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Old 10-07-2003, 06:20 AM
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Default The Nazis in Dubya's closet ...When Adolf Hitler needed money, who did he call?

The Nazis in Dubya's closet
When Adolf Hitler needed money, who did he call?


Christiane Amanpour, CNN's fleet-footed foreign correspondent, committed the unthinkable a few weeks ago. She said what any observant person already knows: "Television and perhaps to an extent, my station, was intimidated by the administration and its foot soldiers at Fox News. And it did, in fact, put a climate of fear and self-censorship, in my view, in terms of the kind of broadcast work we did."

The media -- not only TV but the daily press, too -- did indeed cower and cringe before the Bushies and the Fox stormtroopers.

Fox News adopted a strategy right from the playbook of Hitler aide Hermann Goering, who said during the Nuremberg trials, "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger." A Fox spokesman responded to Amanpour with an adaptation of the Reichsmarshall's thoughts: "It's better to be viewed as a foot soldier for Bush than a spokeswoman for al-Qaeda."

We'll come back to Nazis in a minute.

News organizations ignored the awful pack of deceptions, beginning with the administration's lies over what was known prior to 9-11 about a likely terrorist attack. Then there's the utter failure of Big Media to question the "reasons" for the Iraq war -- grand deceits that, thanks to foreign and alternative media, Bush is now having to admit were baseless claims. Thousands of Iraqis and hundreds of Americans have died due to Bush's fraud, and while his hands are bloody, there's plenty of gore left over to coat the paws of the press lords who chose to look the other way.

Even as Amanpour began a round of self-flagellation among media pundits over Bush's Iraq war and 9-11 prevarications, there is still a huge gap in the public's knowledge about a basketful of issues critical to democracy. The media is flaccid when it comes to tearing apart the obvious falsehoods involved in Bush's claims about tax cuts, the environment, his destruction of our international relations and the economy.

Every editor and news director in America should be confronted with demands to explain why they have given a pass to Bush on those subjects. And, even more important, they should be held accountable for not scrutinizing the Bush clan and its phalanx of extremists and profiteers.

Here's a tiny sampling of what's known about the Bushies.I was working in Miami in the early 1980s when Jeb Bush popped up on the scene like a malevolent jack-in-the-box. Doors, especially those in Little Havana, swung open wide for the "vice president's son." My interest was drawn to one particular door -- a health maintenance organization owned by Miguel Recarey. It would turn out that Recarey had ties to the Contra terrorists in Nicaragua and to the Mafia family of Tampa's godfather, Santos Trafficante. Bush brushed aside the mob allegations and declared that Recarey was "a good supporter of the Republican Party." And Bush helped arranged for the HMO to treat wounded Contras -- part of the larger clandestine, and very illegal, Reagan Administration scheme to help the terrorist outfit (a group that, as it would later turn out, was padding its coffers by smuggling drugs into American cities).

Bush was soon on the Miami HMO's payroll as a "real estate consultant." He never found a real estate deal for Recarey, but he did open doors in Washington to get a massive infusion -- a billion bucks or so -- of Medicare funding. Recarey stole $230 million of the taxpayer's cash and fled the country in 1987.

I later covered a story about a scummy real estate deal of Jeb's: He tanked more than $4 million in loans on a commercial building -- money you and I ended up paying. Ah, what a capitalist, I thought.

My curiosity about Bush was piqued, and it was amazing to watch his South Florida story unfold. There wasn't a rake or a blackguard he didn't seem to befriend. They only thing that mattered was that Bush's friends had to be sufficiently fanatical (often maniacal) in their right-wing extremism.

Those pals included Leonel Martinez, a major league cocaine smuggler. Even more interesting was that Jeb -- who would later join his brother's "war on terrorism" (aka the war for Halliburton and against American liberties) -- finagled the release from prison of a really bloodthirsty terrorist who rivals any of Osama bin Laden's boys: the ultra-right Orlando Bosch, who had committed 30 acts of terrorism, including the bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people. Likewise, Bush was ever-so-tight with Jorge Mas Canosa, the thoroughly low-life (and now thankfully deceased) leader of the Cuban-American National Foundation. Mas boasted of his terrorist exploits, including the machinegun strafing of Havana residential neighborhoods.

Terrorism, it appears, is in the eye of the beholder.

Ever since those days, I've kept an always-growing folder on the Bush family. It ranges from the "Maybe" to the "Wow! This is true!" folders.

Under "Maybe" there are tales -- somewhat substantiated but still short of certain -- of the FBI memo that circulates among JFK assassination buffs. Dated Nov. 29, 1963, it details how the FBI briefed a CIA agent named "George Bush" regarding the right-wing Cubans in Miami and their reaction to the assassination. (It always did seem strange that when Jeb hit the Magic City, he was treated like a son returning home -- a legacy from his dad's work?) The CIA has claimed that Poppy didn't work for the agency until he became Top Spy in 1975, and that it was another "George Bush" who was briefed. Maybe there was another GB in the CIA, but as has been documented, he never held the sort of position where he would have been briefed on such a subject.

There were other reasons to suspect that GHWB was skulking around the CIA halls during the early 1960s. His Zapata Petroleum was regarded as a CIA front, and, as oft-reported, most recently by Maureen Farrell on, his name -- "George H.W. (Poppy)" -- address and Zapata were in the address book of one of Lee Harvey Oswald's closest friends. I, for one, never believe in coincidences.

In a way, all that is small potatoes. Remember I said we would return to a little talk about Nazis? Here it comes.

Adolf Hitler wasn't entirely a German phenomenon. The rise of fascism had gleeful fans throughout Europe -- and in America. Henry Ford was one, as were many members of the British aristocracy.

And so were Dubya's grandfather, Prescott Bush, and his great-grandfather, George Herbert Walker. Walker was president of Union Banking Corp., and Prescott Bush was a board member. On Oct. 20, 1942, the federal government seized the assets of Union, declaring that it was "trading with the enemy." The bank was actually doing much more for the Nazis: It was a front for Germany's Thyssen financial conglomerate, the economic engine for Hitler's rise to power. Later, a variety of other Walker-Bush companies -- at least one a front for German espionage -- were also seized by the government.

While Walker and Bush probably deserved a firing squad, they were able to recover many of their assets after the war. The $1.5 million that Prescott pocketed was the foundation of the family's current fortune.

George H.W. Bush's "family fortune was largely a result of the Hitler project," write Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography. "The powerful Anglo-American family associations, which later boosted him into the Central Intelligence Agency and up to the White House, were his father's partners in the Hitler project."

There's little doubt that the ties -- the bund, if you will -- continued long after the war. Poppy, after being elected vice president in 1980, placed his assets in a trust run by his friend William Farish, whose grandfather, as head of Standard Oil of New Jersey, was collared for conspiring with Nazi Germany. Harry Truman denounced the elder Farish for crimes approaching "treason." Among Standard Oil's "investments" were IG Farben, which ran a gasoline slave-labor factory at Auschwitz.

There's so much more to tell about the Bushies. I haven't even gotten to the Carlyle Group and the bin Laden family ties. But I will in a few weeks. In the meantime, do your homework, go to and look up "Bush" and "Nazi." You'll then understand much more -- such as the police-state philosophy behind Bush's PATRIOT Act.

But don't expect much from the mainstream press. Despite the wealth of material on the Bush family, you'll only get good spin. One would think, for example, that the Nazi skeletons in the Bush closet would have rated at least a few titillating tidbits in the AJC. Nope, a database search shows not a single mention by journalists at the paper.

However, they do have plenty of gush on Bush. During the 2000 campaign, they ran an article titled "Bush driven by a calling to service" that opined that he "believed it was the solemn obligation of the elite to serve for the greater societal good."

Ja. Das ist korrekt.

Senior Editor John Sugg -- who says, "The Nazis were always so polite as they clicked their heels ... before they clicked the trigger" -- can be reached at or 404-614-1241.
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Old 10-07-2003, 04:35 PM
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Thumbs down What a

wondeful family "tree", huh??




"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

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Old 10-07-2003, 09:19 PM
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Larry -
> Was it FOXnews itself, or was it their infamous producer?
> War on terrorism war on drugs war on terrorism war on drugs on war on terrorism on drugs war on terrorism on drugs on war war?
> If what you have found is true to facts, then not good at all.

We are not alone among peoples who have ever thought, "It could never happen here.!"
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Old 10-07-2003, 09:24 PM
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The Bush family and the Nazis were bosom buddies. It is public record...makes you wonder who their friends are now...doesn't it ?

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Old 10-07-2003, 09:40 PM
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Actually, though I myself have not dug especially deeply into the entire history of it (scared my heart might actually break plumb in half) a whole bunch of american families were cheek and jowl with various factions of the Nazi regime before, during and following WW II... some recanted, some did not, some felt they had best do so, and our government brought a few on over here to work on various projects in the aftermath.

I was once the maintenance guy for a public library that had roughly 2000 flourescent bulbs that had to be constantly changed and dealt with. So, I did the supply ordering. Got to looking at one of the boxes on a slow day, came from an odd ball company I'd never heard of, but the bulb itself said GE on it. Asked the reference ladies to look up the firm name for me... came to find out they had been a significant supplier (under a different name) of electronics to the Third Reich, forced labor and all. Rather than quit my job, I changed suppliers... had a hard time convincing the OH SO feminist director that it'd be worth a few more cents per bulb to not encourage a collaborator.
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Old 10-08-2003, 11:23 AM
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Hey Mike et al -

"Names can often be deceiving!"

When I began to dig around in declassified government data (FOIA), I found another shocker!

It seems that some very major, extremely well-known drug corps, universities, hospitals, individuals and politicos, were deeply involved in "illegal drugs experimentation" (MK-ULTRA, Cold War etc) upon our own people (DAIG-IN 21-75, COS 385 and the Church Senate Report of 1977, just to mention a few)!

However, the general reply and response, at least to me, even from our own illustrious VA at times (all high $60 plus Billion a year of it), has been one of abject (lying) denial, systemic record destruction and/or alteration, and even worse at times! As a matter of fact, even a member of government (DC) once told me that "THIS ISSUE (experimentation upon the unwitting, even those in uniform) WILL NEVER BE ADDRESSED!?" And if that is not dressing up a skunk to look like a mink, then what is! (opinion) "By God man, our people (most of them anyway) are not the enemy!"

What the hell ever happened to truth, absolute concern for our veterans and not just the agencies that say that they represent them, as well as any feelings toward the aged, and middle class, the poor, etc!

"The truth will set you free indeed, or as I was once warned by a third, uninvited party on a private phone conversation: "The truth is a wonderful thing, but you sir (that's me) have pushed the envelope to the limit!"

How naive of me to ever think that truth had no limits, or that justice was of more importance than vested ($$$$) protectionism! Please accept my sincere apologies for believing in values that millions of Americans have fought and sweated to preserve!!

Well, call me a fool if you must, but I still believe in "Truth, Justice and the American Way", be it sometimes lost in the bureaucratic shuffle or sold off to the highest bidder (unfortunately)!

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Old 10-08-2003, 12:02 PM
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Default The Media reported it!!

then it must be fact, "ANY MEDIA", cause it's known that they are EXPERTS at everything, ( if that means, VERBIAGE) and nothing else. A person who speaks thru the media, (opinion) doesn't, to me have any more knowledge than us yokels who listen AND BELIEVE them. Facts, today, (opinion) can be derived by getting the information, direct, by several different means. Research utilizing written records, FOIA, etc., is where I feel most comfortable with the facts. I do not have the same feeling about the "reporters" of today that preceded them, cause at one time, to me, their responsibility was to REPORT THE NEWS. not give THEIR interpretation of what they think, heard or saw. Some, to me, wouldn't know a freight train, if it ran over them. One small example, Reynaldo, reporting from where he was vetted, drawing plans in the sand for the NEXT planned operation. An enemy wouldn't need a G-2 section if more, like that occurred. One reason I look for information other than the BIGGIES!!!!!
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Old 10-08-2003, 12:55 PM
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Post I have always wondered what the press would say about me.

Having been in politics on a small basis and dealt with the Olympia, WA press, I have always wondered what the press would say about me if I were President.

I seen the press destroy good women and men with half-truths and lies. I believe most investigating reporting is lies. This applies to both conservatives and liberals. People just wanting to push their own agenda and end justifies the means. So when I read a bunch of garbage about some political figure conservative or liberal I usually think first "is there any truth in this what is the agenda and why are they trying to destroy this person?"

Just how much truth was dug up against Arnold in his bid for governor is obvious. Why? The idea is to destroy another individual.

Of course if what is dug up is true, maybe it will give us some moral insights into the individual, but how far does one go in digging up suppose dirt and where does it all end?

The destructive ways in which investigating journalism goes about systematically destroying people probably does more harm than good. Because very few good men want to have their families and themselves dug and exposed by these investigators.

Even I who have lived a pretty simple none controversial life probably have something they could dig up and expand upon, I for the life of me have no idea what it would be but we all have made a few enemies in life that would be willing to tell a member of the press something evil about me ( probably a lie) but they would tell the press I did this or said this and then the press would expand upon that bit of a lie and eventually I would become a child rapist and and robber of funds. With that type of garbage hanging over one's head, many a good man will not allow himself to be exposed to the investigative press that mostly tell lies and half-truths.

What would the press say about YOU?

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Old 10-08-2003, 09:08 PM
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Keith :

You don't believe in conspiracies or investigative I guess your best news source is ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NYT and all the other alphabets..all owned by the same wonderful folks.

well look out your window at what is being sprayed in the air, what is in the immunizations you get, what flouride and aspartame really are, who really runs this country, that the "Federal Reserve" is neither federal or a reserve but an excuse to create wealth out of thin air, why 9/11 is a big fat lie.. and oh yes, tell me that the head shot that killed JFK came from a moron called Oswald from BEHIND...

I would rather know the truth. My conscience will not let me do otherwise.

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Old 10-08-2003, 11:05 PM
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I think you miss read my post. Oh I know there are conspiracies but I believe that many conspiracies are the result of the press. The greatest conspiracy of all is the press. Believe half of what you read and and only half of that and then you'll have the truth.

I have always believed that Oswald did it alone. The mass of evidence I read on the Oswald situation is highly speculative and very little based on fact. But, I don't want to go there.

However what I was addressing was what I know from personal experience and what I have seen done by the press. Of all our institutions the press is the least to be trusted. In other words don't believe everything you read because that is the greatest conspiracy of all, a lying press that just enjoys stirring the pot. They love to destroy good people. Many are so gullible they believe anything which is in black and white without reseaching the issues to see how much truth is behind it. Sooo, I am deeply supicious of the press. We all laugh at the National Inquirer but the regular press, though more sophisicated, is laughable to say the least.

Liberals are quick to jump on the bandwagon when something is supposedly dug up by the press on a conservative. Conservatives do the same with a liberal. The press just loves to make controversy to sell papers.

I don't know if the research in your article is accurate but I take it all with a grain of salt, just because I don't trust the press. Liberal or conservative.

Oh, Network News believe 1/4 of their investigating reports and half of that you'll do good.

For instance: ABC about a month ago had big segement on the dangers of eating charred meat. Yes charred meat does have cancer causing toxins but you'd have to eat several hundred pounds of charred meat daily to get into the danger range. Texas which is the barbeque capitol of the world doesn't have any higher cancer rates than places that rarely barbeque. Soo ABC told a (half truth) and sensationalized it, and scared a whole bunch of people unnecessarily.

I know that occassionally investigative reporting uncovers some really nasty things that are wrong with our society but I think that happens by luck. I believe the press is not to be trusted, printed, on the web, or on radio or television.


P.S. I don't believe in Big Foot. The classic joke played out on the media. Saw a special on a Big Foot hunt in Florida on the news yesterday. What a joke.
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