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Old 02-17-2004, 07:14 AM
Hanoi Jane Kerry

Posts: n/a
Default 10 Questions For John Kerry & Hanoi Jane From A Vietnam Vet. Plus More On Hanoi Jane!

LIKE MOST PEOPLE, I am willing to forgive and forget. In fact, since
former LCDR John McCain has forgiven the Vietnamese commies, I surely
have no right to carry around anger about the Vietnam War and how it
ended. But as you keep bringing it up in every speech you make "I am a
Vietnam War Veteran" and "I won the Silver Star" I must ask a few
questions. As we are both US Navy Vietnam War veterans and you were a
commissioned officer and I was a petty officer I am willing to give
you the benefit of the doubt, so please answer the following and I
will quietly and respectfully listen to your answers;

Question number 1--Will you like Pres Bush release your service and
medical records? Or do you want to hide the fact that you were only
scratched and got 3 purple hearts to cut your combat zone tour to only
4 months?

Question number 2--Did you receive a Silver Star for chasing and
killing a Vietnamese who was already wounded (or already killed) by
another swift boat crewman? Did you get the Silver Star based on the
Action Report that you wrote and the "action" that you alone
witnessed? If you get a Silver Star for killing an enemy, wouldn't
every soldier, sailor and marine who killed an enemy soldier also be
entitled to wear a Silver Star? Isn't what you did exactly what Lt.
Calley did and he faced a court martial? Didn't you throw your Silver
Star back at the Pentagon in protest for our fight against worldwide
communism. You've said that those were your medals...then you said
they were someone else's medals...then you said that you threw your
RIBBONS but NOT your medals and now we see your self awarded "Silver
Star" proudly on display in your office. Is the Silver Star on display
one that you bought at the gedunk (ship's store)? Isn't your self
awarded Silver Star for putting a bullet into a fleeing wounded (or
already dead) enemy and your three Purple Hearts for self admitted
scratches an insult to every veteran?

Question number 3--While a US Navy commissioned officer did you commit
a court-martial offense by the use of illegal drugs, killing unarmed
civilians and children and/or killing wounded and helpless enemy
combatants? What did your admiral mean when he said "I don't know if I
should give Lt. Kerry a medal or a court martial for all the civilians
he's killed."

Question number 4--After your active duty in the Navy did you fulfill
your Navy Reserve obligation or ignore them and devote all your time
to anti American demonstration which emboldened our enemy to
eventually win the war? Because you encouraged our enemy when American
fighting men were still in the field, can you give us a number of how
many American soldiers, sailors and Marines you are responsible for
killing? Why does LCol Olive North say, "John Kerry has blood of
American soldiers on his hands."

Question number 5 When you returned from Vietnam, you labeled all
other Vietnam Veterans war made these claims under
oath...were you lying then, or are you lying now.

Question number 6 You associated yourself with Hanoi Jane Fonda, an
avowed Communist who supported North Vietnam. Hanoi Jane stated that
our prisoners were LYING when they claimed to have been tortured by
the Vietnamese. Do you believe former LCDR John MCCain to be a liar??

Question number 7 Have you condemned Jane Fonda and asked her not to
support your campaign? In his 1985 memoir about the war, Gen. Vo
Nguyen Giap wrote that if it weren't for organizations like Kerry's
Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Hanoi would have surrendered to the
U.S. The Department of Justice was set to charge Jane Fonda with
treason but the President stopped that so the country could heal after
our Vietnamese allies were slaughtered. Was the Justice Department set
to charge you with treason as well? What did Hanoi Jane mean when she
called you "a hero." Did she mean you were an American hero for
killing Vietnamese civilians? Or, did she mean that you are a Viet
Cong or Communist Vietnam "hero" for helping them win the war.

Question number 8 You wrote a book entitled Winter Soldier where the
cover MOCKS the Iwo Jima memorial with scruffy men "raising" an
upside-down United States flag.
7,000 Marines DIED at Iwo Jima including three from the famous photo
you Mock. Do you care to apologize to the 7,000 families of those
Marines? During the Vietnam War why did you encourage American
soldiers and sailors to desert in your book THE NEW SOLDIER and in
your speeches. As our Commander in Chief would desertion during
wartime be "ok" with you?

Question number 9 You have stated that going into the National Guard
was like running off to Canada. Tens of thousands of Guardsmen served
in Vietnam, several thousand gave their you care to
apologize? Lt. Bush flew a F102. Many of the men who flew F102s were
killed by them. Would you care to explain how risking your life to fly
a fighter plane is cowardly--explain this to the widows and their
children? The F102 was tasked with meeting and shooting down Soviet
bombers coming to the USA by flying over Canada to destroy US cities
and military installations. Surely as Lt. Bush shot at them they would
be trying to shoot and kill Lt. Bush. Please explain the cowardice in
Lt. Bush's military service? In your mind is engaging the enemy "over
Canada" the same as "fleeing to Canada?" Also, wasn't Lt. Bush risking
his life in the early 1970's when you were at the very same time
"protesting" the war, encouraging our enemies and calling us sailors,
soldiers and veterans "war criminals?"

Question number 10 You have stated you would turn the decision on
deployment of US troops over to the UNited Nations and OPPOSED the
death penalty even for terrorists who murder would you
win the war on terrorism given your stated positions? You state that
you voted for the war but now state that you were only voting for the
"process" of the UN putting pressure on Iraq. Please show us in the
vote the word "process." Also explain why 99 other US Senators could
not find the word "process" in the bill they voted on. Finally, please
explain how we are to believe anything you say or ever said and how
you are a member of the "band of brothers" after your calling us war

More on Kerry's Girlfriend Hanoi Jane:

One story is told by Jerry Driscoll, an F-4E pilot, who was a River
Rat and a former POW in Ho Lo Prison-the "Hanoi Hilton." Dragged from
a stinking cesspit of a cell, cleaned, fed, and dressed in clean PJs,
he was ordered to describe for a visiting American "Peace Activist"
the "lenient and humane treatment" he'd received. He spat at Fonda,
was clubbed, and dragged away. During the subsequent beating, he fell
forward upon the camp Commandant's feet, accidentally pulling the
man's shoe off-which sent that officer berserk. In 1978, the Air Force
colonel still suffered from double vision (which permanently ended his
flying days) from the frenzied application of the wooden baton.

Col Larry Carrigan spent 6 years in the "Hilton"--the first three of
which he was "missing in action". His group, too, got the
cleaned/fed/clothed routine in preparation for a "peace delegation"
visit. They, however, had time and devised a plan to get word to the
world that they still survived. Each man secreted a tiny piece of
paper, with his social security number on it, in the palm of his hand.
When paraded before Fonda and a cameraman, she walked the line,
shaking each man's hand and asking little encouraging snippets like:
"Aren't you sorry you bombed babies?" and "Are you grateful for the
humane treatment from your benevolent captors?" Believing this HAD to
be an act, they each palmed her their sliver of paper. She took them
all without missing a beat. At the end of the line and once the camera
stopped rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs, she turned to
the officer in charge...and handed him the little pile. Three men died
from the subsequent beatings. Col Carrigan was almost number four.
(there is some controversy if this one incident actually occurred.
Click here)

A civilian economic development advisor in Vietnam, and was captured
by the North Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam in 1968, and held
for over 5 years. The advisor spent 27 months in solitary
confinement, one year in a cage in Cambodia, and one year in a "black
box" in Hanoi. The North Vietnamese captors deliberately poisoned and
murdered a female missionary, a nurse in a leprosarium in Ban me
Thuot, South Vietnam. These were some more of Fonda's "war
criminals." When Fonda was in Hanoi, the advisor was asked by the camp
communist political officer about meeting with Fonda. He said yes,
because he wanted to tell her about the real treatment POWs were
receiving, which was far different from the treatment reported by the
North Vietnamese, and parroted by Fonda, as "humane and lenient."
Because of this, he spent three days on a rocky floor on his knees,
with outstretched arms and a piece of steel placed on his hands, and
beaten with a bamboo cane.

For years after their release, a group of determined former POWs,
including Col Carrigan, tried to bring Fonda and others up on charges
of treason. Her obvious "granting of aid and comfort to the enemy,"
alone, should have been sufficient for the treason count. Fonda, on
the other hand, chose to be a traitor, and went to Hanoi, wore their
uniform, propagandized for the communists, and urged American soldiers
to desert. As POWs tortured and murdered, she called them liars. After
her heroes-the North Vietnamese communists-took over South Vietnam,
they systematically murdered 80,000 South Vietnamese political
prisoners. May their souls rest on her head forever. However, to
date, Fonda has never been formally charged with anything and
continues to enjoy the privileged life of the rich and famous. This
is shame on us, the American Citizenry. Part of our shortfall is
ignorance: most don't know such actions ever took place. Fonda should
be viewed as one of the "Least Respected Women of the Century." This
doesn't even go into the arguments of why we should even consider
renewing diplomatic relationships with Vietnam until the Vietnamese
"war criminals" are put on trial for their roles with Hanoi Jane

In July 1972 Jane travels to North Vietnam and tours the area for 2
During July, 1972 she made six broadcasts over Radio Hanoi.

From the one on July 14, 1972 she said;
"This is Jane Fonda speaking from Hanoi, and I'm speaking particularly
to the U.S servicemen...I don't know what your officers tell you...but
[your] weapons are illegal and that's not just rhetoric...The men who
are ordering you to use these weapons are war criminals according to
international law, and in the past, in Germany and Japan, men who
committed these kinds of crimes were tried and executed."

Another broadcasts quoted Ho Chi Minh and had references to President
Nixon as a "new-type Hitler", along with messages to the South
Vietnamese soldiers to desert, "You are being used as cannon fodder
for U.S. imperialism."(AFJ,May'88--Personalities)

Addressing herself to the men on the aircraft carriers in the area;
"Use of these bombs or condoning the use of these bombs makes one a
war criminal." When addressing herself to the pilots of the American
planes she continued with; "Examine the reasons given to justify the
murder you are being paid to commit." Upon her return to the U.S. she
then addressed cheering students; "I bring greetings from our
Vietnamese brothers and sisters."

Jane formed the Indochina Peace Campaign which was anti-Nixon and pro

When the POWs returned she added "I think that one of the only ways
that we are going to redeem ourselves as a country for what we have
done there is not to hail the POWs as heroes, because they are
hypocrites and liars....History will judge them severely." The attacks
continued for four months and was not simply popping off as she told
Barbara Walters in her efforts at rehabilitating herself.

Hanoi Jane Talks to the sailors of the US Navy "Gulf of Tonkin Yacht

Citizen Jane, by Christopher P. Anderson, Published by: Henry Holt and
Company, New York, Copyright: 1990, ISBN 0-8050-0959-0 (
indicates the book is out of print). Here are some excerpts from
Christopher Anderson's "Citizen Jane".

Page 254

This is Jane Fonda speaking in Hanoi,

and I'm speaking privately to U.S. servicemen who are stationed in the
Gulf of Tonkin . . . . Seventh Fleet in the Anglico Corps (Marine
spotters for naval gunfire in the south of Vietnam.) You are very far
away, perhaps, and removed from the country you're being ordered to
shoot shells at and bomb, and the use of these bombs, or the condoning
of the use of these bombs makes one a war criminal.
The men who are ordering you to use these weapons are war criminals
according to international law, and in the past in Germany and Japan
men who were guilty of these kinds of crimes were tried and executed.

In a [Jane Fonda] broadcast to U.S. Pilots on July 21;
Nixon is continuing to risk your lives and the lives of the American
prisoners of war under the bombs in a last desperate gamble to keep
his office come November. How does it feel to be used as pawns? You
may be shot down, you may perhaps even be killed, but for what, and
for whom?

The people back home are crying for you. We are afraid of what, what
must be happening to you as human beings. For it isn't possible to
destroy, to receive salary for pushing buttons and pulling levers that
are dropping illegal bombs on innocent people without having that
damage your own soul. Tonight when you are alone, ask yourselves; What
are you doing? Accept no ready answers fed to you by rote from basic
training on up; but as men, as human beings; Can you justify what you
are doing? Do you know why you are flying these missions, collecting
extra combat pay on Sunday?

The next day, Jane Fonda hit the airwaves again:

This is Jane Fonda in Hanoi. I'm speaking to the men in the cockpits
of the Phantoms, in the B-52s, in the F-4s; those of you who are still
here fighting the war, in the air, on the ground, the guys in the
Anglico Corps, on the Seventh Fleet . . .

(Page 255)

.. . . the Constellation, the Coral Sea, the Hancock, Ticonderoga, the
Kitty Hawk, the Enterprise . . . All of you, in your heart of hearts,
know the lies-cheating on body counts, falsified battle reports, the
numbers of planes that are shot down, what your targets really are.
Knowing who was doing the lying . . . should you allow these same
liars to decide for you who your enemy is? Should we examine the
reasons given to justify the murder you are being paid to commit? If
they told you the truth, you wouldn't fight, you wouldn't kill. You
were not born and brought up by your mothers to be killers. So . . .
you have been told lies so that it would be possible for you to kill.

What Impact Did Jane Fonda's Words
Have to Aid and Comfort Our Enemies, the people dedicated to killing
us and our shipmates?

The significance of morale in the Communist war strategy is evident
from statements by Colonel Bui Tinh [a high ranking Communist Party
official] of the PAVN, a subordinate of General Vo Nguyen Giap, in
that "Viet Nam [North Viet Nam] has a tactical weapon which the enemy
does not recognize. That is our morale. Our morale is the foundation
of the courage which we will use to defeat the enemy [the U.S.]".
Ten years after the fall of Saigon, General Giap also would echo
those sentiments and express direct appreciation for this unexpected
bonus from the United States at a time when it was very badly needed.
General Giap in that interview published in several major American
newspapers, alleged that North Viet Nam had been within days of
capitulating when the U.S. stopped its bombing campaign against North
Viet Nam.

As recently as 1991, Bui Tinh stated that Fonda's highly published
support of the North Vietnamese gave them the "confidence" to continue
to fight and "hold on in the face of battlefield reverses".

A rifle platoon leader at the time claimed, in retrospect: "I'd say
a lot of American boys lost their lives because of the encouragement
she gave the North Vietnamese".

These data would support providing the enemy with aid and comfort
and in 1988 the Veterans of Foreign Wars voted to have Congress press
its investigation of Jane Fonda.

Jane Fonda issues an "apology". What does it mean? Click here

The USS Yorktown Association and Jane Fonda's treason. What's the
connection? Click here

Jane Fonda's Blatant Treason by Skip Klingman click here
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Old 02-17-2004, 07:29 AM

Posts: n/a
Default Re: 10 Questions For John Kerry & Hanoi Jane From A Vietnam Vet. Plus More On Hanoi Jane!

Unsigned articles.

How noble of them.

"Hanoi Jane Kerry" wrote in message om...
> LIKE MOST PEOPLE, I am willing to forgive and forget. In fact, since
> former LCDR John McCain has forgiven the Vietnamese commies, I surely
> have no right to carry around anger about the Vietnam War and how it
> ended. But as you keep bringing it up in every speech you make "I am a
> Vietnam War Veteran" and "I won the Silver Star" I must ask a few
> questions. As we are both US Navy Vietnam War veterans and you were a
> commissioned officer and I was a petty officer I am willing to give
> you the benefit of the doubt, so please answer the following and I
> will quietly and respectfully listen to your answers;
> Question number 1--Will you like Pres Bush release your service and
> medical records? Or do you want to hide the fact that you were only
> scratched and got 3 purple hearts to cut your combat zone tour to only
> 4 months?
> Question number 2--Did you receive a Silver Star for chasing and
> killing a Vietnamese who was already wounded (or already killed) by
> another swift boat crewman? Did you get the Silver Star based on the
> Action Report that you wrote and the "action" that you alone
> witnessed? If you get a Silver Star for killing an enemy, wouldn't
> every soldier, sailor and marine who killed an enemy soldier also be
> entitled to wear a Silver Star? Isn't what you did exactly what Lt.
> Calley did and he faced a court martial? Didn't you throw your Silver
> Star back at the Pentagon in protest for our fight against worldwide
> communism. You've said that those were your medals...then you said
> they were someone else's medals...then you said that you threw your
> RIBBONS but NOT your medals and now we see your self awarded "Silver
> Star" proudly on display in your office. Is the Silver Star on display
> one that you bought at the gedunk (ship's store)? Isn't your self
> awarded Silver Star for putting a bullet into a fleeing wounded (or
> already dead) enemy and your three Purple Hearts for self admitted
> scratches an insult to every veteran?
> Question number 3--While a US Navy commissioned officer did you commit
> a court-martial offense by the use of illegal drugs, killing unarmed
> civilians and children and/or killing wounded and helpless enemy
> combatants? What did your admiral mean when he said "I don't know if I
> should give Lt. Kerry a medal or a court martial for all the civilians
> he's killed."
> Question number 4--After your active duty in the Navy did you fulfill
> your Navy Reserve obligation or ignore them and devote all your time
> to anti American demonstration which emboldened our enemy to
> eventually win the war? Because you encouraged our enemy when American
> fighting men were still in the field, can you give us a number of how
> many American soldiers, sailors and Marines you are responsible for
> killing? Why does LCol Olive North say, "John Kerry has blood of
> American soldiers on his hands."
> Question number 5 When you returned from Vietnam, you labeled all
> other Vietnam Veterans war made these claims under
> oath...were you lying then, or are you lying now.
> Question number 6 You associated yourself with Hanoi Jane Fonda, an
> avowed Communist who supported North Vietnam. Hanoi Jane stated that
> our prisoners were LYING when they claimed to have been tortured by
> the Vietnamese. Do you believe former LCDR John MCCain to be a liar??
> Question number 7 Have you condemned Jane Fonda and asked her not to
> support your campaign? In his 1985 memoir about the war, Gen. Vo
> Nguyen Giap wrote that if it weren't for organizations like Kerry's
> Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Hanoi would have surrendered to the
> U.S. The Department of Justice was set to charge Jane Fonda with
> treason but the President stopped that so the country could heal after
> our Vietnamese allies were slaughtered. Was the Justice Department set
> to charge you with treason as well? What did Hanoi Jane mean when she
> called you "a hero." Did she mean you were an American hero for
> killing Vietnamese civilians? Or, did she mean that you are a Viet
> Cong or Communist Vietnam "hero" for helping them win the war.
> Question number 8 You wrote a book entitled Winter Soldier where the
> cover MOCKS the Iwo Jima memorial with scruffy men "raising" an
> upside-down United States flag.
> 7,000 Marines DIED at Iwo Jima including three from the famous photo
> you Mock. Do you care to apologize to the 7,000 families of those
> Marines? During the Vietnam War why did you encourage American
> soldiers and sailors to desert in your book THE NEW SOLDIER and in
> your speeches. As our Commander in Chief would desertion during
> wartime be "ok" with you?
> Question number 9 You have stated that going into the National Guard
> was like running off to Canada. Tens of thousands of Guardsmen served
> in Vietnam, several thousand gave their you care to
> apologize? Lt. Bush flew a F102. Many of the men who flew F102s were
> killed by them. Would you care to explain how risking your life to fly
> a fighter plane is cowardly--explain this to the widows and their
> children? The F102 was tasked with meeting and shooting down Soviet
> bombers coming to the USA by flying over Canada to destroy US cities
> and military installations. Surely as Lt. Bush shot at them they would
> be trying to shoot and kill Lt. Bush. Please explain the cowardice in
> Lt. Bush's military service? In your mind is engaging the enemy "over
> Canada" the same as "fleeing to Canada?" Also, wasn't Lt. Bush risking
> his life in the early 1970's when you were at the very same time
> "protesting" the war, encouraging our enemies and calling us sailors,
> soldiers and veterans "war criminals?"
> Question number 10 You have stated you would turn the decision on
> deployment of US troops over to the UNited Nations and OPPOSED the
> death penalty even for terrorists who murder would you
> win the war on terrorism given your stated positions? You state that
> you voted for the war but now state that you were only voting for the
> "process" of the UN putting pressure on Iraq. Please show us in the
> vote the word "process." Also explain why 99 other US Senators could
> not find the word "process" in the bill they voted on. Finally, please
> explain how we are to believe anything you say or ever said and how
> you are a member of the "band of brothers" after your calling us war
> criminals??
> More on Kerry's Girlfriend Hanoi Jane:
> One story is told by Jerry Driscoll, an F-4E pilot, who was a River
> Rat and a former POW in Ho Lo Prison-the "Hanoi Hilton." Dragged from
> a stinking cesspit of a cell, cleaned, fed, and dressed in clean PJs,
> he was ordered to describe for a visiting American "Peace Activist"
> the "lenient and humane treatment" he'd received. He spat at Fonda,
> was clubbed, and dragged away. During the subsequent beating, he fell
> forward upon the camp Commandant's feet, accidentally pulling the
> man's shoe off-which sent that officer berserk. In 1978, the Air Force
> colonel still suffered from double vision (which permanently ended his
> flying days) from the frenzied application of the wooden baton.
> Col Larry Carrigan spent 6 years in the "Hilton"--the first three of
> which he was "missing in action". His group, too, got the
> cleaned/fed/clothed routine in preparation for a "peace delegation"
> visit. They, however, had time and devised a plan to get word to the
> world that they still survived. Each man secreted a tiny piece of
> paper, with his social security number on it, in the palm of his hand.
> When paraded before Fonda and a cameraman, she walked the line,
> shaking each man's hand and asking little encouraging snippets like:
> "Aren't you sorry you bombed babies?" and "Are you grateful for the
> humane treatment from your benevolent captors?" Believing this HAD to
> be an act, they each palmed her their sliver of paper. She took them
> all without missing a beat. At the end of the line and once the camera
> stopped rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs, she turned to
> the officer in charge...and handed him the little pile. Three men died
> from the subsequent beatings. Col Carrigan was almost number four.
> (there is some controversy if this one incident actually occurred.
> Click here)
> A civilian economic development advisor in Vietnam, and was captured
> by the North Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam in 1968, and held
> for over 5 years. The advisor spent 27 months in solitary
> confinement, one year in a cage in Cambodia, and one year in a "black
> box" in Hanoi. The North Vietnamese captors deliberately poisoned and
> murdered a female missionary, a nurse in a leprosarium in Ban me
> Thuot, South Vietnam. These were some more of Fonda's "war
> criminals." When Fonda was in Hanoi, the advisor was asked by the camp
> communist political officer about meeting with Fonda. He said yes,
> because he wanted to tell her about the real treatment POWs were
> receiving, which was far different from the treatment reported by the
> North Vietnamese, and parroted by Fonda, as "humane and lenient."
> Because of this, he spent three days on a rocky floor on his knees,
> with outstretched arms and a piece of steel placed on his hands, and
> beaten with a bamboo cane.
> For years after their release, a group of determined former POWs,
> including Col Carrigan, tried to bring Fonda and others up on charges
> of treason. Her obvious "granting of aid and comfort to the enemy,"
> alone, should have been sufficient for the treason count. Fonda, on
> the other hand, chose to be a traitor, and went to Hanoi, wore their
> uniform, propagandized for the communists, and urged American soldiers
> to desert. As POWs tortured and murdered, she called them liars. After
> her heroes-the North Vietnamese communists-took over South Vietnam,
> they systematically murdered 80,000 South Vietnamese political
> prisoners. May their souls rest on her head forever. However, to
> date, Fonda has never been formally charged with anything and
> continues to enjoy the privileged life of the rich and famous. This
> is shame on us, the American Citizenry. Part of our shortfall is
> ignorance: most don't know such actions ever took place. Fonda should
> be viewed as one of the "Least Respected Women of the Century." This
> doesn't even go into the arguments of why we should even consider
> renewing diplomatic relationships with Vietnam until the Vietnamese
> "war criminals" are put on trial for their roles with Hanoi Jane
> Fonda.
> 1972
> In July 1972 Jane travels to North Vietnam and tours the area for 2
> weeks.
> During July, 1972 she made six broadcasts over Radio Hanoi.
> From the one on July 14, 1972 she said;
> "This is Jane Fonda speaking from Hanoi, and I'm speaking particularly
> to the U.S servicemen...I don't know what your officers tell you...but
> [your] weapons are illegal and that's not just rhetoric...The men who
> are ordering you to use these weapons are war criminals according to
> international law, and in the past, in Germany and Japan, men who
> committed these kinds of crimes were tried and executed."
> Another broadcasts quoted Ho Chi Minh and had references to President
> Nixon as a "new-type Hitler", along with messages to the South
> Vietnamese soldiers to desert, "You are being used as cannon fodder
> for U.S. imperialism."(AFJ,May'88--Personalities)
> Addressing herself to the men on the aircraft carriers in the area;
> "Use of these bombs or condoning the use of these bombs makes one a
> war criminal." When addressing herself to the pilots of the American
> planes she continued with; "Examine the reasons given to justify the
> murder you are being paid to commit." Upon her return to the U.S. she
> then addressed cheering students; "I bring greetings from our
> Vietnamese brothers and sisters."
> Jane formed the Indochina Peace Campaign which was anti-Nixon and pro
> Hanoi.
> When the POWs returned she added "I think that one of the only ways
> that we are going to redeem ourselves as a country for what we have
> done there is not to hail the POWs as heroes, because they are
> hypocrites and liars....History will judge them severely." The attacks
> continued for four months and was not simply popping off as she told
> Barbara Walters in her efforts at rehabilitating herself.
> Hanoi Jane Talks to the sailors of the US Navy "Gulf of Tonkin Yacht
> Club"
> Citizen Jane, by Christopher P. Anderson, Published by: Henry Holt and
> Company, New York, Copyright: 1990, ISBN 0-8050-0959-0 (
> indicates the book is out of print). Here are some excerpts from
> Christopher Anderson's "Citizen Jane".
> Page 254
> This is Jane Fonda speaking in Hanoi,
> and I'm speaking privately to U.S. servicemen who are stationed in the
> Gulf of Tonkin . . . . Seventh Fleet in the Anglico Corps (Marine
> spotters for naval gunfire in the south of Vietnam.) You are very far
> away, perhaps, and removed from the country you're being ordered to
> shoot shells at and bomb, and the use of these bombs, or the condoning
> of the use of these bombs makes one a war criminal.
> The men who are ordering you to use these weapons are war criminals
> according to international law, and in the past in Germany and Japan
> men who were guilty of these kinds of crimes were tried and executed.
> In a [Jane Fonda] broadcast to U.S. Pilots on July 21;
> Nixon is continuing to risk your lives and the lives of the American
> prisoners of war under the bombs in a last desperate gamble to keep
> his office come November. How does it feel to be used as pawns? You
> may be shot down, you may perhaps even be killed, but for what, and
> for whom?
> The people back home are crying for you. We are afraid of what, what
> must be happening to you as human beings. For it isn't possible to
> destroy, to receive salary for pushing buttons and pulling levers that
> are dropping illegal bombs on innocent people without having that
> damage your own soul. Tonight when you are alone, ask yourselves; What
> are you doing? Accept no ready answers fed to you by rote from basic
> training on up; but as men, as human beings; Can you justify what you
> are doing? Do you know why you are flying these missions, collecting
> extra combat pay on Sunday?
> The next day, Jane Fonda hit the airwaves again:
> This is Jane Fonda in Hanoi. I'm speaking to the men in the cockpits
> of the Phantoms, in the B-52s, in the F-4s; those of you who are still
> here fighting the war, in the air, on the ground, the guys in the
> Anglico Corps, on the Seventh Fleet . . .
> (Page 255)
> . . . the Constellation, the Coral Sea, the Hancock, Ticonderoga, the
> Kitty Hawk, the Enterprise . . . All of you, in your heart of hearts,
> know the lies-cheating on body counts, falsified battle reports, the
> numbers of planes that are shot down, what your targets really are.
> Knowing who was doing the lying . . . should you allow these same
> liars to decide for you who your enemy is? Should we examine the
> reasons given to justify the murder you are being paid to commit? If
> they told you the truth, you wouldn't fight, you wouldn't kill. You
> were not born and brought up by your mothers to be killers. So . . .
> you have been told lies so that it would be possible for you to kill.
> What Impact Did Jane Fonda's Words
> Have to Aid and Comfort Our Enemies, the people dedicated to killing
> us and our shipmates?
> The significance of morale in the Communist war strategy is evident
> from statements by Colonel Bui Tinh [a high ranking Communist Party
> official] of the PAVN, a subordinate of General Vo Nguyen Giap, in
> that "Viet Nam [North Viet Nam] has a tactical weapon which the enemy
> does not recognize. That is our morale. Our morale is the foundation
> of the courage which we will use to defeat the enemy [the U.S.]".
> Ten years after the fall of Saigon, General Giap also would echo
> those sentiments and express direct appreciation for this unexpected
> bonus from the United States at a time when it was very badly needed.
> General Giap in that interview published in several major American
> newspapers, alleged that North Viet Nam had been within days of
> capitulating when the U.S. stopped its bombing campaign against North
> Viet Nam.
> As recently as 1991, Bui Tinh stated that Fonda's highly published
> support of the North Vietnamese gave them the "confidence" to continue
> to fight and "hold on in the face of battlefield reverses".
> A rifle platoon leader at the time claimed, in retrospect: "I'd say
> a lot of American boys lost their lives because of the encouragement
> she gave the North Vietnamese".
> These data would support providing the enemy with aid and comfort
> and in 1988 the Veterans of Foreign Wars voted to have Congress press
> its investigation of Jane Fonda.
> Jane Fonda issues an "apology". What does it mean? Click here
> The USS Yorktown Association and Jane Fonda's treason. What's the
> connection? Click here
> Jane Fonda's Blatant Treason by Skip Klingman click here

Reply With Quote
Old 02-17-2004, 07:57 AM

Posts: n/a
Default Re: 10 Questions For John Kerry & Hanoi Jane From A Vietnam Vet. Plus More On Hanoi Jane!

On 17 Feb 2004 0751 -0800, (Hanoi Jane
Kerry) wrote:


Great post.

>LIKE MOST PEOPLE, I am willing to forgive and forget. In fact, since
>former LCDR John McCain has forgiven the Vietnamese commies, I surely
>have no right to carry around anger about the Vietnam War and how it
>ended. But as you keep bringing it up in every speech you make "I am a
>Vietnam War Veteran" and "I won the Silver Star" I must ask a few
>questions. As we are both US Navy Vietnam War veterans and you were a
>commissioned officer and I was a petty officer I am willing to give
>you the benefit of the doubt, so please answer the following and I
>will quietly and respectfully listen to your answers;
>Question number 1--Will you like Pres Bush release your service and
>medical records? Or do you want to hide the fact that you were only
>scratched and got 3 purple hearts to cut your combat zone tour to only
>4 months?
>Question number 2--Did you receive a Silver Star for chasing and
>killing a Vietnamese who was already wounded (or already killed) by
>another swift boat crewman? Did you get the Silver Star based on the
>Action Report that you wrote and the "action" that you alone
>witnessed? If you get a Silver Star for killing an enemy, wouldn't
>every soldier, sailor and marine who killed an enemy soldier also be
>entitled to wear a Silver Star? Isn't what you did exactly what Lt.
>Calley did and he faced a court martial? Didn't you throw your Silver
>Star back at the Pentagon in protest for our fight against worldwide
>communism. You've said that those were your medals...then you said
>they were someone else's medals...then you said that you threw your
>RIBBONS but NOT your medals and now we see your self awarded "Silver
>Star" proudly on display in your office. Is the Silver Star on display
>one that you bought at the gedunk (ship's store)? Isn't your self
>awarded Silver Star for putting a bullet into a fleeing wounded (or
>already dead) enemy and your three Purple Hearts for self admitted
>scratches an insult to every veteran?
>Question number 3--While a US Navy commissioned officer did you commit
>a court-martial offense by the use of illegal drugs, killing unarmed
>civilians and children and/or killing wounded and helpless enemy
>combatants? What did your admiral mean when he said "I don't know if I
>should give Lt. Kerry a medal or a court martial for all the civilians
>he's killed."
>Question number 4--After your active duty in the Navy did you fulfill
>your Navy Reserve obligation or ignore them and devote all your time
>to anti American demonstration which emboldened our enemy to
>eventually win the war? Because you encouraged our enemy when American
>fighting men were still in the field, can you give us a number of how
>many American soldiers, sailors and Marines you are responsible for
>killing? Why does LCol Olive North say, "John Kerry has blood of
>American soldiers on his hands."
>Question number 5 When you returned from Vietnam, you labeled all
>other Vietnam Veterans war made these claims under
>oath...were you lying then, or are you lying now.
>Question number 6 You associated yourself with Hanoi Jane Fonda, an
>avowed Communist who supported North Vietnam. Hanoi Jane stated that
>our prisoners were LYING when they claimed to have been tortured by
>the Vietnamese. Do you believe former LCDR John MCCain to be a liar??
>Question number 7 Have you condemned Jane Fonda and asked her not to
>support your campaign? In his 1985 memoir about the war, Gen. Vo
>Nguyen Giap wrote that if it weren't for organizations like Kerry's
>Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Hanoi would have surrendered to the
>U.S. The Department of Justice was set to charge Jane Fonda with
>treason but the President stopped that so the country could heal after
>our Vietnamese allies were slaughtered. Was the Justice Department set
>to charge you with treason as well? What did Hanoi Jane mean when she
>called you "a hero." Did she mean you were an American hero for
>killing Vietnamese civilians? Or, did she mean that you are a Viet
>Cong or Communist Vietnam "hero" for helping them win the war.
>Question number 8 You wrote a book entitled Winter Soldier where the
>cover MOCKS the Iwo Jima memorial with scruffy men "raising" an
>upside-down United States flag.
>7,000 Marines DIED at Iwo Jima including three from the famous photo
>you Mock. Do you care to apologize to the 7,000 families of those
>Marines? During the Vietnam War why did you encourage American
>soldiers and sailors to desert in your book THE NEW SOLDIER and in
>your speeches. As our Commander in Chief would desertion during
>wartime be "ok" with you?
>Question number 9 You have stated that going into the National Guard
>was like running off to Canada. Tens of thousands of Guardsmen served
>in Vietnam, several thousand gave their you care to
>apologize? Lt. Bush flew a F102. Many of the men who flew F102s were
>killed by them. Would you care to explain how risking your life to fly
>a fighter plane is cowardly--explain this to the widows and their
>children? The F102 was tasked with meeting and shooting down Soviet
>bombers coming to the USA by flying over Canada to destroy US cities
>and military installations. Surely as Lt. Bush shot at them they would
>be trying to shoot and kill Lt. Bush. Please explain the cowardice in
>Lt. Bush's military service? In your mind is engaging the enemy "over
>Canada" the same as "fleeing to Canada?" Also, wasn't Lt. Bush risking
>his life in the early 1970's when you were at the very same time
>"protesting" the war, encouraging our enemies and calling us sailors,
>soldiers and veterans "war criminals?"
>Question number 10 You have stated you would turn the decision on
>deployment of US troops over to the UNited Nations and OPPOSED the
>death penalty even for terrorists who murder would you
>win the war on terrorism given your stated positions? You state that
>you voted for the war but now state that you were only voting for the
>"process" of the UN putting pressure on Iraq. Please show us in the
>vote the word "process." Also explain why 99 other US Senators could
>not find the word "process" in the bill they voted on. Finally, please
>explain how we are to believe anything you say or ever said and how
>you are a member of the "band of brothers" after your calling us war
>More on Kerry's Girlfriend Hanoi Jane:
>One story is told by Jerry Driscoll, an F-4E pilot, who was a River
>Rat and a former POW in Ho Lo Prison-the "Hanoi Hilton." Dragged from
>a stinking cesspit of a cell, cleaned, fed, and dressed in clean PJs,
>he was ordered to describe for a visiting American "Peace Activist"
>the "lenient and humane treatment" he'd received. He spat at Fonda,
>was clubbed, and dragged away. During the subsequent beating, he fell
>forward upon the camp Commandant's feet, accidentally pulling the
>man's shoe off-which sent that officer berserk. In 1978, the Air Force
>colonel still suffered from double vision (which permanently ended his
>flying days) from the frenzied application of the wooden baton.
>Col Larry Carrigan spent 6 years in the "Hilton"--the first three of
>which he was "missing in action". His group, too, got the
>cleaned/fed/clothed routine in preparation for a "peace delegation"
>visit. They, however, had time and devised a plan to get word to the
>world that they still survived. Each man secreted a tiny piece of
>paper, with his social security number on it, in the palm of his hand.
>When paraded before Fonda and a cameraman, she walked the line,
>shaking each man's hand and asking little encouraging snippets like:
>"Aren't you sorry you bombed babies?" and "Are you grateful for the
>humane treatment from your benevolent captors?" Believing this HAD to
>be an act, they each palmed her their sliver of paper. She took them
>all without missing a beat. At the end of the line and once the camera
>stopped rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs, she turned to
>the officer in charge...and handed him the little pile. Three men died
>from the subsequent beatings. Col Carrigan was almost number four.
>(there is some controversy if this one incident actually occurred.
>Click here)
>A civilian economic development advisor in Vietnam, and was captured
>by the North Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam in 1968, and held
>for over 5 years. The advisor spent 27 months in solitary
>confinement, one year in a cage in Cambodia, and one year in a "black
>box" in Hanoi. The North Vietnamese captors deliberately poisoned and
>murdered a female missionary, a nurse in a leprosarium in Ban me
>Thuot, South Vietnam. These were some more of Fonda's "war
>criminals." When Fonda was in Hanoi, the advisor was asked by the camp
>communist political officer about meeting with Fonda. He said yes,
>because he wanted to tell her about the real treatment POWs were
>receiving, which was far different from the treatment reported by the
>North Vietnamese, and parroted by Fonda, as "humane and lenient."
>Because of this, he spent three days on a rocky floor on his knees,
>with outstretched arms and a piece of steel placed on his hands, and
>beaten with a bamboo cane.
>For years after their release, a group of determined former POWs,
>including Col Carrigan, tried to bring Fonda and others up on charges
>of treason. Her obvious "granting of aid and comfort to the enemy,"
>alone, should have been sufficient for the treason count. Fonda, on
>the other hand, chose to be a traitor, and went to Hanoi, wore their
>uniform, propagandized for the communists, and urged American soldiers
>to desert. As POWs tortured and murdered, she called them liars. After
>her heroes-the North Vietnamese communists-took over South Vietnam,
>they systematically murdered 80,000 South Vietnamese political
>prisoners. May their souls rest on her head forever. However, to
>date, Fonda has never been formally charged with anything and
>continues to enjoy the privileged life of the rich and famous. This
>is shame on us, the American Citizenry. Part of our shortfall is
>ignorance: most don't know such actions ever took place. Fonda should
>be viewed as one of the "Least Respected Women of the Century." This
>doesn't even go into the arguments of why we should even consider
>renewing diplomatic relationships with Vietnam until the Vietnamese
>"war criminals" are put on trial for their roles with Hanoi Jane
>In July 1972 Jane travels to North Vietnam and tours the area for 2
>During July, 1972 she made six broadcasts over Radio Hanoi.
>From the one on July 14, 1972 she said;
>"This is Jane Fonda speaking from Hanoi, and I'm speaking particularly
>to the U.S servicemen...I don't know what your officers tell you...but
>[your] weapons are illegal and that's not just rhetoric...The men who
>are ordering you to use these weapons are war criminals according to
>international law, and in the past, in Germany and Japan, men who
>committed these kinds of crimes were tried and executed."
>Another broadcasts quoted Ho Chi Minh and had references to President
>Nixon as a "new-type Hitler", along with messages to the South
>Vietnamese soldiers to desert, "You are being used as cannon fodder
>for U.S. imperialism."(AFJ,May'88--Personalities)
>Addressing herself to the men on the aircraft carriers in the area;
>"Use of these bombs or condoning the use of these bombs makes one a
>war criminal." When addressing herself to the pilots of the American
>planes she continued with; "Examine the reasons given to justify the
>murder you are being paid to commit." Upon her return to the U.S. she
>then addressed cheering students; "I bring greetings from our
>Vietnamese brothers and sisters."
>Jane formed the Indochina Peace Campaign which was anti-Nixon and pro
>When the POWs returned she added "I think that one of the only ways
>that we are going to redeem ourselves as a country for what we have
>done there is not to hail the POWs as heroes, because they are
>hypocrites and liars....History will judge them severely." The attacks
>continued for four months and was not simply popping off as she told
>Barbara Walters in her efforts at rehabilitating herself.
>Hanoi Jane Talks to the sailors of the US Navy "Gulf of Tonkin Yacht
>Citizen Jane, by Christopher P. Anderson, Published by: Henry Holt and
>Company, New York, Copyright: 1990, ISBN 0-8050-0959-0 (
>indicates the book is out of print). Here are some excerpts from
>Christopher Anderson's "Citizen Jane".
>Page 254
>This is Jane Fonda speaking in Hanoi,
>and I'm speaking privately to U.S. servicemen who are stationed in the
>Gulf of Tonkin . . . . Seventh Fleet in the Anglico Corps (Marine
>spotters for naval gunfire in the south of Vietnam.) You are very far
>away, perhaps, and removed from the country you're being ordered to
>shoot shells at and bomb, and the use of these bombs, or the condoning
>of the use of these bombs makes one a war criminal.
>The men who are ordering you to use these weapons are war criminals
>according to international law, and in the past in Germany and Japan
>men who were guilty of these kinds of crimes were tried and executed.
>In a [Jane Fonda] broadcast to U.S. Pilots on July 21;
>Nixon is continuing to risk your lives and the lives of the American
>prisoners of war under the bombs in a last desperate gamble to keep
>his office come November. How does it feel to be used as pawns? You
>may be shot down, you may perhaps even be killed, but for what, and
>for whom?
>The people back home are crying for you. We are afraid of what, what
>must be happening to you as human beings. For it isn't possible to
>destroy, to receive salary for pushing buttons and pulling levers that
>are dropping illegal bombs on innocent people without having that
>damage your own soul. Tonight when you are alone, ask yourselves; What
>are you doing? Accept no ready answers fed to you by rote from basic
>training on up; but as men, as human beings; Can you justify what you
>are doing? Do you know why you are flying these missions, collecting
>extra combat pay on Sunday?
>The next day, Jane Fonda hit the airwaves again:
>This is Jane Fonda in Hanoi. I'm speaking to the men in the cockpits
>of the Phantoms, in the B-52s, in the F-4s; those of you who are still
>here fighting the war, in the air, on the ground, the guys in the
>Anglico Corps, on the Seventh Fleet . . .
>(Page 255)
>. . . the Constellation, the Coral Sea, the Hancock, Ticonderoga, the
>Kitty Hawk, the Enterprise . . . All of you, in your heart of hearts,
>know the lies-cheating on body counts, falsified battle reports, the
>numbers of planes that are shot down, what your targets really are.
>Knowing who was doing the lying . . . should you allow these same
>liars to decide for you who your enemy is? Should we examine the
>reasons given to justify the murder you are being paid to commit? If
>they told you the truth, you wouldn't fight, you wouldn't kill. You
>were not born and brought up by your mothers to be killers. So . . .
>you have been told lies so that it would be possible for you to kill.
>What Impact Did Jane Fonda's Words
>Have to Aid and Comfort Our Enemies, the people dedicated to killing
>us and our shipmates?
> The significance of morale in the Communist war strategy is evident
>from statements by Colonel Bui Tinh [a high ranking Communist Party
>official] of the PAVN, a subordinate of General Vo Nguyen Giap, in
>that "Viet Nam [North Viet Nam] has a tactical weapon which the enemy
>does not recognize. That is our morale. Our morale is the foundation
>of the courage which we will use to defeat the enemy [the U.S.]".
> Ten years after the fall of Saigon, General Giap also would echo
>those sentiments and express direct appreciation for this unexpected
>bonus from the United States at a time when it was very badly needed.
>General Giap in that interview published in several major American
>newspapers, alleged that North Viet Nam had been within days of
>capitulating when the U.S. stopped its bombing campaign against North
>Viet Nam.
> As recently as 1991, Bui Tinh stated that Fonda's highly published
>support of the North Vietnamese gave them the "confidence" to continue
>to fight and "hold on in the face of battlefield reverses".
> A rifle platoon leader at the time claimed, in retrospect: "I'd say
>a lot of American boys lost their lives because of the encouragement
>she gave the North Vietnamese".
> These data would support providing the enemy with aid and comfort
>and in 1988 the Veterans of Foreign Wars voted to have Congress press
>its investigation of Jane Fonda.
>Jane Fonda issues an "apology". What does it mean? Click here
>The USS Yorktown Association and Jane Fonda's treason. What's the
>connection? Click here
>Jane Fonda's Blatant Treason by Skip Klingman click here


"Conan, what is best in life?''

''To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.''

Reply With Quote
Old 02-17-2004, 08:24 AM
Mr. X

Posts: n/a
Default Re: 10 Questions For John Kerry & Hanoi Jane From A Vietnam Vet. Plus More On Hanoi Jane!

Bush is an alcoholic coward who lost a fight with a pretzle bag
and did this:

"Hanoi Jane Kerry" wrote in message om...
> LIKE MOST PEOPLE, I am willing to forgive and forget. In fact, since
> former LCDR John McCain has forgiven the Vietnamese commies, I surely
> have no right to carry around anger about the Vietnam War and how it
> ended. But as you keep bringing it up in every speech you make "I am a
> Vietnam War Veteran" and "I won the Silver Star" I must ask a few
> questions. As we are both US Navy Vietnam War veterans and you were a
> commissioned officer and I was a petty officer I am willing to give
> you the benefit of the doubt, so please answer the following and I
> will quietly and respectfully listen to your answers;
> Question number 1--Will you like Pres Bush release your service and
> medical records? Or do you want to hide the fact that you were only
> scratched and got 3 purple hearts to cut your combat zone tour to only
> 4 months?
> Question number 2--Did you receive a Silver Star for chasing and
> killing a Vietnamese who was already wounded (or already killed) by
> another swift boat crewman? Did you get the Silver Star based on the
> Action Report that you wrote and the "action" that you alone
> witnessed? If you get a Silver Star for killing an enemy, wouldn't
> every soldier, sailor and marine who killed an enemy soldier also be
> entitled to wear a Silver Star? Isn't what you did exactly what Lt.
> Calley did and he faced a court martial? Didn't you throw your Silver
> Star back at the Pentagon in protest for our fight against worldwide
> communism. You've said that those were your medals...then you said
> they were someone else's medals...then you said that you threw your
> RIBBONS but NOT your medals and now we see your self awarded "Silver
> Star" proudly on display in your office. Is the Silver Star on display
> one that you bought at the gedunk (ship's store)? Isn't your self
> awarded Silver Star for putting a bullet into a fleeing wounded (or
> already dead) enemy and your three Purple Hearts for self admitted
> scratches an insult to every veteran?
> Question number 3--While a US Navy commissioned officer did you commit
> a court-martial offense by the use of illegal drugs, killing unarmed
> civilians and children and/or killing wounded and helpless enemy
> combatants? What did your admiral mean when he said "I don't know if I
> should give Lt. Kerry a medal or a court martial for all the civilians
> he's killed."
> Question number 4--After your active duty in the Navy did you fulfill
> your Navy Reserve obligation or ignore them and devote all your time
> to anti American demonstration which emboldened our enemy to
> eventually win the war? Because you encouraged our enemy when American
> fighting men were still in the field, can you give us a number of how
> many American soldiers, sailors and Marines you are responsible for
> killing? Why does LCol Olive North say, "John Kerry has blood of
> American soldiers on his hands."
> Question number 5 When you returned from Vietnam, you labeled all
> other Vietnam Veterans war made these claims under
> oath...were you lying then, or are you lying now.
> Question number 6 You associated yourself with Hanoi Jane Fonda, an
> avowed Communist who supported North Vietnam. Hanoi Jane stated that
> our prisoners were LYING when they claimed to have been tortured by
> the Vietnamese. Do you believe former LCDR John MCCain to be a liar??
> Question number 7 Have you condemned Jane Fonda and asked her not to
> support your campaign? In his 1985 memoir about the war, Gen. Vo
> Nguyen Giap wrote that if it weren't for organizations like Kerry's
> Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Hanoi would have surrendered to the
> U.S. The Department of Justice was set to charge Jane Fonda with
> treason but the President stopped that so the country could heal after
> our Vietnamese allies were slaughtered. Was the Justice Department set
> to charge you with treason as well? What did Hanoi Jane mean when she
> called you "a hero." Did she mean you were an American hero for
> killing Vietnamese civilians? Or, did she mean that you are a Viet
> Cong or Communist Vietnam "hero" for helping them win the war.
> Question number 8 You wrote a book entitled Winter Soldier where the
> cover MOCKS the Iwo Jima memorial with scruffy men "raising" an
> upside-down United States flag.
> 7,000 Marines DIED at Iwo Jima including three from the famous photo
> you Mock. Do you care to apologize to the 7,000 families of those
> Marines? During the Vietnam War why did you encourage American
> soldiers and sailors to desert in your book THE NEW SOLDIER and in
> your speeches. As our Commander in Chief would desertion during
> wartime be "ok" with you?
> Question number 9 You have stated that going into the National Guard
> was like running off to Canada. Tens of thousands of Guardsmen served
> in Vietnam, several thousand gave their you care to
> apologize? Lt. Bush flew a F102. Many of the men who flew F102s were
> killed by them. Would you care to explain how risking your life to fly
> a fighter plane is cowardly--explain this to the widows and their
> children? The F102 was tasked with meeting and shooting down Soviet
> bombers coming to the USA by flying over Canada to destroy US cities
> and military installations. Surely as Lt. Bush shot at them they would
> be trying to shoot and kill Lt. Bush. Please explain the cowardice in
> Lt. Bush's military service? In your mind is engaging the enemy "over
> Canada" the same as "fleeing to Canada?" Also, wasn't Lt. Bush risking
> his life in the early 1970's when you were at the very same time
> "protesting" the war, encouraging our enemies and calling us sailors,
> soldiers and veterans "war criminals?"
> Question number 10 You have stated you would turn the decision on
> deployment of US troops over to the UNited Nations and OPPOSED the
> death penalty even for terrorists who murder would you
> win the war on terrorism given your stated positions? You state that
> you voted for the war but now state that you were only voting for the
> "process" of the UN putting pressure on Iraq. Please show us in the
> vote the word "process." Also explain why 99 other US Senators could
> not find the word "process" in the bill they voted on. Finally, please
> explain how we are to believe anything you say or ever said and how
> you are a member of the "band of brothers" after your calling us war
> criminals??
> More on Kerry's Girlfriend Hanoi Jane:
> One story is told by Jerry Driscoll, an F-4E pilot, who was a River
> Rat and a former POW in Ho Lo Prison-the "Hanoi Hilton." Dragged from
> a stinking cesspit of a cell, cleaned, fed, and dressed in clean PJs,
> he was ordered to describe for a visiting American "Peace Activist"
> the "lenient and humane treatment" he'd received. He spat at Fonda,
> was clubbed, and dragged away. During the subsequent beating, he fell
> forward upon the camp Commandant's feet, accidentally pulling the
> man's shoe off-which sent that officer berserk. In 1978, the Air Force
> colonel still suffered from double vision (which permanently ended his
> flying days) from the frenzied application of the wooden baton.
> Col Larry Carrigan spent 6 years in the "Hilton"--the first three of
> which he was "missing in action". His group, too, got the
> cleaned/fed/clothed routine in preparation for a "peace delegation"
> visit. They, however, had time and devised a plan to get word to the
> world that they still survived. Each man secreted a tiny piece of
> paper, with his social security number on it, in the palm of his hand.
> When paraded before Fonda and a cameraman, she walked the line,
> shaking each man's hand and asking little encouraging snippets like:
> "Aren't you sorry you bombed babies?" and "Are you grateful for the
> humane treatment from your benevolent captors?" Believing this HAD to
> be an act, they each palmed her their sliver of paper. She took them
> all without missing a beat. At the end of the line and once the camera
> stopped rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs, she turned to
> the officer in charge...and handed him the little pile. Three men died
> from the subsequent beatings. Col Carrigan was almost number four.
> (there is some controversy if this one incident actually occurred.
> Click here)
> A civilian economic development advisor in Vietnam, and was captured
> by the North Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam in 1968, and held
> for over 5 years. The advisor spent 27 months in solitary
> confinement, one year in a cage in Cambodia, and one year in a "black
> box" in Hanoi. The North Vietnamese captors deliberately poisoned and
> murdered a female missionary, a nurse in a leprosarium in Ban me
> Thuot, South Vietnam. These were some more of Fonda's "war
> criminals." When Fonda was in Hanoi, the advisor was asked by the camp
> communist political officer about meeting with Fonda. He said yes,
> because he wanted to tell her about the real treatment POWs were
> receiving, which was far different from the treatment reported by the
> North Vietnamese, and parroted by Fonda, as "humane and lenient."
> Because of this, he spent three days on a rocky floor on his knees,
> with outstretched arms and a piece of steel placed on his hands, and
> beaten with a bamboo cane.
> For years after their release, a group of determined former POWs,
> including Col Carrigan, tried to bring Fonda and others up on charges
> of treason. Her obvious "granting of aid and comfort to the enemy,"
> alone, should have been sufficient for the treason count. Fonda, on
> the other hand, chose to be a traitor, and went to Hanoi, wore their
> uniform, propagandized for the communists, and urged American soldiers
> to desert. As POWs tortured and murdered, she called them liars. After
> her heroes-the North Vietnamese communists-took over South Vietnam,
> they systematically murdered 80,000 South Vietnamese political
> prisoners. May their souls rest on her head forever. However, to
> date, Fonda has never been formally charged with anything and
> continues to enjoy the privileged life of the rich and famous. This
> is shame on us, the American Citizenry. Part of our shortfall is
> ignorance: most don't know such actions ever took place. Fonda should
> be viewed as one of the "Least Respected Women of the Century." This
> doesn't even go into the arguments of why we should even consider
> renewing diplomatic relationships with Vietnam until the Vietnamese
> "war criminals" are put on trial for their roles with Hanoi Jane
> Fonda.
> 1972
> In July 1972 Jane travels to North Vietnam and tours the area for 2
> weeks.
> During July, 1972 she made six broadcasts over Radio Hanoi.
> From the one on July 14, 1972 she said;
> "This is Jane Fonda speaking from Hanoi, and I'm speaking particularly
> to the U.S servicemen...I don't know what your officers tell you...but
> [your] weapons are illegal and that's not just rhetoric...The men who
> are ordering you to use these weapons are war criminals according to
> international law, and in the past, in Germany and Japan, men who
> committed these kinds of crimes were tried and executed."
> Another broadcasts quoted Ho Chi Minh and had references to President
> Nixon as a "new-type Hitler", along with messages to the South
> Vietnamese soldiers to desert, "You are being used as cannon fodder
> for U.S. imperialism."(AFJ,May'88--Personalities)
> Addressing herself to the men on the aircraft carriers in the area;
> "Use of these bombs or condoning the use of these bombs makes one a
> war criminal." When addressing herself to the pilots of the American
> planes she continued with; "Examine the reasons given to justify the
> murder you are being paid to commit." Upon her return to the U.S. she
> then addressed cheering students; "I bring greetings from our
> Vietnamese brothers and sisters."
> Jane formed the Indochina Peace Campaign which was anti-Nixon and pro
> Hanoi.
> When the POWs returned she added "I think that one of the only ways
> that we are going to redeem ourselves as a country for what we have
> done there is not to hail the POWs as heroes, because they are
> hypocrites and liars....History will judge them severely." The attacks
> continued for four months and was not simply popping off as she told
> Barbara Walters in her efforts at rehabilitating herself.
> Hanoi Jane Talks to the sailors of the US Navy "Gulf of Tonkin Yacht
> Club"
> Citizen Jane, by Christopher P. Anderson, Published by: Henry Holt and
> Company, New York, Copyright: 1990, ISBN 0-8050-0959-0 (
> indicates the book is out of print). Here are some excerpts from
> Christopher Anderson's "Citizen Jane".
> Page 254
> This is Jane Fonda speaking in Hanoi,
> and I'm speaking privately to U.S. servicemen who are stationed in the
> Gulf of Tonkin . . . . Seventh Fleet in the Anglico Corps (Marine
> spotters for naval gunfire in the south of Vietnam.) You are very far
> away, perhaps, and removed from the country you're being ordered to
> shoot shells at and bomb, and the use of these bombs, or the condoning
> of the use of these bombs makes one a war criminal.
> The men who are ordering you to use these weapons are war criminals
> according to international law, and in the past in Germany and Japan
> men who were guilty of these kinds of crimes were tried and executed.
> In a [Jane Fonda] broadcast to U.S. Pilots on July 21;
> Nixon is continuing to risk your lives and the lives of the American
> prisoners of war under the bombs in a last desperate gamble to keep
> his office come November. How does it feel to be used as pawns? You
> may be shot down, you may perhaps even be killed, but for what, and
> for whom?
> The people back home are crying for you. We are afraid of what, what
> must be happening to you as human beings. For it isn't possible to
> destroy, to receive salary for pushing buttons and pulling levers that
> are dropping illegal bombs on innocent people without having that
> damage your own soul. Tonight when you are alone, ask yourselves; What
> are you doing? Accept no ready answers fed to you by rote from basic
> training on up; but as men, as human beings; Can you justify what you
> are doing? Do you know why you are flying these missions, collecting
> extra combat pay on Sunday?
> The next day, Jane Fonda hit the airwaves again:
> This is Jane Fonda in Hanoi. I'm speaking to the men in the cockpits
> of the Phantoms, in the B-52s, in the F-4s; those of you who are still
> here fighting the war, in the air, on the ground, the guys in the
> Anglico Corps, on the Seventh Fleet . . .
> (Page 255)
> . . . the Constellation, the Coral Sea, the Hancock, Ticonderoga, the
> Kitty Hawk, the Enterprise . . . All of you, in your heart of hearts,
> know the lies-cheating on body counts, falsified battle reports, the
> numbers of planes that are shot down, what your targets really are.
> Knowing who was doing the lying . . . should you allow these same
> liars to decide for you who your enemy is? Should we examine the
> reasons given to justify the murder you are being paid to commit? If
> they told you the truth, you wouldn't fight, you wouldn't kill. You
> were not born and brought up by your mothers to be killers. So . . .
> you have been told lies so that it would be possible for you to kill.
> What Impact Did Jane Fonda's Words
> Have to Aid and Comfort Our Enemies, the people dedicated to killing
> us and our shipmates?
> The significance of morale in the Communist war strategy is evident
> from statements by Colonel Bui Tinh [a high ranking Communist Party
> official] of the PAVN, a subordinate of General Vo Nguyen Giap, in
> that "Viet Nam [North Viet Nam] has a tactical weapon which the enemy
> does not recognize. That is our morale. Our morale is the foundation
> of the courage which we will use to defeat the enemy [the U.S.]".
> Ten years after the fall of Saigon, General Giap also would echo
> those sentiments and express direct appreciation for this unexpected
> bonus from the United States at a time when it was very badly needed.
> General Giap in that interview published in several major American
> newspapers, alleged that North Viet Nam had been within days of
> capitulating when the U.S. stopped its bombing campaign against North
> Viet Nam.
> As recently as 1991, Bui Tinh stated that Fonda's highly published
> support of the North Vietnamese gave them the "confidence" to continue
> to fight and "hold on in the face of battlefield reverses".
> A rifle platoon leader at the time claimed, in retrospect: "I'd say
> a lot of American boys lost their lives because of the encouragement
> she gave the North Vietnamese".
> These data would support providing the enemy with aid and comfort
> and in 1988 the Veterans of Foreign Wars voted to have Congress press
> its investigation of Jane Fonda.
> Jane Fonda issues an "apology". What does it mean? Click here
> The USS Yorktown Association and Jane Fonda's treason. What's the
> connection? Click here
> Jane Fonda's Blatant Treason by Skip Klingman click here

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Old 02-17-2004, 08:43 AM

Posts: n/a
Default Re: 10 Questions For John Kerry & Hanoi Jane From A Vietnam Vet. Plus More On Hanoi Jane!

On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 0846 -0800, "Mr. X"

>Bush is an alcoholic coward who lost a fight with a pretzle bag
>and did this:

Ted Kennedy is a alcoholic coward that killed a young woman, and he
gets elected every time he's up for re-election, so your point is.
Yep, I see a double set of standards.
Just one more point if you will, yearly many people choke to death on
food products, are they cowards? alcoholic's?

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Old 02-17-2004, 09:23 AM
Richard Rongstad

Posts: n/a
Default Re: 10 Questions For John Kerry & Hanoi Jane From A Vietnam Vet. PlusMore On Hanoi Jane!

Hanoi Jane Kerry wrote:

You are now peddling bullshit.

As of now, I don't think you intended to do so.

Not all of it is bullshit, but enough to be misleading and this
perpetuates falsehoods that the POW themselves have tried to stop.

As a matter of fact, until John Kerry began reminding everybody
about his military experience and the old connection of Kerry
to Fonda came up again, it had been stopped on these newsgroups.

> More on Kerry's Girlfriend Hanoi Jane:

Mike McGrath POW, and Col. Jerry Driscoll himself have on numerous
occasions repudiated portions of these stories as bullshit.
Jane Fonda can hang under the factual weight of her own factual
treason. There is no need to make up stories about her and there
is no need for Jane Fonda and her defenders to be able to
point to military people spreading lies about her.
Why surrender the moral advantage to Jane Fonda when she deserves none?

Col. Jerry Driscoll repudiated the bogus story again on a segment
of C-SPAN Book TV as NAM-POWs hosted a speech by Henry Holzer and
Erika Holzer in Texas (May 25, 2002). The Holzer's discussed their
book "Aid and Comfort" Jane Fonda in North Vietnam. You can
probably buy a copy of the video from C-SPAN or NAM-POWs.

Please check into this. I don't think any of the great people
that served in USS Yorktown would want this to continue,
especially in light of what the POW themselves have said.

You wrote;
> One story is told by Jerry Driscoll, an F-4E pilot, who was a River
> Rat and a former POW in Ho Lo Prison-the "Hanoi Hilton." Dragged from
> a stinking cesspit of a cell, cleaned, fed, and dressed in clean PJs,
> he was ordered to describe for a visiting American "Peace Activist"
> the "lenient and humane treatment" he'd received. He spat at Fonda,
> was clubbed, and dragged away. During the subsequent beating, he fell
> forward upon the camp Commandant's feet, accidentally pulling the
> man's shoe off-which sent that officer berserk. In 1978, the Air Force
> colonel still suffered from double vision (which permanently ended his
> flying days) from the frenzied application of the wooden baton.

Read more here:
The Bogus Jane Fonda Story
In 1999 a shocking story about Jane Fonda and POW hit the Internet.
This story was false although it contained many verifiable facts.
The story has been repudiated by at least one of the POW named in
the story. This story is now considered a hoax and has taken its
place among other urban legends. You can decide for yourself.
Read this.

> Jane Fonda's Blatant Treason by Skip Klingman click here

Read rebuttals and explanations from Mike McGrath
and Charles "Skip" Klingman here:
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Old 02-17-2004, 09:51 AM
Richard Rongstad

Posts: n/a
Default Re: 10 Questions For John Kerry & Hanoi Jane From A Vietnam Vet. PlusMore On Hanoi Jane!

Ken wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 0846 -0800, "Mr. X"
> wrote:
> >Bush is an alcoholic coward who lost a fight with a pretzle bag
> >and did this:
> >
> >

> Ted Kennedy is a alcoholic coward that killed a young woman, and he
> gets elected every time he's up for re-election, so your point is.
> Yep, I see a double set of standards.
> Just one more point if you will, yearly many people choke to death on
> food products, are they cowards? alcoholic's?

Barney "Page Boy Sex Ring" Frank keeps getting reelected by the
people in his Massachusetts district too.

Massachusetts has a proud history. What went wrong?

Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank, John Kerry, I have to wonder about the
standards of the people of Massachusetts.

What do the people of Massachusetts have against the rest of
America? - They keep inflicting these wacko politicians on the
rest of us - yeah, I know - California answers with Feinstein,
Boxer, Dellums, Pelosi, ad nauseum.
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Old 02-17-2004, 01:00 PM

Posts: n/a
Default Re: 10 Questions For John Kerry & Hanoi Jane From A Vietnam Vet. Plus More On Hanoi Jane! (Hanoi Jane Kerry) wrote in message news:<>...

> Question number 3--While a US Navy commissioned officer did you commit
> a court-martial offense by the use of illegal drugs, killing unarmed
> civilians and children and/or killing wounded and helpless enemy
> combatants? What did your admiral mean when he said "I don't know if I
> should give Lt. Kerry a medal or a court martial for all the civilians
> he's killed."

Do you have a citation for this? Sounds pretty interesting.

> Question number 4--After your active duty in the Navy did you fulfill
> your Navy Reserve obligation or ignore them and devote all your time
> to anti American demonstration which emboldened our enemy to
> eventually win the war? Because you encouraged our enemy when American
> fighting men were still in the field, can you give us a number of how
> many American soldiers, sailors and Marines you are responsible for
> killing? Why does LCol Olive North say, "John Kerry has blood of
> American soldiers on his hands."
> Question number 5 When you returned from Vietnam, you labeled all
> other Vietnam Veterans war made these claims under
> oath...were you lying then, or are you lying now.

A better question would be "When you returned from Vietnam, you
labeled all other Vietnam Veterans war criminals... you made these
claims under oath...are the veterans comming forward today to assist
with your campaign - the ones called your "Band of Brothers" who stand
with you on the podium at campaign rallies - war criminals?
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Old 02-17-2004, 04:08 PM
Doug Reese

Posts: n/a
Default Re: 10 Questions For John Kerry & Hanoi Jane From A Vietnam Vet. Plus More On Hanoi Jane!

AWV regulars, don't even waste your time.

Others, read on, but the lie meter will be going full-tilt. . . . . . . (Hanoi Jane Kerry) wrote:
>LIKE MOST PEOPLE, I am willing to forgive and forget. In fact, since
>former LCDR John McCain has forgiven the Vietnamese commies, I surely
>have no right to carry around anger about the Vietnam War and how it
>ended. But as you keep bringing it up in every speech you make "I am a
>Vietnam War Veteran" and "I won the Silver Star" I must ask a few
>questions. As we are both US Navy Vietnam War veterans and you were a
>commissioned officer and I was a petty officer I am willing to give
>you the benefit of the doubt, so please answer the following and I
>will quietly and respectfully listen to your answers;
>Question number 1--Will you like Pres Bush release your service and
>medical records? Or do you want to hide the fact that you were only
>scratched and got 3 purple hearts to cut your combat zone tour to only
>4 months?

Hey, how about reading up a little before making these stupid comments. Kerry has stated
publicly that his wounds were minor, and that one of them caused him to be off duty for two
days. The others didn't cause any time off. It is a well known fact that he requested to go
home early due to a Navy regulation that allows such after receiving three Purple Hearts.

>Question number 2--Did you receive a Silver Star for chasing and
>killing a Vietnamese who was already wounded (or already killed)

Shot in the leg. Otherwise quite healthy

>another swift boat crewman?

No, he wasn't killed by another crewman. Where in the hell to you get this stuff?

>Did you get the Silver Star based on the
>Action Report that you wrote and the "action" that you alone
>witnessed? If you get a Silver Star for killing an enemy, wouldn't
>every soldier, sailor and marine who killed an enemy soldier also be
>entitled to wear a Silver Star? Isn't what you did exactly what Lt.
>Calley did and he faced a court martial? Didn't you throw your Silver
>Star back at the Pentagon in protest for our fight against worldwide
>communism. You've said that those were your medals...then you said
>they were someone else's medals...then you said that you threw your
>RIBBONS but NOT your medals and now we see your self awarded "Silver
>Star" proudly on display in your office. Is the Silver Star on display
>one that you bought at the gedunk (ship's store)? Isn't your self
>awarded Silver Star for putting a bullet into a fleeing wounded (or
>already dead) enemy and your three Purple Hearts for self admitted
>scratches an insult to every veteran?

To many stupid statements for me to even respond.

>Question number 3--While a US Navy commissioned officer did you commit
>a court-martial offense by the use of illegal drugs, killing unarmed
>civilians and children and/or killing wounded and helpless enemy

Looks like you're the one using drugs.

>What did your admiral mean when he said "I don't know if I
>should give Lt. Kerry a medal or a court martial for all the civilians
>he's killed."

He never said that. Lies, lies, lies.

>More on Kerry's Girlfriend Hanoi Jane:
>One story is told by Jerry Driscoll, an F-4E pilot, who was a River
>Rat and a former POW in Ho Lo Prison-the "Hanoi Hilton." Dragged from
>a stinking cesspit of a cell, cleaned, fed, and dressed in clean PJs,
>he was ordered to describe for a visiting American "Peace Activist"
>the "lenient and humane treatment" he'd received. He spat at Fonda,
>was clubbed, and dragged away. During the subsequent beating, he fell
>forward upon the camp Commandant's feet, accidentally pulling the
>man's shoe off-which sent that officer berserk. In 1978, the Air Force
>colonel still suffered from double vision (which permanently ended his
>flying days) from the frenzied application of the wooden baton.
>Col Larry Carrigan spent 6 years in the "Hilton"--the first three of
>which he was "missing in action". His group, too, got the
>cleaned/fed/clothed routine in preparation for a "peace delegation"
>visit. They, however, had time and devised a plan to get word to the
>world that they still survived. Each man secreted a tiny piece of
>paper, with his social security number on it, in the palm of his hand.
>When paraded before Fonda and a cameraman, she walked the line,
>shaking each man's hand and asking little encouraging snippets like:
>"Aren't you sorry you bombed babies?" and "Are you grateful for the
>humane treatment from your benevolent captors?" Believing this HAD to
>be an act, they each palmed her their sliver of paper. She took them
>all without missing a beat. At the end of the line and once the camera
>stopped rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs, she turned to
>the officer in charge...and handed him the little pile. Three men died
>from the subsequent beatings. Col Carrigan was almost number four.
>(there is some controversy if this one incident actually occurred.
>Click here)

No, there isn't any controversy. The POWs in question have all denied it. But that doesn't
seem to keep you from repeating it.


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Old 02-17-2004, 04:11 PM
Doug Reese

Posts: n/a
Default Re: 10 Questions For John Kerry & Hanoi Jane From A Vietnam Vet. Plus More On Hanoi Jane!

COL RSJ wrote:
>On 17 Feb 2004 0751 -0800, (Hanoi Jane
>Kerry) wrote:

>Great post.

We expect one liar to compliment another on a post so chocked full of lies it boggles
the mind.

How about some more quotes from Giap while you're at it.


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