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Old 10-05-2005, 09:12 AM
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Default Unfit Commander!

Talk about a timely book that was printed about a year ago!

The nomination of Harriet Miers, Bush's latest consigliore, is not only a testament to how the Bushcrooks are organized along the lines of the Mafia, which is to say that Omerta takes precedence over any claim to competence, or in this case even any prior experience as a judge.

What makes this book -- which was a belated counter-attempt to counter the lies of the Rove-orchestrated "Swift Boat Liars" in the last election -- so immediately relevant is that Miers was paid by the Bush campaign when he was Governor of Texas to "look over" his National Guard record for "trouble spots." Some claim that she was even party to "eliminating" troublesome portions of the record. But the biggest accusation was that she used a Texas state position to basically provide "hush money" to a man who could verify that George was given preference for a position in the Texas Air National Guard .

Miers has proven herself a total Bush loyalist and crony. She meets Bush's only requirement in a candidate for any position: complete and uncompromising loyalty to Bush and the ruling Republican junta.

Most Democrats keep thinking it is about individual ideological positions. And there is some truth to that. However, they are missing the point entirely. Bush appoints people whose positions are the ones that Cheney and Rove tell them that their positions should be once they are in office. It's that simple.

For the Democrats to start grousing that they need to know "where Miers stands" is downright idiotic. On the issues that count, she'll stand wherever she's told to stand by the Bush politburo. And the issues that count most to Bush are stealing elections, preserving unaccountable profiteering, overthrowing criminal convictions of Busheviks on technicalities, and affirming the Imperial presidency whenever necessary to ensure the long-term consolidation of single-party Republican power.

Of course, Miers performed heroic services to Bush in bailing him out of a checkered career in the Texas Air National Guard, in which he was given a place because of "affirmative action" for sons of congressmen. The person Miers evidently had "hush money" handed to, Ben Barnes, revealed on "60 Minutes" last year that he had indeed helped young George leapfrog over hundreds of other applicants for the Air National Guard to help him escape serving in Vietnam .

"Unfit Commander" is a title that captures the essence of Bush's incompetence, ethical corruption and cronyism. It provides detail upon detail -- and document upon document -- that disprove the Rove/Hughes/Miers perpetrated myth that Bush served his country well. He was a coward who supported a war, but refused to fight in it, leaving other young men to die on behalf of his gung ho rhetoric. Then he got drugged and liquored up and disappeared from his "gentleman's duty" in the Guard.

He always appears to be AWOL from crises -- from his odd "My Pet Goat" moment and flight away from Washington after 9/11, to his mysterious bike ride when the Capitol and White House were evacuated and no one bothered to tell him, to his guitar strumming tour while New Orleans was drowning. The only thing Bush doesn't appear to be AWOL from are public relations stunts. In fact, that is his presidency as far as his reporting for duty.

As one reader of "Unfit Commander" noted on another website, "During the Vietnam War, John F. Kerry bravely performed his patriotic duty and risked his life in combat. During the same war, George Bush took the cowardly route and went AWOL from the Air National Guard for nearly a year. Glenn W. Smith's eye opening UNFIT COMMANDER provides full documented evidence, including over 250 pages of service records, that exposes the whole, shocking truth about Dumbya's shameful military 'career.'

Smith provides a detailed introduction and commentary, plus an extensive appendix that puts the sordid tale into proper perspective. Smith even addresses the recent CBS memo 'controversy' and how Republicans used the media to promote that ridiculous sham of a news story in order to divert the populace from the truth about the president's cowardly past. UNFIT COMMANDER is a well-researched and important historical document."

Bush is definitely an "Unfit Commander" as this book proves. That's why Cheney, Rove and Rumsfeld are running America -- running it right into the ground.




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Old 10-05-2005, 02:57 PM
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If the DNC wants my vote in 2008 find us another Harry S Truman or John Fitzgerald Kennedy to vote for! Till then it seems all the DNC has to offer is Kerry and Clinton and they aren't even a shadow of the ideas those two established!
[><] Dixie born and proud of it.
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Old 10-08-2005, 08:00 AM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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Default Want the truth, Gimp? Its long and complex

I read this book when it came out and, though informative it falls short of the true ideal.
There's no analysis of Bush's recrds, just a chronological listing of the papers. This was handy for me in my research ?I?m writing a book about the Bush?s military career and the relevance of the CBS papers?because up until that time the Bush papers had never been put in chronological order.
Why not? When the Bush administration ?document dumped? Bush?s records into the public eye on a Friday afternoon at the end of the news cycle their favorite time for dumping bad news) they scrambled the record thoroughly?no order, repetitive, many obscure records. George Bush?s personnel file wasn?t KEPT in such a sorry state, they scrambled it intentionally.
Why would someone do this to a record they say they?re proud of? The answer is they did it to hide what isn?t there, hide what is there and to obscure analysis. Of a record they SAY theyre proud of
Bush?s failure as a USAF pilot has always been easy to see---just look at his discharge. Our Commander in Chief was discharged from the service completely unqualified to do ANYTHING in the military, not even paint rocks white. Plus, according to the discharge, he wasn?t awarded ANY medals at all! Plus it says that he only served 5 years 4 months and 5 days of a 6 year hitch.! This is ?honorable service??
And this is the discharge he waves around to prove his ?honorable service!? This is called: Hiding the Bad News in plain sight.
It shows that he was stripped of his qualifications and medals! According to this discharge, being completely unqualified to do anything, he was worthless as tits on a boar to the USAF. This is a Kiss of Death discharge and every military person reading this knows it. George Bush was shoved out the door by the USAF.
Bush?s records were scrambled to mask what is there and to hide what isn?t there: His original suspension order that WAS written by Killian and delivered to Bush on Aug 1st, 1972 according to this order: ??Verbal orders of the Cmdr on aug 1 1972 suspending [Bush] from flying status are confirmed?? Every single military man reading this knows that means that George Bush stood before his commanding officer on 1 AUG 72 and received his supension. Killian wrote an order and read it to Bush. Killian?s original order is what this document (and Hodges, dated 9/5/72) are confirming. He wrote a memo to his superiors stating his actions and forwarded it up the chain of command, as the confirmation documents prove.
This order HAD to be written and delivered personally on that day according to regulation AFM 35-13 2-10 (see ) ?? Particular care must be taken to insure that the individual receives flying orders or knowledge of their contents on or before the effective date [Aug 1st 1972]
Bush also had to SIGN for receipt of the orders: ?? CBPO-SA will insure that the unit personnel record copy of an aeronautical which?.imposes or rescinds a suspension?.will be acknowledged by the person concerned to indicate time and date of receipt of orders?? AFM 35-13 2-10b
So Killian?s original suspension orders, which WERE signed by Bush, shouod have been in Bush?s files released so far and if they had, there wouldn?t have been any quibble about the CBS papers. The rwal order would have been there for all to see.
BUT ITS NOT!!! Yep, Gimp, this was what the document dump was all about?hiding the fact that Killian?s original order?which SHOULD have been there by law?is missing from Bush?s files.
And this is the only purported copy of that order ever to emerge:
One thing you have to know right now from putting these facts together: George Bush Knows RIGHT NOW whether this is real or not and always has.. He HAS to?Killian read him his orders and gave him a copy, which Bush signed for?therefore Bush knows whether this is the real one or not. There?s no believable scenario in which he doesn?t know what his real suspension order looks like..
Same for this:
George Bush knows whether this is real or not because he knows if he was ordered to take his physical or not. Again: there?s no way he couldn?t. Who else would know better than Bush if he was ordered to take the physical or not. Either he was?in which case this is real or he wasn?t in which this is drop dead false. And Bush has NEVER denied that these papers are real.
Look that one over close Gimpy?what does that paper purport to be? AN official written order for George Bush to take his physical from his commanding officer. If someone forged this, then they typed the letterhead of a federal USAF (ANG) unit, the 111th FIS, falsified official information about a USAF (ANG) officer (now President!) AND THEN FORGED THE COMMANDING OFFICER?S SIGNATURE ON IT!! And that?s just fine with Bush and the USAF as long as a few heads rolled at CBS and Rather was kicked to the curb?
Hey! That?s a SERIOUS federal crime! If it wasn?t We?d have had a pass every night, written in crayon, wouldn?t we?. It?s an even more serious federal crime because it libels a sitting president by forging an order implying he was ordered to take his physical!
So why, if Bush knew these were false or not, the minute he looked at them, didn?t he do what ANYBODY else would do if he was confronted with federal documents he knew or suspected to be false? Demand an investigation prosecution of the forgers? Forgery of federal documents, purporting to be official USAF orders, is a SERIOUS federal crime?supposedly.
How did these papers get to be known as ?private papers from a secret file of Col Killian? when they obviously represent official USAF documents? The reason for that is simple: If they are ?private papers? then there?s no federal investigation.
The people who?s duty it was to prove or disprove these papers: The DoD and USAF?s IG?s and the USAF OSI sat on their hands and pretended that there was no connection at all to them and that proving or disproving these USAF documents was an internal matter to CBS.
America, you?ve been HAD! George Bush and the USAF know right now whether the CBS papers are real or not and what they mean.
Basically, if real, they show Bush?s superiors in a conspiracy to ?sugarcoat? Bush?s suspension by falsifying documents on his behalf to get him out of their unit and to get him his ?honorable discharge.?
That?s what the line: ??I will backdate but I won?t rate??[Col Jerry Killian] is all about. He?s confessing to a crime: falsification of Bush?s OETR, which he DID do. A military commander can?t enter info on an official form that he knows to be false! It?s a crime?that?s why he wrote the ?CYA? paper?to cover his ass if and when the truth came out. The backdating refers to his moving the date of Bush?s exit from his unit from Sep 15th, the actual date to May 15th, as it says in the OETR. Killian, Harris and Hodges did this to try and make it look like Bush had left their unit before they needed to take action againshim?but thepaper trail proves them lying.
There?s a 10 paper trail showing that Bush was in the 111th until Sep 15th 1972, the day his orders for Alabama are dated: (illegal orders: not approved by ARPC)
During this time Bush was indisputably still part of the 111th with Killian his CO. Killian suspended him on Aug 1st, Hodges and Martin confirmed it on 9/5 and ARPC on 9/22. If Bush was not under Killian?s command after May 15th then why is he applying to Killian for a transfer on Sep 5th? (illegal request: didn?t go through channels)
Killian backdated the OETR and also refused to rate Bush?how could he? Bush hadn?t flown all that year and was suspended fro 9 months of it. This information Killian also left out on the OETR.
So there we have the crime and the confession. And the dialogue between Killian and his superiors make it a conspiracy?to defraud the USAF and the American people. That?s why Burkett?who hates Bush?gave these to CBS in the first place
[You can see more of the story at: including my demand to the USAF IG and OSI. I tell you where Burkett got the papers.)
That?s why the CBS papers weren?t investigated---whether the papers are real or not?which Bush and his aides know right now?there are crimes evident in Bush?s military papers: Forget the ?Barnes got him into the TANG? story, that doesn?t compute like this one.
I been doing a lot of research on this and have been writing every congressman I know demanding a federal investigation of this.
The greatest hoax in the history of Spin is the way Bush and his administration got these declared false without ANY official investigation and without the one man who knows for sure ever denying that they were real. He only said he ?didn?t remember seeing them before.? Not hardly the answer of a man looking at papers he knows or suspects to be forged, is it?
This story isn?t over yet, not by a long shot. Bush has to be made to confront his craven military record and his decades long lies about it.
He ended his career suspended from flying for refusing to take his physical, completely unqualified to do ANYthing in the military and, after over 5 years, without a single medal, not even the ones a 6 month trainee has.
That?s no kind record to be proud of, it?s a disgrace.

Unfit For Command doesn't cover most of this bu my book will--there's a LOT more
This story aint over untill its over--and it aint over.
Stay good, pal
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Old 10-08-2005, 11:00 AM
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hope you can finish your book ASAP so we can have the pleasure of watching his sorry butt squirm and attempt to lie and deceive his way out of the truth as he has done with many of the lies he and his 'gang of thugs have committed so far these past 5 years, and before!

Keep up the good work!



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

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Old 10-09-2005, 07:57 AM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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Originally posted by Gimpy hope you can finish your book ASAP so we can have the pleasure of watching his sorry butt squirm and attempt to lie and deceive his way out of the truth as he has done with many of the lies he and his 'gang of thugs have committed so far these past 5 years, and before!

Keep up the good work!
I work on it every day. When I'm not here, you can go ahead and think I'm working on it because I probably am. I not only am writing the book, I write influential people I know every day. I went to Congman Peter Defazio and he forwarded that report I cite on Kos to the USAF IG and OSI--which they'll probably ignore.
LAws have been broken and I want the miscreants brought to justice-if the papers ARE forged then Bush should be exonerated and the forgers put in jail. If theyre real, then Bush and his superiors need to see the inside of a jail: they recklessly broke laws and regulations to save Bush's ass. I hope you read the Kos Diary I cited: I lay it all out there.
You have to understand the basic truths, like:
>The CBS papers represent federal documents, NOT private papers like Bush and his people want you to believe.
> Forging federal documents is a SERIOUS federal crime, not something to be settled by a few firings from CBS
>The USAF could prove or disprove these papers very easily--they have not only the forensic capability but the investigative capability to put all the participants unde oath (Bush, Hodges, Martin, Staudt, Buill Burkett, Marion Knox) and put their story together.
>George BUsh and his aides HAVE to know right now--and always have--whether the papers are real or not--and are refusing to say.
>The Bush Administration--and the USAF have shirked their duty to investigate and prosecute the wrong doing concerning these papers although the papers purport to be USAF documents, that if forged libel the president.
Why? why wouldn't they investigate allegedly forged federal documents that, if forged as they say, libel the President? And several other USAG (ANG) officers?
The answer to that is that they got everything they wanted--beyond their wildest dreams--in their "Blogger's Court" which they had been setting up in advance. The Story turned around, CBS in tatters, Rather kicked to the curb--and no investigation of the papers at all and Bush never had to confront and affirm or deny the papers reality!! Misssion Accomplished!!. It all ended so beautifully for the Republicans, they don't want to be bothered with the legal formalities--like justice, legal procedure, the rule of law--not bloggers.
It ended so beautifully for the Republicans, it was almost as if they had planned it that way. Long in advance.
And if the papers are real, they would have had decades to set up their trick play--get the papers delacred false without an official investigation and without the one man who knows for sure ever saying. They would have had their answer ready within minutes of the CBS papers emergence--and so they did. Detailed analysis of the papers that normally takes weeks and months, all done in a few hours (prepared in advance? You betcha--that means they KNEW about these papers in advance--which means theyre real.)

Re: the order to take his physical: Do you know that Bush refused to answer whether he had been ordered to take his physical when asked specifically that by the AP? I forgot to put that down on the post above.
Here's a classic example of Bush Administration media manipulation:
"...The White House did not answer whether Bush disobeyed a direct order to take the exam...."
You read that right Gimp--Bush refused to answer whether he had been ordfered to take his physical. All of a sudden this may look more real to you now:
Look where that statment is in the article--2d to bottom line. It SHOULD have been the headline and BUsh should have been made to answer that. AMerica needs to know if their C in C refused to obey a direct order. But no, it got stuck in the most obscure place in the article, where it would be cut off first for brevity. The mostimportant fact in the article
Bush refused to answer whetner he had been ordered to take his physical or not and an order for him to do just that pops up--which he doesn't deny.
Note the date of that article--almost a months AFTER the CBS papers emerged. You know as well as me that if there was ANY way that BUsh could have answered NO to that question he would have--but he couldn't. CBS are fools for not realizing that they had the key to their probelms right here: Bush KNOWS whether he was ordered to take his physical and the only reasonble reason for him not saying so is that he was.
Whats amazing is that CBS had the answer to their problem right there--just insist that Bush answer that question Yes or No. They should have had Rather standing up and asking: Were You ordered to take your physical and is this the order? And the same for the suspension order--just keep asking him where the original order is, what it says and why its not in his records. Bush WAS suspended on 1 Aug 72 for SOME reason--we have the confirmation documents. But the original order writen by Killian is missing as you can see leafing through Unfit.
Thats where Unfit for Command helps out--by putting the paperwork in chronological order. I had done this months in advance of Smith. Thats how you get the true story, which is why the Bush people scrambled it.
Look at the 2 confiormation documents, dated 9/5/72 (Hodges and Martin) and 9/22/72 (ARPC) Hodges and Martim's confirmation CAN'T be the original one--its dated over a month late and regs cited above, ibid, state that the order has to be done "on or before the effective date." No way Hodges order is the original if thats the requirement, its done over a month later. Plus there's nothing in it about "Verbal order having been given" as the ARPC confirms: ergo: someone else did the verbal orders. Bush's commander ["Cmdr"] Col Jerry Killian.
Look at the documents given in Unfit for the year 1972. There SHOULD be an aeronautical order from Killian, dated 8/1/72 and signed for By Bush--this no matter WHAT reason there was for the suspension. There isn't one there! Whats up with THAT?
Now, how could George Bush and his aides NOT know that? How could Bush NOT know that Killian's original order is missing?
He Knows right now all about the fact that its missing--again, how could he not? This is the most important document of his militray career.
And so do Hodges and Martin, both of whom are signed on on the 9/5/72 document as having seen the original. Yet each of them only say" they don't remember seeing them before" just like Bush. YET THEY SAW THE ORIGINAL SUSPENSION ORDER!! as did Bush.
If they saw the original suspension order and still suspected that these were false, then why didn't ANY of them call for an offical investigation? The papers also libel Hodges in the extreme: "...Staudt has obviously pressured Hodges more about Bush...Harris gave me a message from Grp [Hodges} and Staudt is pushing to sugarcoat it..." If ths is false, both Hodges and Staudt have been libeled--but neiither one wants aninvestigation nor will gove details of Bush's suspension--of which Hodges and Martin know every detail.
I'm working on it as fast as I can and trying to get the information out. I'm going to keep working on it untill Bush gets justice on this--which is what he is most afraid of
Stay good
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Old 10-10-2005, 03:42 PM
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Anybody here ever refuse to carry out a lawful order?
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Old 10-10-2005, 10:06 PM
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and then run for President of these United States and then LIE about it and have someone attempt to 'cover it up' for me!



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

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Old 10-11-2005, 01:18 AM
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Originally posted by Gimpy and then run for President of these United States and then LIE about it and have someone attempt to 'cover it up' for me!
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Old 10-11-2005, 11:43 AM
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my A$$!------------------Mark this date down on your personal 'apology' calendar.................November 15, 2005!

On or BEFORE that date the Special Prosecutor in the Valerie Plame case will present his indictments against SEVERAL members of the Bush Whitehouse.

And the 'role' of Harriet Miers in conection to the 'cover-up' of Bush's so-called 'Military record' will surface and the indisputable proof of his derelection of duty presented to the American public!



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
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