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Old 08-26-2004, 04:17 PM
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Default SeaScamp,...You-da-Man!!!

by N.R. Filidei (on - August 25, 2004)

Your statement on another thread here on "About all that can be counted on is the reality that there will be no winners in November",...was/is truly quite profound. Though, and not to nit-pick, I would qualify: "No winners" somewhat for clarity's sake. Believe should have been: "...there will be NO truly American winners in November".

Regardless, and your being profound for sure aside, it is truly sad for America, The American People and America's Troops that THE DAMAGE (some believe irreversible) HAS BEEN DONE to America already. The months on end and on a daily basis by The Clintons/Kennedy/Kerry Party and/or America's Democrats/Leftists (highest to lowest echelon officials and ex-officials) character assassinating A Wartime President and Commander-In-Chief, plus all associated and affiliated with President Bush TO BOTH NATION & WORLD...HAS BEEN DONE.

No matter ones political bent or how politically well paid, such perverted politics and/or sick behavior by Fellow Americans, is as DESPICABLE & UNCONSCIENABLE as it gets! As A Veteran, I totally believe that such unarguably enemy gratifying, satisfying and encouraging during wartime misbehavior, be actually quite Treasonable. No ifs, ands or buts,...nor anyones bogus War Records or despicable Vietnam War Protesting either.

After all, and especially during wartime, haven't such overly-repeated and wild-eyed passionate attacks by America's professional Leftist Zealots demoralized our Brave and Courageous Troops (both here and abroad), Our Border Security and Intelligence Community, Our Allies, and even MANY American Citizens ENOUGH????? Enough already. Let people do their jobs.

Now for the POSSIBLE winners and benefactors of all the purposeful political nonsense. Some American LEFTISTS and likeminded LEFTISTS from abroad might somehow and pervertedly consider themselves all winners, if unfortunately America's Leftists: "Recapture The White House"? Hope for America's sake that such never occurs. Just because We survived the waste of valuable time of The Clinton Era, don't believe America can presently afford similarly wasting more time with Kerry.

Now for the UNARGUABLE winners and benefactors from America's absurdly carnival-like wartime election process,...since most politicians, pundits and journalists act (even interview) as if: "9/11" and worst than; "Pearl Harbor" deathwise never even happened. The UNARGUABLE winners being all of America's MANY enemies, and especially The Muslim and murderously fanatical attackers of America called: "Terrorists".

In fact, there should be no doubt whatsoever that what Leftist Americans have already done and currently seem intent doing to America, just suits all terrorists fine, and actually works better for "Them" and/or The TRULY UNITED ONES, than a hashish dream-come-true.

Also, and if one can get past the smell of burning hash and camel dung in a tent somewhere, don't believe it far-fetched whatsoever hearing: "Praise be Allah"! "Those American Fools have done and do more punishment and damage to themselves,...than we could ever do to them in A MILLION YEARS"! "Praise be Allah"!

Then too one might hear: "Hey,...who needs big armies in the longrun to defeat such greatly divided, short-sighted, politically-correct and/or stupidly-'Sensitive' Fools,...anyway"?

"Besides, we gratuitously kill them at every opportunity possible, and all The Foolish Americans seem worried about is whether they hurt our religious feelings, or whether fighting politically-correct and U.S. Constitutionally-correct warfare, and what other countries (EVEN ENEMIES) think of them"?
"ABSOLUTELY AMAZING"!!! "And they call us Third World or backward people"?

The End

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Old 08-26-2004, 04:28 PM
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Simon Garfunkel

And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo)
God bless you please, Mrs. Robinson
Heaven holds a place for those who pray
(Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey)

We'd like to know a little bit about you for our files
We'd like to help you learn to help yourself
Look around you, all you see are sympathetic eyes
Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home

And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo)
God bless you please, Mrs. Robinson
Heaven holds a place for those who pray
(Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey)

Hide it in a hiding place where no one ever goes
Put it in your pantry with your cupcakes
It's a little secret, just the Robinsons' affair
Most of all, you've got to hide it from the kids

Coo, coo, ca-choo, Mrs Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo)
God bless you please, Mrs. Robinson
Heaven holds a place for those who pray
(Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey)


Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon
Going to the candidates debate
Laugh about it, shout about it
When you've got to choose
Ev'ry way you look at it, you lose


Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio
A nation turns its lonely eyes to you (Woo, woo, woo)
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson
Joltin' Joe has left and gone away
(Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey)
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Old 08-26-2004, 09:21 PM
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Default Nice

response Larry.

But, I don't think he's quite sharp enough grasp the "irony", do you??



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"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

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Old 08-27-2004, 08:13 AM
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Default WRONG,...Gimpy.

As typically lame as the response was
I understood it,...even though normally used to
and expecting more grownup type responses.

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Old 08-27-2004, 10:21 AM
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I?m not sure I?m ?Da Man? Neil, but thanks for the recognition, I think, . My concern right now and the basis of my comment is that no matter what happens in November, the Oval Office occupant is in for some real serious heat and will be nearly hamstrung by the hate agenda divisionism and obstructionism that will continue to occur, but at a more intense and destructive level. The further we proceed into this abyss the more obvious it will become and it will be difficult to neigh on to impossible to get much accomplished at all, let alone prosecute a war.

No matter how much paint, Brasso is applied and fancy line work (macram?) is done we still will have our ship of state grounded hard and no fleet tugs in sight. The further we proceed the more we will come to understand that Kerry is a finely polished, refined and cultured version of Abe Hoffman, Angela Davis and Jane Fonda all rolled into one package and a very subtitle package at that, but no doubt the SOSDD, no doubt at all. So when all that becomes obvious, which it will, what happens next and how soon that recognition occurs is a very open question at the moment.

I don?t think we totally agree on the largest portion of Democrats Neil. I think I see eye to eye with Democrats like Frisco Kid and disagree on very little if anything, except fundamental philosophy and approach as to what a Government should be. And even then we aren?t all that far apart that I can?t see the other guy?s argument and positioning. On the other hand, my two decade long nightmare with the Liberals tells me I don?t even get what plane of thought they are on let alone what their intensions are. So I get a big ?F? in understanding that bunch, and a very disastrously broken heart to go with it, you bet. So maybe I?m the not so smart one Mr. Gimpy refers to and not you, who knows. My hanging out for two decades of the Liberal?s horrid abuse and disrespect of all human values tells me I?m not so smart or wise.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 08-27-2004, 01:46 PM
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Neil :

OK...will try not to be "typically lame" and "un-grownup"..

How much debate do you see or hear or read about these issues ?

Greenspan came out today with a warning about cutting Social Security benefits .


Once again the American voter is ....
being fleeced in plain site by a debate about Vietnam, some 35 years ago, and none of these issues are being discussed :

the resumption of the military draft
the coming war with Iran
the fact that the world is quickly running out of oil
the porous border with Mexico
20,000,000 illegal undocumented aliens in this country who will be declared citizens
failure to develop credible alternative energy resources
dependence on foreign oil ( same debate we had 30 years ago ! )
the marriage penalty in the income tax
why it takes 7 years to audit a corporation by the IRS
why our military is sent to fight a war without equipment it needs
many well paying jobs are going overseas for a fraction of the cost
1/2 Trillion dollar budget deficits
$ 50 per barrel oil with no end in sight
Wal-Mart and other larger companies hiring workers at less that 40 hours a week so they do not receive any benefits
the rape of the American taxpayer by Halliburton in Iraq and elsewhere
Social Security
Fraud in the Medicare system
Pervasive mercury in our environment
Why it takes over a year for many to get an appt. at a VA hospital
vets from first Gulf war and their children and the illnesses they are suffering from


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Old 08-27-2004, 03:06 PM
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Default Scamp...

Have to disagree about that: "...I'm not that smart or wise" nonsense. With your words you've proven yourself to certainly be much smarter and wiser than many (if not most?) in government and/or politicians,...just by saying how things really are, and not how politicos and their hacks want us to think they are.

And NO on: "The largest portion of Democrats" and/or staunch followers. Think most are alright and just deceived by The DNC or Democrats in Command. Much like the staunch Socialist Faithful and the staunch Communist Faithful,...I just must believe that even the staunch Democrat/Leftists, can't all be bad people?
Besides, being Americans also,...does mean a lot.

Regardless, and since The M-Dude brought up Social Security, as if something for Democrats to be proud of (QUITE THE OPPOSITE), let me set the record straight with a few historical ditties.

1. The first National 401K and/or Social Security was set up by The Democrat FDR, and the very last time Democrats handled FICA honestly and properly. Half and half contributions by employee and employer was/is how funded. "The annuity payments to retirees WOULD NEVER BE TAXED AS INCOME".

2. Lyndon Johnson and Democrat Party TOOK the independent trust fund and put it into the general fund, so The Democrat controlled Congress could spend it. Any other corporate leaders in America would've done JAIL TIME, if doing similar.

3. Later Jimmy Carter and Democrat Party decided to start giving annuity payments to immigrants (more JAIL TIME needed here also). Plus, and as silly as it might seem, and even without paying a dime into The System, a 65 year old immigrant receives Social Security Payments.
Hope he at least gets The Maximum?

4. The Democrat Party with Vice President Gore casting the deciding vote, RULED that no longer would Social Security payments be tax exempt. Gore and Democrat Rulers must have been thinking: "Screw FDR's directive". "We need the money now, we can Balance The Budget". "Our Party Faithful just love that kind of stuff". "And besides, we need it more than old folks, anyway"

Hell, no wonder Social Security needs fixing every year! The damn-Democrat-thieves and/or fraudulent mismanagers of MY/YOUR/OUR National 401K, Social Security and/or Old Age Retirement package,...treat and have treated MY/YOUR/OUR MONIES as is all hosts at some foreign give-away Game Show.

Just whom-the-hell do The Democrats WORK FOR,...anyway?
Certainly not for me,...or any other U.S. Taxpayer either for that matter.

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Old 08-27-2004, 06:25 PM
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Jaysus, Neil. Now there's a good example of the bi-partisan polarization and tunnel vision existing in the country today. Blaming everything that has ever befallen mankind from the snake that tempted Eve probably being a Democrat, to up to, and including, the EXCLUSIVE raiding and spending of Social Security monies. If you believe that none of this money was EVER spent by a Republican, I've got a big orange bridge by my house that I'd like to sell ya . Do you, who usually has nothing but scorn for ALL politicos, honestly believe that? Always gave you credit for a little more savvy than that.
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Old 08-28-2004, 09:10 AM
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Default GET REAL,...Kid.

That MY/YOUR/OUR National Old Age Retirement Package has been longtime toyed with, diverted, mismanaged and/or basically politically ripped-off by Democrat Political Thieves, has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with your silly: "Bi-partisan polaralization" concept. Hell,...I see nothing wrong with Democrats hanging or jailing Fellow Democrats for diverting THE PEOPLE'S National 401K's. There need not only be Republican Prosecutors.

In fact, and if there's anyone here suffering "Tunnel vision" over The Social Security issue,...IT IS YOU. After all, and if apparently so blind to the fact that your VERY OWN and/or Democrats have been screwing-you, yours and Country-over for such a long time,'s just so-damn-obvious. Or, does being: "Connected" or affiliated somehow to such Democrat Political Theives, preclude you saying otherwise? That, I can understand.

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Old 08-28-2004, 10:20 AM
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Well, like the saying goes "Opinions are like assholes; everyone has one." I just think that yours stinks more than mine. If this was just a Democratic raid on the funds all these years, where was the outrage and the call to Cease and Desist from the Republicans if they didn't have their fingers in the cookie jar, also? I'm sure Gimpy can probably come up with some article somewhere stating that this administration has dipped into it at sometime. One thing that I've noticed watching this forum for months now, is that you can find an article on the internet to fit your agenda no matter what side you're on. Personally, it's not worth the effort to me. None of you guys are going to change each other's minds anyway.

I wish I was "Connected" or "Affiliated" with some of these political thieves on either side but, alas, a working stiff like myself doesn't travel in such circles. Looks like I'm going to have to hit them up for a loan to make it through my retirement years, since they always seem to make sure that THEIR retirement funds are secure, not including the money from special interest groups, lieing on their taxes, etc..

Have a good life, Neil. And CALM DOWN. None of this bullshit is worth one gray hair or a minute of lost sleep.

"It Could Probably Be Shown By Facts And Figures That There Is No Distinctly American Criminal Class Except Congress." Mark Twain - 1897.

"Senator: Person Who Makes Laws In Washington When Not Doing Time." Mark Twain - 1902

Seems like nothing changes.
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