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Old 03-21-2007, 02:11 PM
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Default Dems Naive, Nuts or Insane Turncoats?

Dems Naive, Nuts or Insane Turncoats?
by N.R. Filidei (3/21/07 - commentary)

Granted, even just inferring that Democrat Ruling Elite or Dem Political Machine are somehow naive, is downright silly. Most Dems are actually about as naive as Mexican Smugglers daily sneaking dope, weapons and people IN GREAT VOLUMES, into America. Nuts? Eh? Not sure about that one.

Plus, no one need be an: "Einstein" or; "Rocket Scientist" to figure out that Democrat Leaders (wannabees also) and Dem hierarchy are also about as naive as The Insatiably Predatory Foxes guarding the proverbial Hen House.

For such innately sly ones, the words: "Slick", "Shrewd", "Devious", "Conniving", "Dishonest", "Dangerous", & "Untrustworthy", most often come to mind. "CAN NEVER get a straight answer from such obvious Societal-Engineers",...worth mentioning also.

Regardless, and as to exceptionally great deceivers or those usually quite suspect of Whom Actually Allegiant To, things get much more than a little confusing, dicey or a-tad-bit-sticky. Most everything propagated (actually pontificated) by devout Democrat Leftist Ideologues must be taken with A VERY VERY LARGE grain of salt, at minimum.

Yeah, sure? Americans will forever keep stupidly believing Democrat Lords and even "Their" largely supportive, quite echoing and thus validating mainstream press/media, guiding us all to our demise? Be wary. Most all alluded to wouldn't recognize sincerity, honesty, integrity and Honor to Country,...even if all four jumped-up and bit them on their collective asses. Not very trustworthy, either.

Or, how-in-the-hell can any Sane Americans actually believe such Political Phonies & Adoring Cliques when all in concert feigning: "We Support The Troops",...while daily and ENEMY ENCOURAGINGLY demeaning, hindering and demoralizing Our Troops every which way possible and imaginable, under the sun?

Such perpetual anti-America (Allies inclusive) and pro foreign nationals (enemies inclusive) nonsenses daily occurring, sure make me wonder? Can't help wondering JUST WHOSE TROOPS do such Jane Fonda-like Wackos ACTUALLY SUPPORT?

So-damn-much American Rhetoric spouted that ONLY Al Quida, Hamas, Iranian, Syrian and Taliban Troops CAN TRULY APPRECIATE, FIND REASSURING & ENCOURAGING,...does pretty-much answer The Sad Question. Don't you think?

Still, such treasonable fools should brush-up on some World History (Modern, Feudal & Ancient), before so stupidly doing what "They" daily and unconscionably do. Might learn something about the despicably and innately Murderous Muslim Breed so intent believing, pandering to, and always giving "Them" THE BENEFIT OF DOUBT,...rather than for Fellow Americans. Hey, never know?

If removing blinders, should learn that today not the first time that U.S. Marines had to confront and destroy Africa's longtime (FOR THOUSANDS of YEARS) Muslim Slave Traders and/or age old traffickers in Human Misery. Remember that hymn part: " the shores of Tripoooli", or about the time when Barbary Coast Pirates were scooping-up Infidel ships, Infidel products and Infidel people at sea, as mere objects of trade...OR MUCH WORSE?

So then, and to sort of conclude this sad history and current reality lesson for those apparently quite seriously out of touch WITH BOTH,...guess it fair saying that nothing ever truly changes or will ever change for Muslims of The Middle East and other parts of The African & Asian Continents.

Whether thousands of years ago, couple of hundred years ago or to this very day, Fanatically Barbarous Muslims (now referred to as: "Islamo Fascists") ARE STILL basically and innately Slave Traders, and ARE STILL Avowed Haters & Mass-Murderers of all Infidels worldwide. Just as taught from childhood way-back-when, little Muslim Kiddies of today are similarly taught that Infidels, and especially American Infidels, are lower than dog feces and unworthy of very life itself. Infidels MUST BE confronted accordingly.

Hey,...don't believe me? Well then, just take a Board of Ed tour of schools in The Middle East. That should turn most into believers: "Pilgrims", plus sick to your stomach at just how young many of our already avowed killers/assassins actually are.

Unfortunately for US (both ways), many of our Democrat Leaders don't realize such or politically-correctly (quite some oxymoron) or for self/clique betterment political reasons refuse acknowledging such. Hope that all such fools eventually come to their senses,...before too late?

National Survival and Survival of The American Citizenry INFINITELY MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than whether Hillary & Clique fair well in 2008. Still, wouldn't it be nice if Dems were to: "Recapture White House" after full time campaigning and: "Bush-bashing" for 6 plus years ,...and such were still intact?

And besides, how-the-hell could The Clintons rent out The Lincoln Bedroom AGAIN, if no longer there? Isn't that very important,...also?

The End

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Old 03-22-2007, 10:24 AM
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I say, give the Dems a chance in 2008. Then, they can sh*t or get off the pot. Funny how things change when your an inny and not an outy. My feeling is that not much will change except the rhetoric..different spiel to justify the same-same...and the American citizen, Joe Sixpack, gets it in the neck...again.
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Old 03-23-2007, 10:40 AM
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Agree with viewpoints about Democrats except for that: "Give them a chance in 2008" bit, since most all must have noticed just how badly Dems have already confused, muddied-the-waters, undermined and demoralized Americans (both civilian & military), only a few months of Democrat Congressional Control after 2006.

Also, and given the latest despicable Democrat Debacle openly displayed daily on nationwide television, how-in-the hell can any sane Americans (naturally excluding Power & Control Hungry Dems & adoring supporters) seriously believe what comes out of EVEN Democrat Senators' mouths,...and especially since obviously: "Bush-bashers" ABOVE ALL ELSE or in general Political Supremacists,...actually have no other answers for anything.

Recently and apparently what OF MOST IMPORTANCE to such, is in typical frenzy circling the waters as if JUVENILE sharks having smelled a drop of Bush & Republican Blood, when nothing actually in same waters other than just salt and Dem Fish feces (actually bull feces).

Yeah, sure? Bill Clinton ordering his politically appointed U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno to fire about 92 Federal Prosecutors, excused merely by words to the effect of: "want my own people and team in Justice",...wasn't then even worth an Honorable Mention by by The Press and Democrat non-inhaling Ruling Elite. If such IS so-damn-important, why kept pretty-much secreted?

WHEREAS,...the recent dismissal of ONLY 8 U.S. Federal Prosecutors or some: "Refusing to prosecute Criminally Illegal Aliens", "Not prosecuting Dope Dealers or Smugglers caught with less than 500 pounds of Marijuana" and such,...MUST BE absurdly Congressionally Investigated and publicly pilloried by The Sanctimonious Democrats, if one of the most foulest of all political behaviors on earth. Hard figuring-out why fools daily do what fools daily do?

Regardless, and an obviously prevailing POLITICAL DOUBLE STANDARD aside, I certainly cannot understand why all Republicans aren't absolutely livid and outraged that such stupidly nonsensical Dems & Clique take Center Stage, while America under attack by and at war with Fanatical Islam?

Yes,:"Pilgrims". Whether from despicable politics and validated by despicable journalism, unfortunately America has acquired a truly strange set of priorities,...and We All forced/dictated being in deeper shit than ever imagined. SO MANY foolish Official Mind-sets in authority PREVAILING and/or DOMINATING America's Wartime Policies,...prove that very point. Hope Fools Wake Up!

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Old 04-14-2007, 07:23 PM
jonesy jonesy is offline
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Oh yes, Republicans are so sure of every single thing as of late, but then when those things go wrong it is suddenly "unknowable" so I think they are the ones who can safely be called *nuts*.
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Old 04-15-2007, 10:26 AM
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Default jonesy,...

Thanks but no thanks, jonesy.
That's old hat, since already get plenty of such nationally-suicidal
Dem Wartime Under-mining from Maher, Letterman, O'Donnell
and like, and also from many of mainstream press/media and/or
similarly Enemy Encouraging Network TV Channel Leftists.

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Old 04-15-2007, 04:00 PM
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Default Re: jonesy,...

Originally posted by reconeil Thanks but no thanks, jonesy.
That's old hat, since already get plenty of such nationally-suicidal
Dem Wartime Under-mining from Maher, Letterman, O'Donnell
and like, and also from many of mainstream press/media and/or
similarly Enemy Encouraging Network TV Channel Leftists.

I think that you have mistaken political decision-makers with journalists who make their money selling products. Your old hat seems to have swallowed a bit of that brain I must assume you had at one time.

The *liberal press* did not force Republicans to ignore the job NOT done in Afghanistan (and a long history tells us not to be hasty in our belief in outcomes in that country) before swinging their weight around to have thousands more killed in Iraq for little more than increased instability in the country, more leverage given to Iran, and more Hamas rhetoric in Lebanon et al. If that's a hat you can wear with pride, then happy dancing to that new tune called *Apocalypso* for goodness sakes.

So no thanks to *tough talk* and simple binary distinctions in foreign policy. Perhaps you might want to become a man of many hats instead of having the woolen one pulled over your eyes.
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Old 04-16-2007, 10:51 AM
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Default jonesy,...

Typical blustering, flustering and personal verbally attacking any and all Republican Opposition (Dem norm) as Political Supremacists and/or: "Democrats/Socialists/Leftists posing as Liberals" normally daily do,...Get Real for-a-change INSTEAD, jonesy.

Fortunately, and since so repetitive and having become quite obvious, most Veterans can easily distinguish between Your, Rosie O'Donnell and/or typically fanatical DNC BULL,...meant solely for: "Recapturing The White House AT ANY & ALL COST to America", and existing truths & current realities.

So, jonesy, and much like would say to rest of Gimpy's similarly transparent and fanatically political entourage,..."Keep up The Good Work". That way many more Americans will come to realize the obvious.

The obvious being that ONLY SOLUTIONS that Fanatical Dems have for resolving all confronting We Americans (Terrorist War Declared on America inclusive) are: "Bush-bashings" and trashing or character-assassinating ANYONE Republican/Conservative. Nothing else. Well,...maybe: "Chamberlain"- like caving-in to all foreign nationals and murderers,...could be considered a Democrat Solution?

Regardless, so-damn-much asininely echoed self-defeating and enemy encouraging rhetoric coming from Democrat Leaders, Duped Followers and "Their" Journalistic Supporters, Hacks and/or Leftists Propagandists,...not very nice either. Continual Wartime Under-mining, not much better. Actually, such quite stupidly nationally-suicidal at minimum.

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Old 04-16-2007, 11:02 AM
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Neil :

Just because someone disagrees with you, there is no reason to throw all these labels out. Get over it.

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Old 04-16-2007, 01:26 PM
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Neil can't help it, it's part of how you become a "compassionate CONservative"!..........

It presents itself it extreme fashion from listening to the likes of scumbags like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Riely, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter and the other minions of radical rightwing nonsense.

Small minds need very little propaganda to set them off.



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Old 04-17-2007, 01:52 AM
Seascamp Seascamp is offline
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Stick with English Jonesy; you seem to be good at it. Your narrow, bigoted history lesson is not unlike selectively skipping rocks across a pond of knowledge and coming to the usual ?therefore? cookie cutter resolve. Alas, Party rhetoric, dogma and propaganda may not be authorized history quite yet, I believe.
Rumor has it that contemporary Afghanistan history began long before Jan 2001; around 1979 it seems, and began with your political nest mates reeking havoc in Afghanistan.

But then, that?s just a rumor and fades to insignificance when compared to jinned-up neo history, I reckon. But then on the other hand, I was working a project near present day Volgograd when that history rolled out and all the heavy trucks at the Fiat truck plant across the gas field went missing one fine day. Apparently they were off on some sort of high-minded ?for the people? mission to Kabul and thereabouts, but I had no clue about the field of trucks gone missing at the time. Maybe it was all a pigmy of my imagination, eh, or part of the supposed ?right wing conspiracy?, perhaps.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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