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Old 03-23-2008, 07:14 AM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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Default The Tanking Repuglican Economy

When the Bushies came in, we heard a lot about how they were going to make things right after 8 years of a Democratic president. After 7+ years of the BUsh administration its time to take stock of where this country is at.

Lets look at the facts, starting with job creation. the Bushies like to brag about creating 5.8 million jobs over 7+ years but unfortunately for that brag, 22 million jobs were created during the previous (Democratic) administration. This chart--supplied by the Bureau of labor statistics, tells the true story:

As you can see, there's not much to brag about--bear in mind that losing 150,000 per month is normal attrition. In the last 14 months, AFTER 6 + YEARS SINCE THE TAX CUTS Bush has only beaten that twice--the rest of the time its been anemic or negative--the last year averages out to only 72,000 jobs per month: only half of what it takes to beat normal attrition. Bush brags about having 49 months of positive job creation but he counts all the months when he was lower than normal attrition--which is a net loss.

The unemployment rate has never dropped to pre Bush levels--3.9%. the nearest Bush got to it was 4.5% and its starting to rise again her's the govt chart:

Now lets look at GDP, the normal measure of growth:
For the last year:
Q1: 0.6%
Q2: 3.8%
Q3: 4.9%
Q4: 0.6%
Year average: 2.47% an extremely LAME number considering all the glowing expectations we've heard from the Repugs. It doesn't beat Clinton's WORST year!!

lets look at the national debt: In Feb 2001 when Bush took office the national debt was $5,703,346,472,448.65 Today its $9,392,204,908,953.75, close to DOUBLE what the debt was in 2001.
Bush will have doubled the national debt by the end of 2008 in 8 years. the repuglican Party is the Party of NAtional Debt, aka The Deficit Party: Bush owns all the records for deficit spending--the highest deficits (2004: $414 billion) the greatest deficit total--- all the records. Out of the top 10 yearly deficits, republicon presidents own 9 of them.---Bush has the top 4 (2004, 2003: $377 billion, 2005: $318 bil, 2008: $411 billion, proposed) Bush wrote more bouncing checks than any president in history

And don't forget: these numbers don't reflect the costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars which are handled with supplementary bills---its ALL deficit spending too, every cent of it. Every bit will be paid back by someone besides Bush. Bush NEVER proposed a balanced budget, he never balanced a budget---just like reagan. He also signed for more earmarks than any president in history (60,000)

Below is another chart to make your day: real median household income. Notice how its been negative or flat all during the "Bush boom?" Still not up to where it was when Bush started? Are you better off than you were 8 years ago? Not hardly!!

When you look at the facts supplied by the government you realize that America just can't afford another republicon president.

Family income census bureau
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Old 03-24-2008, 06:28 AM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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Default Lets talk about Bear Stearns and stimulus packages

The surest sign that the economy is not performing up to speed is the fact that the government---G W Bush commanding-- is "giving" us all some money to spend.

We can take it as a given then, that the reublicons now believe that the best way to solve a problem is to throw money at it---other people's money. Lets call it the way it is:: Bush's government is BORROWING the money to give away. there is no surplus to distribute like there was when Bush took over, its ALL to be paid back by someone else.

And why are they borrowing money to give away? Because the economy that the Repuglicans set up is so bad that not enough money is being spent to pay for all those Bridges To Nowhere pork they put in and the wars they have no clue as how to finance. Bush is lala enougn to claim that the war has no effect on the economy.

but the taxcuts were SUPPOSED to provide that!! They were supposed to free up money to invest that would create new businesses, new jobs---by the end of the Bush administration it was all supposed to be so GOOD!! And its so fucked!!! And so are we Americans: stuck with a bill for a war we shouldn't be in and an economy whose wheels arre falling off.

What the Republicons don't seem to realize is that taxcuts have to go with SPENDING cuts---if not, huge deficits result. It was this way for Reagan, Bush I and so it is for BUsh II: None of them ever came CLOSE to balancing the budget---none of them ever even proposed a balanced budget. Reagonomics= Bushonomics=cut taxes and ramped up military spending equals high deficits and recession. Look at the chart above: the blue lines equals recession periods---the Repugs own them all, don't they?

The problem is that balancing the budget is politically difficult and the Repugs always want the easy way out. That's why, when in complete power, they spent so much of their time on things like Terry Schiaaavo and gay marriage. they never tackled the difficult things like immigration and balancing the budget BECAUSE THEY CAN'T DO IT!!.

So now the Repuglicans want to throw money at the problem and its other people's (yourd and mine) money theyre throwing at it. Funny because thats what they used to accuse Democrats of doing. The current strategy for them is for the government to borrow money so they can give it away---which just about meets the classic definition of a Ponzi scheme. Completely and morally bankrupt of any financial leadership, other than gimmicks

Throwing money at the problem is exactly what theyre doing with Bear Stearns. The government is lending money to Morgan to buy Bear Stearns at fire sale prices. Not only that, theyre GUARANTEEING Morgan against any losses that may result. Morgan invests $276 million and in return gets all of B Stearns asets, one of which is a 1.2$billion buillding

How about that folks? YOUR money is being used to guarantee that Morgan makes a profit. Thats right, we pay if Morgan takes a loss----we get no extra if they make a profit. This is called "Privatizing the Profits. Socializing the Losses." Now tell me how the taxpayers benefit from this.

How did Morgan get this? This is another of the " No bid" deals that the Repuglicans brought into office with them, like with Halliburton and Blackwater. The Repuglicans believe that governemnt should stay out of business---unless its to bail them out for their bad choices.

And all this comes from our "MBA" president. they must give Harvard MBA degrees out in Crackerjack boxes---EVERY business Bush ever started went bankrupt. to be bailed out by Daddy's financial contributors like Harken.

Too BAd Daddy's financial backers aren't there to bail America out too.
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Old 03-24-2008, 09:47 AM
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Default exllrp,...

It's certainly understandable why staunchly unflappable: "Democrats/Socialists/Leftists posing as Liberals" perpetually blame & undermine Bush & Administration (all other Republicans also ), for everything conceivably wrong about America & The World. After all, such only way Dems can recapture or remain being longtime politically successful. Since 1933 have been Democrat Congressional Majorities for last 55 of 75 years).

Besides, Democrats never have any solutions FOR ANYTHING other than bashing & trashing any and all oppositiions,...and of course another favorite and/or taxing-the-hell-out-of The American Citizenry so as to better pay for what they've forced becoming The World Welfare State. Hey, The Federal Democrat Machine is almost as bad as New Jersey's Dem Political Machine.

Whatever, and since January of 2007 The Left, Leftists (how called in most other countries) and/or The Democrats have had TOTAL CONTROL of The U.S. Congress and all it Money Dispursing Committees and/or: "The U.S. Purse String",... why stupidly keep on bashing & trashing Bush & Republicans for failings that Dems have been in charge of FOR OVER A YEAR to date? Such just out of force of habit,...or are you just plain nuts?

Hell, even by typically standardless Dem standards such IS a-pretty-damn-lame Blame Game, best. Why not do your jobs and fix things, INSTEAD?

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.

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Old 03-24-2008, 11:35 AM
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The President can NOT enact any bill without it going through the Congress first accept for the rare executive order that's need in a crisis. The President proposes to Congress and crosses the T's, dots the I's and then sends it back to the President for his signature along with all the Congressional "earmarks" attached. The President either signs the bill into law or VETOs it but if he VETOs it the opposing party in Congress lables the President a "do nothing" President because he stopped Congressional action (and them little earmark thingys doncha know). Congress closes its doors, goes on vacation or out on a campaign bitching about how the President wouldn't let them do their job and leaving no one in DC for you or me accept the President. The President proposes legislation to Congress and it's Congress that puts the dollars and cents on that legislation.
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Old 03-25-2008, 01:46 PM
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Default Whoops, now wait a second there fellas.........

Originally Posted by reconeil View Post
It's certainly understandable why staunchly unflappable: "Democrats/Socialists/Leftists posing as Liberals" perpetually blame & undermine Bush & Administration (all other Republicans also ), for everything conceivably wrong about America & The World. After all, such only way Dems can recapture or remain being longtime politically successful. Since 1933 have been Democrat Congressional Majorities for last 55 of 75 years).

Besides, Democrats never have any solutions FOR ANYTHING other than bashing & trashing any and all oppositiions,...and of course another favorite and/or taxing-the-hell-out-of The American Citizenry so as to better pay for what they've forced becoming The World Welfare State. Hey, The Federal Democrat Machine is almost as bad as New Jersey's Dem Political Machine.

Whatever, and since January of 2007 The Left, Leftists (how called in most other countries) and/or The Democrats have had TOTAL CONTROL of The U.S. Congress and all it Money Dispursing Committees and/or: "The U.S. Purse String",... why stupidly keep on bashing & trashing Bush & Republicans for failings that Dems have been in charge of FOR OVER A YEAR to date? Such just out of force of habit,...or are you just plain nuts?

Hell, even by typically standardless Dem standards such IS a-pretty-damn-lame Blame Game, best. Why not do your jobs and fix things, INSTEAD?


Originally Posted by Stick View Post
The President can NOT enact any bill without it going through the Congress first accept for the rare executive order that's need in a crisis. The President proposes to Congress and crosses the T's, dots the I's and then sends it back to the President for his signature along with all the Congressional "earmarks" attached. The President either signs the bill into law or VETOs it but if he VETOs it the opposing party in Congress lables the President a "do nothing" President because he stopped Congressional action (and them little earmark thingys doncha know). Congress closes its doors, goes on vacation or out on a campaign bitching about how the President wouldn't let them do their job and leaving no one in DC for you or me accept the President. The President proposes legislation to Congress and it's Congress that puts the dollars and cents on that legislation.

I think you fellas need a "primer" on just what the heck is taking place here.

Until the third week of July 2006, President Bush never, not ONCE, NADA, ZIP, EVER used the power of "VETO" when the Republicans held control of both houses of Congress.

For the first time in more than SIX YEARS of his adminstration Bush vetoed only ONE ---that's ONE (1) piece of legislation during that time period----a largely "Bi-Partisan" bill to expand federally supported embryonic stem cell research was "VETOED" during that third week of July 2006.. Many Senators and Congressmen from BOTH partys condemned this "VETO" by Bush, but they did not have enough votes (Republicans and Democrats who supported the bill) to overide the Bush "VETO".

Conventional wisdom holds true that George W. Bush went more than SIX (6) years without exercising his veto power simply because he did not have to, why???: Because the Republicans who controlled Congress gave him everything he wanted. That's WHY!

Since the Democrats have taken back "limited" control of Congress, Bush has used the power of "VETO" more than NINE (9) TIMES. Hmmmmmmmmmm, I wonder WHY????

Surely it is NOT because of "earmarks" and "pork barrell projects".......because these types of legislation EXPANDED to record levels while the Republicans held control of Congress, (Check out for's a FACT---JACK!) Republicans SPENT MORE and WASTED MORE than anyother Congress in the HISTORY of this nation during the first SIX (6) years og George W. Bush!

Also, even NOW.....since the Dems do NOT have a 60 vote "majority" in the Senate, they DO NOT have enough votes to "overide" any of GEE-W's "VETO's".

Thus, the "myth" that the "Dems" control the "purse strings" of this country is just that----A "MYTH"!

How-sum-ever, that WILL change come next November when a Democrat is elected President to help take BACK the control of the "purse strings" along with the Democratically controlled Congress!


PS-----James..............OUTSTANDING POST!............Keep up the good work.



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

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Old 03-26-2008, 01:46 AM
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Default Gimpy,...

Twist it Dem Favorable or out of whack all you want.
But: "The Purse String" is and has ALWAYS been The U.S. Congress and
ALWAYS controlled by ALL 6 year U.S. Senators & 2 year Congressmen.

Besides, if both Hillary Rodham Clinton & Borack Hussein Obama Jr.
have been total failures at fixing anything & have been more so Enemy
Islam encouragers than anything else as United States Senators,.......
why stupidly vote for any such Leftist Underminers for President?

Such would be almost as stupid as voting for that San Francisco phony or:
"Frequent Flyer (at Taxpayer expense)" NUT Nancy Pelosi,....................
for the Presidency of The United States.
Would be just as idiotic & nationally-suicidal doing so, also.

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.
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Old 03-26-2008, 07:06 AM
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only thing "twisted" and/or "out of whack" around here is between your ears and continually flowing from that pie hole under your nose!

You have no answer to the charges I've posted about your "boy" GEE-W so all you can do is spout your nonsense and BS rhetoric.

Anyone with an IQ higher than a New Jersey cabbage surely understands that you CANNOT disprove or undermine the "evidence" that supports what I've posted about your "boy"!

Your VERY limited knowledge of how the "VETO" process has been conducted by GEE-DUMBYA is just one more example of how your continued viewing of FOX-NEWS has dumbfounded your already limited cognitive functions.

An overwhelming number of folks have been "cured" of this mental and emotionally disturbed condition by simply turning "off" their TV and not EVER watching that channel again. This, along with a COMPLETE disassociation from other such mindnumbing and completely ridiculous radio and TV idiots like Rush Limburger, Ann Coulter, Neil Boortz, Bill O'Rightly and others will surely help you on your journey to a complete recovery.

If I can be of any further assistance, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Yo Buddy,

The Gimpster



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

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Old 03-26-2008, 10:17 AM
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Default Gimpy,...


Your typically false Leftist Blustering Insults towards anyone opposing You Supremacists
whom standardly always suspect of intent: "Carpetbaggers" (Reconstruction Period called) or
Democrat Party Socialists,....are always dead give-aways when having no sane response.

Keep up the good work, Gimp. You're almost as inept at diverting, as Hill, Bill & Bo are.

Besides, The Republicans and/or: "Party of Lincoln" just love & appreciate such self/clique
exposures by any Democrats. Makes defeating such phony patriots, that much easier.

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.
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Old 03-26-2008, 10:38 AM
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Dems and GOPs are merely two breeds of hogs feeding at the same trough. We've spent billions of $$ for a war we had no business getting into & billions taking care of non-citizens..authorized by both parties to placate certain segments of voters. And both parties bow to the ground to their corporate benefactors. Seems the parties idea is to throw bones to the little people..the governed..and throw a side of beef to the fat ones.
I've been a lifelong Republican, but this year, if Obama gets the Dem not, I will vote for him.
I'm totally sick of the pseudo-patriotic crap and the tired old same-same policies of the GOP. As the saying goes, "If you can't blind them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh*t."
And I don't give a snickerdoodle about what anyone thinks about that.
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Old 03-27-2008, 03:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Advisor View Post
Dems and GOPs are merely two breeds of hogs feeding at the same trough. We've spent billions of $$ for a war we had no business getting into & billions taking care of non-citizens..authorized by both parties to placate certain segments of voters. And both parties bow to the ground to their corporate benefactors. Seems the parties idea is to throw bones to the little people..the governed..and throw a side of beef to the fat ones.
I've been a lifelong Republican, but this year, if Obama gets the Dem not, I will vote for him.
I'm totally sick of the pseudo-patriotic crap and the tired old same-same policies of the GOP. As the saying goes, "If you can't blind them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh*t."
And I don't give a snickerdoodle about what anyone thinks about that.
Very well stated.

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