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Old 11-11-2010, 06:26 AM
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Poll in LA: The truth is out there

posted at 8:48 am on November 11, 2010 by Ed Morrissey

Allahpundit has done a great job of covering the Mystery Contrail story, which most experts agree came from an airplane flight and not a rocket, especially since the phenomenon happened the very next day at the very same time as one blogger noted and linked to a specific commercial route.

The Pentagon took its time in analyzing the contrail that appeared over Southern California, leading to an explosion of speculation, but after eliminating all of the other possibilities concluded that an airplane had created the contrail.

Yesterday I asked Andrew Malcolm how people in Los Angeles had reacted to the Mystery Contrail story, and he reported that it had led all the news shows and generated a lot of interest. One television station decided to poll Angelenos on whether they thought the government had told the truth about its origin, and the results show that LA doesn’t have a lot of confidence in the answer. The Survey USA poll shows only 20% of respondents who were “familiar” with the story think the government told the truth about the contrail, while 66% — two-thirds — say the government lied about it.

The crosstabs show a remarkable sense of unity. Young, middle-aged, old, white, black, Hispanic — the overwhelming majority in every demographic believes the government lied about it. The best the government does is with those 55 or older, where only 54% say it’s a lie, while 34% believe the explanation. Only 6% of younger voters buy the official conclusion, while 77% reject it.

Interestingly, KABC-TV doesn’t have a report on its own poll, at least not yet, but they do have a report on the contrail that perhaps more Angelenos should read (emphasis mine):
“It seemed to change directions. Ballistic missiles don’t do that. It doesn’t accelerate. Ballistic missiles accelerate,” said Dr. Michio Kaku, professor of physics at City University of New York.

Kaku also said the mysterious object was going in the wrong direction for it to be a ballistic missile.
“Ballistic missiles go east to west. This one seems to be going north and south,” he said. …

Some people had speculated that it was a secret launch by the U.S. military, but experts point out that if the government wanted to keep it secret, it wouldn’t launch a rocket or missile so close to Los Angeles and its millions of residents.
LA residents would apparently argue that conducting a secret test with 10 million potential spectators just proves that the government wanted plausible deniability. The truth is out there, dudes …. way, way, way out there.

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Old 11-11-2010, 06:23 PM
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Interesting but I don't see how it could be a plane. The plume of the object is huge. Even JATO assists don't last that long nor from that distance do they create such a huge plume/contrail. Since you can't see if it dissipates there is no way to compare it to a chemtrail which are typically 10,00 meters above us or so and go across the sky and don't dissipate. Anyway it's probably on a need to know basis and we don't need to know. No way would the military/government not know what is in the airspace above and around us. Right?

Doc Urb
'In a time of universal deceit, telling the "truth" is a revolutionary act.' -George Orwell

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Old 11-12-2010, 04:41 AM
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The term "cover up" comes to mind.
I'd rather be historically accurate than politically correct.
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Old 11-13-2010, 02:15 PM
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Default This just in from "Wayne Madsen Reports"

Pentagon and its embedded media covering up Chinese show of force off LA

China flexed its military muscle Monday evening in the skies west of Los Angeles when a Chinese Navy Jin class ballistic missile nuclear submarine, deployed secretly from its underground home base on the south coast of Hainan island, launched an intercontinental ballistic missile from international waters off the southern California coast. WMR’s intelligence sources in Asia, including Japan, say the belief by the military commands in Asia and the intelligence services is that the Chinese decided to demonstrate to the United States its capabilities on the eve of the G-20 Summit in Seoul and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Tokyo, where President Obama is scheduled to attend during his ten-day trip to Asia.
The reported Chinese missile test off Los Angeles came as a double blow to Obama. The day after the missile firing, China’s leading credit rating agency, Dagong Global Credit Rating, downgraded sovereign debt rating of the United States to A-plus from AA. The missile demonstration coupled with the downgrading of the United States financial grade represents a military and financial show of force by Beijing to Washington.
The Pentagon spin machine, backed by the media reporters who regularly cover the Defense Department, as well as officials of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), and the U.S. Northern Command, is now spinning various conspiracy theories, including describing the missile plume videotaped by KCBS news helicopter cameraman Gil Leyvas at around 5:00 pm Pacific Standard Time, during the height of evening rush hour, as the condensation trail from a jet aircraft. Other Pentagon-inspired cover stories are that the missile was actually an amateur rocket or an optical illusion
There are no records of a plane in the area having taken off from Los Angeles International Airport or from other airports in the region. The Navy and Air Force have said that they were not conducting any missile tests from submarines, ships, or Vandenberg Air Force Base. The Navy has also ruled out an accidental firing from one of its own submarines.
Missile experts, including those from Jane’s in London, say the plume was definitely from a missile, possibly launched from a submarine. WMR has learned that the missile was likely a JL-2 ICBM, which has a range of 7,000 miles, and was fired in a northwesterly direction over the Pacific and away from U.S. territory from a Jin class submarine. The Jin class can carry up to twelve such missiles.
Navy sources have revealed that the missile may have impacted on Chinese territory and that the National Security Agency (NSA) likely posseses intercepts of Chinese telemtry signals during the missile firing and subsequent testing operations
Japanese and other Asian intelligence agencies believe that a Chinese Jin-class SSBN submarine conducted missile “show of force” in skies west of Los Angeles.
Asian intelligence sources believe the submarine transited from its base on Hainan through South Pacific waters, where U.S. anti-submarine warfare detection capabilities are not as effective as they are in the northern and mid-Pacific, and then transited north to waters off of Los Angeles. The Pentagon, which has spent billions on ballistic missile defense systems, a pet project of former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, is clearly embarrassed over the Chinese show of strength.
The White House also wants to donwplay the missile story before Presidnet Obama meets with his Chinese counterpart in Seoul and Tokyo. According to Japanese intelligence sources, Beijing has been angry over United States and allied naval exercises in the South China and Yellow Seas, in what China considers its sphere of influence, and the missile firing within the view of people in Southern California was a demonstration that China’s navy can also play in waters off the American coast.
For the U.S. Navy, the Chinese show of force is a huge embarassment, especially for the Navy’s Pacific Command in Pearl Harbor, where Japan’s December 7, 1941 attack on the fleet at Pearl Harbor remains a sore subject.
In 2002, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice reportedly scolded visiting Chinese General Xiong Guankai, the deputy chief of staff for intelligence of the People’s Liberation Army, for remarks he allegedly made in 1995 that China would use nuclear weapons on Los Angeles. Xiong denied he made any such comments but the “spin” on the story helped convince Congress to sink billions of additional dollars into ballistic missile defense, sometimes referred to at “Star Wars II.”
'In a time of universal deceit, telling the "truth" is a revolutionary act.' -George Orwell

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Old 11-13-2010, 02:31 PM
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So now, maybe those geniuses can share with us exactly where the missile parts landed...
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Old 11-14-2010, 11:35 AM
urbsdad6 urbsdad6 is offline
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Default The Dragon Barks?

World Affairs Brief, November 12, 2010 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief (

A KCBS news helicopter on Monday evening captured a stunning video shot of a missile launch 35 miles off the California coast, just north of Catalina Island, and within sight of all the coastal towns near Los Angeles. Strangely, the Pentagon immediately went into cover-up mode, at times denying that it was a missile, and at other times denying that it was one of ours. In recent days this was followed by a host of pundits and government shills trying to convince the public it was "just a jet contrail" coming over the horizon or some other normal phenomenon. It reminded me of the TWA 800 shoot down all over again--hundreds witnessing a missile and the government spending millions to falsify evidence to deny the presence of a missile. What is the government trying to hide this time, and why?

First, the facts: let me explain why this wasn't a contrail.

1) The video shows a giant streak moving upward at an angle across the sunset sky, leaving a thick column of white smoke (tinted red by the sun) that was thick right behind its point of origin. Contrails are much thinner to start with and clearly separated from the jet engine by the distance it takes for the water vapor to turn to ice crystals. Contrails only spread out gradually after the jet has flown on. The density of the smoke trail was too thick and fat for contrail or even a cruise missile. This had all the signs of a submarine launched ballistic missile (SLBM) with solid propellant.

2) The object is rising too fast in the sky to be an aircraft. Airplanes leaving contrails 20 miles away move very slowly across the horizon. This object was moving two or three times that speed, seen easily with the naked eye.

3) In the best video shots, you can see the bright spot of flames at the tip of the smoke trail-proof of a rocket motor burning, not a jet. Debunkers claim it is the sun glinting off the jet body, but I've seen that happen before and it looks nothing like the glow seen on the video.

Moreover, the Pentagon has real time surveillance of the whole earth by spy satellites specifically designed to pick up such a missile launch and know by its signature that it is a missile. So, the government is lying when they say they don't know what it is. The fact that NORAD immediately stated that it was no threat to land means that they, indeed, were tracking it.

Every military person (who isn't shilling for the government) that has seen this video, including a former Asst Sec. of Defense, says it is a sub launched missile, so why is the government covering for this? Was it an accidental missile launch that was covered up to avoid embarrassment?

When TWA 800 was shot down by a missile, the Navy was running a missile exercise underneath the flight path, and there was even a white smoke trailing missile drone seen flying horizontally across Long Island (different from the red smoke trailed missile seen rising from the sea). Radar tracks show a half dozen Navy ships quickly exiting the area, instead of helping in the search for victims. It is very likely that a sub or ship launched anti-aircraft missile switched its lock on the target drone to TWA 800 when the drone's path intersected the airliner's path. The US knew this exercise was going on and yet denied all the evidence and covered it up. The FBI even went so far as to pressure witnesses to deny they had seen a missile. The supposedly neutral National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) falsified the mock-up of the airliner from the wreckage and removed all parts that showed missile damage. Finally, the CIA spent millions producing a phony video recreation of events to fool the public into thinking a fuel tank had exploded. That's all proof of a conspiracy, by the way-the collusion of separate entities of government to obstruct justice.

Now, we might surmise that the Clinton administration covered up the downing of TWA 800 to avoid embarrassment and costly compensation claims against the government. But what is the government's motive for a cover-up this time? Fox News said, "A Navy spokesman told CBS affiliate KFMB in San Diego that the missile did not belong to them and that there had been no Navy activity reported in the area."

That may or may not be true. The Naval Air Warfare Center has a Missile Sea Range Military Warning Area off the Coast of California exactly where the missile was fired. In addition, they posted an official notice that the Sea Range was active for live fire missile exercises that entire week, from noon to 6pm Pacific Time, Monday thru Friday. Now, that doesn't mean that they actually had missiles firing during the exercise period--only that the area was reserved and Notice to Mariners (NtM) given to the US Coast Guard.

More specific notice to airmen (NOTAM) would have been given by the FAA when an actual missile is being launched so that the area becomes a prohibited area for overflight. No such notice was given the FAA, so we can assume the Navy did not plan to launch a missile at that specific time. Was this an accidental launch the government was embarrassed about? That's possible but fairly improbable, given that it hasn't ever happened before with a SLBM. Even if it were, since the Navy had given official notice of a live firing exercise, the government could have easily made the issue go away by saying, "Yes, it was a schedule missile test--all according to proper legal channels" and no one would have thought otherwise. So, why the denials if it really was one of our missiles?

"Former Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Ellsworth told a San Diego station that the missile was 'not a Tomahawk'" and that "it could have been a test firing of an intercontinental ballistic missile" from a submarine to serve as a demonstration of American military might to Asia. But that hardly makes sense. The world already knows about US military capabilities with missiles-both land-based and sub-launched. A test launch would hardly be shocking or even surprising to another nation--let alone a warning signal. That reaction only works for a nation like North Korea who is test launching their first missile.

However, the idea that someone was sending a message via this missile shoot is probably correct.Doug Hagmann who has numerous contacts in the Pentagon wrote this:

"The manner in which this story unfolded should be a story by itself... Today, Americans were treated with a number of explanations from our government officials, military pundits, and even media personalities about the incident. Those explanations range from the 'embarrassing if true' to the 'downright insulting,' with numerous variations in between. Ranging from having no information on the incident, to assurances that an investigation is underway, and my personal favorite, it is the contrail from an airplane that caused an optical illusion due to a problem of visual perspective, we are either in a boatload of trouble with regard to our national defense, or the hubris of the power elite is at an all time high.

"As news of the event began to appear in the media, I contacted several well placed and trusted intelligence and military sources in an effort to determine the truth about the incident. These sources, as I was reminded by one during our conversation, are risking their careers to talk to me.

"According to one source within the Pentagon, many of the top brass were in unscheduled, high level meetings throughout the day. Although he was not privy to the information imparted during these meetings, he told me that 'there was an air of deep concern among the officials,' and all participants had a DAWT policy (don't ask because I won't tell) policy. Surreal was just one of the adjectives amply used by my Pentagon source.

"At the very least, according to this source, it was a missile. As to whether it was ours or theirs, he does not know. But he said 'they do,' a reference to the brass. The rumors circulating within the [Pentagon] rings suggest that it was a deliberate launch of a missile from 'Chinese property at sea' intended as a warning to the U.S."

I believe that this is possible. But the intent of the firing would had to have been much more than "we have SLBMs," which the US already knows. Perhaps the Chinese infiltrated one of their newest missile submarines into the California Navy Sea Range to eavesdrop on our missile exercise, and then shot off a missile for shock value, saying "we (the Chinese) can sneak up on your coastline during a military exercise and launch a missile any time we want." That would be enough to disturb the Pentagon brass.

Military types scoff because they claim the Chinese subs are noisy and leave heat, wake and noise signatures that are easy to track. Either the Chinese have become more sophisticated or the Navy should be doubly embarrassed by Chinese infiltrating their midst. This idea sounds very similar to a situation three years ago when a Chinese attack sub surfaced near the US carrier Kitty Hawk during a US Navy exercise near Okinawa flaunting it's ability to sneak around. From an article at the time: "By the time it surfaced the 160ft Song Class diesel-electric attack submarine is understood to have sailed within viable range for launching torpedoes or missiles at the carrier."

If a Chinese missile sub was lingering amidst our own firing exercise off the California coast, that would certainly get the attention of the Pentagon Brass and would require them to engage in a massive cover-up of the missile's origin to keep the American people from clamoring for a missile defense shield. As I have pointed out many times in the WAB, there is a concerted secret plan within government to NOT alert the American people about the real threat we face from either Russia or China. This looks like another confirmation of that intent to cover up for what is really coming in the future.

I'm not saying that most of our military officers are part of this conspiracy, but they do seem to be following orders from the White House not to alert Americans about these threats. Any number of superficial reasons can be given to patriotic military leaders to get their cooperation. Above all, every US general or admiral is a yes-man to government, at least while on active duty. Those that buck the system or disagree with policy don't get promoted that high. Sad.
'In a time of universal deceit, telling the "truth" is a revolutionary act.' -George Orwell

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Old 11-15-2010, 11:35 AM
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I do believe some swabbo heads will roll over this gaffe.
I'd rather be historically accurate than politically correct.
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