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Old 12-31-2003, 03:35 PM

Posts: n/a
Default SLANDERING NOT SPYING....Re: Cyber dissident sentenced to seven years in jail, three years house arrest after criticizing Vietnamese government

Mr Nguyen Vu Binh was accused of spying for the benefit of whom the
VCP did not say. He was accused of slandering the VCP for selling the
national territpry and maritime waters. None of this accusation was
true so at the most, Mr Binh could be charged of slandering the VCP
not for spying.

Such a charge should not be punished by more than one year in prison
and since Mr Binh had been jailed for more than one year. I urge the
VCP to release Mr Binh immediately to show the World that its judicial
system is catching up with its economic growth

> Cyber dissident sentenced to seven years in jail, three years house
> arrest after criticizing Vietnamese government
> MARGIE MASON, Associated Press Writer
> Tuesday, December 30, 2003
> ©2003 Associated Press
> URL:
> (12-30) 21:05 PST HANOI, Vietnam (AP) --
> A former journalist who used the Internet to criticize the Vietnamese
> government was sentenced Wednesday to seven years in jail and three
> years house arrest for spying, a court official said.
> Nguyen Vu Binh, 35, was charged with gathering anti-government
> information and documents for "reactionary organizations" in exile to
> help them oppose the government, the official said on condition of
> anonymity.
> During the half-day trial at the People's Court in Hanoi, Binh
> admitted he had contacts with foreign organizations but maintained he
> did not do anything wrong, he said.
> The judge ruled his actions constituted espionage, he added.
> Binh was arrested in September 2002 for writing an article that
> circulated on the Internet criticizing a border agreement between
> Vietnam and China. A month earlier, he joined 20 others in signing a
> petition to government leaders demanding legal reforms to protect
> human rights and to establish an independent anti-corruption body.
> That same year, he also submitted testimony to the U.S. Congress
> criticizing Vietnam's human rights record.
> Binh left his job at Tap Chi Cong San (Journal of Communism) in 2001,
> after applying to form an independent opposition party. The Communist
> Party, Vietnam's only political party, strictly forbids any calls for
> a multiparty system.
> London-based Amnesty International and New York-based Human Rights
> Watch issued a joint statement Tuesday calling on the international
> community to denounce the trial and push for Binh's freedom.
> "Nguyen Vu Binh faces a summary trial and hefty jail term for speaking
> out against abuse," said Rory Mungoven, global advocacy director at
> Human Rights Watch. "The U.S. Congress, which heard testimony from
> Binh last year, has a responsibility now to protest his case."
> Dozens of police and security guards, some dressed in plain clothes,
> stood outside the courthouse, blocking anyone from standing on the
> sidewalk. Across the street, police harassed Binh's family members by
> shouting through bullhorns and blowing whistles in their faces when
> they tried to speak to foreign journalists and diplomats from several
> embassies, who also were denied access to the trial.
> "If it's an open and fair trial, the defendant's relatives should be
> allowed into the courtroom so they could see what crimes he committed,
> but his parents and siblings were not allowed inside," said Binh's
> older sister, Nguyen Thi Phong. "Is it an open and fair trial?"
> She said Binh has been jailed for more than a year, but no one in the
> family has been allowed to visit him. Only his wife was allowed inside
> the courthouse.
> International rights groups, as well as the U.S. State Department,
> have regularly criticized Vietnam for its repressive treatment of
> religious and political dissidents. Hanoi maintains that only
> lawbreakers are punished.

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Old 12-31-2003, 04:54 PM
Mua Mua Thu

Posts: n/a
Default Re: SLANDERING NOT SPYING....Re: Cyber dissident sentenced to seven years in jail, three years house arrest after criticizing Vietnamese government

message om...

> Mr Nguyen Vu Binh was accused of spying for the benefit of whom the
> VCP did not say.

***** "Did not say" means they have no proof, and since they have no proof.
Then they have no case against him.

> He was accused of slandering the VCP for selling the
> national territpry and maritime waters. None of this accusation was
> true

***** Yes, the very words of yours confirm it.

>so at the most, Mr Binh could be charged of slandering the VCP
> not for spying.

***** Here is what the your shitty head does not know what your shitty mouth
is saying. You have just said "None of this accusation was true" - right
there, just at the above sentence. Your words are totally in contradiction
to one another. How can you suggest a charge against Binh while you agree
that the accusation is false?

> Such a charge should not be punished by more than one year in prison
> and since Mr Binh had been jailed for more than one year. I urge the
> VCP to release Mr Binh immediately to show the World that its judicial
> system is catching up with its economic growth

***** He should not have been arrested in the first place, let alone to be
jailed for 7 years. The Vietnamese communist government has made a mockery
to its justice system (if there is any).

Mu+a Mu`a Thu

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Old 01-01-2004, 04:26 AM

Posts: n/a

I had the impression that you were better educated and less biased
than The Brainless Veedom , Vietthot or Lapdogs but I was wrong.

It was not because you used Four-letter words against El Chino your
Conscience who is the Master of Four-letter words himself but because
your logic was faulty.

If Some Vietkong People Tribunal were saying "The People hereby
condemn Muamuathu to 7 years of prison for his crime of being a
Mother Fucker, A child Molester , A thief and A traitor and If El
Chino were his Defense Lawyer, He would say:

-None of your accusations were true . If He were guilty of any crime,
it were for being stupid. There were no laws against being
stupid--But there should be one for Brainless Anti Communists like
Veedom ,VIETTHOT and You--I therefore ask the People to Release Him
because He had been in jail for one year which is enough punishment
for being stupid.

This was the same logics El Chino Used to defend the Brave Nguyen Vu
Binh –I admired his courage even for being wrong not his stupidity in
slandering the Vietkong accusing Him without proof of selling
national territory.

The better way for Anti Communist like you to defend Mr Binh on SCV
was to make a clear case that the Vietkong had sold national territory
and maritime waters based on facts and logics not on hearsays and

"Mua Mua Thu" wrote in message news:...
> message om...
> > Mr Nguyen Vu Binh was accused of spying for the benefit of whom the
> > VCP did not say.

> ***** "Did not say" means they have no proof, and since they have no proof.
> Then they have no case against him.
> > He was accused of slandering the VCP for selling the
> > national territpry and maritime waters. None of this accusation was
> > true

> ***** Yes, the very words of yours confirm it.
> >so at the most, Mr Binh could be charged of slandering the VCP
> > not for spying.
> >

> ***** Here is what the your shitty head does not know what your shitty mouth
> is saying. You have just said "None of this accusation was true" - right
> there, just at the above sentence. Your words are totally in contradiction
> to one another. How can you suggest a charge against Binh while you agree
> that the accusation is false?
> > Such a charge should not be punished by more than one year in prison
> > and since Mr Binh had been jailed for more than one year. I urge the
> > VCP to release Mr Binh immediately to show the World that its judicial
> > system is catching up with its economic growth
> >

> ***** He should not have been arrested in the first place, let alone to be
> jailed for 7 years. The Vietnamese communist government has made a mockery
> to its justice system (if there is any).
> Mu+a Mu`a Thu

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Old 01-01-2004, 06:52 PM
Mua Mua Thu

Posts: n/a

Va^~n con` muo^'n ca~i ngang ca~i bu+o+'ng pha?i kho^ng?

message om...
> I had the impression that you were better educated and less biased
> than The Brainless Veedom , Vietthot or Lapdogs but I was wrong.

***** I wouldn't care less what you think about me.

> It was not because you used Four-letter words against El Chino your
> Conscience who is the Master of Four-letter words himself but because
> your logic was faulty.

***** You are not my conscience. My conscience is clear and sound. How can
you claim to be my conscience while you do not have enough brain to write
either in Vietnamese or in English correctly.

So, you are the master of using four letter words. Then what sort of a
person are you?

> If Some Vietkong People Tribunal were saying "The People hereby
> condemn Muamuathu to 7 years of prison for his crime of being a
> Mother Fucker, A child Molester , A thief and A traitor and If El
> Chino were his Defense Lawyer, He would say:
> -None of your accusations were true .

***** This is where the argument between you and I lies. I have raised my
opinion against what you said in the previous post. Yet, you still do not
understand it.

If you were my lawyer, and in my defense against the accusations from the
court. You told the court that none of the accusations were true. That means
in your opinion, I am innocent of all the charges.

Since I am innocent of all the charges. How on earth can you suggest to the
court that I should be jailed? Where is your logic?

Now I want to go back to your first post, and here is what you said.

|| "Mr Nguyen Vu Binh was accused of spying for the benefit of whom the
|| VCP did not say. He was accused of slandering the VCP for selling the
|| national territpry and maritime waters. None of this accusation was
|| true so at the most, Mr Binh could be charged of slandering the VCP
|| not for spying."

So he was accused of two things - spying and slandering the VCP, and you
said "None of this accusation was true." That means you have agreed that he
is not guilty of spying and slandering.

Then, how can you said "he could be charged of slandering the VCP..."

If you were his defense lawyer. Then what sort of a defense lawyer are you?
and from what law school did you graduate?

> If He were guilty of any crime,
> it were for being stupid. There were no laws against being
> stupid--But there should be one for Brainless Anti Communists like
> Veedom ,VIETTHOT and You--

***** Every country has its own law, and the law is applied to everyone.
There is no such thing as there is no law for one type of people and there
is a law for another type of people. If any country has such a law. Then the
law of that country should be called as "a cowboy law"

> I therefore ask the People to Release Him
> because He had been in jail for one year which is enough punishment
> for being stupid.

***** Yes, he must be released immediately, and the government must pay him
compensation for wrongly arrested and detained him. That is called the

> This was the same logics El Chino Used to defend the Brave Nguyen Vu
> Binh -I admired his courage even for being wrong not his stupidity in
> slandering the Vietkong accusing Him without proof of selling
> national territory.

***** If Nguye^~n Vu~ Bi`nh was wrong. Then who is occupying the two
islands - Hoa`ng Sa and Tru+o+`ng Sa at the moment? and why did Phan Thu'y
Thanh said as below, in response to the Chinese prohibition imposing upon
the Vietnamese fishermen fising at those two islands.

" Ba^'t cu+' ha`nh ddo^.ng na`o cu?a mo^.t quo^'c gia kha'c lie^n quan to+'i
ca'c qua^`n dda?o Hoa`ng Sa va` Tru+o+`ng Sa cu~ng nhu+ ca'c vu`ng kinh te^'
dda(.c quye^`n va` ca'c the^`m lu.c ddi.a cu?a Vie^.t Nam ma` kho^ng co'
su+. ddo^`ng y' cu?a chu'ng to^i se~ la` mo^.t vi pha.m chu? quye^`n Vie^.t

Go to this website and see for yourself. It is a Chinese government website.

> The better way for Anti Communist like you to defend Mr Binh on SCV
> was to make a clear case that the Vietkong had sold national territory
> and maritime waters based on facts and logics not on hearsays and
> fabrications.

Of course, everyone who loves Vietnam, despise the political background,
will want to know the fact, and if there is nothing to hide, then why is it
the Vietnamese communist has not allowed any investigation into those

In the case of Nguye^~n Vu~ Bi`nh, his defense lawyer must have been given
access to the Vietnamese government, and if that lawyer can not find any
evidence in supporting Bi`nh's claims. Then his sentence has been passed on
to him is fair, and right.

Did it happen? The answer is a big no.

The law supports justice. Where is the justice in Vietnam? beside the cowboy
law which the Vietnamese communist government is using.

Mu+a Mu`a Thu

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Old 01-02-2004, 11:54 AM

Posts: n/a


La. Thu+.c ta.i sao tha(`ng Mo.i thuye^`n nho+ n na`y ku+' kha(ng
kha(ng kha(?ng (dde'o me. Ba chu+~ kha(ng, tie^'ng Vie^.t ta
tha^.t huye^`n zie^.u va` mo+` a?o muo^'n no'i chi ku~ng ddu+o+.c,
muo^'n hie^?u xao ku~ng OK ddi.nh la`=

1) tha(`ng Vietkong No' Ba'n Hoa`ng xa cho Ba Ta`u trong khi
Vietzankonghoa cu?a Anh Thie^.u la`m chu? (ho+`) cu?a chu'ng na(m
1974; qua^n ddo^.i Vietzankonghoa dde'o dda'nh mo^.t cha^.n na`o,
dde'o ko' ai ChE^"t khi Ba Ta`u xa^m Lu+o+.c Hoa`ng Xa, dda^`u Ha`ng
Ba Ta`u va` ddu+o+.c Ha?i Qua^n Ba Ta`u Cho ddi Ha?i Nam shopping sa?
La'ng va`I tua^`n ru`I cho Ve^` Saigon

2) Va` kha(?ng ddi.nh la` no' la.i Qua^`n Dda?o Tru+o+`ng Xa khi Ba
Ta`u ddem ha.m ddo^.i ma.nh ba(`ng tra(m la^`n ha.m ddo^.i cu?a Bo^.
Ddo^.i Ku. Ho^` va`o xa^m chie Tru+o+`ng Xa zu.

` chie^'n xi~ Bie^n fo`ng dda~ vo^ ku`ng zu~ng Ka?m dda^?y lui Ha.m
Ddo^.i Ba Ta`u o+? nhie^`u vi. Tri'.
Dda~ ko' ca? tra(m chie^'n si~ bo^. Ddo^.i ku. Ho^` anh zu~ng hi sanh
trong vie^.c dduo^?i Ha.m DDo^.i Ba Ta`u ^'m tuy nhie^n 1 fa^`n nho?
Ku?a qua^`n dda?o dda~ bi. Qua^n ddo^.i Ba Ta`u "ta.m tho+`I" chie^'m

3)Bo^. Ngoa.i zao cu?a Nu+o+'c Vietnam Kha(?ng ddi.nh lie^n tu.c va`
ko' ddi.nh ki` (Continuous revendication with periodical public
announcement, dde'o Me. Ha'n Viet)la` Tru+o+`ng Xa va` Hoa`ng Xa
thuo^.c chu? Quye^`n Vietnam.

Chuye^.n kha(?ng ddi.nh va` ta'I kha(?ng ddi.nh ddo' la` chuye^.n
ca^`n thie^'t nhu+'t la`khi ta chu+a ddu? Thu+.c lu+.c dda^?y lui
qua^n Ba Ta`u va` Quo^'c Te^' ku`ng le~ fa?i chu+a kga(?ng ddi.nh
Tru+o+`ng Xa va` Hoa`ng Xa la` hoa`n toa`n tro.n go'I cu?a ta.

Ta.i xao tha(`ng "Mo.i" Vietzan la.i dda'nh za' su+. Kha(?ng ddi.nh
qua lo+`I Ba` Pha.m thuy' Thanh la` Vietnam "Co^ng Nha^.n" chu?
Quye^`n cu?a Trung Ko^.ng Tre^n qua^`n dda?o Hoa`ng Xa va` Tru+o+`ng
Xa. The^' mo+'I Bie^'t ka'I Logics cu?a "Mo.i" no' ghe^ go+'m qua'

Ka'I Logics dda?o ngu+o+.c na^`y la`m za^n Vietzankonghoa Ta^?u hoa?
Nha^.p Ma, tra(‘ng tha`nh dden, Ye^u Nu+o+'c tha`nh Ba'n Nu+o+'c, he`n
nha't tha`nh zu~ng Ka?m , tie^'n tha`nh lu`I ne^n hoa`n toa`n bi te^
lie^.t khi dda'nh tha(`ng Vietkong khi xu+a va` dda'nh vo+'I Lu+o+ng
Chi cu?a Chu'ng No' ho^m nay !!!

BuO^`n ku+o+`I ghe^ qua' !!!!

"Mua Mua Thu" wrote in message news:...
> Va^~n con` muo^'n ca~i ngang ca~i bu+o+'ng pha?i kho^ng?
> message om...
> > I had the impression that you were better educated and less biased
> > than The Brainless Veedom , Vietthot or Lapdogs but I was wrong.
> >

> ***** I wouldn't care less what you think about me.
> > It was not because you used Four-letter words against El Chino your
> > Conscience who is the Master of Four-letter words himself but because
> > your logic was faulty.
> >

> ***** You are not my conscience. My conscience is clear and sound. How can
> you claim to be my conscience while you do not have enough brain to write
> either in Vietnamese or in English correctly.
> So, you are the master of using four letter words. Then what sort of a
> person are you?
> > If Some Vietkong People Tribunal were saying "The People hereby
> > condemn Muamuathu to 7 years of prison for his crime of being a
> > Mother Fucker, A child Molester , A thief and A traitor and If El
> > Chino were his Defense Lawyer, He would say:
> > -None of your accusations were true .

> ***** This is where the argument between you and I lies. I have raised my
> opinion against what you said in the previous post. Yet, you still do not
> understand it.
> If you were my lawyer, and in my defense against the accusations from the
> court. You told the court that none of the accusations were true. That means
> in your opinion, I am innocent of all the charges.
> Since I am innocent of all the charges. How on earth can you suggest to the
> court that I should be jailed? Where is your logic?
> Now I want to go back to your first post, and here is what you said.
> || "Mr Nguyen Vu Binh was accused of spying for the benefit of whom the
> || VCP did not say. He was accused of slandering the VCP for selling the
> || national territpry and maritime waters. None of this accusation was
> || true so at the most, Mr Binh could be charged of slandering the VCP
> || not for spying."
> So he was accused of two things - spying and slandering the VCP, and you
> said "None of this accusation was true." That means you have agreed that he
> is not guilty of spying and slandering.
> Then, how can you said "he could be charged of slandering the VCP..."
> If you were his defense lawyer. Then what sort of a defense lawyer are you?
> and from what law school did you graduate?
> > If He were guilty of any crime,
> > it were for being stupid. There were no laws against being
> > stupid--But there should be one for Brainless Anti Communists like
> > Veedom ,VIETTHOT and You--

> ***** Every country has its own law, and the law is applied to everyone.
> There is no such thing as there is no law for one type of people and there
> is a law for another type of people. If any country has such a law. Then the
> law of that country should be called as "a cowboy law"
> > I therefore ask the People to Release Him
> > because He had been in jail for one year which is enough punishment
> > for being stupid.

> ***** Yes, he must be released immediately, and the government must pay him
> compensation for wrongly arrested and detained him. That is called the
> justice.
> > This was the same logics El Chino Used to defend the Brave Nguyen Vu
> > Binh -I admired his courage even for being wrong not his stupidity in
> > slandering the Vietkong accusing Him without proof of selling
> > national territory.

> ***** If Nguye^~n Vu~ Bi`nh was wrong. Then who is occupying the two
> islands - Hoa`ng Sa and Tru+o+`ng Sa at the moment? and why did Phan Thu'y
> Thanh said as below, in response to the Chinese prohibition imposing upon
> the Vietnamese fishermen fising at those two islands.
> " Ba^'t cu+' ha`nh ddo^.ng na`o cu?a mo^.t quo^'c gia kha'c lie^n quan to+'i
> ca'c qua^`n dda?o Hoa`ng Sa va` Tru+o+`ng Sa cu~ng nhu+ ca'c vu`ng kinh te^'
> dda(.c quye^`n va` ca'c the^`m lu.c ddi.a cu?a Vie^.t Nam ma` kho^ng co'
> su+. ddo^`ng y' cu?a chu'ng to^i se~ la` mo^.t vi pha.m chu? quye^`n Vie^.t
> Nam."
> Go to this website and see for yourself. It is a Chinese government website.
> > The better way for Anti Communist like you to defend Mr Binh on SCV
> > was to make a clear case that the Vietkong had sold national territory
> > and maritime waters based on facts and logics not on hearsays and
> > fabrications.
> >

> Of course, everyone who loves Vietnam, despise the political background,
> will want to know the fact, and if there is nothing to hide, then why is it
> the Vietnamese communist has not allowed any investigation into those
> allegations?
> In the case of Nguye^~n Vu~ Bi`nh, his defense lawyer must have been given
> access to the Vietnamese government, and if that lawyer can not find any
> evidence in supporting Bi`nh's claims. Then his sentence has been passed on
> to him is fair, and right.
> Did it happen? The answer is a big no.
> The law supports justice. Where is the justice in Vietnam? beside the cowboy
> law which the Vietnamese communist government is using.
> Mu+a Mu`a Thu

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Old 01-02-2004, 12:45 PM
Mua Mua Thu

Posts: n/a
Default Re: LOGICS "MO.I" THA^.T GHE^ GO+'M QUA'

Vie^'t ca'i gi` ma` dda^`y lo^~i chi'nh ta? va` va(n pha.m. Con ni't o+?
ca'c tru+o+`ng tie^?u ho.c co`n vie^'t ddu'ng ho+n.

Qua? tha^.t, Mu+a mo^~ chi? lie^'c ma('t qua va`i ha`ng ro^`i cho zero
ddie^?m va` va^'t no' va`o thu`ng ra'c. Ne^'u muo^'n Mu+a mo^~ ddo.c va`
tra? lo+`i thi` ha~y ne^n vie^'t ba`i la.i.

Ne^'u kho^ng thi` goodbye from Mu+a mo^~.

Mu+a Mu`a Thu

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Old 01-04-2004, 02:11 AM

Posts: n/a
Default Re: LOGICS "MO.I" THA^.T GHE^ GO+'M QUA'

"Mua Mua Thu" wrote in message news:...
> Vie^'t ca'i gi` ma` dda^`y lo^~i chi'nh ta? va` va(n pha.m. Con ni't o+?
> ca'c tru+o+`ng tie^?u ho.c co`n vie^'t ddu'ng ho+n.
> Qua? tha^.t, Mu+a mo^~ chi? lie^'c ma('t qua va`i ha`ng ro^`i cho zero
> ddie^?m va` va^'t no' va`o thu`ng ra'c. Ne^'u muo^'n Mu+a mo^~ ddo.c va`
> tra? lo+`i thi` ha~y ne^n vie^'t ba`i la.i.
> Ne^'u kho^ng thi` goodbye from Mu+a mo^~.
> Mu+a Mu`a Thu

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hi O^ng Kie^u` from UK or England or Great Britain hay la` 3=1
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