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Old 01-23-2006, 01:02 PM
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Default JUST "LooneyTunes" Borders???

JUST "LooneyTunes" Borders???
(January 23, 2006)

Even though America is unarguably The Most Powerful, Greatest and Most Compassionate nation on earth, our truly strange borders and nationally-suicidal policies leave much to be desired,...and especially during wartime. Kick that around, think about it, or even scoff or ridicule what has been stated.

But, unfortunately the above are flat-out factual realities and depict a truly quite sad state of affairs. No Bull and/or No Politics, for that matter.

Obviously then, it really doesn't mean diddly whom actually call-the-shots and/or whom politically control and rule America. Republicans/Conservatives finally gaining total control after about a-half-century , ALSO refuse assuring that America's Borders be secured AS BEST AS POSSIBLE. Truly amazing!

Apparently, both Republicans and the now Minority Democrat Opposition still prefer that our borders remain wide open to all foreigners (legally or illegally entering) AS USUAL,...and even now quite asininely during wartime. Truly amazing(!),...again.

Thus, it's no wonder that The American People don't know where or whom to turn to for some semblance of safety, security and that: "Right to Life" nicety promised?

Still, isn't it also absolutely amazing here that the paramount concerns most often displayed by many American leaders, bureaucrats, journalists and organizational zealots, are mainly for the well beings OF FOREIGNERS (here legally or otherwise)? Would that We The American Citizenry were as similarly concerned about?

And, WHY NOT??? Oaths of Office here aren't made TO FOREIGNERS when Sworn in To Serve. Nor, are all salaries and benefits paid Officialdom and every dime taxed for governing America in general, paid for BY FOREIGNERS. ONLY The U.S. Taxpayer PAYS FOR EVERYTHING in America (Safety, Security & "Right to Life" inclusive). Nowadays, We even absurdly pay (and quite generously) for our very own possible demise. Go figure?

Then too, why all the bipartisanly-stupid policies DICTATED and/or forced on We Americans, in that The American Taxpayer must FOREVER pay all costs incurred by: "Criminally Illegal Aliens" (what once called and still are),...whom have for quite some time been invading US (both ways) in droves, and on a daily basis?

Besides, there are no doubts whatsoever amongst America's Intelligence Agencies that MANY of these MANY MILLIONS of illegals alluded to, have no other reason for sneaking into America other than avowed killing us one and all,...or at least killing as many of We Infidels as possible and at every opportunity.

However, and in fairness, can't the more benign Illegal Alien types invading us go to their specific embassies for any assistance or help? Such is what basically all OTHER nations on earth recommend their foreign visitors do, if having any difficulties (physical, medical or financial).

Whatever, and since such a uniquely: "Only In America" perpetual nonsense of political leaders pandering to all foreigners (legals or not) rather than ONES VERY OWN persists,...such does raise some quite serious questions.

Are all American politicians/political leaders/ruling elite, bureaucrats, zealots and their largely supportive, echoing and reinforcing press/media,...JUST PLAIN NUTS or JUST PLAIN NATIONALLY-SUICIDAL??

Or, would all such policy makers and rubber-stampers alluded to just prefer remaining politically-correct and/or not offending any ethnicity or race (even The Sicko Islamic Terrorist Breed) on earth,...rather than "They" and all rest of We Americans, JUST STAYING ALIVE?

WOW!!!...Friends! Isn't such truly SOME BIG SACRIFICE merely to satisfy some people's quite asinine and/or foolishly suicidal political convictions?

Worse than that, aren't: "We The (Schnooks)" and/or The American Citizenry actually the ones being sacrificed on "Their": "LooneyTunes" or quite nutty political sacrificial altar?
Hell,...We don't even have bunkers or safe havens to run off to during catastrophies, many of "Them" no doubt do.

Lately, all is truly a cry-in shame and makes me ponder about other people having experienced similar such national stupidities. The long ago defunct Roman Empire comes to mind and makes quite an appropriate and timely comparison.

Anyone ever wonder if ALSO The Roman People were just as frustrated and felt just as insecure, disillusioned and disgusted with their Rulers and Senate and/or governing body,...prior to their downfall? Seems a logical, sensible and quite warranted question,...and especially now in 2006 America.

Well,...kick-it-around and: "The-the-the-the...That's All Folks".

The End (both ways?)

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Old 02-01-2006, 07:58 AM
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If anyone thinks I made too big-a-deal with:
JUST "LooneyTunes" Borders???,...think again.

Just last night I heard A President of The United
States of America pretty-much state that America
couldn't actually function or work as well, without
our quite longtime, never ending and ever increasing
"Criminally Illegal Alien Invasion". My, my, my.

Hell, and even if only a party of one,...I honestly
believe that such a foreigner patronizing rhetoric
FROM ANYONE, downright American Public and
American Worker/Citizenry INSULTING!!!

Yeah, sure? "Criminally Illegal Aliens" misnomered
as: "Illegal Immigrants" to keep We The Natives from
getting restless (actually outraged) over The Hong-
Konganization of America, what made The USA
The Greatest Nation on Earth???
Get Real,...FOOLS and/or political rulers/societal engineers.

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Old 02-01-2006, 08:05 AM
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Who cares....uhh who do you want to win 'American Idol'? Hey, what do ya think about Angelina maybe having twins? Don't take my Blackberry away. Neil, THESE are the issues/topics which concern the great unwashed these days. Don't give a fig about anything but themselves & what is deemed as culturally significant. Gonna be a he** of a surprise when the 'Merican people wake up & find out that being a 'merican doesn't mean squat.
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. -Samuel Johnson
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Old 02-01-2006, 08:24 AM
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Neil :

It is not just the borders anymore. Any city of any size in the good ole USA has a meandering herd of day laborers standing around every morning waiting for one really knows the size of the illegal population here...but your beloved Pres. Bush wants to make all of them legal "taxpayers" just like you. So much for the "war on terror" and paying your taxes like good little citizens. No one should vote for any incumbent in the next elections, or the next, or the next. It is a disgusting testament to the spineless, lying, corrupt bastards we have elected.

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Old 02-01-2006, 02:22 PM
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Default Advisor & M-Dude...

Understand where you both are coming from,...unfortunately.
I say: "Unfortunately", since the sad realities alluded to don't paint a very pretty picture. The future of The American Citizenry not all that very reassuring, either.

Larry, don't know about that: "Beloved" bit?
Just believe Bush much more trustworthy and believable than most other politicians seen on TV,...and especially much more so than those vehemently and vindictively attacking and opposing him and all other Republicans, at every opportunity.

Also, and in fairness to President Bush, he at least was quite differently honest and open of intent (quite a political rarity nowadays), regarding: "Criminally Illegal Aliens" and/or the correct nomenclature for foreigners sneaking into America. Plus, Bush wasn't around or calling-the-shots when such an absurd foreign incursion had been going on unabated by our leaders, for at least 30 years (or better?).

Granted, fanatical:"Democrats/Socialists/Leftists posing as Liberals" always echoingly and verbatim blame Bush for everything going back to The Magna Carta, and even for what sicko terrorists daily do. But, so what? Even you must realize that The Democrats have been in charge of America's Borders and everything else in America, for approximately the previous half-a-century.

So then, let's Get Real here. For quite some time, ALL ruling elite (of whatever BENT), leaders, policy makers, politicians, rulers or whatever, have been BS'n US or blowin smoke up The American Taxpayers' collective a$$e$,...regarding the Grand Scale Magnitude and overall pandering of foreigners during the non-stop and never ending of: "America's Criminally Illegal Alien Invasion".

Would that We Americans were pandered to just as well,...with our very own monies?

In fact, the:"10.5 Million Illegal IMMIGRANTS (as quite silly and deceivingly named)" number now soothingly and pacifyingly bandied about by politicians and journalists,...IS A-FLAT-OUT-LIE.
I heard that very same: "10.5 Million" guesstimate about 20-30 years ago.

Doesn't anyone question it being more than a bit strange that as reported over such a lengthy time, the incursion by illegals has daily increased dramatically over same years,...while the total of illegals here in America ALWAYS REMAINS THE SAME? Amazing!!!

I sure-as-hell question such a purposeful and creative reporting, accounting or bookkeeping deceit by America's Political Breed,...and quite rightfully so. After all, it is MY MONEY that's being pissed-away ineptly for services needed for illegals, while simultaneously being BS'd-to-death by politicians about the: "Open Door" LUNACY,...even during wartime.

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