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Old 07-26-2003, 03:42 PM
Tarapia Tapioco

Posts: n/a
Default America deserves a world-class leader, America needs Gore

Michael Grant: Now more than ever, nation needs Tennessee's No. 1 son


I thoroughly enjoyed reading this past Sunday's Issues section of The
Tennessean. Three different items captured a subject that needs to move
from low simmering to a high boiling: Who should be the Democratic
Party's standard-bearer in 2004 if the party is serious about defeating
George W. Bush?

The lead story was about Howard Dean's meteoric rise to the national
spotlight. It does not take a rocket scientist to predict that Howard
Dean, whom Republicans have been advised to contribute to via the
internet, will fizzle as fast as he found favor with the fringe.

Meanwhile, in his Letter to the Editor, Keith Slaughter cavalierly
attempted to erase Bush's fiasco in Iraq by attacking Democrats who want
the president to assume responsibility for the mistakes of his

The most interesting piece of all though was Mike Morrow's column in
which he quoted Chicago Sun-Times columnist William O'Rourke, who
suggested that former Vice President Al Gore should reconsider his
decision not to be a candidate in 2004.

I believe that O'Rourke is on point. Better than any of the other
candidates presently seeking the Democratic nomination, Gore has the
stature, the experience, the single-minded focus, the popular appeal and
a record to compare what a Bush vs. a Gore administration would produce.

A quick review of their records reveals that Gore served on a team that
stimulated the economy. The Bush administration still has no sound
economic policy. After two tax cuts and the Federal Reserve Board's
perennial lowering of the prime interest rate, we still have over 22
million Americans out of work, and citizens needing extended
unemployment compensation benefits are at an all time high. Even
white-collar unemployment is skyrocketing.

Thank God that Social Security benefits did not go into a stock market
that has lost over four trillion dollars since Bush moved into the White
House. And we did need a ''lockbox.''

Gore would give more than lip service to ''not leaving any child
behind.'' Education and preparation to be gainfully employed in our
high-tech society is something that he would lead with spirit,
conviction and governmental funding.

Dick Cheney's private meeting with the big energy boys that produced
secrets would not have taken place with Gore as president. When Gore was
vice president, he helped lead the effort to bring down the deficit and
helped to create 20 million new jobs, all with an air of openness.

On the international scene, Gore said we should find those responsible
for 9/11 before going off to invade Iraq. Well, letting CIA Director
George Tenet ''fall on the sword'' over misinformation in Bush's State
of the Union address does not vindicate a president who is clearly in
over his head and out of his league. Who else would have come up with
the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive strikes?

It is my humble belief that the big money people discouraged Gore from
pursuing another run and Gore knew that Bush would have a $200 million
war chest to dominate the media in 2004.

America deserves a world-class leader; America needs Gore to re-enter
the race at this most difficult time in our nation's history. And for
the party regulars who continue to equivocate on this issue, I would
like to remind them that the fate of the Democratic Party, itself, hangs
in the balance.

Better than anyone seeking the democratic nomination, Gore could be a
unifying, consensus candidate. The operative question is: who is
electable? The Zogby Poll reports that 74% of Democrats say they would
vote for Al Gore even though he is a non-candidate.

One of Tennessee's favorite sons, President Andrew Jackson, overcame a
bad election in the 1824 in which he won more popular and electoral
votes than John Quincy Adams. Jackson went on to ultimately enjoy a
resounding victory at the polls in 1828.

If Gore will hear the cry of his fellow citizens over the premature
conclusions of the big money boys, he, too, can witness history
repeating itself, twice: One of Tennessee's favorite sons does it again
and a wartime president by the name of George Bush loses his bid for

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Old 07-28-2003, 09:01 AM
Charlie Wolf

Posts: n/a
Default Re: America deserves a world-class leader, America needs Gore


I read this peice trying to figure out if it was satire - apparently

Tapioca - this is your most "brilliant" piece of work yet.


Sun, 27 Jul 2003 00:42:20 +0200 (CEST), Tarapia Tapioco

>Michael Grant: Now more than ever, nation needs Tennessee's No. 1 son

really funny shit snipped..
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Old 07-28-2003, 03:20 PM

Posts: n/a
Default Re: America deserves a world-class leader, America needs Gore

"Tarapia Tapioco" wrote in message
> Michael Grant: Now more than ever, nation needs Tennessee's No. 1 son

The good people of Tennessee did not want Gore to be president and they know
Al and the family better than the rest of us. Algore thought Bill Clinton
to be a great president. That alone should disqualify him from further
elective office.

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Old 07-29-2003, 01:08 PM

Posts: n/a
Default Re: America deserves a world-class leader, America needs Gore

His father was a business partner of the nut case who runs Libya. Now Al
owns the oil stocks since his fathers death. However, he did try to pull a
fast one when he left the White House by trying to take Libya off the State
Dept. terrorism list.

"Dave" wrote in message
> "Tarapia Tapioco" wrote in message
> news:e7137f8f523970ed542126bad45790d7@firenze.linu
> > Michael Grant: Now more than ever, nation needs Tennessee's No. 1 son
> >

> The good people of Tennessee did not want Gore to be president and they

> Al and the family better than the rest of us. Algore thought Bill Clinton
> to be a great president. That alone should disqualify him from further
> elective office.

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