The Reestablishment of the Navy, 1787-1801: General Studies and Monographs

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The Reestablishment of the Navy, 1787-1801: General Studies and Monographs

Fowler, William M., Jr. Jack Tars and Commodores: The American Navy, 1783-1815. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1984. 318 pp.

Long, David F. Gold Braid and Foreign Relations: Diplomatic Activities of U.S. Naval Officers, 1798-1883. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1988. 502 pp.

Nash, Howard P., Jr. The Forgotten Wars: The Role of the U.S. Navy in the Quasi War with France and the Barbary Wars, 1798- 1805. New York: A. S. Barnes, 1968. 308 pp.
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