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Old 04-30-2009, 05:31 PM
splummer splummer is offline
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Just thought some of you would like to read this again??????
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Old 04-30-2009, 07:05 PM
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So, little ronnie has been outed as a cut n paste phony, is that it? I always wondered how he could write so lucidly one post, and then in another, write as if schooli ng had never happened. Hmmm, inquiring minds wold like to know.... Did you never think that somebody just might, just might, realize that what you were writing was bogus?
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 10-20-2009, 07:01 PM
splummer splummer is offline
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Default 39mto39

I thought you newer guys may want to look at this post from a while back. Sid says there were no dusters at lang Vie and Ron implys that they walked there toward route-9 from Phu Bie. Look at a map. I spent 9 or 10 months in the area and I'll be damed if I could remember the color of the mud or length of the run way.
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Old 10-20-2009, 09:18 PM
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Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Being a new guy here, and still trying to figure out how to navagate the site, reading this thread, as well as others I found with posts by Ron helped fill me in on the story. Maybe I already had formed an opinion from what you guys gave said here and on PF-2 about hime, but I can see why it was a good idea to get rid of him.

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Old 10-21-2009, 07:39 AM
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Originally Posted by 39mto39g View Post
The back end of a Plane lowers and we land at Phu Bi air field ( If you call it a airfield) The plane was a Mini C-130 with 2 engines , It landed in what seemed to be 300 feet or so. Phu Bi was a Marine Base, Red dirt everywere (Rednecks also) . We would stay a couple days they take a walk westward below rt9 toward Loas.
(To be continued)
I would think that anybody even attempting towrite about their expereinces in Vietnam would at least know the difference between a C-123 and a C-130. They are the aeronautical equivalent of a Model T and a 2009 GMC Pickup, respectively.

little ronnie is a quack.
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 10-21-2009, 11:01 AM
jlcoad jlcoad is offline
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Default mini C-130

When I read that I thought WTF and stopped reading.

Below is a little poem I found at the web site. You guys probably have seen it before.

Those Who Want To Be But Weren’t
There are those who want to be but never really were,
Then there are those who proudly served, but never say a word.
The “one’s who want to be but weren’t” aren’t worth the time of day,
They spew forth their untrue venom in everything they say.
They try to make you think, that they are one of you,
But deep down inside they know, their stories are so untrue.
They tell you what they think you want to hear, instead of telling the truth,
Then they compound the fabrication by never having proof.
If “those who want to be but weren’t” could only see them self,
They would take their fabrication and place it on a shelf.
For that is where they all belong, locked away somewhere in a vault,
For spewing forth their fabrications can only be their fault. But they will never do this, for they know as well as I,
Their fabrications will only grow and never seem to die.
Ó Keith (Hacksaw) Bodine 2003

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Old 10-21-2009, 11:46 AM
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Superscout wrote: "I would think that anybody even attempting to write about their expereinces in Vietnam would at least know the difference between a C-123 and a C-130."


Supercourt is right on the money. These aircraft were workhorses during the war so I would guess anyone there would have at least learned the difference. But I will take it a step further. I thought that I read where wannabee Ron claimed to be, or implied that he was, Airborne qualified. I could be wrong on that point because I am still reading about him, but I guaran-damn-tee you that any airborne qualified serviceman, regardless of branch of service, knew the primary jump acraft at that time of their service. They knew one from another without giving it a moment's thought. Primary jump aircraft back then were C-119s, C-130s and C-123s. Yes, folks jumped many other aircraft back then, but those were the exception. The C-119s were used at jump school, but nearly every jump I made after jump school was made from a C-130 or a C-123 and Like Superscout said, there was no comparrison between the two aircraft and anyone spending time in them surely knew the difference. By the way, my favorite was the C-123, but I know other jumpers had different preferrences.

We would not have made it past ground week at Jump School had we ever referred to a C-123 as a "Mini C-130 with 2 engines ." That would be the same as a Marine referring to their Globe and Anchor as a map of the planet with a boat weight and rope. Give me a break!!! This wannabee Ron is almost comical.

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Old 10-21-2009, 12:51 PM
splummer splummer is offline
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He fooled us on this site for years.
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Old 10-21-2009, 02:35 PM
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He has sent me his entire post of his tour, and while I have not gottten through it all, there are flaws starting with completion of "engineer AIT"...As I recall the 82nd have their own integeral engineers and would not have need for some rookie leg who just finished AIT.lets see, started basic in Nov. 65, with the holidays, 8 weeks basic probably ended late December early Jan 66...AIT-8 weeks..finish somewhere around end of Feb, 1st of March..1966, but wait the 82nd got to the Dominican in April "65 and I believe all the real hostiities had setteld dowm by the time Ron would have been available to help them in their mission..More later on the other side...
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Old 10-21-2009, 04:03 PM
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I haven't done the research yet, but I thought that the US pulled most of our troop out of Dom. Rep. shortly after August 31, 1965. According to Ron he was still in high school until November of 1965, three months after peace keeping operations were turned over to Brazil. Maybe after he finished engineer AIT, the Marines that he went there to help were in such dire need of a PVT dog-face engineer that they put him in one of those "mini C-130s with two engines" that was in reality a "way-back machine" that trasnported him back in time. Yeah, like I believe that. maybe one of you can check the dates or perhaps there were guys on this forum that were in Dom. Rep. Yes, there were some US forces left there for probably a year, but I doudt that there were any emergency operations as described by Ron in April of 1966 or later.

At least this Ron character brought back fond memories of the "Rocky and Bullwinkle Sow" for me.

As for the guys that were fooled by Ron at first: don't feel badly about being taken in by this guy. He befriended you at first, then spread his BS over time. We had one on the Special Forces Teamhouse forum do the exact same thing to us over there, until someone started putting two and two together.

Those of us now reading Ron's BS and spotting the red flags do so with the advance knowledge that he is a wannabee. That makes it a lot easier for us to shoot holes in his stories.

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