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Old 03-03-2007, 06:03 AM
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Default "ALWAYS Count on Mother Nature"

"ALWAYS Count on Mother Nature"
by N.R. Filidei (3/3/07 - commentary)

Granted since most certainly cannot be denied, but America most certainly takes-the-cake in The Political Absurdities or Lunacies Department. For years (actually generations) and continually and perpetually being deceived and waltzed-around as needed by The Lordliest of The Political Breed,...such political nonsenses have become just as American and quite acceptable as apple pie.

Guess that We Americans will pretty-much believe anything spouted by politicians, even though obviously excluding Republican types since so often declared: "LIARS" to The World?

One of the latest beauties alluded to is that lately some political lords and their exceptionally devout followings now even deny science, archeology and The History of Earth, to achieve their usually quite myopic and self/clique-serving designs, agendas and ends. Insisting (actually pontificating) that "THEY" can stop the unstoppable and/or inevitable ravages of Mother Nature,...IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!?!?!?!?

A typical authoritarian display of arrogance aside, it truly doesn't matter what Al Gore or any other of: "The Sky is Falling" Crowd wish to force upon society, since ALWAYS knowing what's best FOR EVERYONE (?). They all, just don't get "It". Or, do many just fear going against The Crowd and being vengefully treated and publicly character assassinated & ostracized (the typically vindictive norm)?

Regardless, and blame: "Global Warming" as most other world problems or concerns (real, imagined or fabricated dating back to The Magna Carta) on President Bush and rest of Mean Old Nasty Republicans (another typical norm),...if you must. But, the absolute truth and/or apolitical truth of the matter is that The World ALWAYS gets hotter in summer and colder in winter. Like it or not, but The Real World cannot be altered as daily liked, as done in Disney Land or Disney World and such,...and often attempted by governments.

Then too, The Earth's Temperatures are and have ALWAYS been in a perpetual state of change or flux, for millions (if not billions?) of years. Hell,...even the: "Inspector Clueso" type boobs now denying such, can't just keep blaming Bush and all The Rest of We affluent, squandering and selfishly wasteful Americans,...for ALL AILING THE WORLD. To The Sane (?),...such just doesn't wash.

Hey,...don't believe This Nobody or even The Scientific Community?? Well then, just DAILY step away occasionally from your pulpits or podiums and go outside your mansions or caves for a breather or touch of reality.

While at it, you also might try lordly fending-off some typical volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, droughts, vast forest fires, tornadoes, hurricanes and floods, fools. Take your pick of unstoppable futilities.

If that doesn't clarify your quite arrogantly believing yourselves superior of intelligence to most everyone else on earth (Scientific Community inclusive),...then just read-up on some history of Planet Earth. Such couldn't hurt, EITHER.

Thus, and given some reality and a little study of what ails, it might then be realized that your pompously all-knowing and mis-leading antics (actually politically-purposeful and/or people-deceiving antics),...would even give Cavemen (women also) or Neanderthals one-helluva-good-chuckle,...if such were physically possible?

After all, The Earth has had THREE Ice Ages preceded by THREE Warming Periods (Now referred to as: "Global Warming"),...ALREADY. The amount of: "Mini-Ice Ages" suffered incalculable, since just no way knowing how many or how contributing to many worldwide catastrophes.

Plus, and most important remembering, are that all the MANY wild, devastating and never-ending changes in world's temperature and climate occurred LONG BEFORE ANYONE ever even heard of a chlorofluorocarbon,...or before: "Barney & Thelma Rubble" knew what-the-hell chlorofluorocarbon emissions even were.

Whatever, Folks. NEVER be fooled by those whom even cavalierly politicize Mother Nature. Just not very wise, sane or sensible doing so. Also, one can NEVER count on such deceiving politicians for anything. Well,...maybe Al inventing another alternate: "Internet", anyway? Hey, never know?

Whereas, one can ALWAYS Count on Mother Nature,...whether: "The Good, The Bad, The Ugly" and QUITE DEVASTATING (as usual).

Still, and since living in area of what worldwide known as: "Cancer Alley" (re. vicinities along The New Jersey Turnpike), please don't get me wrong regarding Environmentalists. I like most here truly appreciate any TRUE Environmentalists,...and rightfully so.

See absolutely nothing wrong with We New Jerseyans ALSO breathing some clean, pristine and uncontaminated air,...for a refreshing change. Gasp, gasp, gasp,...and obviously not all necessarily due: "Second Hand Cigarette Smoke,...FOR SURE.

The End

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Old 03-03-2007, 07:50 AM
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I have been in the energy industry a very long time. Came home from the 7th fleet-Vietnam task force-Operation Market Time, took off the Navy ball cap, said hello n? goodbye, put on the hardhat and went off the oil and gas fields of North Africa. Given that, I?ll be the first to stand up and say we need to manage our energy footprint and thus far it has been a saga of Hogan?s Goat screwing FUBAR. Judging the messenger at the expense of the message isn?t always prudent, but at the same time when we witness buckets of sewage being dumped in the knowledge well, common senses tells us not to drink from that well.

That being said, environmental science is real and there are significant issues as you point out and where knowledge is incomplete, we find the charlatans and some politicos reaping the harvest of ignorance to the point that the knowledge well overflows from all the sewage dumps going on.
As far back in human history that is viable, we find people being pitched in the volcano to appease the volcano and thus avoid the ?end of days?, etc. on and on. And the risk now is that we repeat this age-old process only to find out that the volcano does whatever it wants anyway and we end up addressing all the wrong issues.

I personally believe that we can each manage our own energy foot print better in numerous ways and to his credit Gore mentioned a few, but then his credibility isn?t of interest to him so those messages will be lost in the quagmire of the credibility gap.

And I don?t give a fig if Gore runs up a $30K a year energy bill, that is not the issue, the issue is disinformation on the road to becoming some sort of self-defined volcano high priest and harvesting the fruit of prevailing ignorance about what the absolutes are, what the variables are and what the possible solutions are.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 03-03-2007, 08:22 AM
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Default Scamp,...

Agree with most everything you've stated on the matter.

However, wasn't writing about Mother Nature or Environmentalism
from that angle. Was merely trying to get the point across that
POLITICIZING: "Global Warming",...IS JUST PLAIN STUPID (at best).

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Old 03-04-2007, 08:22 AM
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Default Scamp & Others,...

Yesterday saw a great related Special on The History Channel.
Was about Niagara Falls and about what you and no doubt many others did or would've found very interesting.

You and others might have also tied same in with all the unwarranted hullabaloo and/or extreme politicizing of: "Global Warming". Was at the very beginning of The Show and basically how Niagara Falls came to be.

Scientists concluded that Niagara Falls started about 10-15 thousand years ago and/or when The North American Glacier first started melting and receding. That humongous sucker apparently extended quite far south in what later became The United States of America, and as far east as The East Coast.

Of additional interest, was that same glacier's melting & receding was what actually formed The 5 Great Lakes. Rain or snow run-off didn't fill the 5 QUITE DEEP AREAS, nor even The Great Falls or St. Lawrence Seaway, for that matter. What's as natural as sun rising and moon setting every day,..."Global Warming" did.

So then, I would suggest that Environmentalists and even politicians stick to being concerned about and fixing what can actually be fixed, INSTEAD. Foul air and soil not very good for ANYONE (not even animals), Friends.

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Old 03-04-2007, 06:20 PM
Seascamp Seascamp is offline
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I agree that politicizing a scientific issue is a sure way to stir up the mud and totally cloud the issues at hand. I took the journey through five separate carbon footprint calculators, used the exact same input variables but came up with five very different answers with the Gore fronted calculator yielding the highest carbon unit number and the highest per unit offset cost. Seems to be very pricy ?dispensations? as compared to the rest, so maybe Gore is only challenging the very well-healed.

The variation in calculated output indicates that the proponents don?t have a common algorithm or methodology and there is a free-for-all happening. That is not science; it is a game of sand lot ball where everyone is making up their own rules as they play the game.

Theories have been put forth and the usual next step is to challenge the theories by proofs. But instead, the process has jumped straight to conclusions that are now being force-fed into the political arena. And quite wrongly, scientists who are not buying in are being threatened with loss of professional certification credentials if they publicly oppose the party line.

That is a huge ball of snakes rolling down the hill with a lot of frantic ?all back full? being called and assertions of yet another ?misunderstanding?. Potentially, any certification litigation could be as big as the Monkey-Stokes trial and therein the truth will out.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 03-05-2007, 07:20 AM
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Default Scamp,...

Damn-it-all Scamp,...YOU NAILED IT ALL with that: "They play the game"
& "Huge ball of snakes", even though I would've naturally included
the word: "Political" before both words; "Game" & "Snakes".

In fact, here in unarguably OVERLY-POLITICIZED (every way possible
under the sun) America, it's no wonder why NOTHING of importance
for The American Citizenry (ALONE),...never gets TRULY resolved satisfactorily.
For foreign nationals here (legal or not),'s a whole different story.

Two good (actually bad) current examples of such being while under
attack and at war with Islamic Fanatics and The Environment.
Take stupid political-correctness (actually an oxymoron) out of The Equation,
and would no doubt have A MUCH BETTER chance & likelihood of defeating
Muslim Mass-Murderers and cleaning-up America's air, soil & water (much else also).

Even though there are no guarantees in Life, if American Leaders started
acting differently sensible and not so-damn-lordly instead for-a-change,
I've no doubt whatsoever that America would easily defeat its terrorist enemies,
secure its borders, and also have the most cleanest and pristine
air, soil & water on earth. Common sense & logic dictate so.

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Old 03-08-2007, 12:20 PM
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Default An Additional Idiot...

Not responding to myself ala Gimpy norm and/or just
for getting piece: " the top".

It's just that recently heard a beauty on The News that ties in so well with the prevailing stupidity expressed by many politicians, officials, environmentalists and duped notables, in that inevitable global warmings and inevitable glacier meltings can actually be stopped. Just not possible doing.

Never seems mattering to such easily herded fools that this latest warming period of The Earth has already lasted 10-15 Thousand Years. Nor, does it also much matter to such that The American Glacier initially reaching The Northeast Coast of America, has already melted and regressed all the way back to Alaska,...and way long before ANYONE knew what-the-hell chlorofluorocarbon emissions even were.

Whatever, and on with the latest news revelation about stopping global warming. This Time even A VEGETARIAN Global Warming Expert sneaked herself into the perpetually on-going and never-ending LoonyTunes cartoon called: "Global Warming".

She concluded that if Al Gore stopped eating meat, and given his GREAT WISDOM ON ALL IMPORTANT MATTERS (just sarcastically jokin) convinced all others in world to stop eating meat,...VOILA! Such would no doubt: "Be very helpful towards stopping global warming". WOW!!! Truly Amazing???

Damn,...and regarding all the nonsense lately about attempting to stop global warming and glaciers melting,...this latest one takes-the-cake. Realistically (sanely also) and whether one eats his or her Veggies (or not),...fools have better chances at stopping all tides worldwide than stopping inevitable global warming,, tomorrow, and into infinity.

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Old 03-08-2007, 01:05 PM
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Ayup, that?s the one, sure enough. The PETA hired gun ?scientist? is calling BS on all others and reckons that tiz the animals that are the ?global warming? culprits. And asserts that if there were no ranches or pig farms or chicken farms, etc., then the world is saved from itself and once again can regain equilibrium.
But seems to be a good idea, none-the-less. There it is, turnips, greens n? grits for Al n? Pals, and we can all rest easy for a while. The wonder of it all, eh. :ek:

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 03-12-2007, 10:06 AM
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Default Scamp,...

Sorry taking so long getting back to you. But, busy, busy. And besides there are so many others out there (yourself included) debunking the quite asinine beliefs that somehow global warming can actually be stopped by politicians, anyway.

Still, and given the reality that politicians in charge of everything have never resolved anything favorable for America & The American People from Korean War to do date, and even after expending many thousands upon thousands of Brave & Courageous American Lives & Casualties,...regarding this additional political ineptness and impotence displayed over a global warming nonsense, you've just got to differently see some levity about such.

Hell,...even moronic fool politicos must know this latest global warming which First Started about 15 Thousand Years Ago, most certainly can't be stopped for even a: "New York Minute". Doesn't matter how much more intelligent both Beltway & Hollywood Crowds deceivingly profess being, or how many times foolishly claiming able doing so.

Utterly stupid political bullshit is and will always be just utterly stupid political bullshit,...whether coming from many career-Hollywood Actors or followers of similarly pompous & intransigent fools and/or career-Washington Actors.
Bull is bull is bull,...and that's that.

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Old 03-12-2007, 01:03 PM
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Well Neil, I?m not prepared to call BS on all aspects of measuring and controlling green house gas emissions. Reasonably reliable digits and stats indicate that there is about 70% H2O, 7%, some as high as 27 % CO2, and a lot of other players in the Greenhouse Gas mix as well, including NOx . I've been working on NOx emissions as related to gas turbine cumbustors, but mayhaps I should just get my carbon credits and forget this stuff.

One interesting graph shows that the total tonnage going into atmosphere was relatively constant until year 2000, then went right up to current levels which are about 60% higher than year 2000 levels.

But the dogma and rhetoric doesn?t identify the source of this step-change, thank you for shopping at Wal-Mart, I reckon. But, in all reality I don?t recall an industrial boom in the US that began around year 2000. But do remember my last trip to Beijing in 2005 and Jazus, never seen such stack gas and pollution since I worked in the then Soviet Union. Both an experience in eye-watering caugh, gag, spit n? wheeze, boy howdy, except at the time the Volga was known to catch fire from time-to-time from all the hydro carbon dumps and spills going on, oh aarrgg. :ek:

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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