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Old 03-06-2004, 08:37 AM
thedrifter thedrifter is offline
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Cool Vietnam, the Marines and Coming Home

Vietnam, the Marines and Coming Home

This just in...and it's a good read!


One of my earliest memories was sitting on my Dad's shoulders
watching a parade in downtown Kansas City.

The War would have just been over for a couple of years and
patriotism was still very high in the community. EVERYBODY went to
the parades to applaud and cheer the troops.

As we watched, my Dad tugged on my arm and said, "Look Son, here come
the Marines". His younger brother had been a Marine during the War,
and he was intensely proud of him.

Rightfully so, he was a super over achiever in the Marine Corps. He
made Sergeant E-4 in his first 2 years, was made an Officer and got
out at the end of the War as a Major.

Dad's other brother was a Major in the Army. Dad tried to enlist,
but his job at a refinery, his family status, flat feet and color
blindness prevented him from going. He always felt some guilt about

As the Marines marched by us, the Marine Corps Hymn was playing. Dad
said, " Look at them, they're different. They're just more
disciplined and sharp. There is something special about them."

After the Korean War, there was a huge party for my cousin when he
came home. He had been the C.O. of a mortar platoon in Korea. We
were all extremely proud of him and glad he was home.

Because of my late birthday, I started school at 4 and was only 17
when I graduated from High School.
This made it impossible to get a job the following summer. If you
weren't 18 and didn't have your draft obligation out of the way, a
buck an hour pumping gas job in the Ghetto at night was about as good
as it got.

We had a day at school when all of the recruiters showed up in their
dress uniforms and gave us their recruiting speeches. When I saw
Gunny Thole standing there in his dress blues, it brought back
memories of parade day with my dad. But, he didn't seem to have a
lot to offer. The Army promised me I could go to jump school and
then off to Fort Bragg to train in the newly formed Special Forces
The Air Force promised great duty stations and schools of my choice.
The Navy promised world wide cruises and schools. Gunny Thole only
promised that I would be a "grunt" first and then what the Marine
Corps thought was best or what they thought I was most suited
for...NO CHOICE! No 2 year or 3 year enlistments, just 4.

I thought about joining for a long time. The Army sounded like a
great and glorious adventure, as did the others. Dad wanted me to go
to College, but we had little money in the family and my grades
weren't in line for a scholarship. The more I thought about it, the
more I was convinced that Gunny Thole was probably the only one that
wasn't lying to me. So, I signed on the dotted line for 4 years.

Near the end of boot camp, our DI's let us know where we would be
going after Infantry Training. I was shocked to find I was coming
back to San Diego for Basic Electronics School. I would have rather
been a grunt.

About week 7 of Basic Electronics, I heard they sent a guy to Force
Recon for flunking out. It was said he was going to be a radio
operator. Now I was doing okay in school, but that sounded really
appealing to me.
The problem was how to pull it off without looking like dereliction
of duty. Bombing week 7's test got me a meeting with the Major.

He was not happy with me and threatened to send me to Recon as a
radio operator. I couldn't contain my smile. Big Mistake, now he
was suspicious. He asked me if I WANTED to go to Recon? When I said
yes sir, he was furious. "Private, I won't send you to Recon. I'll
send you to the damned brig if you so much as approach flunking
another test," He said. So much for Recon.

Having to repeat week 7 put me in a different class. My original
class went to study the TPS-21 "People finder" radar and the KPQ-1
Mortar Round Tracking Radar. I was slated for Aviation Height
Finder -MPS-16 Terminal Class. Now I had placed myself even further
away from where I thought I wanted to be.

I reported to MATCU-69 at Beaufort, South Carolina after school and
was immediately TAD to H&HS to take care of the Weather Radar,
miscellaneous weather gear that I had never heard of and TACAN. Our
MATCU did not yet have any equipment other than radio gear.

Beautiful Beaufort by the Sea is truly a beautiful place, but had
little to offer other than fishing and hunting for a single 19 year
old Marine. As I approached the last year of my hitch, I put in for
a transfer overseas.

To my surprise, I got orders! I now had less than a year, so I was
really surprised. I needed to go to the rifle range at Parris Island
to qualify before going. I had always qualified as Expert and did so
again, getting a bar to hang on my shooter's badge.

I shot a possible in the offhand that year and that drew a small
crowd of interested folks, one of which was a guy I went to High
School with, who was a PMI and Team shooter.

He told me I would be a "shoe in" for a PMI job and the Parris Island
Rifle Team. Sounded great to me, but I had orders for overseas. Day
late and a dollar short again!

I wasn't allowed to take leave, due to the date I was expected to
report. My travel time did allow me to spend a couple of days at
home though.

Staging for the overseas draft at Camp Pendleton was a real drag.
Standing in line and dragging your stuff all over the base while they
poked and prodded you was not much fun. To top off my misery, the
guy in front of me (Who was also named Kelly, G. different middle
initial and the same rank), turned around and laughed at me. "You
poor bastard", he said, " I just got the last seat on the
have to go by scow!". That really made my day.

In the wee hours of the morning, I was awakened by a flashlight
shining in my face and some guy asking me if I was Kelly. I shook my
head and he said, "Call your parents and tell them you're not dead",
and he left. Figuring this was some misguided drunk, I chose to
ignore the whole deal.

Upon returning from morning chow, the duty NCO stopped me and asked
me if I had called my parents yet.
He said if I hadn't done so, I should soon. It seems a plane load of
Marines crashed into Black Woman Mountain that morning and all aboard
were killed. Some guy with a name and rank very similar to mine was
aboard. I called my Mom at work and she said it came on the news as
she was talking to me.

It was not until we reached Camp Butler in Okinawa that I learned
where I was going. The C-130 trip from Okinawa to Chu Lai, South
Vietnam was a little boring. Until we landed. The plane hit the
ground quite a ways in front of the Matting strip and blew red
Laterite dust everywhere. Hitting the matting, he reversed the props
and slammed on the brakes, blowing a couple of tires and putting the
nose wheels into the newly formed soil cement at the other end of the
runway. Seabees seemed to be running everywhere, getting out of the

Things were pretty primitive at Chu Lai, but we had a great bunch of
guys in the outfit. I hadn't been there too long, when they drew
bits of paper from a helmet for R&R billets. I got Hong Kong and
Ronnie Runkel, the guy who bunked next to me, got Bangkok.

Ronnie had arrived with the outfit from Iwakuni, Japan in May, and
was due to rotate to the States in a couple of months. He looked at
the schedules and was worried that he would rotate before his R&R
billet came up. Besides, he wanted to go to Hong Kong to get one of
those ivory and ebony chess sets.
He pleaded and begged me for a week to change billets with him, which
I finally did.

Ronnie's name is on the Wall in D.C. now, his plane crashed into Hong
Kong harbor on the return flight.
Feeling pretty rotten and guilty about the whole deal, I was boxing
up Ronnie's personal effects, when a guy looking exactly like Ronnie
came into the tent. He was wearing a shoulder holstered 45 and
had "Runkel" stenciled on the pocket. It was Ronnie's twin brother
Donnie who was in Recon there at Chu Lai, and he did not know about
Ronnie yet. Damn, that was a tough one.

I would volunteer for the MEDCAP and Civic Action patrols around Chu
Lai whenever I could. They provided some excitement and adventure
during time off.

I went on to Bangkok for R&R and hung out with a guy named Joe
Terrell who was in charge of the POW compound at the South end of the
base. During our adventures, he told me they occasionally went with
the guard truck into the village of An Tan to pick up the last guards
at the bridge. They would stay in the village till the new guards
were posted in the morning and ride that truck back to Chu Lai.
Sounded like a great adventure to me!

I arrived at the POW compound early, so not to miss this great
adventure and chance to drink Ba Muoi Ba all night in the village.
While waiting for the guard truck, we met "Murder Incorporated" who
were the early snipers at Chu Lai. They used old M1 sniper rifles
and Model 70's if they could get them. This really got my juices
flowing. Maybe with my shooting scores, I could get into this
group. They were all saying "Hell yeah" and that I should talk to
either a Captain Black or Captain Land. I did so and was told that I
would have to talk to my own unit first. I was pretty pumped and
optimistic by the time the guard truck arrived. As we were getting
ready to leave, I met a newly promoted Sergeant E-5 from Murder
Incorporated named Carlos Hathcock. He didn't have much time to
talk, he was on his way to Happy Valley and wanted to get there
before dark.

We rode into the village of Ky Lien and walked from there into An
Tan. I was dark by then and a little spooky for me. We were about
half way through the village, when this little guy dressed in black
pajamas jumped out from between 2 hooches and pointed a rusty old
Thompson at us. He was really scared and was jabbering something. I
don't think I heard a word he said over my own heart beating in my
neck and my backside snapping shut.

Joe and I were both at sling arms and caught dead to rights. ****,
this wasn't working out at all like I planned! My mind was racing.
I remembered they said your best chances of escape come early on.
I asked Joe if he could get him, he said "No, he's got our ass..I
think we're in deep **** here". The guy motioned with his Thompson
for us to go north to the end of the village. He followed us to the
Village Chief's hooch, where we saw another Marine and Bac Si Nguyen,
the village doctor.
Joe breathed a sigh of relief, " Hell, I think this guy's a PF". Doc
Nguyen explained something to the guy and he lowered his Thompson.
It seems he was a newly recruited Popular Forces guard and was just
about as scared as we were. We spent most of the rest of the night
laughing and drinking Ba Muoi Ba Beer with the PF and Doc Nguyen.
Doc wanted me to read a bunch of stuff from a book into his tape
recorder to help him with his pronunciation of English. I also spent
a good deal of time trying to retrieve my skivvies from my backside,
which took a long time to release it's clamp from them after our
earlier ordeal.

I had just begun to think this was a good idea again, when a PF ran
into the hut shouting "VC ..VC"!
We all split on both sides of the road and followed him back down the
road to Ky Lien village. As we approached, I could see 4-5 very
large men in pajamas and with Vietnamese hats. We challenged them
and found them to be Civilian construction workers from RMK
Construction. They must have had the same idea about the village as
we did. We had the upper hand here, they didn't know that we were
not supposed to be here. We ran them out of town and told them not
to come back or they could get shot.

Early in the morning, we caught the guard truck as planned and went
back to Chu Lai. I got back well before morning chow and assured
myself that I had been on a one time deal. It was probably not a
good idea.

I did continue to volunteer for MED CAP and Civic Action Patrols and
went on one to unload a barge of concrete at Ky Chang market place
north of An Tan on Highway 1. This place was directly across the
river from Snaggle tooth Island and was not a friendly area. We
split the force into two, with half creating a defensive perimeter
and the other half wading half way across the river to a barge. The
barge didn't have enough draft to get close to the bank with his
heavy load.

There were several hundred bags of cement aboard the barge that were
to be used to build a new Ly Tin District school. Several were torn
and by the time we finished relaying it all off, we were all tired,
hot and covered in concrete. You had to go neck deep in the river to
get to the barge and carry the cement on your head.

When we finished unloading the cement and picking off the leeches, we
went to the Ly Tin District Headquarters across the river from An
Tan. This was a tin building that had so many bullet holes in it
that looked like a piece of Swiss Cheese.

By now, everyone was baking in the sun and ready to get to the
showers. As the caravan of 6 bys pulled into the compound, who
should I see but Bac Si Nguyen. He was shouting and waving and
motioning for me to come into the building.

The Civil Affairs officer was a Captain who wanted to know just how
the hell I knew Dr. Nguyen. Shaking his head, he advised me to get
off the truck and go see what he wanted, since Nguyen was the top man
in the District. When I told the Captain that Nguyen had a cold beer
for me, he was ****ed! "By all means Lance Corporal, have your cold
beer while the rest of us who didn't get invited f****** bake out
here" bellowed the Captain.

Nguyen wanted to show me a French Mark 49 submachine gun he had. He
told me to come out tomorrow and he would give it to me. Pretty cool
weapon, but I never made it back to get it.

Upon my return, I thought it would be a good time to approach the
powers to be about becoming a sniper.
I was told that I was entirely too valuable to the Marine Corps with
all my training to become a sniper, and by the way, no more MED CAP
or Civic Action Patrols, and I was to report for 30 days of mess
duty! Not long after my valuable ass completed mess duty and a
couple of weeks of guard duty, I was sent to Phu Bai.

I tried to fly as a gunner with the resident helicopter squadrons
with limited success and found only one adventure to volunteer for.
We ran out of fuel and had to drive north to a port near Hue through
several miles of Vietnamese prayer tables and protesters. There were
paintings and signs on the road that read "Down with Ky and the
Americans", didn't give me a real warm fuzzy about the whole deal.

As I neared the last space on my short timer's calendar, I asked when
I would be going home. "Don't worry about it, you've been extended 3
months and we are pursuing extending you another year", I was told.
That pretty well frosted my 'nads, but what the hell are you gonna

Eventually I got my orders and went to Da Nang to await a "Freedom
Bird". That didn't go as planned either, with a Typhoon over Okinawa
delaying us for 3 days. During which, we got mortared twice and
watched "Puff" light up the countryside near "Dogpatch" both times.
Would have been a nice display if they hadn't already checked in our
weapons! It was getting to the point, with all the backed up people,
where you were looking for someone smaller than you to evict from the
scarce foxholes!
They finally flew us to Kyoto, Japan until the Typhoon cleared and we
could continue to Okinawa.

After about a million shakedowns for weapons and standing in line for
what seemed like weeks, we were reunited with our musty seabags and
sent to El Toro, California.

When we boarded the ship to go to Viet Nam, the band was playing and
there was a crowd of cheering people at the dock. I really felt like
I was in a re-run of a World War II movie or something.

When the "Freedom Bird" touched down in El Toro, there was total
chaos on the plane. Lots of cheering and shouting, in contrast to
the 5 minutes before touchdown, where there was total silence.

When the plane pulled up to the taxiway and we disembarked, there was
one family waiting for their Marine. We were herded through a
Customs stop and told to "Get the hell off the runway". Where the
hell were the bands, the crowds cheering? Why does everyone look so

After processing in, I raced to the front gate and liberty. I tried
hitch hiking to town with no luck, so I grabbed a cab. I told the
driver I just got back from Viet Nam and he said, "Oh yeah?" and

I went to the nearest bar and got blind staggering drunk before
returning to El Toro.

During the Gulf War, one of the guys who worked for me had a younger
brother in the Marines. I told him to bring him by when he came
home from the Gulf, I wanted to buy him a steak.

When he came home, we had a steak for lunch and he was grateful. He
couldn't understand why I was doing this for him, since I didn't even
really know him. I told him when I came home from Viet Nam, nobody
gave a damn and I wanted at least one Marine to know that this old
Marine was damned glad he was home. I guess I did it as much for me
as for him.

In 1996, I noticed a sign in the gas station asking Viet Nam Vets to
come and participate in a parade in Bonner Springs, Kansas. I
thought, "What the hell, it's been 30 years, why not?". So my Wife
and youngest son and I went.

I dug out my old "go to hell" hat and put my ribbons on it, along
with a Marine Corps emblem.

Showing up at the staging area for the parade, I noticed a bunch of
Vets standing around with various parts of old uniforms on.

As I joined them, the Sky Pilot of the group introduced himself and
asked if I had ever been in one of these parades before. After
telling him no, he said, " Okay Marine, get the Stars and Bars and
get out in front 30 paces or so, this one's yours". Well, I was
honored and did as he asked. My Wife and Son fell in with the rest
of the family members at the rear of the formation.

I was doing pretty well as we rounded the corner to begin the parade
route, until someone yelled. "Welcome Home and Thank You!". Other
people began to chime in and applaud. My stomach began to tighten
and I could feel my eyes welling up. "Damn", I thought, " I hope to
hell I don't make a fool of myself here". There was a lot of
swallowing and deep breathing going on during the balance of the
parade route and I stayed on the edge of totally losing it until we
were through.

A former Sergeant who was in the Ia Drang Valley with the 1st Air Cav
came up to me and said "Good Job Marine". I told him that I damned
near lost it when people started yelling "Welcome Home", and he
nodded his head in acknowledgment. He pulled off his sunglasses and
I could see the tears streaming down his face. "Now you know why we
all wear sunglasses to these deals", he said. As I looked around, I
could see that every damned one of them had on sunglasses. Not to
look cool, just to hide their eyes!

When my Wife and Son came up, they gave me a hug and my Son said "I'm
proud of you Dad, welcome home!" No amount of swallowing or deep
breathing could have prevented the outflow of emotion that I felt at
that point. I wished my Dad was still alive.

Gerald N. Kelly


SSgt. Roger A.
One Proud Marine
Once A Marine............Always A Marine.............
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Old 03-06-2004, 01:03 PM
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When I was a teenager, 3 friends of mine (ages 17, 16 & 17) joined the Marines together. All went to Vietnam. All came back but I haven't seen them since. I wish that I could wish Butch, David and Mike a welcome home.


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Old 03-07-2004, 06:52 AM
Timothy R. Kuhr Timothy R. Kuhr is offline
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That Bridge.
Were you aound there when the bridge was attacked in Dec. 67? A No-Go for them, lost people and got nothing. When Tet rolled around a month later they did a better job and dropped a chunk of it into the river.
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