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Old 10-04-2006, 05:47 AM
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Default Who knew what, and when did they know it?

Not being fully aware of every law on the books, I can only guess that if a person has knowledge that a crime has been committed, or suspects that a crime has been committed and doesn't report said information to law enforcement, then that person is also guilty of a crime. Here, I would ask for the professional opinion of such stellar spokesmen such as Booger Lee Bob. For example, if I knew that someone was going to burglarize a building, and failed to notify the police, I would be guilty of a crime, even though I didn't to the actual breaking and entering.

So if we can assume that the above is correct, and it is very likely so, the larger question arises about who knew what about Foley, and when did they know it. And before you start reaching for the cudgels thinking I'm trying to justify this cretin's behavior, I personally think that Stick had it about right as far as the punishment of pedophiles is concerned. If what we're hearing that his actions have been known, the question needs to be asked about who knew what, when did they know it, and most importantly, what pro-plice actions did they do about it?

For example, in July 2004, the homosexual newspaper Washington Blade reported the two activists, Mike Rogers and John Aravosis, were "loosely heading an ongoing outing campaign on the Hill" ahead of the Senate vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would bar same-sex marriage. In another post, Rogers admitted he had possession of the lurid Foley e-mails before they were posted on the Web. "As people know, it's not always possible for me to disclose my role in some of the activities. I can say this. I had the emails before they were on the net. Additionally, I had the additional emails, written by the page to a friend. The story was being written by a number of outlets and I provided additional information to reporters involved in the breaking of this story. Did I have any idea that the GOP leadership was engaged in a cover-up? Nope. Do I love the fact that they are trying to spin this as "naughty emails?" Yup. Because it shows how out of (touch) they are about queer closet cases."

Rogers ? in a March 4, 2005, post on his website ? declared Foley to be "gay" and, therefore, a hypocrite for voting for legislation against the homosexual agenda. The post said: "MARK FOLEY WILL BE EXPOSED FOR THE HYPOCRITE HE IS THROUGH A MAIL AND INTERNET CAMPAIGN THAT WILL REACH INTO EVERY HOME IN HIS DISTRICT." [His emphasis, not mine.]

So the issue is not so much that Foley was a practicing pedophile as much as he was a closet homosexual. And this was to be the central issue for the pro-homosexual crowd. They can't stand the FACT that 95% of pedophiles are also homosexual, because that issue of pedophilia gives the fudge-packers a bad name, as if they don't already have one!

In a post Sunday, Rogers wrote about his attempt to communicate with Democrat officials, saying "the good news is that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is finally getting it." The question also needs to be asked about what outlets in the mainstream media knew about Foley's perversions, and when did they know it.
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 10-04-2006, 06:37 AM
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bOOger here with some fine legal counciling......If you know someone is about to commit a crime, depending on how credible your info is. You are obligated to report it. If you know a person who did commit the crime. You are obligated by law to report that person......When in doubt, report it.
Now as far as our Michael Jackson wannabe goes....Just take the little pickle sucker out back and shoot him.
Bob K
Bob K. AKA bOOger

God bless the ACLU
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Old 10-04-2006, 10:21 AM
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Default Booger Lee

As usual, you made perfectly good sense, even in your own wondrous and sick way! Thank you for the legal counseling - it simply verified what I corrected surmised earlier. As for the second part, I guess that would include Franks, D-MA, Stubbs, D-MA, Reynolds, exD-IL, and all the other fudge packers as well, right?
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 10-04-2006, 06:20 PM
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Whilst on County Grand Jury we had some instructions from the Judge about this ?knowledge of? issue. There was tri-state drug bust and the case was about a meth kitchen that got taken down. We got a four hour rap about how meth is made and and then what we learned from the Judge is that one doesn?t have to be the meth chef to be culpable under the law. Knowledge of and on the kitchen premises is enough to at least to get taken in and booked, especially if there is a batch being cooked up at the time, which there was. We delivered a true bill of indictment, but beyond that, it was up to the DA to make it stick. For reasons not to be spoken of, it was all a very ?top secret? deal, and that is why the Grand Jury got involved.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 10-06-2006, 05:14 AM
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Meth makers should just be executed on the spot, IMHO, as they try to evade arrest.

What is truly amazing in the Foley case is that the creep probably didn't break any laws, at least so far as we've learned, but da dims are treating this as if he personally buggered the queen on the White House lawn, emptied the Smithsonian of all its treasures, and took a loaded handgun on a commercial flight.
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 10-08-2006, 06:44 AM
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Default And Col. Brice

There is a saga of glass houses and stones that comes to mind and connected thoughts about double standards as they connect to rewards and punishment. As you opined, "thin as cheep cellophane." And truer words are seldom spoken. The House Ethics Committee have always been weak horses chanting the their mantra, ?Raise the roof and hear the clatter, we?re from the Congress where it just don?t matter. ?

Sexual exploitation of the subordinate level is an outrage in any organization, regardless, and always leads to ugly trouble unless there is some self-assumed positioning on higher moral ground, then all is peachy-keen, or apparently so. Zo, as we see below, we find that the concept of "Moral relativity" has been around for quite a while and the advocates get a "get out of jail free" card, and rewarded for being a pedophile, ay sus, ay-yi-yi n' aarrgg

Scamp the angry

"In 1983, Reprentative Gerry Studds, Democrat of Massachusetts, admitted to having sex with a 17-year-old male page. He was censured by the House of Representatives. During the vote, which he was compelled by House rules to be present for, Studds turned his back on the House to show his contempt for his colleagues' reprimand. He was not expelled from the Democratic Caucus. In fact, he was his party's nominee in the next election in his district--and the next five after that--winning reelection each time. He remained in the bosom of the Democratic Caucus in the House for the next 13 years."

Compared with: "Hug your wife if you are a democrat. And if you are a Republican pat your little boys butt.
I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 10-08-2006, 08:55 AM
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Default Scamp, Scout & whomever...

The quite asinine DOUBLE STANDARD prevailing and required in America regarding Political Parties, should surprise NO SANE (even insane) & HONEST Americans. Such just so daily typical, common and to be expected and meekly and obediently accepted, in any generation-ally duped political societies.

The Nazi Party faired better than most with their press, for awhile.
The Communist Party also faired well with their press, for awhile.
The Socialist Party still fairing quite well with press in Europe, and
"The Democrats/Socialists/Leftists wartime under-miners posing
as Liberals" are also fairing exceptionally well with press in current America.

Thus, it's no wonder that America's greatly and pretty-much overall supportive press of their: "Darling Democrats", quite similarly subscribe and help propagate The DOUBLE STANDARD that EVERYTHING (individuals & policies) Republican are: "Radical Right-Wing nuts, Racists, Homophobes & Untrustworthy LIARS" TO THE WORLD & ALLIES,...while differently The UTTER NONSENSE that America's Leftist Democrat Leaders (plus wannabees) are all-knowing, all-caring (even for terrorists), and therefore basically all-wonderful people.

It's also no wonder why the vast majority of Americans thoroughly despise politics, politicians, the press and even some institutions,...and just refuse to vote. Most certainly understandable.

Such truly too bad, and hope We Americans don't have to find out The Hard Way and/or like the staunch Nazi Party Followers once did, in that Sicko Politics & Sicko Politicians GET YOU KILLED.
Whereas, and quite differently, Republican/Conservative Political Leaders (plus Brave U.S. Military) just trying to KEEP ALL AMERICANS (not just minorities, foreigners, dignitaries & politicians) ALIVE.

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Old 10-17-2006, 02:13 PM
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Default Re: Who knew what, and when did they know it?

Originally posted by SuperScout They can't stand the FACT that 95% of pedophiles are also homosexual , .

This is nothing more than an outright LIE!

And, I can't stand by and let this bullshit go by without exposing it for what it is!

The highly aclaimed and well respected (even by nearly ALL CONSERVATIVE GROUPS) Family Research Institute repudiates and reports that the afforementioned NINETY-FIVE PERCENT (95%) figure is HOGWASH! Pure unadulterated propaganda!

See below................


Child Molestation and Homosexuality
By Paul Cameron, Ph. D.

Dr. Cameron is Chariman of the Family Research Institute of Colorado Springs, Colorado USA. You may contact him at: Family Research Institute, PO Box 62640, Colorado Springs, CO 80962 USA. Phone number: (303) 681-3113.

Ann Landers (1) says the statement "Homosexuals are more inclined to molest children sexually than heterosexuals" is false.

The American Psychological Association has sponsored a work that asserts: "Recognized researchers in the field on child abuse,... almost unanimously concur that homosexual people are actually less likely to approach children sexually." (2)
Why is it, then, that we read about sex between boys and men in every newspaper?

Does it merely reflect sensationalist journalism? We know that heterosexual molestation also occurs. But since there are so many more heterosexuals than homosexuals, which kind of child molestation ? homosexual or heterosexual ? is proportionately more common?

The Scientific Evidence

Three kinds of scientific evidence point to the proportion of homosexual molestation: 1) survey reports of molestation in the general population, 2) surveys of those caught and convicted of molestation, and 3) what homosexuals themselves have reported. These three lines of evidence suggest that the 1%-to-3% of adults who practice homosexuality (3) account for between a fifth and a third of all child molestation.

Reports of Molestation by the General Population

In 1983, a probability survey of the sexual experiences of 4,340 adults in 5 U.S. cities found that about 3% of men and 7% of women reported sexual involvement with a man before the age of 134 (i.e., 30% was homosexual).

In 1983- (4), a random survey of 3,132 adults in Los Angeles found that 3.8% of men and 6.8% of women said that they had been sexually assaulted in childhood. Since 93% of the assailants were male, and only 1% of girls had been assaulted by females, about 35% of the assaults were homosexual. (5)

The Los Angeles Times (6) surveyed 2,628 adults across the U.S. in 1985. 27% of the women and 16% of the men claimed to have been sexually molested. Since 7% of the molestations of girls and 93% of the molestations of boys were by adults of the same sex, about 4 of every 10 molestations in this survey were homosexual.
In a random survey of British 15-to-19 yr olds, 35% of the boys and 9% of the girls claimed to have been approached for sex by adult homosexuals and 2% of the boys and 1% of the girls admitted to succumbing. (7)

In science, a review of the professional literature published in a refereed scientific journal is considered to be an accurate summary of the current state of knowledge. The latest such review was published in 1985. (8) It concluded that homosexual acts were involved in 25% to 40% of the cases of child molestation recorded in the scientific and forensic literature.

Surveys of Those Convicted

Drs Freund and Heasman (9) of the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto reviewed two sizeable studies and calculated that 34% and 32% of the offenders against children were homosexual. In cases they had personally handled, homosexuals accounted for 36% of their 457 pedophiles.

Dr. Adrian Copeland, a psychiatrist who works with sexual offenders at the Peters Institute in Philadelphia, said (10) that, from his experience, pedophiles tend to be homosexual and "40% to 45%" of child molesters have had "significant homosexual experiences."

Dr. C. H. McGaghy (11) estimated that "homosexual offenders probably constitute about half of molesters who work with children." Other studies are similar:

? Of the approximately 100 child molesters in 1991 at the Massachusetts Treatment Center for Sexually Dangerous Persons, a third were heterosexual, a third bisexual and a third homosexual in orientation. (12)

? A state-wide survey of 161 Vermont adolescents who committed sex offenses in 1984 found that 35 (22%) were homosexual. (13)

? Of the 91 molesters of non-related children at Canada?s Kingston Sexual Behaviour Clinic from 1978-1984, 38 (42%) engaged in homosexuality. (14)

? Of 52 child molesters in Ottawa from 1983 to 1985, 31 (60%) were homosexual. (15)

? In England for 1973, 802 persons (8 females) were convicted of indecent assault on a male, and 3,006 (6 of them female) were convicted of indecent assault on a female (i.e., 21% were homosexual). 88% of male and about 70% of female victims were under age sixteen. (16)

Because of this pattern, Judge J. T. Rees concluded that "the male homosexual naturally seeks the company of the male adolescent, or of the young male adult, in preference to that of the fully-grown man. [In 1947] 986 persons were convicted of homosexual and unnatural offences. Of those, 257 were indictable offences involving 402 male victims.... The great majority of [whom]... were under the age of 16. Only 11%... were over 21."

"[T]he problem of male homosexuality is in essence the problem of the corruption of youth by itself [i.e., by other boys] and by its elders. [And thereby]... the creation... of new addicts ready to corrupt a still further generation of young men and boys in the future." (17)

What Homosexuals Admit

The 1948 Kinsey survey found that 37% of the gays and 2% of the lesbians admitted to sexual relations with under-17-yr-olds, and 28% of the gays and 1% of the lesbians admitted to sexual relations with under-16-yr-olds while they themselves were aged 18 or older. (18)

In 1970 the Kinsey Institute interviewed 565 white gays in San Francisco: 25% of them admitted to having had sex with boys aged 16 or younger while they themselves were at least 21. (19)
In The Gay Report, 23% of the gays and 6% of the lesbians admitted to sexual interaction with youth less than 16 years of age. (20)

In France, 129 convicted gays (21)(average age 34 years) said they had had sexual contact with a total of 11,007 boys (an average of 85 different boys per man). Abel et al reported similarly that men who molested girls outside their family had averaged 20 victims each; those who molested boys averaged 150 victims each. (22)


About a third of the reports of molestation by the populace have involved homosexuality. Likewise, between a fifth and a third of those who have been caught and/or convicted practiced homosexuality. Finally, a fifth to a third of surveyed gays admitted to child molestation. All-in-all, a rather consistent story.


Teacher-Pupil Sexual Interaction

Nowadays parents are labeled bigots for fearing that homosexual teachers might molest their children. But if homosexuals are more apt to molest children and are in a positon to take advantage of them, this fear makes sense. Indeed, accounts of disproportionate homosexual teacher molestation appear throughout the scientific literature.

The original U.S. Kinsey study reported that 4% of the non-criminal white gays and 7% of the non-criminal white lesbians reported that they had their first homosexual experience with a ?teacher or other caretaker.? None of the heterosexuals were recorded as having a teacher as their first sex partner. (18)

In England, Schofield reported that at least 2 of his 150 homosexuals had their first homosexual experience with a teacher and an additional 2 reported that their first homosexual contact with an adult was with a teacher. One of the 50 men in his comparison group had also been seduced by a homosexual teacher, while none of the men interviewed claimed involvement with a heterosexual teacher. (23)

In the 1978 McCall?s magazine study of 1,400 principals, (24) 7% reported complaints about homosexual contact between teachers and pupils and 13% reported complaints about heterosexual contact between teachers and pupils (i.e., 35% of complaints were homosexual). 2% "knew of instances in which teachers discussed their homosexuality in class."

Of 400 consecutive Australian (25) cases of molestation, 7 boys and 4 girls were assaulted by male teachers. Thus 64% of those assaults were homosexual.

In 1987, Dr. Stephen Rubin, associate professor of psychology at Whitman College, conducted a 10 state survey (26) and found 199 sexual abuse cases involving teachers. 122 male teachers had abused female pupils and 14 female teachers had abused male students. In 59 cases, however, male teachers had abused male pupils and in 4 cases female teachers had abused female students (overall 32% were homosexual).

A 1983 survey asked 4,340 adults to report on any sexual advances and any physical sexual contact by elementary and secondary teachers (4% of those who were teachers in the survey claimed to be bisexual or homosexual).4 29% of the advances by elementary and 16% of the advances by secondary school teachers were homosexual.

In addition, 1 of 4 (25%) reports of actual sexual contact with an elementary school teacher were homosexual. In high school, 8 (22%) of 37 contacts between teacher and pupil were homosexual. 18% reported having had a homosexual teacher (8% of those over the age of 55 vs 25% of those under 26). Of those reporting a homosexual teacher, 6% said that the teacher influenced them to try homosexuality and 13% of the men and 4% of the women said that the teacher made sexual advances toward them.


Whether examining surveys of the general populace or counts of those caught, homosexual teachers are disproportionately apt to become sexually involved with children


So, while it is apparent that the percentage of homosexuals involved with sex with children is obviously higher than it is with heterosexuals, it is NOT 95% as the previous poster has incorrectly posted.

I am not attempting to excuse nor in any way seem to be condoning the conduct of ANYONE who has been (or is) guilty of sexual contact, or any deviant behavior with children-----be they homosexual or heterosexual. I am only attempting to expose what is clearly either lack of knowledge, or the bias of the individual responsible for this misrepresentation in the original post.

Besides that, anyone (or any political party ---ie:--Republicans) that attempts to shift the facts of this matter to proclaim the democrats as hysterical and lacking any sense of proportion about this issue need to take a long hard look in the mirror!

They, after all, are the party that has declared itself 'morally superior', not to mention the 'party' that spent nearly $60 million of taxpayer money on a Ken Starr witch hunt of the Clintons. This same "party" of pious stiffs that actually impeached a president for a 'consensual' sexual affair and then lying about it----this same 'party' which made personal indiscretions 'fair game'!

That sound you hear is Harry Truman rolling over in his grave. Hastert saying "The Buck Stops Here" ------HA!---What a joke! ---- He's playing dumb, blaming his subordinates and underlings, and hoping he can ride out the storm.

The evidence isn't all in yet, but there's enough to show that Hastert was MORE interested in protecting his 'party's' fortunes than the safety of underage minors working as pages in the House. And THAT is nothing short of DESPICABLE!

He should do the honorable thing and resign. Him simply stating that the so-called 'Ethics Committee' will investigate and take appropriate action rings hollow.

This is nothing more than an 'incumbent-protection-agency' as recent prior evidence supports (Remember Tom Delay???) Congress should bring in an independent investigator to sort out this mess!



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

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Old 10-17-2006, 07:23 PM
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Hey are pretty quick on the draw to protect the "Rights" of homosexuals. Are you a member of N.A.M.B.L.A.?
Every young boy who was molested as a child by a relative or a Priest, was molested by a HOMOSEXUAL! Well maybe not everyone, about 3% were molested by a female relative or family acquaintence. That leaves about 97% who were molested by FAGS! Get your head our of your liberal a$$ Gimpy. It's FAGS who molest children. 100% of pedophiles are homosexual. Heterosexual males DO NOT molest little boys. Heterosexual Women do not molest little girls. Pedophile Priests are HOMOSEXUALS!

What are the Democrats calling them now? You are blasting a Fag Republican but you have 4 or 5 in congress (Democrat) who are avowed Fags. How about Barny Franks? Would you like a date with him Gimpy? Would you send your grandson to Disney World with Barney Franks?

Get real!
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Old 10-17-2006, 08:15 PM
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You're fucked up logic dosen't even warrant a decent response.

Except to say......... is that how they teach math in that state of denial you live in?

No damn wonder you "new" type republicans are so phucked up!



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
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