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Old 11-20-2007, 07:15 AM
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Default "Stupid is as Stupid Does" LEFTISTS

Thought I had touched upon some of the worst absurd governmental or politically undermining stupidities, with one of my latest commentaries and/or: "Stupid is as Stupid Does" LEFTISTS over on: . Well, apparrently I was and still am wrong.

The worst possible of all stupid policies was only relayed to me this morning. So, and since not hearing it first hand, any of you out there feel free to correct me (PLEASE since hope not so) or think me just shooting-from-the-hip?

Whatever, could it actually be so that America and/or The Richest & Most Powerful Nation on earth is requiring all Reinlistment Bonuses (from about $10,000 to $30,000) INSANELY BE RETURNED by Combat Troops or Their Families, if unfortunately either Killed in Action or Suffering Wounds in Action precludes their being able to complete "Their" enlistments???????????????? STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.

Has America's Political Government actually become THAT HARD-UP FOR CASH???
Please tell me it just ain't so.

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.

Last edited by reconeil; 11-28-2007 at 12:53 PM.
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Old 11-20-2007, 10:30 AM
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This news out of Pittsburgh:

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) ― The U.S. Military is demanding that thousands of wounded service personnel give back signing bonuses because they are unable to serve out their commitments.

To get people to sign up, the military gives enlistment bonuses up to $30,000 in some cases.

Now men and women who have lost arms, legs, eyesight, hearing and can no longer serve are being ordered to pay some of that money back.

One of them is Jordan Fox, a young soldier from the South Hills.

He finds solace in the hundreds of boxes he loads onto a truck in Carnegie. In each box is a care package that will be sent to a man or woman serving in Iraq. It was in his name Operation Pittsburgh Pride was started.

Fox was seriously injured when a roadside bomb blew up his vehicle. He was knocked unconscious. His back was injured and lost all vision in his right eye.

A few months later Fox was sent home. His injuries prohibited him from fulfilling three months of his commitment. A few days ago, he received a letter from the military demanding nearly $3,000 of his signing bonus back.

"I tried to do my best and serve my country. I was unfortunately hurt in the process. Now they're telling me they want their money back," he explained.

It's a slap for Fox's mother, Susan Wardezak, who met with President Bush in Pittsburgh last May. He thanked her for starting Operation Pittsburgh Pride which has sent approximately 4,000 care packages.

He then sent her a letter expressing his concern over her son's injuries, so she cannot understand the U.S. Government's apparent lack of concern over injuries to countless U.S. Soldiers and demands that they return their bonuses.

While he's unsure of his future, Fox says he's unwavering in his commitment to his country.

"I'd do it all over again cause I'm proud of the discipline I learned - proud I could so something for my country," he said.

But Fox feels like he's already given enough. He'll never be able to pursue his dream of being a police officer because of his wounds and he can't believe he's being asked to return part of his $10,000 signing bonus.

KDKA contacted Congressman Jason Altmire on his behalf. He says he has proposed a bill that would guarantee soldiers receive full benefit of bonuses.
""Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln,how did you like the play?"

Steve / 82Rigger
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Old 11-20-2007, 12:32 PM
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Sorry hearing your validation that another strange absurdity or
sick stupidity is additionally afflicting America.

Damn,'s no wonder that The U.S. Congress can never
accomplish anything worthwhile for NORMAL Americans.
Apparently most time wasted politicing & with other absurdities.

Still, having to pass a bill to rectify what some idiot beaurocrats
shouldn't have stupidly done in the first place,.............
does get more than just a little disgustingly mindboggling.
Don't you think?

How come foreign nationals (here legally or otherwise) don't
have to keep putting-up-with such politically stupid policies?
Why are Americans always the ones being penalized?

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.
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Old 11-20-2007, 02:57 PM
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One who never served becomes the boss over all that serve. America elects him to become Commander in Chief. He gets a little head in his office while on break from telling the Generals what to do and not do and then commits perjury in front of Congress. Before he leave that office of his he appoints his wife to be in charge of all those papers of his and low and behold a member of the staff takes any paperwork that just might be incriminating.
Now America find itself in a fix and has to bring in a guy that’s willing to take the bull by the horns and let the Military guys take care of business.
Nope. Can’t do that. Those guys, Americas Armed Forces can’t liberate others.
The solution? Elect the first guys wife.
Pull the troops from their honored task and let Osama have the nukes.
“Hey troop, send me back my money. You ain't worth it.”
We’ve had Ho Chi Minh City where Saigon used to be since America tucked tail and ran. In a year or two we could have Bin Laden City where Islamabad is today.
With LIBERTY and JUSTICE for all
thanks to the brave who serve their Country
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Old 11-20-2007, 06:22 PM
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Oh, yeah.

Hillary's gonna fix everything. You watch.

When the TITANIC sank, the crew's pay and perks stopped at the instant the stern slipped beneath the surface.

Is that where THIS is going?

If you get killed or wounded in combat, that's when you're re-up bonus stops...

...that's when your bennies stop?

...that's when your pay stops?

Thank you for serving your country! See ya!

Yeah, this'll REALLY have 'em streaming in to the recruiting centers.
""Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln,how did you like the play?"

Steve / 82Rigger
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Old 11-20-2007, 08:45 PM
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They would play HELL getting one bloody penny back from me !!


Originally Posted by 82ndRigger View Post
This news out of Pittsburgh:

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) ― The U.S. Military is demanding that thousands of wounded service personnel give back signing bonuses because they are unable to serve out their commitments.

To get people to sign up, the military gives enlistment bonuses up to $30,000 in some cases.

Now men and women who have lost arms, legs, eyesight, hearing and can no longer serve are being ordered to pay some of that money back.

One of them is Jordan Fox, a young soldier from the South Hills.

He finds solace in the hundreds of boxes he loads onto a truck in Carnegie. In each box is a care package that will be sent to a man or woman serving in Iraq. It was in his name Operation Pittsburgh Pride was started.

Fox was seriously injured when a roadside bomb blew up his vehicle. He was knocked unconscious. His back was injured and lost all vision in his right eye.

A few months later Fox was sent home. His injuries prohibited him from fulfilling three months of his commitment. A few days ago, he received a letter from the military demanding nearly $3,000 of his signing bonus back.

"I tried to do my best and serve my country. I was unfortunately hurt in the process. Now they're telling me they want their money back," he explained.

It's a slap for Fox's mother, Susan Wardezak, who met with President Bush in Pittsburgh last May. He thanked her for starting Operation Pittsburgh Pride which has sent approximately 4,000 care packages.

He then sent her a letter expressing his concern over her son's injuries, so she cannot understand the U.S. Government's apparent lack of concern over injuries to countless U.S. Soldiers and demands that they return their bonuses.

While he's unsure of his future, Fox says he's unwavering in his commitment to his country.

"I'd do it all over again cause I'm proud of the discipline I learned - proud I could so something for my country," he said.

But Fox feels like he's already given enough. He'll never be able to pursue his dream of being a police officer because of his wounds and he can't believe he's being asked to return part of his $10,000 signing bonus.

KDKA contacted Congressman Jason Altmire on his behalf. He says he has proposed a bill that would guarantee soldiers receive full benefit of bonuses.
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Old 11-21-2007, 09:55 AM
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Ditto-ditto and check-check for me also.

Regardless, and in no small part due FNC (Fox News Channel) nationally exposing : "The Dirty Little Secret" and thus forcing Networks & Papers to also get onboard,...the absurdity of it all is being rectified as we speak. From Pentagon on down, there's a whole-lot-of back peddling and denials going on.

However, and even though anxiety relief great for PFC. Jordan Fox, one still must wonder just how many Brave & Courageous Wounded have ALREADY & ABSURDLY been screwed-out-of their re-up bonuses, by politically appointed bureaucrat workers, managers or: "Bean Counters"?

Whatever, should any such dishonorable money gleaning fools be hanged or punished by UCMJ Courts or State or Federal Courts, or all THREE??? Hey,...just curious.

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.
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Old 11-27-2007, 01:28 PM
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Default "Leftiists"??????

My first reaction was anger; then disgust; then extreme sadness.

It`s sad that these guys get treated so poorly after the sacrifices they have made.It`s sad that the criminals who run the country have so little honor as to deny a wounded warrior his rightful due.

Another testament to the worst president ever.

There is a special place in hell for these bastards. This story makes me ashamed to be an American. When is enough, enough?

Oh, now I've got it!

Of course---- these guys MUST BE those "phony soldiers" Rush Limburger was talking about!----How silly of me! ! A real soldier wouldn't allow himself to get injured much less wounded. Coincidentally, this is exactly why Bush, Cheney, Limbaugh, Hannity, DeLay, Craig, etc. are the real soldiers.

But don't worry, Cheney will MAKE sure Halliburton gets THEIR $$$$$ alright,. You can bet your sweet ass on that, as the clip from the article below explains!


Army to pay nearly all of Iraq contract
Military auditors dispute Halliburton unit's costs
By James Glanz
February 27, 2006
The Army has decided to reimburse a Halliburton subsidiary for nearly all of its costs on a disputed $2.41 billion no-bid contract to deliver fuel and repair oil equipment in Iraq, even though the Pentagon's own auditors had identified more than $250 million in charges as potentially excessive or unjustified.


Now ain't that just soooooooooooooo sweet of the Army. Wonder if they Army brass received a late night phone call from Darth Cheney (former CEO of Halliburton) to pay the hell up if they wanted to get their damn penisons when THEY retired!

That's right folks...........we CAN pay Halliburton more than $250 million for their piss-poor performance and unjustified excessive charges, but we CAN'T pay our wounded or sick & injured troops their re-enlistment bonuses when they fail to complete their duty assignments because they were prevented from doing so by getting wounded on injured on active duty in service to our country.

These "new" re-enlistment bonuses were proposed, planned for, initiated and put in place by THIS ADMINISTRATION----GEORGE BUSH, DICK CHENEY, DONALD RUMSFELD and I'm sure many other so-called "supporters of the troops" from right-wing conservatives now in power.

So where the hell do YOU---Neil---get off blaming this on the --LEFTISTS---? Or, how is it in any way the fault of Clinton or ANY OTHER political individual from the "other" side of the political spectrum rather than "your boys".

Just asking!

WTF is wrong with you folks??????




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Old 11-28-2007, 09:15 AM
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Default Damn, Gimpy & Damn ALL politicos like Gimpy.

Get Real, Phoney.

Do you honestly believe that those like yourself rightfully & correctly labelled as perpetual Wartime Undermining "LEFTISTS", actually and pervertedly warrant being disgusted?

Let's be More Honest, Realistic & Practical when discussing what TRULY warrants: "Disgust" and/or today's Daily Despicable Democrat Variation of politics. A good example being Your and Other Fanatical LEFTIST ilk daily echoing and prefacing any gripes with typical: "Bush-Bashing" words like: "THE CRIMINALS WHO RUN THE COUNTRY (re. USA) HAVE SO LITTLE HONOR...", are what most apolitical or sane Americans & Allies ACTUALLY consider DISGUSTING and/or stupidly nationally-suicidal & quite treasonably enemy encouraging & helpful, also.

Sure Gimpy, You and like-minded Dems, Arabs, Muslims, United Nations types and even Terrorist Enemies also love hearing the daily usage of such vile America-defeating & Democrat-Winning AT ANY COST political rhetoric.

Most Americans & Allies intent on Defeating Terrorism & Surviving,...DO NOT share you same Political Supremacist views & sentiments. Fortunately for America, most Americans prefer Sovereignty, Freedom & Liberty OVER despicable LEFTIST and/or: "Democrats/Socialists/Leftists posing as Liberals" RULE. And,...quite wisely at that, and especially if into SURVIVAL.

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.
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Old 11-28-2007, 10:11 AM
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If you really think about we started war with the wrong Country we should have went to tex. and went south after all they got OIL and our supply lines would'nt be as long.

It's good to be on this side of the grass
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