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Old 09-03-2003, 10:20 AM
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Talking The U.S. Economy Is Just Great!!

And if you believe that, I have some secure resort property that I want to sell you in Liberia!?

?Now, do you want to hear the real truth - The figures speak for themselves!!?

34,800,000 Americans live in poverty! Oops, no $2000 a plate political fundraisers for them!

12,200,000 of our nation?s kids also live in poverty.

The number of people (Americans) living in poverty since 2001, is up by a whopping 1,400,000!

?I know, I know, it was the other guy?s fault!??

But look at the bright side - a huge chunk of rock (Asteroid QQ47), 2/3 of a mile wide, may, according to some astronomers, someday slam into the Earth! Now if it hits in the right place, the problem of poverty may be eliminated in one blinding flash!

Hey, and for the record, for those of you who have not seen the gigantic hole in the Arizona desert, outside of Winslow, that little gem (Asteroid) was only a hundred yards or so across, or so they say! The one that caused a mass extinction, on the other hand, when it impacted off of the Yucatan Peninsular long before mankind put in an appearance, was far, far larger!!

Getting back on track, I find it amazing that with all of the political jive being shoveled around, our own nearly starving kids (12.2 Million worth), have to take a back seat to the demands of other (foreign) nations?! It is my opinion that: ?Concern for the rest of the world is laudable, but taking care of our own (FIRST) is (or should be) mandatory!!!!"

And remember this, those brave, young American kids out there in harm?s way, are now being threatened with combat pay cuts! Should this occur (God Forbid), the numbers of Americans suffering in poverty will climb dramatically! But hey, to quote Marie Antoinette and a few in politics: ?If our people have no bread, then let them eat cake!??

ADDENDUM - I just got one of those advertisers (pleas for funds) in the mail, and if the figures on it were correct, it would seem that one out of every five "AMERICAN KIDS" go to bed hungry, each and every night!? "Great job oh noble politicians!!"

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Old 09-03-2003, 11:00 AM
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Default Well said Hardcore!

Plus----let us not forget that there are 3,000,000 MORE folks out of work (unemployed) now than there were in 2001 AND we have 43,000,000 (that's FORTY-THREE MILLION for those folks in Rio Linda) who have absolutely NO health insurance and are one medical calamity away from the POOR HOUSE themselves!

And, those "brave young troopers" you spoke of having their 'combat pay" reduced have ANOTHER worry if they happen to be married----they'll get their dependents benefits reduced by as much as $250 a month if Rumsfeld has his way!

Oops, no $2,000 a plate fundraisers for THEM either!!!

:cd: :cd: :cd:



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Old 09-03-2003, 12:48 PM
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Default Good Points...Gimpy and HARDCORE.

Still: "Taking care of our own (FIRST)" is damn-near impossible, no matter what political bent and/or ruling clique is calling-the-shots. After all, given our still pretty-much open borders (like no other nations on earth have), one really knows (Yes,...often in politics numbers do lie, and quite purposefully.) EXACTLY how many here in America ARE ACTUALLY "Our own" to be concerned about. Citizens of other countries should be cared for by their respective countries. That's what normal countries believe and do.

Then too, there are those: "$2,000 a plate" politicos (again-no matter what political bent) whom just don't give-a-damn. Sure,...during campaigns EVERYBODY cares for: "The Children", and even children that most certainly don't need any caring-for by big brother whatsoever. Hey,...that's Show-biz and/or how votes are gleaned from a generally gullible and foolishly believing of anyone in authority or The Press/Media public. Also, and especially for those whose main religion is politics,...they always get to hear what they want to hear anyway, and over and over and over again adnauseam (whether True or False).

Regardless,...and hearing most of my life from politicos (again of whatever bent) that: "America should stop being The World's Policeman",...don't both you astute fellows think we should also stop being The World's predominant WELFARE STATE of choice?

Hey, me cheap. But, I believe America should stop BOTH COSTLY (in both blood and money) unique and nationally-suicidal practices before it's too late. Just like you can't BUY friends with money, also can't BUY Good & Patriotic Americans with money. Hell, even people having escaped places to get in here (legally or otherwise) try changing their new home into a mirror-image of where "They" escaped from, and try every which way possible to remain foreign to America. For some,...God Forbid if learning the language of The Land, such as one must do when immigrating to most other nations on earth having a different language for survival. Go figure?

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Old 09-03-2003, 01:01 PM
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heard on the news that dubby has signed something thatif a person dosen't have any health insurance the doctors don't have to treat you they can still be sued but it will help them to win in court. thats the truth I can't make this stuff up but at least dubby and his friends will eat good they should the poor people of this country is paying for it.

1th cav.dco.1/5 66,67,69,71. leberal and proud
of it
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Old 09-03-2003, 03:11 PM
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Can each and every one of you remind yourselves that probably a lot of those kids that are in poverty are most likely immigrants from across the border.....
Also, of course the number of unemployed people went up from 2001- cause of the events that occurred on Sept. 11. Stop blaming Bush!!!!!! Its not his fault so many people are lazy and would rather be on welfare than work. For those who are truly in poverty, they deserve our help and we should give it to them. For those who arent...screw them...get a job and work for your daily bread just like millions of other do!

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Old 09-03-2003, 10:11 PM
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Lightbulb YES HOOAH et al

And while we are at it, maybe we can turn water into wine too!

Do you really believe that most people who are now financially hurting are from some Third World Nation, or are inherent bums and laggards? "NOT SO", most of them are loyal Americans just like you, and many former service members are numbered in this poverty-stricken group as well, believe it or not!?

And by the way, just who does one blame for the sorry state of affairs in a nation - the bogeyman perhaps!? The job of President is not all cakes and ale, praise and laurels! One can not spend a career picking from column A (The First Cabin Choices), without accepting the occasional sour grape from column B! No politico, regardless of stature or political party, can be perpetually shielded from adversity and surface only in time to ascend an ivory tower, or triumphantly land upon a carrier's deck!

"PICKING ON THE MAN INDEED?" He is the president, and regardless of party affiliation, with the title also comes respect for the people's right to protest or lawfully disagree! Passing the buck when one knows that he or she is wrong, is a character flaw, in my opinion! And we do not offer moral armor to our leaders, or a shield that allows them to address only that which politically suits them!?

I sincerely respect your dedication to the president, it something to be genuinely proud of and pursued! But one does not necessarily applaud that which he feels to be in error. Again, however, I (and most of us I suspect) respect "YOUR RIGHT" to believe in someone without reservation or questioning! "But we must also respect others rights to disagree with what they feel to be at least partially flawed!"

"The President has a loyal supporter in you, and that is really great!" However, he has in the opinion of some, occasionally overstepped himself, or even screwed-up? And by believing this, it does not make one a bad guy, just a common man or woman exercising a right!!

These people, most of them anyway, would be quick to applaud and back the President's actions! This must be so, or else how could he have been elected in the first place!?

When, however, a president (any president - of any party) does something that a lot of people disagree with, it is also their duty and right to dissent. This doesn't make these people bad, just American, and damned proud of it too, just like you!!

As for your statement: "Stop blaming Bush - it's not his fault, so many people are lazy and would rather be on welfare than work", what would you suggest that we do with these people whom you think so ill of! I mean, if everyone who dislikes portions the President's agenda or motives, are really the low-lives or the illegals on welfare that some would portray them to be, then by god, by all means, let?s eliminate them, take away their right to vote, their right to disagree and protest, and their right to post a dissenting opinion herein!

Let us set a standard for posting - "If your feelings are anti Bush policy, keep them to yourself" - WILL THAT DO????

Again, the true value of this site is in the right to disagree, or even pick on (within reason) that which one feels to be in error! And I am sure that "King George" too (the one back during the Revolutionary War), would have much preferred that we quit talking bad about him or criticizing him!

In all fairness, however, history has noted that a few good men and women, guys & gals like Washington, Hancock, Adams, Jefferson, Molly Pitcher, and the likes, felt that it was not only a right, but indeed the duty of free men and women, to stand tall and be counted, regardless of who may (or may not) agree with them! And as such, they earned the inalienable right of all who nestle within the ?Lap of Liberty?, to do just what you yourself have done herein - "Speak Their Minds!"

"Keep posting Hooah, I may not always agree with you, but in my opinion - you?re a true patriot!!"

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Old 09-06-2003, 09:09 PM
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Bush landing on a carrier's deck helped boost troop morale...I'm sure. It wasnt to show-"hey i could do it and I will cause I'm the president". Don't they deserve to know that and president and the rest of the United States was behind 'em and our thoughts and prayers were and are with them?

"And by the way, just who does one blame for the sorry state of affairs in a nation." There are plenty of other people we can blame. We just dont want to. It's not entirely Bush's fault. Others have contributed to certain aspects. People just pick on him cause hes the higher upper. Hes the big guy, so sure-why not!?!
He's human- for Pete's sake! We all make mistakes. The war on Iraq to some might have been a "mistake". But I think not! Sooner or later someone was gonna have to take out Saddam and his corrupt ways, and Bush had the balls to say fu*k you Saddam, its over. So we went to war. War is the key word matter how you look at it, people die in war. Don't blame Bush for soldiers deaths.

Think of all those Iraqi people that were and are so accepting of the American soldiers there. Sometimes we take our American freedom for granted. Think of all those who lived in fear and now actually have some rights.

I can't change you'r mind, but I do wish you would see Bush isn't all bad.

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Old 09-06-2003, 11:38 PM
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My favorite founding patriot was Patrick Henry...

So many good points, from all, here.

I'll say again, if Bush had a much different staff and advisors, I do not think his choices would have been what they have. He has to accept the responsibility for what is taking place, he knows that.
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Old 09-07-2003, 09:25 AM
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MIKE - I couldn't agree more!!

But if such is the case, then is it not logical to assume that it is indeed the advisers who run the nation, and not the President!?

Unfortunately, it will remain as such until these lordly advisors are given a wake-up call by the president himself!! For whatever they do, or do not do, it will appear "NOT" in their column but rather upon the report card of the Oval Office!! "And that is a report card that must be signed and returned in 2004!!"

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Old 09-07-2003, 09:47 AM
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HC -
You got it my friend, exactly.

Which is why I preferred McCain in that particular slot, not that AEI and the Project for The... would not have made every effort to dominate as they do. I just think he would have successfully kept them gurgling in their think tank.

I see no sign whatsoever that our president has any intention of distancing himself from them, nor that americans are fully aware of just how controlling their agenda is on him... EVERY step of the way.

If I still had any faith in the party conventions, I'd be more than willing to participate in a serious draft McCain campaign... not because the president has personally screwed up or is a bad guy, but because his skills and abilities since (roughly) January of 2002 are not what we most need right now or in coming years. I still believe if he had been left to his own devices, he would have handled all this that has happened much differently. I am also fairly confident that he had no idea just how deeply in doo-doo he was getting himself and our country when he threw in with the likes of his advisors and staff. It seemed like a reasonable thing to do, at the time, I'm sure... but today their influence runs like a water leak throughout every facet of the executive branch. He is trapped, and so are we all.

Whoever is the president will receive my full support.
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