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Old 06-22-2003, 10:00 AM
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Thumbs down Mixed Messages In Two Directions

?The administration is claiming that Iran is sending mixed messages!?

After the miserable handling of the original crisis in Iran (1979), when our Embassy was overrun, the feeling in that nation (Iran), was that the United States was a Paper Tiger!?

?Revolutionary militants invaded the U.S. Embassy in Teheran on 4 November 1979, seized staff members, and precipitated an international crisis (Carter Administration)!?

The head turd of Iran (Ayatollah Khomeini), after the Shah took off with his Billion$, refused all of Carter?s appeals for resolution, and as usual, the ?United Nations was about as effective as a weak fart in a cyclonic whirlwind!!? (Nothing new here!!)

After the recent object lessons in Iraq, however, the Persians (Iranians) began to sing yet another song - ?A FUNERAL MARCH (Their own maybe)!! It must be remembered, however, that Bush's declaration of victory in Iraq, was a bit prematuture, as we are still losing personnel to cowardly back-shooters!!!!

Back during the Iraq/Iran War, in which we backed the Babylonians (Iraq), the Iranians got the stuffing kicked out of them! We in turn (twice), beat the living hell out of the Iraqis! Now it doesn?t take a mastermind for Iran to figure out that they stand no chance should they opt to continue to bark at us again, like a junkyard dog!

With Iran utilizing the ?WMD of the Middle East? (Lies, chest thumping, and pure bull shit), in an attempt to intimidate the United States, they are again tempting fate! The job that should have been completed in 1979 (almost a quarter of a century ago), could (?) again be in the planning stages!? The problem in the United States, however, at least as I see it, is that we take far too much shit from a bunch of un-washed wannabes! ?And this, of course, is often taken as a sign of weakness!?

Am I promoting ?Mr. Bush?s Wars Infinitum Philosophy? or the?UN's Dip-Shit Diplomacy? as a remedy - ?HELL NO!? Neither has worked since we flushed the old League of Nations down the tubes! Besides, both alternatives are nothing more than feeble attempts at blowing smoke to mask other issues, ?Mostly The Ailing Economy!?

If war was utilized as a ?Final Solution?, and we didn?t hand away the spoils in such a rapid fashion, then that would be one thing!! But as I see it, no sooner had President Bush declared victory by landing on the deck of a carrier like some returning Roman General, than we were engaged in another dirty little sniper war! Add to this the fact that Iran, Korea, Yemen, Syria and Libya, etc are all on Mr. Bush?s list of vote getters, and we could be at war for the next decade or better!

Granted (redundantly so), a few international bastards in the Middle East (and elsewhere), along with some pseudo allies, are a ?Real Problem?, but man does not live by war alone! And when any international leader is adept at but saber rattling, lies and promises (no one in particular referenced here), then we (as a nation) may be in big trouble, or engages in eternal conflict!

Hey, did I hear the word ?ECONOMY? rumbling about somewhere!? (One man?s opinion)


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Old 06-23-2003, 09:52 AM
Seascamp Seascamp is offline
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I do not like all this stuff going on with Iran. I think Iraq may be a bridge to far as it is and we still have a mess on the plate in Afghanistan. Plus, I?m not buying into the proposition that we hat we have our own domestic terrorism threat under control. No, our borders are loose-goosy maybe gates. Little or no INS progress at figuring out who is who in the zoo and Universities that are just loaded to the gunwales with America hating Moslems from wonderful places like Saudi Arabia.

Sure, the Iranian religious nutcases are dangerous as hell, probably more so than Saddam. But that is why we own some boomer boats and they are easily retargeted if need be. Keep an eye on them for sure and bring international pressure to bear, but loose this war posture until we get caught up on the programs we got going. And what worries me most is that I?m not so sure we have such a hot international intel outfit going. That capability may have been left to languish way to long and looks to be ten toes over the line of being totally dysfunctional. That has to be our first line of defense and I?m not seeing much that impresses me a lot. Obviously I don?t see very much but what do see has the earmarks of an Abbot and Costello adventure gone way wrong. I can?t help but wonder what goes on in Langley, Va. besides being embarrassed at having their collective asses whipped by third world madmen.

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Old 06-23-2003, 10:47 AM
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Scamp et al-

"SECURITY", what in the hell is that

No more than 2 hours ago, I had the latest in a long line of illegals show up at my door seeking (in vain) a ride to El Cajon!

Now I live less than a mile (as the crow flies) from the international border with Mexico, and about 20 miles north east of Tecate, Mexico, the point at which many illegals begin their journey into the promised land!

I have seen a multitude of illegals passing this way, but only two have impressed me as genuinely in dire straits! The first, a young (muy hermosa- very beautiful) gal, mid twenties, who had been abandoned by her group when she sprained an ankle, and the second (a young man - today), genuinely terrified and crying! The kind of kid that could remind you of your own brother or son, and that hurts!!

"Also, the environment around here can be deadly. The weather, the critters and the topography can be mortally vicious to the unprepared and the unsuspecting!"

The point is, that our Border Patrol, whom these these illegals are told are brutal and uncaring (and this is "NOT" true), is stretched super thin. Also, unless you have a trained eye, many of these illegals look a lot like "Middle Easterners!" Only their accents, and in some cases builds, give them away! Ergo, if any hostile is hell bent on getting into the country, they can do it relatively easily (opinion)! "Now don't that make you feel secure?"

Again, we have a magnificent Border Patrol, but they can do just so much with the recourses they are furnished! But tell me this, my friend, what the hell deterrent do we have when our government treats these terrorist bums with kid gloves? Were our people caught in their nations, "well, you know the fatal drill!!"

Bottom line - "If we continue to fight an enemy using his rules, we will lose!" We worry far to much about world opinion and our (wannabe) "One World Masters at the United Nations!!"

Naturally, I abhor it when our government restricts it's citizen's rights, then allows the UN, NATO and a few "International Ass-Holes" a free hand! Apparently, some in power worry more about world opinion than they do about the mere rights and liberties of our own people!

"Who empowers government anyway - the people of our nation that's who, and "NOT" the whims of a few of our part-time allies?" If the latter (foreign entities) do (currently) have that much control over our government, lives and liberties, then by all means, beg them for campaign donations, their votes, and their dedicated military service, in 2004! And while you are at it, try relying upon their patriotism come the next conflict in Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Yemen, Syria, or where have you!

Come to think of it, just how much money and influence is exerted from abroad?

P.S.- Happy Birthday to "Our Courageous United States Secret Service", founded on this date (23 June 1860), 143 years ago today

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