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Old 03-24-2006, 05:33 AM
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Default Hillary - the Biblical scholar unmasked

Democrat Sen. Hillary Clinton invoked Jesus to argue against a House immigration bill that would make illegal presence in the United States a felony. "It is certainly not in keeping with my understanding of the Scriptures," Clinton said, according to the Associated Press, "because this bill would literally criminalize the Good Samaritan and probably even Jesus himself." [And when did Hillary become such a Biblical scholar? Pray tell, madame, how a citizen of one country becomes a criminal by doing a good deed? How would Jesus be criminalized? And does your understanding of Scriptures allow for the partial birth abortions that you suport?]

Unlawful presence in the U.S. currently is a civil offense. [And those Wascally Wepublicans want to make it a felony. It should have been a felony long ago, with strict penalties for anyone hiring illegal aliens.]

Flanked by New York immigration activists, Clinton called the bill "mean-spirited" and inconsistent with Republicans' professed support for faith and values, the AP said. [Can you explain how, madame, or is your blather just typical Democrat rhetoric?]

Clinton said she hoped the Senate Judiciary Committee would come up with a compromise that would remove the House's severe penalties.

The New York senator said, however, she would back legislation to strengthen U.S. borders and seek more cooperation with Mexico and other neighboring countries.

She also wants to establish a way for the nation's approximately 11 million illegal immigrants to gain citizenship. [Here's a clue: go back home and apply for citizenship, just like the law currently allows. Now, is that too difficult for you, Hillary?]

While recognizing the distress illegal immigration causes border communities, Clinton insisted Republicans are taking a great political risk in pushing the House bill forward. [So, what's more important, addressing the distress caused to these communities, or playing it politically safe? Only a woos chooses that route, madame.]

"We want the outcome to be that they're on the wrong side of the politics as well as the wrong side of history and American values," she said. [What American values are being jeopardized? Adherence to law? Respecting property rights?]
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Old 03-24-2006, 07:15 AM
Seascamp Seascamp is offline
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Don?t think I perceive many spirituality molecules floating around in Hil, so doing a Billy Sunday rant in the Senate isn?t very becoming, at least to me. Her handicap is that she is not an unknown, is towing a lot of history in her wake and most people do value consistency. Until she began her current journey she was reasonably consistent, but now she seems to have the beltway flipity flipitus going.

Actually several months ago when Hil was popping of with sloganeering from the 1920 Comentern book of approved things to say, she was a lot more convincing and was punching-up with a lot more enthusiasm. Something for everyone I suppose, so now she goes to the opposite spectrum stop, oh my.

And if Hil were to study up a bit on the History of the Roman Empire she might be surprised to find that there were very strong border enforcement areas throughout the Empire and interlopers didn?t have to worry about things as benign as some charge or another. Nope, a jab with a short sword was the usual remedy. Though a bit later than biblical times, Hadrian?s Wall speaks of the mindset of the times. So if Jesus had transgressed the Roman lines in the sand, I?m sure he would have met an earlier fate, no doubt.
As it were, the Roman Legions were used specifically to guard the frontiers, specifically kept out of Rome; not trusted eh, and did so. Crummy analogy Hil, get a better speech writer and loose those blue light special spinists, they are an embarrassment.

Without proper border enforcement, penalties are meaningless. Cities like Los Angeles and Denver have declared themselves ?safe havens? and aren?t about to enforce anything, regardless of what is on the books. Personally, I think it grossly inhumane to have all those people outside the system and unable to fully participate as they may wish. But no border enforcement equals no viable programs, being horribly taken advantage of and that equation is rock solid. Those people left their homelands because of corruption and indifference so it makes little sense just to pitch then in yet another sea of corruption and indifference but call it a ?good thing?. All ya get is angry people who go promptly to the take mode and that?s an indisputable fact.

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Old 03-24-2006, 07:33 AM
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But look at all the potential votes these illegals might deliver when they become citizens...and, who fought for ya, baby? Not those wascalwy wepubwicans, but us big hearted, family value loving, all inclusive dems. Since Hil is becoming a theologan, she might do well to study Issac & Esau. Ol' Esau traded his birthright for a mess of pottage (read White House). Gen 5:31
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Old 03-24-2006, 01:51 PM
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Interesting point Advisor, but point in fact is that the only real Dem plan is to have an uncontrolled border situation, an invisible underground economy to skim, maintenance of the status quo and phony illegal votes to stuff the box with.

What I know to be true is that situations like lack of skills, illiteracy and ignorance are temporary status issues for most and if the condition is sustained, that just leads to dependency, labor racketeering, exploitation and paying homage to many variations of ?Boss Tweed? corruption. That same old horse has been plugging along for over a century and a half now with the same bleating and the same old usurious corruption without one iota of evidence that suggests a desire to change anything. They just ride a situation to ground, run it dry, then look for the next batch of people to be ?oh so concerned about?, then the cycle repeats over and again, ad nausea. The people that break out of the cycle, become legal and established are the ones the Dems worry about for they are no longer dependent chattels and may have their own ideas about things. The Vietnamese and Cuban communities as examples of those who busted out of the forced mold.

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Old 03-24-2006, 04:14 PM
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Now the Republicans pander to the Cubans. Boycott old Fidel but send all our technology to our good buddies, the Chinese. Let em control both ends of the Panama Canal & Long Beach port. Let them violate basic human rights. But, look out for ol' Fido..he just might put out a lit cigar on your arse.
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Old 03-24-2006, 06:21 PM
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Love it, but reality is that Fidel is up shit creek with both sides of the isle, the reasonable ones anyway, and that isn?t going away until Fidel does. He has ensconced himself in a $ Million exclusive medical facility; he?s the only patient, so we can expect they will keep some lump of something around for quite some time. His immediate family lives in the total lap of luxury, so I suppose they will invest body parts to keep something around called ?Fidel?. Fidel can?t win, break even and is scared spit less of leaving the game.
Raul has some thoughts about ?transition? but there is way too much momentum in the bottom to up overwhelming corruption, that it is highly unlikely that anything will really change in ?paradise?, sans some counter revolution. But I expect the US will soften its stance once Fidel exits ?paradise?.

My now in-law relatives in Costa Rica and Columbia tell me to expect no change with a transition and that Raul is toast when Fidel is gone. A Family ?palace revolt? is what they see and a yet to be named family junk yard mean Castro bubba will emerge. Could be so, at least they think so. My soon to be Cuban Niece in law seems to agree, but not totally, and she is just freshly escaped from 'paradise' via Mexico. Her MO was to become a ministry trade rep in Mexico and then promptly hauled buns north, with help. And is here as a relative to a naturalized US Citizen, her maternal Grandma, so it's cool and legal for the time being. And of course, Granny has been busy finding a suitable family connect for her grand daughter all along. Therein arrives my Nephiew.

That Gal has a Wonderful sense of humor and great stories to tell about the real life in Cuba. She points out that the average Cuban knows far more about us then we know of them and I think that is reality.

As to the Chinese, well, far as I can see and have experienced, that has been an all hands exercise for a long, long time. Possibly a prophetic exercise in exchanging one set of unsolvable problems for a future set of even more unsolvable problems, kind of like the situation in Detroit. The potential play stopper right now is that the PRC military has kicked in with Hugo Chavez , are now in Venezuela, in numbers, and if that all blows out into South America, I reckon the ?more unsolvable problem? arrives in the here and now.
But on the other hand the PRC is oozing with the same-o, same-o bottom to up profound corruption that poofed the Soviet Union, trashed out Cuba and has Vietnam totally hog tied. So all is not exactly well in that particular 'paradise' either.

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Old 03-25-2006, 09:45 PM
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I would love to see a replica of Hadrian?s Wall built along the Mexican border now that was a wall! then add modern stuff like lasers and motion sensors whoo hoo Plus look at the job creation it would create getting people to man the gun turrents on the wall
[><] Dixie born and proud of it.
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Old 03-26-2006, 04:44 AM
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Default Ain't gonna happen!

Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., is urging 2008 presidential hopeful, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., to "go to confession" after she claimed that a GOP bill cracking down on illegal immigration would criminalize "probably even Jesus himself."

"These people who are supposed to be speaking for God, saying this [the bill] is a sin, and they should go to confession," King complained to Newsday. "Talk about hypocrisy," King fumed to New York's Daily News. "I don't think Jesus would have defended alien-smuggling gangs. I don't think Jesus would favor hundreds of immigrants dying in the desert." [So, by inference, I guess Clinton does support smuggling gangs and wetbacks dying in the desert.]

"I hope Hillary's a better senator than a theologian," the Catholic Republican said of the Methodist Democrat. "Stopping alien-smuggling gangs is doing God's work," he told Newsday.

Mrs. Clinton ignited a firestorm of protest when she interjected religion into the immigration debate on Wednesday - while complaining about a bill sponsored by Rep. James Sensenbrenner that would make illegal entry into the U.S. a felony. [Oh, the sheer unhumanity of it all! Making it a crime to invade our country!! Help me Jesus!!]

"It is certainly not in keeping with my understanding of the Scriptures," she declared. "This bill would literally criminalize the Good Samaritan and probably even Jesus himself." [Perhaps some talk-show will invite her on, and ask her to explain her theology and how Jesus would be criminalized.]

But Rep. King said Republicans were getting a bad rap, insisting, "The liberal left-wing Democrats did this, voting to make it a felony."

Sensenbrenner has promised that the felony provision would be dropped, the News explained. But in the meantime, Democrats hope to use the bill to paint Republicans as extremists.

Clinton's comments seemed to bear out King's claim that she was playing politics. "Sensenbrenner and those who stand with him are going to pay a political price," she promised, moments after making her "Jesus" remark. [We'll see, madame.]
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Old 03-27-2006, 06:27 AM
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Uhhhm, Hil. Jesus was criminalized. That's how His killing was justified.
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Old 03-27-2006, 11:50 AM
Seascamp Seascamp is offline
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Given the norms in the world these days, Jesus would have a Passport, and depending on country of issue and existing visa treaty, could come right on in, or need to secure a tourist visa. It happens millions of times each year, it?s Ok and nothing to fear, the US Customs people are very polite and say, ?Welcome to the United States? and that is about it, usually.

If Jesus happens to be a Canadian, just a picture I.D. is all that is needed. Now then, if Jesus selects to run the border, then it?s potluck and a flip of the coin, and could end up being delivered back across the border or otherwise held for hearings with immigration authorities where determinations are made.
If Jesus declines to secure a passport, then his travel plans anywhere in the world will be severely limited and the first border crossing encountered may say, ?hodit, hodit, where you think you?re going and exactly who are you?? But then, with the ?Render unto Rome? concept going, I think he would have a passport going.

Ha ha, Hil ought to inquire about getting into the PRC these days. Talk about border guards a swarmin like hive bees, and cheaper by the tens of dozens of dozens, yikes. But then, I don?t expect she knows a bunch about how the real world operates, being of Brahman Cast, would never know about mundane details of real life and how to get from point A to point B without and entourage of task doers and fussy organizers a fussin and a fussin.

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