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Old 12-07-2023, 06:54 PM
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Question Where Does It All End


“So where does all of this violence really get us, where did it begin, and most of all, how do we put a stop to it?”

Apparently, our society hasn’t got a clue, save for those politicians and media buffoons, who talk up a storm, prance around like damn fools in front of those media cameras, and get all garbed-up in fancy duds with their eyes firmly fixed upon those bigger and better political things that lie directly in their futures!? Worst of all, they have learned little (or nothing at all) from their past mistakes, and they continue on, until their ever so brief tenure within this lifetime, merely fades away like bodily gasses in a windstorm! So far better we ask not - where it all began, but rather, how can we put an end to it, and this is a task that humanity has not been able to get a grasp upon, ever since he abandoned the cave, and ceased to talk in grunts and groans – welcome to the space age! “And now that we have arrived at the edges of tomorrow – what now, and how do we proceed into the future, if that is, we even have a future?” You know, it kind of makes you wonder if the mentality of mankind is really progressing, or if, in fact, we are just digressing into a revival of “The Dark Ages!?”

So the only question remaining now is: “Will we indeed continue to advance, or even digress, to that point where we cease to exist as a promising race of beings, and plummet backwards, head-long into oblivion? “Well - only time itself, and that big bomb that we have been playing around with for the last seventy-eight years or so, will eventually be in a position to tell us for sure!?”

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Old 12-08-2023, 07:07 AM
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Thumbs down Trash-talking politicians nothing new

Trash-talking politicians nothing new
By: Ina Hughs - Columnist for Know News

Name calling has always been a political ploy, and it might seem to some that it has reached an all time high (low?) these days.

Troglodyte. Libaturd. Snowflakes. Dotard. Rocket Man. Nut job. Moron. Commie.

President Donald Trump has enraged some and endeared others with his put-downs: Anderson Cooper is “a stupid talking head.” Jonah Goldberg is "dumb as a rock.” He calls Chuck Todd “sleepy eyes.” Reporters are “terrible people.” Lindsay Graham is “a stiff.” and who can keep count the number of people he’s called clowns? That includes everyone from Arianna Huffington to Charles Krauthammer to Karl Rove. And then there was the time he led his supporters in chanting “CNN sucks.

(That last one took place at his rally in Arizona where he insisted CNN was so biased against him, they weren’t even covering the rally. Well, I was watching him say this via CNN as its cameras panned the room.)

Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comment came back to haunt her, and it’s right scary, the number of people who have called Trump a new Hitler.

Politics brings out the worst — and the best — in human nature, and when tempers flare and the chips are falling, tongues get loose and tempers flare.

A Thomas Jefferson voter accused President John Adams of possessing a "hideous hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman.”

Adams' supporters responded by labeling Jefferson "a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father."

Look back at how many political standoffs led to duels, like in 1804 when bitter words and a long political rivalry led to the death of the sitting Vice President Alexander Hamilton, shot by former Secretary of State Aaron Burr. History books recount more than 25 cases when political differences led the opponents to shoot it out in a duel.

In 1828, Andrew Jackson's wife — who had, shockingly for the time, been divorced — got slammed with all sorts of ugly names by his opponents. In retaliation, Jackson’s base accused John Quincy Adams of having tried to offer his maid as a concubine to Russian Czar Alexander I.

So, even though Trump has earned a reputation for publicly offending so many people and resorting to ridicule when confronted with less than flattery and loyalty, it could be, and has been, far worse.

How effective is the trash talk in winning or losing votes? According to studies I read, not very. Winners win, and losers lose, and voters, even if they cannot forgive, in time forget.

About this writer: Columnist Ina Hughs may be reached at
Personally: Trump's not literate - and lacks dignity. In short - he's a human crybaby
and lacks the usage of the appropriate English. To me - he's a con-artist, liar and womanizer.
This is not what need to be the President of the United States of America.
Also - I would never let him carry the Football! You just never know what he'd do - or start?

O Almighty Lord God, who neither slumberest nor sleepest; Protect and assist, we beseech thee, all those who at home or abroad, by land, by sea, or in the air, are serving this country, that they, being armed with thy defence, may be preserved evermore in all perils; and being filled with wisdom and girded with strength, may do their duty to thy honour and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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