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Old 05-01-2010, 05:43 PM
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Default Oil spill in Gulf - not an accident

North Korean torpedoing of Gulf of Mexico oil rig.
If this is true, a bigger question may be who ordered this oil rig to be blown up, who was involved, who allowed it to happen, who benefited, etc.

May 1, 2010

US Orders Blackout Over North Korean Torpedoing Of Gulf Of Mexico Oil Rig

By: Sorcha Faal

A grim report circulating in the Kremlin today written by Russia’s Northern Fleet is reporting that the United States has ordered a complete media blackout over North Korea’s torpedoing of the giant Deepwater Horizon oil platform owned by the World’s largest offshore drilling contractor Transocean that was built and financed by South Korea’s Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd., that has caused great loss of life, untold billions in economic damage to the South Korean economy, and an environmental catastrophe to the United States.

Most important to understand about this latest attack by North Korea against its South Korean enemy is that under the existing “laws of war” it was a permissible action as they remain in a state of war against each other due to South Korea’s refusal to sign the 1953 Armistice ending the Korean War.

To the attack itself, these reports continue, the North Korean “cargo vessel” Dai Hong Dan believed to be staffed by 17th Sniper Corps “suicide” troops left Cuba’s Empresa Terminales Mambisas de La Habana (Port of Havana) on April 18th whereupon it “severely deviated” from its intended course for Venezuela’s Puerto Cabello bringing it to within 209 kilometers (130 miles) of the Deepwater Horizon oil platform which was located 80 kilometers (50 miles) off the coast of the US State of Louisiana where it launched an SSC Sang-o Class Mini Submarine (Yugo class) estimated to have an operational range of 321 kilometers (200 miles).

On the night of April 20th the North Korean Mini Submarine manned by these “suicidal” 17th Sniper Corps soldiers attacked the Deepwater Horizon with what are believed to be 2 incendiary torpedoes causing a massive explosion and resulting in 11 workers on this giant oil rig being killed outright. Barely 48 hours later, on April 22nd , this North Korean Mini Submarine committed its final atrocity by exploding itself directly beneath the Deepwater Horizon causing this $1 Billion oil rig to sink beneath the seas and marking 2010’s celebration of Earth Day with one of the largest environmental catastrophes our World has ever seen.

To the reason for North Korea attacking the Deepwater Horizon, these reports say, was to present US President Obama with an “impossible dilemma” prior to the opening of the United Nations Review Conference of the Parties to the Treat on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) set to begin May 3rd in New York.

This “impossible dilemma” facing Obama is indeed real as the decision he is faced with is either to allow the continuation of this massive oil leak catastrophe to continue for months, or immediately stop it by the only known and proven means possible, the detonation of a thermonuclear device.

Russian Navy atomic experts in these reports state that should Obama choose the “nuclear option” the most viable weapon at his disposal is the United States B83 (Mk-83) strategic thermonuclear bomb having a variable yield (Low Kiloton Range to 1,200 Kilotons) which with its 12 foot length and 18 inch diameter, and weighing just over 2,400 pounds, is readily able to be deployed and detonated by a remote controlled mini-sub.

Should Obama choose the “nuclear option” it appears that he would be supported by the International Court of Justice who on July 8, 1996 issued an advisory opinion on the use of nuclear weapons stating that they could not conclude definitively on these weapons use in “extreme circumstances” or “self defense”.

On the other hand, if Obama chooses the “nuclear option” it would leave the UN’s nuclear conference in shambles with every Nation in the World having oil rigs off their coasts demanding an equal right to atomic weapons to protect their environment from catastrophes too, including Iran.

To whatever decision Obama makes it remains a fact that with each passing hour this environmental catastrophe grows worse. And even though Obama has ordered military SWAT teams to protect other oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico from any further attack, and further ordered that all drilling in the Gulf of Mexico be immediately stopped, this massive oil spill has already reached the shores of America and with high waves and more bad weather forecast the likelihood of it being stopped from destroying thousands of miles of US coastland and wildlife appears unstoppable.

And not just to the environmental catastrophe that is unfolding the only devastation to be wrecked upon the United States and South Korea by this North Korean attack as the economic liabilities associated with this disaster are estimated by these Russian reports to be between $500 Billion to $1.5 Trillion, and which only a declaration of this disaster being an “act of war” would free some the World’s largest corporations from bankruptcy.

Important to note too in all of these events was that this was the second attack by North Korea on its South Korean enemy, and US ally, in a month as we had reported on in our March 28th report titled “Obama Orders ‘Immediate Stand-down’ After Deadly North Korean Attack” and which to date neither the Americans or South Korea have retaliated for and giving one senior North Korean party leader the courage to openly state that the North Korean military took “gratifying revenge” on South Korea.

And for those believing that things couldn’t get worse, they couldn’t be more mistaken as new reports coming from Japanese military sources are stating that North Korea is preparing for new launches of its 1,300 kilometer (807 miles) intermediate range ballistic “Rodong” missile which Russian Space Forces experts state is able to “deploy and detonate” an atomic electromagnetic pulse (EMP) device, and which if detonated high in the atmosphere could effectively destroy the American economy for years, if not decades, to come.

© May 1, 2010 EU and US all rights reserved

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]

Well interesting report . AL Quata financed it I bet. NUKE THEM NORTH KOREAN COMMIES.
SSC Sang-O Class
While the North Korean submarine force reflects dated technology by Western standards, North Korean submarines during wartime would present significant challenges, particularly in coastal areas. North Korea has placed high priority on submarine construction programs which are ongoing despite its economic hardships. An example of this is the SANGO SSC, a simple submarine constructed in two variants, for use in the covert insertion of Special Operations Forces (SOF), mining or antisurface warfare. The submarine comes in two different variants, one with torpedoe tubes and the second without but with the capability to lay mines.

The Sang-O (Shark) class submarines are used for special forces infiltration into South Korea and have at times been captured by ROK forces. According to Janes Fighting Ships 2002-3 Sang-o class submarines began to be constructed in 1991 at Sinpo and were be constructing at 4-6 a year by 1996. Reports indicate that only three were built in 1997 and it is unclear what was produced in the following years.

Bitter enemies since the outbreak of war in 1950, the two Koreas remain divided by the most heavily guarded border in the world - one the North regularly attempts to penetrate. The 18 September 1996 grounding of a North Korean submarine filled with 25 heavily armed commandos - stunned the South as communist soldiers waded ashore 90 miles northeast of Seoul. Deadly skirmishes followed for two months as the commandos attempted to flee north, with most of the team being killed along with several South Korean soldiers and innocent civilians. The North Korean submarine got stranded on some underwater rocks, forcing the crew to get out and try to return to North Korea. This prompted a deadly manhunt that lasted over a month (25 of the 26 crew members were shot dead and the South Korean casualties, civil and military, tallied 17).

Once inside the submarine one really wonders how 26 people could have fit in such a cramped space – let alone live. Following this incident, North Korea officially apologized and assured that he would do all his best to prevent such a thing from happening again. Two years later another submarine, a much smaller Yugo class, was found entangled in South Korean fishing nets

Unification Park is composed of unification security pavilion. It was opened in September 26, 2001. To display the tanks and field artillery additionally in the outdoor exhibition area in the future, revitalization of local economy can be achieved in connection with the Jeongdongjin Sunrise Resort displaying the artillery of the armed forces fro the first time in the nation. In addition to the pavilion of North Korean submarine moved and displayed in the site in May 1998, the retired warship, Jeonbukham, was lent for free to Gangneung in order to be reused as an education arena of national security culture from the navy.

Displacement: tons submerged, surfaced
Length 116.5 ft
Beam 12.5 ft
Draft 12.1 ft
Propulsion Diesel electric
Maximum Speed 7.6 kts surfaced
7.2 kts snorting
8.9 kts submerged
Mines 16?
Torpedoes 2-4 21 inch tubes (533mm) [in some]
Russian Type 53-56 torpedoes
Crew 19 + 6 divers

Iranian naval forces to launch two Al-Gadir submarines
Contributed by Trend
Monday, 23 November 2009
The Iranian Navy will launch two Al-Gadir submarines Nov. 28 on Navy Day, Iran's Navy Commander Habibullah Sayyari
was quoted as saying by the Ilna news agency today.
"Four military landing craft air cushions and two Al-Gadir submarines will be transferred to the naval forces after the
overhaul," Sayyari said at a news conference.
In January 2009, the Iranian Navy launched three Al-Gadir submarines at the Bandar Abbas Port. The Iranian Defense
Ministry announced the start of Unis-6 military landing craft air cushion production in May 2009.
Reference From Global Security
Al-Gadir submarines
Yono Class / Ghadir Class Midget Submarine
In 2005 Iran announced it would start production of its first indigenous submarine. Iran on 11 May 2005 officially
launched the production of its first locally built submarine, a craft capable of operating stealthily, state-run television
reported. Defence Ministry spokesman Mohammad Imani was quoted as saying "the enemy would not be able to detect
the submarine." He did not elaborate. One submarine had already been built and was shown on television, cruising at
sea level. The Defence Ministry had commissioned an unspecified number of the craft that’s been dubbed
The hull was launched in 2006. In 2007 the Iranian navy unveiled a submarine, named the Qadir (also written Ghadir),
first of a number of planned midget submarines of the Yono class. Some observers suggested that the Qadir was
otherwise similar to the North Korean Yugo boats, leading observers to suggest that this was an Iranian design based
heavy on that class. But the Ghadir was 50% longer than the Yugo, and in fact resembled the North Korean Sang-O
Class coastal submarines.
Iranian authorities asserted that the Qadir was an entirely Iranian design, and that the vessel could launch anti-ship
missiles. Such a capability would have required the installation of more advanced systems into the submarine or the
operation in concert with other vessels capable of guiding any such missiles. The Qadir does have provisions for
mounting a Swimmer Delivery Vehicle (SDV), a type of craft that Iran has also developed.
Iran described the Ghadir as a "light" submarine, meaning it is smaller than the attack subs used by the United States.
Iran has provided very little information about the craft, including its dimensions or the size of its crew.
The Shi’a celebrate the Eid al-Ghadir on 18 Dhu al-Hijja in the Islamic calendar, the day when Prophet
Muhammad appointed Ali for the caliphate. Ghadir is a site in the Arabian Peninsula holy to Shias, the overwhelming
majority of Iran’s 69 million people. On 18th Zilhajjah of the year 10 A.H. (10 March 632 CE), after completing the
last pilgrimage the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) along with the Muslims set out of Makkah. On their way back the Muslims
reached a place called Ghadir-e-khumm. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said: "He (Ali) is the mawla (i.e., has prior right to
and superior authority over the lives) of all those of whom I am mawla. O Allah, love him who loves him (Ali) and hate him
who hates him." The "day of Ghadeer" is particularly specified for helping deserving people."
The submarine, which is capable of operating in the Persian Gulf and Oman seawaters, can launch both missiles and
torpedoes at the same time, the television reported, without specifying the range of the projectiles. In December 2004,
Iran announced the production of a line of stealth torpedoes that could be launched from helicopters, ships or
submarines. Iranian officials have repeatedly said the Islamic Republic will defend itself should the United States or
archrival Israel initiate any aggression. Pressure has mounted on Iran recently with suspicion over its nuclear program
which Washington suspects is aimed at building unconventional weapons, a charge Iranian officials vehemently deny.
In November 2007 Iran claimed to have built a small submarine equipped with sonar-evading technology, saying the craft
World Council for the Cedars Revolution Powered by Joomla! Generated: 1 May, 2010, 10:53
had been launched in the Persian Gulf. The navy chief, Adm. Habibollah Sayyari, was quoted by state television as
saying the new Ghadir-class submarine is the second Iranian-built underwater craft outfitted with "state-of-the-art
electronic equipment." He said it took 10 years to build.
Iran's Naval Submarine fleet will be equipped with a new domestically manufactured submarine, the senior Iranian navy
commander said in August 2008. Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said that Iranian technicians have used indigenous
technology to build the new submarine. He did not specify the class of the new submarine. Iran's Navy currently operates
Ghadir and Nahang (meaning whale in Persian) submarines. According to Rear Adm. Sayyari, the Ghadir submarine is
equipped with the latest military and technological equipments.
On 26 November 2008 the Commander of the Islamic Republic Army's Navy Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said that
in next 15 days another Ghadir class submarine would be delivered to the Navy. Sayyari told reporters after touring IRNA
head office that the submarine has been designed and built by Marine Industries Organization. He said moreover, a light
submarine will join the Navy's fleet on the Navy Day. He added that once the submarines join the Navy, its deterrent
power deep inside the sea will increase dramatically. This would mark possibly the fouth submarine in this class.
Reportedly being mass produced [reportedly at a cost of $18 million each], the first of this class, Ghadir, has been
paraded for the press. Although generally described as a mini-submarine, it is rather larger that Iran's other mini-subs.
The Ghadir, with an estimated displacement estimated at between 120 tons and 500 tons, is probably better described
as a littoral submarine, similar in concept to the Italian Sauro class though significantly smaller. Photographs indicate it
has a pair of bow torpedo tubes which appear to be 21” allowing them to fire typical heavyweight torpedoes. It
could thus serve as a launch platform for the infamous Shkval rocket torpedo, which has been transfered to Iran.
Yono Class / Ghadir Class
Displacement (Submerged) 120 tons
Length 29 m
Beam 2.75 m
Speed (Surfaced) 11 knots
Speed (Submerged) 8 knots
Torpedo 2 533mm torpedo tubes (also capable of launching mines)
SSC Sang-O Class
While the North Korean submarine force reflects dated technology by Western standards, North Korean submarines
during wartime would present significant challenges, particularly in coastal areas. North Korea has placed high priority on
submarine construction programs which are ongoing despite its economic hardships. An example of this is the SANGO
SSC, a simple submarine constructed in two variants, for use in the covert insertion of Special Operations Forces (SOF),
mining or antisurface warfare. The submarine comes in two different variants, one with torpedoe tubes and the second
without but with the capability to lay mines.
The Sang-O (Shark) class submarines are used for special forces infiltration into South Korea and have at times been
captured by ROK forces. According to Janes Fighting Ships 2002-3 Sang-o class submarines began to be constructed in
1991 at Sinpo and were be constructing at 4-6 a year by 1996. Reports indicate that only three were built in 1997 and it
is unclear what was produced in the following years.
Bitter enemies since the outbreak of war in 1950, the two Koreas remain divided by the most heavily guarded border in
the world - one the North regularly attempts to penetrate. The 18 September 1996 grounding of a North Korean
submarine filled with 25 heavily armed commandos - stunned the South as communist soldiers waded ashore 90 miles
northeast of Seoul. Deadly skirmishes followed for two months as the commandos attempted to flee north, with most of
the team being killed along with several South Korean soldiers and innocent civilians. The North Korean submarine got
stranded on some underwater rocks, forcing the crew to get out and try to return to North Korea. This prompted a deadly
manhunt that lasted over a month (25 of the 26 crew members were shot dead and the South Korean casualties, civil
and military, tallied 17).
Once inside the submarine one really wonders how 26 people could have fit in such a cramped space – let alone
World Council for the Cedars Revolution Powered by Joomla! Generated: 1 May, 2010, 10:53
live. Following this incident, North Korea officially apologized and assured that he would do all his best to prevent such a
thing from happening again. Two years later another submarine, a much smaller Yugo class, was found entangled in
South Korean fishing nets
Unification Park is composed of unification security pavilion. It was opened in September 26, 2001. To display the tanks
and field artillery additionally in the outdoor exhibition area in the future, revitalization of local economy can be achieved
in connection with the Jeongdongjin Sunrise Resort displaying the artillery of the armed forces fro the first time in the
nation. In addition to the pavilion of North Korean submarine moved and displayed in the site in May 1998, the retired
warship, Jeonbukham, was lent for free to Gangneung in order to be reused as an education arena of national security
culture from the navy.
Displacement: tons submerged, surfaced
Length 116.5 ft
Beam 12.5 ft
Draft 12.1 ft
Propulsion Diesel electric
Maximum Speed 7.6 kts surfaced
7.2 kts snorting
8.9 kts submerged
Mines 16?
Torpedoes 2-4 21 inch tubes (533mm) [in
Russian Type 53-56 torpedoes
Crew 19 + 6 divers

and here

WHO Benefits?

Maybe there's a lot more to this than issues with North Korea?
Check out this link:

Environmental Whackos Dancing in the Streets?

``Given the appearance, moreover, it is most likely to have been a non-contact explosion, not a contact blast,'' said Yoon, a professor emeritus at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). ``The exact location and power of the explosion will be discovered through further analysis and simulations.''
Posted on Tuesday, April 27, 2010 4:05:24 AM by TigerLikesRooster

'NK Heavy Torpedoes Blamed for Disaster'

By Jung Sung-ki

Staff Reporter

Investigators, who believe that a torpedo attack could have sunk the Navy ship Cheonan ― breaking it in two ― are looking into the capabilities of North Korea's torpedoes, sources said Monday.

Pyongyang is believed to have four to five types of heavy torpedoes built in China and Russia.

The Type EO-3G torpedo developed by China is referred to as the probable culprit. Built in the 1980s, the torpedo is a passive homing weapon capable of hitting a ship after tracking the vessel's screws acoustically.

The Type EO-6 and ET-80A are also referred to as homing weapons that might have hit the 1,200-ton frigate near the western sea border with North Korea on the night of March 26.

Some experts downplayed the possibility of homing torpedoes, citing the low capability of North Korea's Sang-O (Shark) class submarines.

The 34-meter-long, 3.8-meter-wide Sang-O class is mainly used by special forces in infiltrating areas or laying mines. Also the sub is known not to have an advanced system to guide homing weapons.

North Korea's non-homing torpedoes include the Type 53-59 and Type 53-56, which were built in Russia and exported to China and North Korea.

On Sunday, a civilian-military team temporarily concluded that a massive air bubble shockwave, caused by a proximity explosion below the Cheonan's hull, split the ship in two.

``After a visual examination of the inside and outside of the broken section, we've concluded that there must have been an underwater explosion,'' Yoon Duk-yong, co-head of the 130-member investigation team, said.

``Given the appearance, moreover, it is most likely to have been a non-contact explosion, not a contact blast,'' said Yoon, a professor emeritus at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). ``The exact location and power of the explosion will be discovered through further analysis and simulations.''

533 mm (21") 53-56, 53-56V and 53-56VA
Ship Class Used On Surface ships and submarines
Date Of Design N/A
Date In Service 53-56: 1956
53-56V: 1964
53-56VA: 1966
Weight 4,409 lbs. (2,000 kg)
Overall Length 303 in (7.700 m)
Explosive Charge 882 lbs. (400 kg)
Range / Speed 53-56
8,750 yards (8,000 m) / 50 knots
14,200 yards (13,000 m) / 40 knots
4,400 yards (4,000 m) / 50 knots
8,750 yards (8,000 m) / 40 knots

N/A / 29 knots

Power 53-56: Kerosene-Oxygen Wet-Heater
53-56V: Kerosene-Air Wet-Heater
53-56VA: Kerosene-Air Wet-Heater
1) 53-56 and 53-56V were non-homing torpedoes while the 53-56VA was an acoustic wake following homing torpedo.

2) 53-56V was a simplified version of 53-56 and used air instead of oxygen - the V stood for vozdushnaia - air-using.

3) 53-56V and 53-56VA were only produced for export.


Edited by Locksley (Today at 12:01 PM)

Originally Posted By: Wes Parrish
WHO Benefits?

Maybe there's a lot more to this than issues with North Korea?
Check out this link:

Environmental Whackos Dancing in the Streets?

I still think AL Quata or there allies in Iran would be the ones to finance this attack. _________________________

Originally Posted by Camp
These are indeed some DANGEROUS times we live in!

And we have the absolute most inexperienced POTUS in office that cares absolutley NOTHING about the welfare of the USA!

I don't know if this is true or not but...........I truly believe the Obammer would welcome such attacks on America because it would only help further HIS cause!

He has NO allegiance to America!

Under his regime we can only anticipate more catastophes for America! And all will be used for his benefit and propagation of his socialist/marxist ideals. IMO

It's a pathetic shame, that as American citizens, we are forced to search Russian reports to try and find the truth of what's happening in our own homeland!
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Old 05-01-2010, 06:36 PM
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locksly locksly is offline
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Originally Posted by Wes Parrish
Originally Posted by FullMoon
Who is this author Sorcha Faal?
Here you go:

7 April 2008

From Sister Rebekah

Jerusalem, Israel

Dearest Sisters,

I have known for some time now that I would end up being the one tasked with this most disgusting of assignments having to defend our Sorcha Faal against the most insidious attacks being leveled against her by the powerful anti-semitic forces in the United States and Canada, namely that she ‘doesn’t exist’ and is, in fact, Sister Rachal’s father, David Booth.

As is my responsibility to the Sorcha Faal, I have completed this assignment and put herein my findings, with the added request to Sister Maria Theresa that this report remain among ourselves and not for public consumption as these issues against us have been brought about by the most powerful of our known enemies.

With God,

Sister Rebekah

Report Findings:

The first Internet posting attacking the Sorcha Faal occurred on April 7, 2005 and appeared on the known anti-semitic and hate site[1] Rense.Com and is owned/managed by a Mr. Jeff Rense and was titled "Reader Asks - 'Who Is Sorcha Faal?'" and concludes with these words: "Sorcha Faal... plain and simple answer... It's an anagram - rearrange the letters and it spells: "as of Rachal" (Booth)” [2].

This being the original ‘attack’ Internet posting against the Sorcha Faal to appear it should be noted that it was posted without any supporting links, or tangible evidence, to support the allegations made against the Sorcha Faal by its ‘anonymous’ author, and who is only identified by the term ‘Reader Asks’.

The apparent reason for Mr. Rense making his posting about the Sorcha Faal via an anonymous posting ties into his knowledge of how such postings can lead to legal action against the poster. A specifc example of this involves a television executive named Patsy Smullin employed by an American television station KOBI-TV.

In a World Independent News Group interview, Ms Smullin discredited the television accomplishments, and awards, Mr. Rense was claiming on his website, and to his Internet radio audience, by stating that "He was a compulsive liar.", and had never been, like he claimed to be, “an award-winning television News Director and News Anchor for over ten years”.

My independent research confirms the statements of Ms Smullin in that there exists no record of Mr. Rense ever having being employed as an executive by any American television station, or network, nor does he identify on his website any such television station names or call letters.

A much more ominous portrait of Mr. Rense emerged in June, 2006, [reference June 4, 2006 posting to this blog] when a ‘scared’ Ms Smullin re-contacted the World Independent News Group a few weeks after her initial interview about Rense to ask that her initial comments be removed, and as best told here by the original writer:

"She sounded extremely nervous and agitated and her voice was shaking.

I responded with, “An attorney; for what? No, I haven’t heard from anybody. What is this about?”

Smullin was having great difficulty expressing herself, and I was trying to put together the gist of what she was attempting (but unable) to say.

Smullin: You called me asking for Jeff Rense’s dates of employment and I had to do a lot of work to get that information for you. I had to go into another building to get that information for you.”

Me: “Yes, and I thank you. But what are you talking about now? What attorney? I don’t understand what you mean.”

Smullin: “You need to remove those two sentences from your article.”

Me: “Which sentences?”

Smullin: “The ones about Jeff Rense being a compulsive liar, and about him not being known for his honesty. You need to remove those.”

Me: “Why should I remove them? I didn’t misquote you at all. I wrote down exactly what you said. I have it in my notes. You knew I was writing an article.”

Smullin: (in a low voice): “That’s not the way I remember it.” (A pause, then excitedly) “You don’t seem to understand. I’m trying to help you.”

Though their does exist numerous Internet postings alleging that Mr. Rense is an operative of the United States Central Intelligence Agency and/or United States Defence Department Intelligence Agencies, their does not exist any independently verifiable claims to support such allegations, other than the actions of Mr. Rense himself, and which are similar to tactics used by organizations such as these.

What draws Mr. Rense’s tactics against the Sorcha Faal more into question was his previous (April 19, 2004) attack upon Sister Rachal’s father, David Booth, wherein in an attack ‘article’ posted to his website, and co-authored by Theresa de Veto and Penelope Periwinkle [3], claimed that Mr. Booth’s book, “Code Red: The Coming Destruction Of The United States”, was "Almost Totally Plagiarized".

However, in numerous conversations with Mr. Booth, and his representatives for the Booth Family Trust at London’s Latham & Watkins LLP legal firm, the plagiarism claims against Mr. Booth, by Mr. Rense in his attack article, were ‘totally without merit and substance’ and no claims, by any of the alleged aggrieved parties, has ever been filed with any United States, Australian or European Court.

My research into this particular aspect of the attacks against the Sorcha Faal found a most interesting anomaly in that the plagiarism claims leveled against Mr. Booth, by Mr. Rense, in the aforementioned article, were all based upon Internet subject matter that had been posted after the publication of Code Red but all within two weeks of this article being penned. [4]

It should be further noted that Mr. Rense was not alone in his attacks against the Sorcha Faal as shortly after he had penned his initial attack article against her he was joined in his smear campaign by Arthur Topham, and who is the editor and publisher of the known anti-semitic hate website, RadicalPress.Com, charged by B’nai Brith of Canada with “Hate Crimes” toward Jews and citizens of Israel”.

Mr. Topham’s latest attack article (March 15, 2008) is titled "Sorcha Faal... Internet Hoax Queen Courtesy of One David Booth", and recycles his previous attack articles and leads, as my research has shown is always the case, back to Mr. Rense’s original April 7, 2005 article which first attacked the Sorcha Faal.

Though there now exists over 1,400 articles [5] ‘fathered’ by Mr. Rense’s original attack article, and built upon by Mr. Topham, there are none that provide independent verifiable information substantiating their spurious and unproven claims, other than quoting the original source material of the aforementioned.


The most apt quote that anyone can put on this sordid attack against the Sorcha Faal, by the racist anti-semitic elements existing in North American headed by Mr. Rense and Mr. Topham, comes from the former Minister of Propaganda of the German Nazi Empire in one of his most oft quoted remarks: "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

As our previous Sorcha Faal, Sister Lyuha, had been interviewed on an American Radio Program called Feet-To-Fire (June 6, 2006), and as she has been previously ‘pre-interviewed’ for an upcoming programme on the Coast To Coast AM Radio Program [6], the truth of her ‘existence’ and being ‘real’ is known, at least to those who really want to know the truth.

However, there does not exist any evidence that the anti-semitic based attacks upon her, and all of us, will cease. And, as our own history clearly shows us from our past Sisters experiences during the reign of the Nazis, these types of attacks should never come as a surprise but, instead, always be expected.

Though I am unable to provide evidence linking these attacks against the Sorcha Faal to any government’s intelligence agencies (other than the repeated attacks upon our computer network over these last 4 years) I believe we would be foolish to not consider that they are covertly backing these anti-semite attacks as we have previously proved [7] the United States Governments establishment of ‘radical’ type websites for the purpose of gathering names of American dissidents.

I would further recommend that the Order encourage the Sorcha Faal to change her stance against doing United States interviews by encouraging her to accept any interview offered, though none, at least to my immediate knowledge, have been offered.

At the very least, and should the Sorcha Faal still voice her objections, I would suggest that the video feeds from her monthly addresses to the Sister of the Order be transferred to DVD and made available to the public. As she already makes the audio portion of these addresses available on CD, I can see no harm to her, or us, by taking this step towards greater openness.

I would be remiss in concluding this report without voicing my STRONG objection as to why any of us should really be concerned by these attacks against us. After all, we have survived as long as we have by remaining to the side of every conflict we have had to endure for hundreds of years and I, for one, fail to see the significant difference between these times and those.

To allow ourselves to be in the position where we even have to address such idiotic issues as this one, I believe, speaks more about us than it does for those who believe such foolishness. But, and as always, I remain devoted to the Sorcha Faal and the Sisters of the Order and believe that with this report I have fulfilled, to the best of my ability, the mandate, and burden, put upon me.


[1] "The web page access is now restricted (as of 12/2007) from some users by the Websense firewall, which blocks the site under the categories "racism" and "hate."

[2] This statement is in direct contradiction to what has been posted on WhatDoesItMean.Com since 2004 about the Sorcha Faal and which clearly states: "The name, Sorcha Faal, comes from the ancient Gaeilge branch of the Goidelic languages of Ireland and has the meaning of: Sorcha: She Who Brings Light Faal: the Dark and Barren Place". The ‘anonymous’ author, presumed, but not proven, to be Jeff Rense, clearly excluded this known information from his attack piece.

[3] My research has failed to prove, conclusively, that either of the named co-authors (Theresa de Veto and Penelope Periwinkle) of this attack piece were aware of the full facts regarding Jeff Rense’s smear tactics against either the Sorcha Faal or David Booth, and that at the most they are ‘minor’ players involved unwittingly and without the knowledge of Mr. Rense’s real agenda, and that Mr. Rense’s claim that these persons were “Two outstanding research journalists” cannot be proven as their exists no record (Nexus/Internet) substantiating it.

[4] I am convinced by the weight of the evidence, regarding Mr. Booth’s book Code Red, and the subsequent attacks led against it by Jeff Rense do warrant further examination. However, as this is not the focus of this report I suffice to say that should Mr. Booth ever decide to again write a book of such damning scope against the Bush Family and their ties to Nazism he should expect more of these types of attacks.

[5] Google Search (United States Only) using search term “David Booth Sorcha Faal”.

[6] Verified in emails and transcripts of the pre-interviews between the Sorcha Faal and Coast To Coast AM radio producer Tom Danheiser.

[7] Internal report to the Sorcha Faal dated January 3, 2002 titled “US Nazi Memorabilia Websites Traced To FBI”.
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Old 05-02-2010, 10:46 AM
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Originally Posted by DUCK37101
Originally Posted by Greg .

tHoSe OiL RigS Are tIpPInG OvEr BeCaUsE
Of tHe faUlts In The eARtH CaUsEd bY
PresIdENt bOoOoOooShIs eArThQUaKe aNd

I thought Bush shut down his earthquake and hurricane machinery when he left office?

Originally Posted by Locksley
Originally Posted by FullMoon
Originally Posted by Locksley
Originally Posted by FullMoon
Originally Posted by Bambi Buster
Truthers, birthers, and now torpedoers. What next? :crazy:
Stay tuned........

Maybe an OBAMA-night will tell us how OBAMA says this explosion happened . We await the liberal answer.
Stay tuned to the Beck Show that Red Phone will could ring at any time.

Maybe an OBAMA-nights will tell us how OBAMA says this explosion happened . We still await the liberal answer. But the phone never rings it never has and I doubt it ever will.

Originally Posted by stillinscrubs

Be a little smarter than the fools who blamed Bush for the levees in NO.

We still await the liberal answer. But the phone never rings it never has and I doubt it ever will.
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