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Old 10-16-2005, 06:21 AM
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Default MILLIONs MORE MOVEMENT - 2005 edition

[Lengthy post, containing numerous quotations]

I watched (on C-SPAN) the entirety of speeches and activities which took place yesterday in Washington DC, on the Capitol Mall, under the name "MILLIONS MORE MOVEMENT," from about 1030 hrs to a little bit past 1700 hrs.

As a reminder, this event was promoted as the 10th anniversary of the MILLION MAN MARCH, organized then and now by Minister Louis Farrakhan and Black Muslims (FOI). It should also be noted that Minister Farrakhan is a Sunni Muslim (though evidently not Wahabist)... i.e. of the same branch as Saddam Hussein, the Taliban and the ruling Saudi regime.

I spent those hours taking notes as each speaker spoke... and there were many many speakers. What follows here is a very brief record of certain comments made, and the name of the person who made the comments. I gathered 12 hand-written pages, but am not skilled with shorthand.

I offer these quotations here because I sincerely believe that we are seeing, again, a dedicated attempt to overthrow our government. I also offer this thread because it will be noted how similar in kind and intent many of the comments are with certain assertions bandied about online. I find the connections most interesting, and potentially troubling. Perhaps the patient reader will as well, or not.

As a general observation, if readers will permit it, while I initially found the comments extremely disturbing and upsetting, I did notice that the climax of Minister Farrakhan's coming on at the end (about 2 hours late) fizzled. There was no "I have a dream..." moment. I also noticed that the crowds assembled did not approach one million, were almost (like 99%) exclusively negro in racial terms, that much commerce was being done whilst speeches were being made, there were few raised fists in the air, it did not appear to be an assembly of "the dispossessed", not a single caucasian was invited to offer a speech, and basically the audience (most of the time, by far) treated this supposedly pivotal opportunity as a "day in the park" with suitably placed musical interludes.

I would also submit, for your consideration, that few of these words could have been spoken where, when and as they were yesterday by any caucasian. Hence, a racial divide does not exist so much as it is, once again, being cynically fomented... and, in this instance, it was sponsored by a para-military American religious sect supposedly devoted to Islam.

I came away being humbly proud that in America it is possible and tolerated for there to be this kind of "free speech", at the foot of the stairs to our national Capitol building no less. I also came away knowing that under the protection of the government and people whose efforts and sacrifice made the event possible, there are those who would seek to destroy us, among us.

Here, then, are some of the comments made yesterday, to take or leave as anyone might see fit. See if you agree with what was said. When you see the letters "UNK" following a quotation, it is only because I could not catch their name.

I found the entirety despicably Racist. I ask the reader to consider both premise and context for each quotation.


"Black folks have always been the conscience of America..."
Tavis Smiley

"I want it all. I want all of it... All things are ours... This is our day..."
Charles Adams

"Now is our time... All things are possible..."
Henry Williamson

"Please keep track of your children here..."
Julianne Malveaux

"The white-owned media has adopted the language of the far right..."
Cornell West

"We brought civilization and science to the world..."
US Representative Kilpatrick

"There has never been a revolution in all of world history without young people at the front of it..."
Kwame Kilpatrick

"I vow to understand all that I am as a member of a great race..."
Elijah Cummings and John Conyers

"We are the mother of civilization..."

"With focus we can implement our agenda and movement... the naked Racism Katrina revealed..."
Tiomoya Karenga

"To our African people everywhere... we are committed to end the Racism that caused the terrible suffering of Katrina... there is no real and lasting relief except through resistance... and constant and continual struggle... to embrace us and the whole world..."
Maulana Karenga

"We are tired of the rampant sexual infidelity in our community..."
Nisa Muhammad

"To implement Minister Farrakhan's initiative to adopt a Black family..."
Leonard Dunston

"Being Black in America can get you killed...being Black in America is hazardous to your health... We must learn to eat to live, not live to eat..."
Therman Evans

"Give the 14% who are Black according to their figures, 14% of the Health Care budget..."
Alvin Muhammad

"If other people raise your children, they will not be your children..."
Asa Hilliard

"African pre-eminence in the world... conditions of charity... Our great struggle is to prevent white domination..."
Joyce King

"We cannot unify by the names we call ourselves..."
Willy Wilson
Bob Law

"$700 billion must be re-directed to Black communities..."
Charles Johnson

"I am sick and tired of the Racism in this country... We have support from all over this world..."
Patricia Ann Ford

"95% of Black people work... We are making a call for a more militant Labor movement..."
Chris Silvera

"We have to build a movement... a united front... seize the time... Power to the working class..."
Clarence Thomas (not of the Supreme Court)

"To eliminate the problem of housing..."
Maudine Cooper

"We give birth to a new America... we sons and daughters of slaves... the Old World will be no more..."
Kenny Gamble

"Should it be slavery or freedom... we must be long distance runners and overtime one has earned the right to do less than their best... Race is a prism through which we see... we can change the world... we are the People of God... never surrender... we have the power in our hands... we are the people who will win..."
Jesse Jackson

"We have the number one murder rate in the nation..."
Vickie Lindsey

"We want to change the US government with the murder of our people, and the browns, reds and yellows... let's walk with brother Farrakhan from now on..."

"Where are the mothers? Make some noise!"
Deborah Evans

"The number one killer of Black children between age 15 and 24 is gun violence..."

"The time for action lies with us everyday... we thank the Minister Farrakhan..."
Kweisi Mfume

"To end violence, we must end the violence that is going on in Iraq..."
Mark Thompson

"... the criminal, immoral and unjust war in Iraq... 100,000 Iraqi's dead... Bush lied... he oughta be impeached... this President is a War Criminal... this is the most dangerous regime to come to power in the history of the United States of America..."
Damu Smith

"I am now speaking to the Black Muslim military mothers..."
Elaine Johnson

"Thank you Minister Farrakhan... we did not come here for fun...broken levees are weapons of mass destruction... we're gonna turn this country around... the work you do will speak for you... we will turn America around..."
Al Sharpton

"Media is one of the most important and powerful weapons today..."
James Faulk

"Black people, you gotta stand up... if our President elected on Friday, assassinated on Saturday, buried on Sunday, go back to work on Monday...
Say New Orleans! (repeated several times)
It's Carnival! (repeated several times)
Put your hands in the air (repeated several times)
It's Race (repeated several times)
Everybody put your hands in the air (repeated several times)...
If you believe in this movement put your fist in the air... we're gonna start a revolution right here... all praises be to Allah... this is the signal... we're building a movement, the MILLIONS MORE MOVEMENT... I'll see you in paradise... this is not just a war..."
Wyclef Jean

"We are one in the name of God..."

"We're gonna make sure we take over..."
Hasan Smalls

"We are at war here now in America... we need soldiers... we need to end white supremacy..."
Ajende Jean Baptiste

"How's my Black Nation doing out there... you are the leaders of this next generation..."
Jenniver Reid

"The world is watching us right now..."
Tony Lee

"Black Power! (repeated several times)
I want George Bush to hear it! (repeated several times)"
UNK spokesman for the "New Black Panther Party"

"We want to Black Boot down the door..."
Michael Muhammad

"We stand on the shoulders of our ancestors..."
Naeesa Aziz

"To build a dream fo to REVELATIONS 17:11... we didn't come here to talk..."

"It is not for our elders to leads us, but for us to lead ourselves..."

"The world is changing so fast so, you know, Black Power, we, you know, have to have unity..."

"We've abandoned our responsibilities... with God on our side, we can make a difference in America right now... we've been indifferent too long..."
Major Jemison

"Please find the charity receptacle and go there now and give as much as you possibly can in the spirit of truth... we are super men and women... On this day the Honorable Elijah Mumhamad is in charge...Muhammad is in charge... pick up your certificate suitable for framing... be sure to check out the CD of music sure to take your donations and frop them in the receptacle... make sure you pick up some EVERLASTING SPRING WATER... Philadelphia is a Ghost Town today... make sure you pick up your T-Shirts and hats... the voice of Truth in America today, the Honorable Louis Farrakhan... he can call us together... Our God whose name is Allah, has come today to give us freedom..."
Jamil Muhammad

"African American women are very special women... The MILLIONS MORE MOVEMENT helps us to build on what we did in the Civil Rights Movement..."
Dorothy Height

"You built a white man's paradise..."

"We must now stand in the MILLIONS MORE MOVEMENT together united... we must not be ridiculed or accept ridiculousness."
Sheila Jackson Lee

"The world is watching this broadcast... this is the international part of this broadcast... we stayed with Commandante Fidel Castro for 3 hours and 20 minutes..."
Akbar Muhammad

"It is now time to realize that you are in charge of changing this world... we have no more time... the war has come... we are the Revelation..."
Erykah Badu

"Let us leverage our politics... we have 'Street heat'... we need you..."
Ron Walters

"We say, 'William Bennett, Hell No!'... many of our great warriors are locked down behind bars..."
Malik Shabbazz

"One of the greatest men ever to walk this earth, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan..."
Ishmael Muhammad

"There is no God but Allah... God is showing you his power today... we will rebuild this civilization... we support him..."
Donna Farrakhan Muhammad

"A new day is dawning in America and the world... a strategic relationship between the black, the red and the brown... we didn't ask any white philanthropist... the marching orders... we can change the government guilty of criminal neglect... if the people on those rooftops had blonde hair and blue eyes... 70,000 children here in America are in sex slavery... we are seeing our babies in chains... our 43 members of Congress... the more we organize the more we can unify to change reality... if you disturb the poor, the rich come down... the government has shown us that they really don't care... let's take Fidel Castro up on his offer... the merchants of death are feeding the American people... Mao Tse Tung said... we don't need to go to our slavemasters to solve our problems..."
Louis Farrakhan


Sir Blue
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Old 10-16-2005, 10:42 AM
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May the fleas from a thousand mangy Syrian camels infest their individual and collective private parts.
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 10-16-2005, 05:39 PM
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Angry More on the sitrep...

I can get ahold of the source for this, if anyone is desparate to have it... it's worth a read in any case. (sorry I am technically unable to post the photos the article refers to.)

"An analysis of a single seemingly innocuous photograph, and the pervasive media bias it reveals.

My photo essay of the anti-war protest in San Francisco on September 24, 2005 was not the only report done about the event. A few other outlets ran their own coverage. But the one photo from the rally that was seen by the most people was this:

Why? Because the San Francisco Chronicle, which had the only mainstream media coverage of the rally, published this photograph on the front page of its Web site as a teaser for their article about the event. Now, let's take a closer look at this image.

By chance, I took a photo of the same girl just a few moments later. Looks practically identical, doesn't it? But you might notice that my picture is lower resolution because it's a zoomed-in portion of a much larger photograph. I cropped off the other parts to get a close-up of the girl.

What would happen if I hadn't cropped off so much? Let's take a step backward and reveal what the San Francisco Chronicle didn't want you to see.
Here's the same photo without as much cropping, revealing more of the context. You can see that the girl's protest contingent also sported Palestinian flags and obscene placards. Now let's take another step back.

Here's my full original photo, uncropped. Now we can see that the girl is just one of several teenagers all wearing terrorist-style bandannas covering their faces. But, as you'll notice, the bandannas are all printed with the same design. Was this a grassroots protest statement the teenagers had come up with all by themselves? To find out, let's take a look at another photo in the series, taken at the same time:

Oops -- it looks like they're actually being stage-managed by an adult, who is giving them directions and guiding them toward the front of the march. But who is she? The last picture in the series reveals all.

It turns out that the woman giving directions belongs to one of the Communist groups organizing the rally -- if her t-shirt is to be believed, since it depicts the flag of Communist Vietnam, which has been frequently displayed by such groups at protest rallies in the U.S. for decades.

The San Francisco Chronicle featured the original photograph on its front page in order to convey a positive message about the rally -- perhaps that even politically aware teenagers were inspired to show up and rally for peace, sporting the message, "People of Color say 'No to War!'" And that served the Chronicle's agenda.

But this simple analysis reveals the very subtle but insidious type of bias that occurs in the media all the time. The Chronicle did not print an inaccuracy, nor did it doctor a photograph to misrepresent the facts Instead, the Chronicle committed the sin of omission: it told you the truth, but it didn't tell you the whole truth

Because the whole truth -- that the girl was part of a group of naive teenagers recruited by Communist activists to wear terrorist-style bandannas and carry Palestinian flags and obscene placards -- is disturbing, and doesn't conform to the narrative that the Chronicle is trying to promote. By presenting the photo out of context, and only showing the one image that suits its purpose, the Chronicle is intentionally manipulating the reader's impression of the rally, and the rally's intent.

Such tactics -- in the no-man's-land between ethical and unethical -- are commonplace in the media, and have been for decades It is only now, with the advent of citizen journalism, that we can at last begin to see the whole story and realize that the public has been manipulated like this all along."
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Old 10-16-2005, 05:42 PM
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I think this might be the link to the above article.

Sorry, that didn't work either.
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Old 10-16-2005, 08:30 PM
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Half of these people should be thrown in jail for treason. Those Congresspersons and Senators who spoke should be kicked out of their offices and charged with treason. The one who mentioned the President being assassinated should be investigated for terror connections and dealt with. This is a WAR and threats to our national security whether internal or external should be dealt with. This junk would not have gone on in WWII.
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Old 10-16-2005, 11:03 PM
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Blue: Thanks for the quotes
[><] Dixie born and proud of it.
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Old 10-17-2005, 12:33 PM
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Default Blue...SO TRUE!!!

Plus, my compliments to you for helping to publicly expose to all, just whom THE TRUE RACISTS in America TRULY ARE.
Still,...Hope America's TRUE RACISTS don't ever get as politically powerful, demanding and nasty, as their counterparts in South Africa have gotten since taking over. Understand big on: "Payback"?

In fairness to South Africa's Blacks and some other African Nations still selling their own into slavery, such are more open and honest about their intents and what they do,...than are African-American Leaders in USA. Regardless, here in America all must see the irony and truly absurd and overall double-standard existing.

America's Black Supremacist Leaders, whether Black Caucus Types or non-governmental and/or typical garden variety type Black Zealot race-batters/exploiters,...are largely considered: "Good Americans with great ethnic and racial pride, and what America is all about", by most all the press/media and all governmental agencies.

Whereas, similarly minded White Supremacists are pretty-much forced underground, even though quite miniscule in numbers and political muscle, comparatively,...and also automatically criminalized by same press/media while championing everything black and same governmental agencies while also championing everything black. Go figure?

Just imagine if anyone in authority proposed a White Caucus here in: "All men are created equal" America? Besides being ridiculed mercilessly and/or every-which-way-from-Sunday,...I'll give odds that such a Good American Citizen would either be pillaried or nailed to The Cross,...or both plus simultaneous burning.

Hey Blue,...maybe I should compliment all minorities and foreigners (here legally or not) in America? After all, it must be admitted that for quite some time now, minorities and foreigners (here legally or not) have pretty-much dictated policies for We vast majority of American Citizens,...and such being no small or easy feat, and without a shot being fired. Truly amazing.

Though, and just out of curiosity, doesn't the way America is now being minority dictated (even during wartime),...once used to be called in text: "Minority Rule". Didn't look it up. But, seems about right to me?

Whatever,...A Free & Equal Democracy My A-------------------------s!!!

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Old 10-17-2005, 01:35 PM
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Just check the attendees and speakers, and see if you can find any conservatives or even Republicans. (Hint: there aren't any there, trust me.) Now, do the same function for the other political party. Any questions Mildred?
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 10-17-2005, 03:09 PM
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Default Thanks Blue......

So then, the truth about the supposed ?truth? we have had so much chest beating about lately. No surprise about the Chron and their relentless gimmickry. Mayhaps the Chron should find some editorial time for the SF school board corruption and the kiddos funding being spirited off to political candidates or the rock m?- sock m?, grab bag, free-for-all school maintenance moneys going ?poof?. Of course not, that kind of truth is bad press, eh, can?t have that.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 10-17-2005, 04:14 PM
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That little Chron squib was just another coffin nail in a rotting corpus of lies that have become neo-fascist racist propaganda.

I suppose what ended up being so gratifying, or satisfying, or mitigating (or something) was that after all that huge day-long hulla balloo and raging against white people and conservatives on last Saturday... it really didn't end up amounting to a hocker of snot.

I could see that, in their minds, they have issues and gripes... and I was very glad they had a place to get all that out of their system, and then (naturally) "Go back home and organize." But, what I thought could amount to treason just ended up being some more selfish hate-mongering. I'm sure it played well on Al Jazeera to boot.

The one thing that really did wrinkle my brow in a downward fashion was when so many kept squealing about racism and hurricanes in the Gulf in the same sentence... when what I recall is our dang Coast Guard and branches busting their nuts on a blank check basis to save people's butts under very very dangerous conditions. Whatever last pitiful shred of tolerance I ever had for those folks who knowingly foment all that hatred is completely gone forever. I'm sick of their rioting, and I'm sick of their holding America hostage in a toxic cloud of false guilt.

Here's something that came across the wires today to Lady Blue that the Hippy Dippy Weatherman has to say about it all:

"George Carlin on New Orleans:

Been sitting here with my ass in a wad, wanting to speak out about the bullshit going on in New Orleans. For the people of New Orleans...

First we would like to say, Sorry for your loss.

With that said, Let's go through a few hurricane rules: (Unlike an earthquake, we know it's coming)

#1. A mandatory evacuation means just that...Get the hell out.
Don't blame the Government after they tell you to go. If they hadn't said anything, I can see the argument. They said get out... if you didn't, it's your fault, not theirs. (We don't want to hear it, even if you don't have a car, you can get out.)

#2. If there is an emergency, stock up on water and
non-perishables. If you didn't do this, it's not the Government's fault you're starving.

#2a. If you run out of food and water, find a store that has some. (Remember, shoes, TV's, DVD's and CD's are not edible. Leave them alone.)

#2b. If the local store has been looted of food or water, leave your neighbor's TV and stereo alone. (See #2a) They worked hard to get their stuff. Just because they were smart enough to leave during a mandatory evacuation, doesn't give you the right to take their's theirs, not yours.

#3. If someone comes in to help you, don't shoot at them and then complain no one is helping you. I'm not getting shot to help save some dumbass who didn't leave when told to do so.

#4. If you are in your house that is completely under water, your belongings are probably too far gone for anyone to want them. If someone does want them, let them have them and hopefully they'll die in the filth. Just leave! (It's New Orleans, find a voodoo warrior and put a curse on them.)

#5. My tax money should not pay to rebuild a 2 million dollar house, a sports stadium or a floating casino. Also, my tax money shouldn't go to rebuild a city that is under sea level. You wouldn't build your house on quicksand would you? You want to live below sea-level, do your country some good and join the Navy.

#6. Regardless of what the Poverty Pimps Jessie Jackson and Al
Sharpton want you to believe, The US Government didn't create the Hurricane as a way to eradicate the black people of New Orleans; (Neither did Russia as a way to destroy America). The US Government didn't cause global warming that caused the hurricane (We've been coming out of an ice age for over a million

#7. The government isn't responsible for giving you anything.
This is the land of the free and the home of the brave, but you gotta work for what you want. McDonalds and Wal-Mart are always hiring, get a damn job and stop spooning off the people who are actually working for a living.

President Kennedy said it best...
"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

Thank you for allowing me to rant."
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