day for nearly two years, and comes to believe the White House "intentionally allowed 9/11 to happen" to launch a so-called "War on Terrorism" for personal and political gain.

She retains a prominent lawyer, a former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, who served with distinction under both Democrats and Republicans and was once a strong candidate for the governor's seat.

The attorney files a 62-page complaint in federal district court
(including 40 pages of prima facie evidence) charging that "President Bush and officials including, but not limited to Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Ashcroft and Tenet":

1.) had adequate foreknowledge of 911 yet failed to warn the county or attempt to prevent it;

2.) have since been covering up the truth of that day;

3.) have therefore abetted the murder of plaintiff's husband and violated the Constitution and multiple laws of the United States; and

4.) are thus being sued under the Civil RICO (Racketeering, Influence, and Corrupt Organization) Act for malfeasant conspiracy, obstruction of justice and wrongful death.

The suit text goes on to document the detailed forewarnings from foreign governments and FBI agents; the unprecedented delinquency of our air defense; the inexplicable half hour dawdle of our Commander in Chief at a primary school after hearing the nation was under deadly attack; the incessant invocation of national security and executive privilege to suppress the facts; and the obstruction of all subsequent efforts to investigate the disaster. It concludes that "compelling evidence will be presented in this case through discovery, subpoena power, and testimony [that] Defendants failed to act and prevent 9/11 knowing the attacks would lead to an 'International War on Terror' which would benefit Defendants both financially and politically."

Press releases detailing these explosive allegations are sent out to 3000 journalists in the print and broadcast media, and a press conference to announce the filing is held in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia on November 26th (commemorating the end of the first futile year of the independent National 9/11 Commission).

Imagine the world-churning implications of these charges. Imagine the furor if just one was proved true. Imagine the courage of this bribe-shunning widow and an eminent attorney with his rep on the line. Then imagine a press conference to which nobody came.

(Well, more precisely, imagine a press conference at which only FOX News appears, tapes for 40 minutes, and never airs an inch.)

Now imagine the air time, column inches and talk show hysteria that same night devoted to the legal hassles of Michael, Kobe, and Scott Peterson, and divide that by the attention paid to our little case of mass murder, war profiteering and treason. (OK, this is really a trick question because no number divided by zero yields any answers whatsoever, which evidently in this case is the result preferred.)

When you present documented charges of official treachery behind the greatest national security disaster in modern history and the press doesn't show, doesn't listen, doesn't write - just what in fact is really being communicated?
That despite all the deaths, lies, wars, and bizarre official actions that flowed from 9/11 there's actually nothing there to be investigated at all? That addressing desperate victim families' still unanswered cries for truth is not a legitimate journalistic concern?
That news will now be what the corporate media say it will be, so drink your infotainment Kool-Aid and kindly shut up?

(While the 9/11 blackout is the most flagrant sign of current media dysfunction, it hardly stands alone. Where, for example, was our free and fearless press when Pentagon powerbroker Richard Perle confessed to a London audience last month that yes indeed, our war on Iraq was illegal as hell?

He calmly explained that "in this case international law stood in the way of doing the right things [it] would have required us to leave Saddam Hussein alone, and this would have been morally unacceptable."

(Guardian/UK, 11/20/03) And what news have we seen of the thousands of Depleted Uranium deaths and birth defects now desolating Afghanis, Iraqis and our own Gulf War troops?
And whose looking into the $1.2 trillion the Pentagon admits is "missing" or the half trillion in laundered funds now propping up our banks?
And how many times have you seen it reported that unbid Iraq contracts have pushed the worth of VP Cheney's 433,333 Halliburton stock options to $26 million plus? But to return to 9/11, the funny business has just begun. If you thought press performance after JFK's death was a cynical farce, you ain't seen nothing yet.)

A few years back Harold Evans of the London Sunday Times, observed that the challenge facing American newspapers "is not to stay in business -- it is to stay in journalism.'' As corporations' authoritarian, profit-driven consciousness comes to dominate both media and governance, you can expect a lot more serial celebrity scandals and even less news on the way things work or anything that really counts.

There is a clear method and message in this obscurantist madness. All this media consolidation and tightening control is strategically aligned with deregulation, privatization, social program-gutting deficits and free trade regimes. They are all convergent tactics to enforce corporations' full spectrum dominance over democratic humankind. If your progressive or conservative instincts bid you to arise against this coup, standing with our 9/11 widow is a good place to start.

Her name is Ellen Mariani, her lawyer is Phillip Berg and their complaint is now online at

Read it and weep, wail, or whack out a dozen letters to the editors around your town, but for god's sake make some noise. When 9/11 bombshells fall silent in the corporate media's forest it's up to us to make them resound.

- End -

W. David Kubiak is director of Big Medicine, a research and education institute studying the corporate takeover of our country, culture and consciousness. His email is 4 [bigmed at]
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Old 01-17-2004, 05:21 PM
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Bush and Co. have sold out American workers, sold out veterans,
not supported our Active duty troops, want to make citizens millions of folks who could give a wit less about our country, sold out to the prescription drug manufacturers, spent this country into economic oblivion, hide behind religion, and on and on. Anyone who continues to support this crew is ...well you fill in the blanks...

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Old 01-17-2004, 06:02 PM
blues clues blues clues is offline
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so right larry but some of here want us to put our heads in the sand.thanks for this post.
1th cav.dco.1/5 66,67,69,71. leberal and proud
of it
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