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Old 10-19-2003, 11:17 PM

Posts: n/a
Default Anti-War Up - Bush2: The Worst Ever?



[Col. Writ. 9/27/03] Copyright 2003 Mumia Abu-Jamal

There is a tendency among the American elite, in the interest

of stability, to strive to 'play nice' with whichever party is in the

Nation's capital. You will hear many suggest that it is in the

'national interest' to 'respect the office' (if not the man), and to

'be constructive' if one dares to venture criticism, at all costs.

This is seen as 'professional' behavior, and not without

coincidence, this 'professional manner' protects one's access,

and perhaps one's future opportunities as well.

That's why it was striking to read recently, of the somewhat

blunt criticisms offered by University of California economist,

George A. Akerlof, a 2001 Nobel Prize laureate. In a recent

interview, the Berkeley-based economist offered the following

assessment of the presidency of George W. Bush:

I think this is the worst government the U.S. has ever

had in its more than 200 years of history. It has engaged

in extraordinarily irresponsible policies not only in foreign

and economic but also in social and environmental policy.

This is not normal governmental policy. Now is the time

for people to engage in civil disobedience. ["dollars and

sense" mag. (Sept./Oct. '03), p. 4]

Clearly, this isn't the usual stuff one expects from Nobel Prize-

winning economists. It is extraordinary. But the essential message

from professor Akerlof was unmistakable: protest. When asked

what kind, he replied, "I don't know yet. But I think it's time to

protest -- as much as possible."

Millions of Americans, many for the first time in their lives,

did just that in the spring, as they tried to make the administration

re-think the looming Iraq adventure, but to no avail. The Bush

administration, like some hard-hearted Herod, vowed to "shock

and awe" the Iraqi state into submission, and delivered almost

unprecedented bombing on a major city in recent years. It

bombed Baghdad and other major Iraqi cities for days, each

bigger than the last. In order to do so, it slapped the UN

senseless, and using the prostrate American media, vowed to

remake the face of the Middle East.

The bombs have burst. Armies have scattered. A satrap of

U.S.-approved and chosen puppets have been seated and given

titles that seem to mean they have power. Yet, this body, this

so-called 'Iraqi Governing Council' has less power than the

meanest borough in the tiniest 'burg in America. Power, backed

by U.S. military death threats, resides in the Supreme Commander,

Paul Bremer, who says what goes and doesn't go, in the allegedly

'free Iraq.' The U.S., which brought its boots, guns and bombs

on Iraqi soil, ostensibly to 'bring democracy', is none too

willing to allow the Iraqis to rule themselves.

The US is both hated and feared worldwide. In the councils

of the United Nations they are seen as a rogue elephant, huge,

powerful, dangerous, and unpredictable. When the US speaks of

'freedom', 'democracy,' and 'human rights', many diplomats

politely cover their snickers, for fear of outraging the elephant,

who might -- who knows? -- announce yet another self-

proclaimed 'War against Whatever?'.

In polls throughout Europe, when citizens are asked to name a

country that poses the greatest threat to world peace, the US

is indeed -- number one. Meanwhile, George III manages to

threaten and sneer against other nations that threaten his version

of 'world stability.' It is like the elephant threatening the grass

for being trampled.

The worst ever? I wonder what some historians might say

about that. They might have a better perspective than economists.

Yet, with the nation experiencing a 'jobless recovery', with over 3

million people fired since March, with over 34 million people

living in dire poverty, with a war sucking up billions of dollars

in a dangerous economy, with fear stalking the US heart

like a lip-smacking lion spying an antelope on the veldt, with

over 2 million men, women and children in US prisons, these

are not the best of times.

It's time for serious change. If you agree, protest!

Copyright 2003 Mumia Abu-Jamal

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Old 10-19-2003, 11:55 PM
Carl Hatchell

Posts: n/a
Default Re: Anti-War Up - Bush2: The Worst Ever?

"redvet" wrote in message
> ======================
> [Col. Writ. 9/27/03] Copyright 2003 Mumia Abu-Jamal

Out of all the people in the world that are critical of Bush, you pick
a cop killing convicted murderer that was sentenced to death to quote.
What next? Jeffrey Dahmer's cooking tips?

Carl Hatchell

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Old 10-20-2003, 06:01 AM

Posts: n/a
Default Re: Anti-War Up - Bush2: The Worst Ever?

In article , redvet


Naw; the worst ever is a low-life cop-killing scum who thinks he is a

Can you believe that some people are ignorant and gullible enough to
fall for his line of BS?

I guess that there is one born every minute....
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Old 10-20-2003, 06:30 AM

Posts: n/a
Default Re: Anti-War Up - Bush2: The Worst Ever?

On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 2040 -1000, "redvet" wrote:

>[Col. Writ. 9/27/03] Copyright 2003 Mumia Abu-Jamal
>There is a tendency among the American elite,

In this case, "elite" appears to be anyone who is not a convicted cop
killer writing from prison.

This had nothing to do with Vietnam, now did it?
Remember Noel in the addy
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