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Old 10-30-2004, 09:22 AM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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Default Bush's Failures in Graphic Form

Lets look at the record!
I thought it might be intersting to show some graphics indicating the complete incompetence of the Bushy administration and the Republican Congress. This is for those who do better with pictures than the written word
And none better illustrates it than this--the way the Bush Administration and the Republican dominated Congress have mismanaged this country's finances.
Although Bush rails against Bigger government, the government has grown 13.4% since his appointment to the presidency back in 2000. And government debt has skyrocketed like never before.
Bush never saw a Spending Bill he didn't like, he has exercised no budgetary restraint at all. He has not vetoed, pocket vetoed or line item vetoed any part of any spending bill.
The line item veto is especially worth mentioning. Reagan insisted that he needed it to balance the budget, although he never submitted a balanced budget. Clinton used the line item veto to balance the budget. But Bush has had the line item veto his whole time and has never used it on a spending bill.
The Republicans like to claim that Bush inherited a recession from Clinton but they never bothered to say what the poison pilll was that he put in. It was certainly not the budget surplus or the Dow over 11000. The next president is inheriting a HUGE record deficit that is the result of complete mismanagement by the Bush Administration and no one but. This IS his record!
Deficits work like an undeclared tax--that money is definitely spent and collected from the tax revenue--its just done by people without the balls to pay for what they spend. So they borrow it, spinning tales about future prosperity, so they can bring pork back to their districts, knowing that Average Joe Taxpayer will make it up....someday... if he's still employed.
The multi trillion $$ debt the Bush administration ran us into will affect our lives for the rest of our lives. Paying it back will suck up any extra government money for generations to come. Bush policies will only push the country further into debt,it is their policy and guess what?? That huge debt will get paid off with little help at all from capital gains, corporate or dividend tax. Income derived from wealth is being spared tax while income derived from labor takes on the whole burden.Note on this graph how much the debt accelerated AFTER the Congress got completely taken over by Republicans. This should put to rest ANY talk that it is Democrats that caused the big deficits. Absolute proof that Republicans ran us into the ground financially.
They say theyre the best for business but spending more than you take in is never good for business. Unless, of course, youre George Bush who made his living sellin his unprofitable businesses to his father supporters.

This is graphic evidence of complete financial mismanagement by one party in particular.

James Worth.
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Old 10-30-2004, 09:33 AM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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Default More Bush Failure

Now here's another one that may even illustrate the Bush Administrations incompetence Job creation.
Good news for George Senior!! he's not the worst in our lifetimes any more His son is!!
George Bush is the first President since Herbert Hoover, another financially incompetent Republican to be incapable of sustaining job growth. (You remember ol Herbie--the Depression AND the Stock Market Crash happened on his watch) His policies are a dismal failure because his tax cuts don't give it to the people who would spend it most productively--the American Public. What he has given them is just enbough to smoke and mirror the HUGE tax cuts the rich are getting.

But he is WAY out front on declaring his policies would bring prosperity and so they have--to India and Pakistan and all the other places that our jobs have gone too. Hey there Southerners: what hapopened to your textile industry?? It went the same place our Silicon Valley Tech industry went--overseas.
Compare him to Clinton here--There were more jobs created during any year of Clinton than have been created for all 4 of Bush's. Americans know this sht will have to cease
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Old 10-30-2004, 09:43 AM
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Default Its ALL failure

Here's another good one.
When George Bush was appointed to office in 2000 the unemployment rate was 4.1% After 4 years of his presidency it stands firm at 5.4% after having been well over 6% for more than half his presidency
This is just an awful record, what does it show but complete incompetence in managing national economics. And this is with the Congress dominated by Republicans in BOTH houses.
A miserable record, a real failure, the same as Bush's military record

Can you spin this so it looks good ( hint: be sure and check the font first!)
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Old 10-30-2004, 11:38 AM
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Default Wow!

Compelling evidence that supports the fact this guy (Bush) is the WORST president this country has had in modern history!

But, you DO know that facts are something most of the conservative types are frequently obilvious of comprehending, don't you??



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Old 10-30-2004, 08:31 PM
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Just three more days till John John will be counting Chads in South Florida looking for a few more votes I hope not but it looks like it will be too close to call again all over Y2K+4 also BTW we have 300K troops in Iraq and Afghanistan will the State of Florida allow their votes to Count even the ones from the front and ships that don't have the luxury of a cancellation date? or will they be disenfranchised because they assume they (the Military) vote Republican??
[><] Dixie born and proud of it.
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Old 10-30-2004, 11:46 PM
zuni_rocket zuni_rocket is offline
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Media Research Center Releases ?The Ten Worst Media Distortions of Campaign 2004?

?The media, I think, wants Kerry to win. ? And I think they?re going to portray Kerry and Edwards ? I?m talking about the establishment media, not Fox ? but they?re going to portray Kerry and Edwards as being young and dynamic and opportunistic and all. There?s going to be this glow about them ? that?s going to be worth maybe 15 points.? ? Newsweek Assistant Managing Editor Evan Thomas, ?Inside Washington,? WUSA-TV, 7/10/04.

ALEXANDRIA, Va.?The Media Research Center today released a special report, ?The Ten Worst Media Distortions of Campaign 2004,? as compiled and ranked by MRC analysts.

?The liberal ?news? media have been as big an issue in this campaign as anything else. It is a fact: The media chose sides early and have acted as extensions of the Democratic National Committee and the Kerry-Edwards campaign,? said MRC President Brent Bozell.

The Ten Worst Media Distortions of Campaign 2004

1. Dan Rather?s Forgery Fiasco

2. Ignoring, Then Attacking, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth

3. Pounding the Bush National Guard Story

4. Spinning a Good Economy into Bad News

5. The Networks? Outrageous Convention Double-Standard

6. Swooning Over Edwards? Image, Ignoring His Liberalism

7. CBS?s Byron Pitts Promotional Kerry Coverage

8. CBS Promotes Fears of a New Military Draft

9. Misrepresenting the 9/11 Commission on Iraq/al-Qaeda Links

10. Equating New Terrorism Warning to LBJ?s ?Gulf of Tonkin? Rathergate ? CBS News had to appoint an outside two-member investigating committee to find out how and why a) Dan Rather aired a hatchet job on President Bush based on forged documents that CBS was warned about and b) CBS Producer Mary Mapes coordinated with senior Kerry adviser Joe Lockhart concerning the discredited source of those documents.

The Attack On The Swift Boat Vets ? Last spring, over 250 Vietnam War contemporaries, including veterans who served with him when he was a Swift Boat commander and his entire chain of command, came forward to publicly challenge Kerry?s version of Vietnam and his anti-war activities. After being ignored for several weeks the media turned on these honorable men with a vengeance, rather than give them a shred of credibility.

Good Economic Numbers = Bad News? ? When Bill Clinton ran for re-election in 1996, unemployment was at 5.2 percent, inflation 3 percent, and economic growth 2.2 percent. Today, as Bush stands for re-election, unemployment is at 5.4 percent, inflation 2.7 percent and economists? consensus forecast for economic growth this quarter is 3.7 percent. Coverage of the Clinton economic data was overwhelmingly favorable (35 positive, 6 negative stories). Under Bush, it?s literally reversed to 6 positive, 38 negative. Numbers don?t lie. Bias is the only explanation.

The Networks? Convention Double-Standard ? Democratic speakers who savaged Republicans in Boston were touted by network journalists as ?rock stars.? But journalists turned sour when covering the Republicans in New York. CNN?s Bill Schneider on the GOP: ?This is a very angry convention, it?s a very belligerent convention.? TIME?s Joe Klein, a CNN contributor: ?I?ve been doing this for a fair number of years and I don?t think I?ve seen anything as angry or as ugly as [Sen. Zell] Miller?s speech.?

CBS?s Byron Pitts, in a Pro-Kerry Class of His Own ? Pitts, on the day Kerry accepted the Democratic nomination: ?Tonight?s acceptance of the Democratic nomination is more than merely a day, it?s [Kerry?s] destiny.? Pitts, attacking the leader of the Swift Boat Veterans instead of addressing their charges: ?Their leader, John O?Neill, was also Richard Nixon?s point man in attacks on John Kerry?s protest of the Vietnam War 30 years ago.? Pitts, on Teresa Heinz Kerry: ?Both rich and reachable.?

CBS Cooks Up Fictitious Draft Story ? CBS correspondent Richard Schlesinger focused this story around Beverly Cocco, portraying her as a mom ?petrified about a military draft.? He never mentioned she is the activist leader of a group called ?People Against the Draft.? He never mentioned that the Pentagon, the Republican Party, and the Bush campaign all oppose a new draft. Dan Rather introduced the segment this way: ?A mother worries her son will be drafted. Does she have good reason?? Both Schlesinger and Producer Linda Karas cited erroneous email chatter about the draft as justification for doing an Evening News segment. Karas incredulously intoned: ?The truth of the e-mails were absolutely irrelevant to the piece.?

?The major media are doing all they can to help elect Kerry, just as Newsweek ?s Evan Thomas indicated,? said Bozell. ?This report presents some of the worst media distortions this year, and proves beyond all doubt that the elite media are not objective or fair or balanced. They are liberal partisans who are sacrificing any remaining credibility in an effort to defeat President Bush.?
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Old 10-31-2004, 10:08 AM
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Default Hey James

Didn't you know that those "charts" you posted are nothing more than complete "fabrications" and "media distortions" for Gods' sake??

Ha..ha..ha..ha..ha..ha..ha..ha.. snicker..snicker..snicker ..ha..ha..ha..ha..ha..ha.. !

At least according to zuni and his delusional, fanatically warped way of comprehending facts! :re: :re: :re: :re: :re:



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

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Old 11-01-2004, 03:27 AM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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Default Re: Hey James

Originally posted by Gimpy Didn't you know that those "charts" you posted are nothing more than complete "fabrications" and "media distortions" for Gods' sake??

Ha..ha..ha..ha..ha..ha..ha..ha.. snicker..snicker..snicker ..ha..ha..ha..ha..ha..ha.. !

At least according to zuni and his delusional, fanatically warped way of comprehending facts! :re: :re: :re: :re: :re:
Thats about par for the course and you notice that the other side never addresses the facts, only tries to shoot the messenger
Here's another good great one and defintely proves how bad the BUsh Administration is on the economy.
Here's the track of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The DJIA has been the belllwether of the American economy and look how awful its done during the Bush Recession an d the Bush War. War is supposed to be good for business which is why Repubicans like to rush into them but due to Bush's mishandling of the economy, we're still 10% down from where we started in 2000. With Clinton we celebrated the DJIA rise to 11000--with Bush we're ce;ebrating it getting ove 10000--for the tenth time.
Pretty lame, the worst financial performance in generation.
Stay good Gimp, only one more day

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Old 11-02-2004, 04:57 AM
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I don't remember exactly what the date was but it was before I got moved to the guard detachment over yonder and was still in the APU. I was driving a Izuzu bus loaded with the company personnel down to the APU building and it was election day in the beutiful democratic republic of South Vietnam. People were going to vote at the polls along the way and being berated away from the polls by guys in black pajamas carrying AK-47's.
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