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Old 05-27-2005, 05:34 PM
urbsdad6 urbsdad6 is offline
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Default Holocaust Survivor Leaving U.S.

By Joey Picador
Justice For

One of our neighbors is moving. I've been in this neighborhood for about six years now, but didn't really know them very well at all - just waves and nods, mostly.

So I heard the moving van pull up this morning. When I got home this evening I happened to spy my neighbor (he's like 85 years old - I don't know exactly, but he's old, talks and moves very slowly) standing on the sidewalk next to the van. I walked over and shook his hand, and we started talking. I asked him where he was moving, and he said, "Back to Germany."

I had been stationed in Germany for two years while in the military, so I lit up, and commented about how beautiful the country was, and inquired if he was going back because he missed it.

"No," he answered me. "I'm going back because I've seen this before." He then commenced to explain that when he was a kid, he watched with his family in fear as Hitler's government committed atrocity after atrocity, and no one was willing to say anything. He said the news refused to question the government, and the ones who did were not in the newspaper business much longer. He said good neighbors, people he had known all his life, turned against his family and other Jews, grabbing on to the hate and superiority "as if they were starved for it" (his words).

He said he was too old to see it happen right in front of his eyes again, and too old to do anything about it, so he was taking his family back to Europe on Thursday where they would be safe from George W. Bush and his neocons. He seemed resolute, but troubled, nonetheless, as if being too young on one end and too old on the other to fight what he saw happening was wearing on him.

I gotta tell you - it was chilling. I let him talk, and the whole time, my gut was churning, like I had mutated butterflies in my stomach. When he was finished, he shook my hand, gripping it really hard, until his knuckles turned white and he was shaking. He looked me in the eyes, hard, and said, "I will pray for your family and your country." He let go of my hand and hobbled away.

I have related this event to you in the hopes it will serve as a cautionary anecdote about the state of our Union, and to illustrate the path we Americans are being led down by a group of fanatics bent on global economic and military dominion. When a man who survived the fruits of fascism decides its time to leave THIS country because he's seeing the same patterns that led to the Holocaust and other Nazi horrors beginning to form here, it is time for us to recognize the underlying evil inherent in the actions of those who claim they work for all Americans, and for all mankind. And it is incumbent upon all Americans, Red and Blue, Republican and Democrat, to stop them.

Just more to state/clarify my position on the previous thread.

Doc Urb
'In a time of universal deceit, telling the "truth" is a revolutionary act.' -George Orwell

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Old 05-28-2005, 06:55 AM
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If he wants to leave, and return to a land where Neo-Nazism has become a daily practice, I say good riddance and good luck. This story sounds about as believable as the frog that turned into a handsome prince. Or as the alligator said to his close relative, "What a croc!"
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."

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Old 05-28-2005, 11:19 PM
Seascamp Seascamp is offline
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As a matter of fact the Neo NAZI party was just made legal again in Germany. I believe they call themselves the National Socialist Democrats and already have a few seats in the German version of Parliament. This caused quite a stir in Hungary but there seemed to be more enthusiasm than condemnation. This particular mob doesn?t seem to be interested in the usual historical revisionism associated with the Neo NAZIs and just ignores the hoots and hollers going on.

Currently the German unemployment rate is higher than when Hitler came to power, the EU is bleeding Germany white, the under ground economy is growing while the above ground economy is stagnate. Berlin now has the 3rd largest Turkish population in the world and they are very restless. Anti Semitism is alive and well but not so noisy about it as France. France is shamefully vocal about their Anti Semitism and now there are roving Moslem street gangs in Paris just looking for people to beat up and of course there are plenty of those to be found.

So it would seem the neighbor fellow may be jumping in the wrong direction at exactly the wrong time, assuming there is such a neighbor fellow.
I can?t understand how the media missed this opportunity to slam dunk Bush. This is hot stuff-front page NYT material.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 05-29-2005, 06:27 AM
urbsdad6 urbsdad6 is offline
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Whether or not this old guy is real or fictional, the message is our country is in the toilet. He would rather go back to his homeland and take his chances there, rather than stay here and watch the Neocons and Democons finish the job in a once great country. He feels powerless to act because of his age or whatever reason. What I am seeing in our government is the use fear as a weapon to beat the masses into thinking we need gun control and national ID's and "Patriot Acts" to keep free thinking and acting at bay. Do it long enough and we'll be worse than Nazi Germany because of our arrogance and our willingness to believe we actually have "valid" elections using "electronic vote scam" machines. And the belief that "oh things will work out eventually if I just do what they say to do based on what a controlled media feeds me." We are being manipulated toward an ill conceived outcome I believe. But hindsight is always 20/20 and although we can see how Germany fell we can't believe it could ever happen here. Guess what? IT IS!!!!

Doc Urb
'In a time of universal deceit, telling the "truth" is a revolutionary act.' -George Orwell

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Old 05-29-2005, 12:20 PM
melody1181 melody1181 is offline

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Ya know. I love my country. We are far from perfect but we are still the best damed country in the world. Maybe thats cocky of me but I don't give a crap.

I am sick and tired of people slamming this country. This one thing has had me leaning more and more right(don't get me wrong I consider myself neither.) People bitch and bitch about the stuff that is wrong but thats all they do.

Compairing the US to Germany is hog wash. My cousin married a German girl while he was stationed there. They couldn't live there and stay afloat after he left the military.. The economy there is crap. Truthfully allot of the other countries are not to great either!
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Old 05-29-2005, 01:37 PM
urbsdad6 urbsdad6 is offline
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Melody guess we have to agree to disagree! Unfortunately I don't believe we can walk around in a fog much longer. Do your homework. Like you I still believe that this is the best country to be in, but I refuse to be lulled into the fog of Our country right or wrong love it or leave it. It should be our coumtry right the wrong love it and change it. I've paid my dues. Not as much as some and that has always been the pain in my life. Change is a painful process. Growth is a painful process. It doesn't have to be but it often is because we often can't see the forest for the trees. If you'd like a little history lesson, please check this web page out and read parts 1 and 2.

Doc Urb
'In a time of universal deceit, telling the "truth" is a revolutionary act.' -George Orwell

'Time does not heal all wounds but forgiveness will heal all time.'-"The Disappearence Of The Universe"
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Old 05-29-2005, 07:12 PM
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Now it's gun control that's the boogy man? Who's pushing this crap, other than the ACLU, ultra-leftist, and limp-wristed weasels who can't/wont defend themselves?

In one of the few good pieces of legislation to come out of our Texas legislature is a new bill, about to be signed into law, that allows a person to carry a concealed pistol in their car, but not on their person. But next month, just to be legal, I'll complete the state requirements to carry a concealed weapon on my person and in my truck.

Now back to the alleged departee from America: if the message is fictional, which I strongly suggest that it is, why post such drivel? If the message has even a grain of substance, the alleged departee would probably go to Israel if he left Germany under such previously indicated conditions. I still stick to the original contention that this story was just another conspiratorial crackpot bent on trying to embarrass the Bush administration. If you're not part of the solution, you're still part of the problem.
One Big Ass Mistake, America

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Old 05-30-2005, 09:51 AM
melody1181 melody1181 is offline

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I'm fine with my history knowledge thank you. I don't need a fog horn either. Call it what you may but people who try and verbally rip this country to shreds are worth crap. It has nothing to do with the truth. Its causing a stir and doing nothing about what they see as wrong.

If people want to leave it i'm ready to help push em across the border.

Ya know I really never thought I would be this way, agreeing with so many republicans. The left need to get their heads out of their rear ends and wake up. They are losing this battle big time. People are tired of seeing only the crap about our country.
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Old 05-30-2005, 12:57 PM
urbsdad6 urbsdad6 is offline
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It's not about left or right, it's about doing the right thing. WAKE UP! This is not America bashing it is trying to get people off their butts and join together to do something about the lies and deceit coming out of Washington. If the forest is on fire and you're all camped out in your nice safe little spot of trees, I guess you don't have to be concerned with all the damage to the forest just as long as it doesn't affect you? We are in a country that is losing it's freedoms right and left. Take off the blinders and try to see a bigger picture! It's not about you or me or the fact that I'm a registered Republican, it's about the death of the Republic that our forefathers gave us. Too many lives lost over blood for oil. Too many freedoms lost because of "Patriot Acts I and II." The real terrorists are the fear mongers in our Capital hoping to get all the sheople to keep their blinders on before they get exposed.

Doc Urb
'In a time of universal deceit, telling the "truth" is a revolutionary act.' -George Orwell

'Time does not heal all wounds but forgiveness will heal all time.'-"The Disappearence Of The Universe"
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Old 05-30-2005, 04:19 PM
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May I interrupt this program to bringa message....

I've spent some time in my life going down that conspiratorial path trying to make sense out of chaos. History is chaotic and most of us want explanations tied up in nice neat packages. The neatest package of all is the conspiratorial view of history.You do some research to back up the conspiracy but it's less time consuming than other research because you begin with a conclusion then you read and quote only those that agree with the conclusion you began with.I'm the kind of person that is not satisfied with reading only the conclusion and sources used to back it up. I want to know where the sources got their sources and on down the line. That's a time consuming task and many timesas you go about it you will find you dead end because the sources are doing nothing but quoting each other over and over again to the exclusion of anysource that would disagee with the conclusion you came to before you even began your search. (Sorry about the long sentence butI'm on a roll here)

There is another side to the conspiratorial view of history that feeds the ego.Astudent comes to believe theyare gaining knowledge that others don't have. The others of course are poor misguided creatures that need to be taken by the hand and led out of the dark into the light just as the conspiratorial historian is leadinghis student. It's not a place where I feel comfortable. But then I'm so independent I'm irritating tomost with my never endingquestions following ona question,not only turning rocks but grains of sand overwhen something just doesn't feel quite right. I would be thrown out of aconspiratorial historians classroom in short order I'm sure.Althoughthe boot given would place mein somemighty fine company.

the end......

Thomas Jefferson, Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: "In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."
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