The Reestablishment of the Navy, 1787-1801: Quasi-War with France

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The Reestablishment of the Navy, 1787-1801: Quasi-War with France


"Extract from the Log of the Frigate Boston." Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society 20 (June 1883): 269-74.

Engagement with French Navy corvette Berceau.

McKee, Christopher, ed. "Constitution in the Quasi- War with France: The Letters of John Roche, Jr., 1798-1801." American Neptune 27 (April 1967): 135-49.

A midshipman's letters to his father reporting events while on Constitution.

Murray, William Vans. "Letters of William Vans Murray to John Quincy Adams, 1797-1803." Edited by Worthington Chauncey Ford. In Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1912, 341-708. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1914.

Murray's diplomatic efforts to resolve differences with France.

United States Office of Naval Records and Library. Naval Documents Related to the Quasi-War between the United States and France: Naval Operations from February 1797 to December 1801. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1935-38. 7 vols.

Secondary Literature

Allen, Gardner W. "The Boston and the Berceau." Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society 65 (October 1933): 163-8.

History of the capture, detention, and return of the French Navy corvette Berceau.

-----. Our Naval War with France. 1909. Reprint. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1967. 323 pp.

Anderson, William G. "John Adams, the Navy, and the Quasi- War with France." American Neptune 30 (April 1970): 117-32.

DeConde, Alexander. The Quasi-War: The Politics and Diplomacy of the Undeclared War with France, 1797-1801. New York: Scribner, 1966. 498 pp.

Dunn, Lucius C. "The Frigate Constellation Puts to Sea." United States Naval Institute Proceedings 74 (August 1948): 1004-7.

Dunne, W. M. P. "The Constellation and the Hermione." Mariner's Mirror 70 (February 1984): 82-85.

A mutineer from HMS Hermione enlisted in Constellation and incited mutinous talk in the U.S. frigate between June and August 1798 until he was discovered.

Hill, Peter P. William Vans Murray, Federalist Diplomat: The Shaping of Peace with France, 1797-1801. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1971. 241 pp.

Kihn, Phyllis. "The French San Domingo Prisoners in Connecticut." Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin 28 (April 1963): 47-63.

The capture of French schooner la Vengeance by U.S. sloop of war Trumbull and the subsequent holding of the prisoners from la Vengeance in Connecticut.

Knight, David C. The Naval War with France, 1798-1800. New York: Franklin Watts, 1970. 72 pp.

Kyte, George W., ed. "Guns for Charleston: A Case of Lend- Lease in 1798-1799." Journal of Southern History 14 (August 1948): 401-8.

The British loaned cannon and shot to America during the Quasi-War with France. Includes the correspondence of Robert Liston, Lord Grenville, and Timothy Pickering.

Leiner, Frederick C. "Anatomy of a Prize Case: Dollars, Side-Deals, and Les Deux Anges." American Journal of Legal History 39 (April 1995): 1-19.

The frigate Boston's capture of the prize les Deux Anges and the subsequent litigation, which went all the way to the United States Supreme Court, between Captains George Little and Silas Talbot.

-----. "The Baltimore Merchants' Warships: Maryland and Patapsco in the Quasi-War with France." Maryland Historical Magazine 88 (Fall 1993): 260-85.

Martin, Tyrone G. "Underway Replenishment, 1799-1800." American Neptune 46 (Summer 1986): 159-64.

How the Constitution maintained its station and replenished supplies.

Morgan, Mike. "The Remarkable Frigate L'Insurgente." Nautical Research Journal 20 (April 1974): 134-37.

Palmer, Michael A. Stoddert's War: Naval Operations During the Quasi-War with France, 1798-1801. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1987. 313 pp.

Russo, John Paul. "Hull's First Victory, One Painting: Three Famous Men." American Neptune 25 (January 1965): 29- 34.

Lieutenant Isaac Hull captured French privateer Sandwich in May 1800.

Savageau, David LePere. "The United States Navy and Its 'Half War' Prisoners, 1798-1801." American Neptune 31 (July 1971): 159-76.

Treatment and disposition of captured French privateersmen.

Stansbury, David B. "The Quasi-War with France." Naval History 6 (Fall 1992): 16-21.

Stott, A. C. "Early Naval Strategy." United States Naval Institute Proceedings 62 (February 1936): 229- 30.

Navigating abilities of Thomas Truxtun.

Van Alstyne, Richard W. "The Naval War with France, 1798- 1800." In American Diplomacy in Action: A Series of Case Studies. 2d ed. Stanford Books in World Politics. 420-32. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 1947.

Votaw, Homer C. "The Sloop-of-War Ganges." United States Naval Institute Proceedings 98 (July 1972): 82-84.

Welsh, Donald N. "The Quasi-War with France and the Creation of the United States Navy." Master's thesis, University of Akron, 1940. 81 pp.

Wood, Daniel N. "The All-Volunteer Force in 1798." United States Naval Institute Proceedings 105 (June 1979): 45-48.

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