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Old 12-07-2023, 06:57 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2002
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Question Stalemates Usual Equal Catastrophe

H. Rick Tavares (Hardcore) 1805 La Posta Road, Campo, California, 91906, (619) 478-1136….


”So why is it that mankind, the species with the greatest potential of all, still lacks the will (or the ability) to live in some harmony with each other! For as long mankind has been kicking around this young little-planet of ours, he still has not learned how to get along with each other, or to even function right along side of his very own environment?

Strange, that with all of our smarts, coupled with our habitual penance, that there are still many of our own kind who still get their jolly’s off by blowing each other into the next dimension? And yet with all of this carnage (and more), we humans still claim to be the only salvation for “The Earth”, and the only hope for “The Entire Universe?”

“Yeah, Tell Me Another One!!”

In My Opinion – “It’s not that we lack the ability to live and to function in peace and harmony, but rather, maybe it is merely that we lack the will and the huevos?” But one thing is still for damned sure, that being that: Unless we find that elusive key to living upon this same celestial globule (Earth) together, the day may finally arrive, when like that old science-fiction movie - “The DAY That the Earth Stood Still”, some other life form, somewhere, away out there in Deep Space, may have to try to come to our rescue as well, but then again - “Maybe Not!?”

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Old 12-08-2023, 06:32 AM
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Question What will the world be like in 500 years?

1. What will the world be like in 500 years?

In five hundred years technology should be more advanced but the world will be polluted due to the waste humans produce and it will be hot due to the Global warming. If global warming keeps increasing at the rate it is the earth will be unfit for humans to live in.

2. Is there a silver lining lurking in the background?

There is a silver lining lurking in the background. It involves the possibility that we possess free will and can respond to deteriorating conditions by promoting a longer future than a few centuries. Wise public policy could mitigate the risk from technological catastrophes associated with climate change, self-inflicted pandemics or wars.

3. Will our species go extinct? The short answer is yes. The fossil record shows everything goes extinct, eventually. Almost all species that ever lived, over 99.9%, are extinct.

4. Pessimistic scenarios might see natural or manmade disasters leading to widespread breakdown of social order, even civilization and the loss of most of the human population – a grim, post-apocalyptic world. Even so, humans would likely survive, scavenging society’s remains, Mad Max-style, perhaps reverting to subsistence farming, even becoming hunter-gatherers.

5. Humans will be extinct in 100 years says eminent scientist

6. Eminent Australian scientist Professor Frank Fenner, who helped to wipe out smallpox, predicts humans will probably be extinct within 100 years, because of overpopulation, environmental destruction and climate change.

7. Earth Won't Die as Soon as Thought.

Take a deep breath—Earth is not going to die as soon as scientists believed. Two new modeling studies find that the gradually brightening sun won't vaporize our planet's water for at least another 1 billion to 1.5 billion years—hundreds of millions of years later than a slightly older model had forecast. The findings won't change your retirement plans but could imply that habitable, Earth-like alien worlds are more common than scientists thought.

8. Some scientists believe we may actually be in the midst of a sixth mass extinction right now.

Why? Current extinction rates are, by some estimates, 100 times higher than normal right now. With species disappearing faster than usual, our current rates of climate change, overpopulation, deforestation, and pollution could be pushing us toward the brink of another mass extinction.

So is there any hope for human beings? Of course, there is! Human beings number in the billions. We are spread all over Earth in all sorts of habitats and climates. We are extremely intelligent and adaptable.

Even in the face of various threats, it would take a lot to wipe us out completely, especially if we manage to establish colonies on other planets one day. Even if human beings become extinct one day, it won't be in your lifetime!

Humans are warming the planet by emitting heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide. But behind the scenes, a far slower, deadlier warming process is unfolding. The sun is getting brighter and hotter over time. As it does, more water evaporates from Earth's surface into the atmosphere, where it traps additional heat from the planet. This water-driven greenhouse effect will keep going long after people have stopped burning fossil fuels that now add CO2 to the atmosphere. Eventually, Earth's greenhouse effect will spin out of control, vaporizing all of our planet's water and ending life as we know it.

How long does Earth have? Climate modelers disagree. In one recent study, planetary scientist Ravi Kopparapu of Pennsylvania State University (Penn State), University Park, and colleagues used computers to model how Earth would respond to increasing solar radiation. Just 6% more sunlight was enough to send the greenhouse effect into overdrive and vaporize Earth's water, the researchers found. At the current rate of solar brightening—just over 1% every 100 million years—Earth would suffer this "runaway greenhouse" in 600 million to 700 million years. Earth will suffer some preliminary effects leading up to that, too. After just 150 million years, the researchers found, the stratosphere will warm enough to let some water vapor reach high in the sky, where solar radiation will break it down into molecules that can escape to space. In this "moist greenhouse," the planet would be too hot for complex surface life, but a few hardy marine organisms and microbes could soldier on.
Personal note:
Mankind is his own worst enemy!
We've known this since life itself created bi-peddle humans.
Several species have already died and more will until we bring
our planet into a more non-polluted state. Our energy resources
may run short at times - as well as air-born contamination.
Here to if we suffer a full-blown nuclear war - if & when are the
concerns of date.
Waring as we do - doesn't make anything better either. Human's
will suffer in all lands - and all races as well as the animals.
The pollution of the lands will kill off food products as well & many
species will eat contaminated food.
It seems mankind is destined to suffer more than we know.
We continue to destroying our planet one way or another.
Of course this is fiction at this moment - subject to the worlds
current events and threats - all around the globe.
Peace on Earth and Good-Well to All - is far from it in this day.
It depends: On what do we need to do as a species to prevent
extinction from nuclear war or any of the other many threats
to survival? THATS THE QUESTION!

O Almighty Lord God, who neither slumberest nor sleepest; Protect and assist, we beseech thee, all those who at home or abroad, by land, by sea, or in the air, are serving this country, that they, being armed with thy defence, may be preserved evermore in all perils; and being filled with wisdom and girded with strength, may do their duty to thy honour and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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