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Old 05-10-2006, 03:18 PM
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Default A True Life "24" Episode

A True Life: "24" Episode
by N.R. Filidei (May 10, 2006)

Could not help but noticing that some troubling realities unfolding regarding the multitude of Criminally Illegal Aliens (many no doubt insurgents and terrorists) governmentally permitted quite easily sneaking and assimilating into America, that many American Officials currently display quite similar Officialdom mindsets as depicted/portrayed on the latest story line of The TV Show "24". Thus, never know whom in authority can actually be trusted.

Though, it is truly strange that our current American/Mexican Border Political Debacle would mimic Hollywood or TV,...rather than the usually other way around and/or the norm?

Still, the reality of Americans in authority or leadership positions recently disclosing the daily whereabouts and exact locations of totally secured and/or Minutemen patrolled areas of The Mexican Border TO THE MEXICAN GOVERNMENT, is most certainly quite sad and disgusting to MOST ALL We Americans becoming aware of such, say the least.

However, and in fairness to all foreign criminals, coyotes, arms smugglers, dope dealers, moles, spies, terrorists, and even fruit and vegetable pickers and gardeners...apparently MANY Americans in authority ALSO much prefer that America's Borders remain quite porous and/or so easy for sneaking through. Unfortunately, those fanatically political over most everything turn many in leadership positions into unarguably nationally-suicidal fools and idiots and/or any foreigner's best friend.

Whatever, the absurdity of it all makes one wonder just how badly America has already been compromised and infiltrated by Leftist Under-miners posing as Liberals,...over the last 30 or so years? Also, wonder just how high up many critical Chains of Command have been broached, and/or how many like-minded officials have already entrenched themselves solely for the purpose of helping all foreigners (here legally or otherwise) merely for enlarging their own political clique's beholder or voter base, America's Expense (every which way possible)?

Therefore, this latest unarguably obvious sabotage of Border Security (Amazingly!!!...even during wartime) simply cannot be chalked-off to America's typical political naivete' toward our fanatically murderous enemies (and there are many),...and America's overall quite asinine political-correctness (actually a great oxymoron) and/or quite stupid carnival type politics as usual.

There just has to be MUCH insider help or collusion going on between MANY: "Gringos" in authority here and both America's historical and geographical enemies to The South (re. Mexico),...daily at play.
Both logic and common sense dictate that such be so.

And besides, the only people in American History known being so successful at helping to totally secure any large parts, stretches or sections of The American/Mexican Border,...are and have been America's Minutemen. So, why-the-hell-on-earth demean them to start with? Prefer status quo or continual failure at securing Our Borders?

Sure, the quite thinly dispersed U.S. Border Patrol do and have always done their: "Mission Impossible" as best as possible. But, what?

Even the very best of agencies can't be policing and patrolling everywhere at the same time. Such need help. Thus, and until The U.S. Military and/or those suited best for such eventually get deployed along The Mexican Border for securing same,...The Minutemen Volunteers will just have to keep on helping The U.S. Border Patrol people out. Someone most certainly has to.

So then, all politically-purposeful or anti-White Racists and/or: "Viva La Raza" Crowd aside, why all this daily propagated bull or nonsense (both governmental and journalistic) stating that A PROVEN great asset to The U.S. Border Patrol are: "Vigilantes"?

America's Minutemen have managed doing what no other volunteers have done in history,...and without stringing-anyone-up or shot being fired,...all you sanctimoniously undermining political hypocrits feigning concern and representing of The American Citizenry first and foremost, and/or what foolishly paid by US for YOU to do. Sure not getting what paid for.

If you American Sicko Fools and/or fanatical political ideologues of both government and press/media must label people (your apparently similar norms), least do such right for-a-change. The Minutemen should be labeled: "Patriots and America's Volunteer Protectors" INSTEAD,...if differently being apolitical and/or totally and unequivocally honest INSTEAD,...for-a-change.

The End

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Old 05-10-2006, 04:05 PM
Seascamp Seascamp is offline
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I suppose there are two takes on this pathetic set of circumstances. The benign take is that the Border Authorities are trying to avoid a confrontation between the Minutemen and the border runners that can include Federalies with heavy weapons mounted HUMVEES; they done that already. Would the Federalies lay down a 50 cal field of fire against the Minutemen? I don?t think they would hesitate for an instant if they thought they could blame it on ?bandits? and get away with it.
And if and when they do that, one can bet the Beltway Boys and Girls will be frozen like deer in the headlights, wizz their pantaloons, then drum up some spin about ?misunderstanding? or a ?clerical error?, yadda, yadda.

The opposite end take is that the Border Authorities are aiding the border runners, which is known to be absolutely true of Arizona State Officials. Given the condition of universal immigration policy paralysis; the only truly bi-partisan activity seen for the last six plus years, the latter option seems more realistic.

?Don?t rock the boat, eh, maybe we can gin up some pretty sounding hokum that sooths the unwashed masses. Hey, maybe some cake will do the trick. Do they like to eat cake??


By the way; the offical La Raza motto: ?All for the Race and nothing for anybody else.?
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Old 05-10-2006, 06:46 PM
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My email to this White House...

Subject: How dumb do you all think we are?" :cd:

Said Dobbs: "The problem in our lack of border security and illegal immigration has become increasingly obvious; two political parties who are beholden to corporate America, the largest employers of illegal aliens and the leadership of both parties who are selling out American citizens in search of cheap labor and political advantage.

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Old 05-10-2006, 07:32 PM
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A relevant aside, I thought I jumped slick of any ramifications from my ?Day without an Immigrant?. Not to be, my Express Mail to Las Vegas mailed 28 April for Delivery 1 May went four days late, all items. I don?t suppose USPS hires illegals but my bet is that they hire cargo handling contractors that do. But I got my money back and no explanation from the USPS, they no speak at all.

Dobbs has it right; we are being sold out and jeopardized on all fronts. Is it any big surprise that Modesto and Fresno, Ca., now rank one and two as the car theft capitals of the US. By head count, there is at least two Light Infantry Divisions worth of armed gangs on the loose now in the West, and growing. And yet we dawdle and seem content for both houses of Congress to endlessly wizz in each others pockets, chop each other to bits, do nothing and dodge the issues.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 05-11-2006, 08:54 AM
Robert J Ryan

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President Lincoln said the down fall of America will come from within not from any invading army, or foreign force. Well the illegall aliens are a foreign force, and we need to get a hold of this mess quick.
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Old 05-11-2006, 12:05 PM
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Default Scamp, D-Joy & RJR...

Unfortunately, your, my or any others differently SENSIBLE thoughts about America's Sovereign Border with Mexico flie-in-the-face of most all in politics, journalism and large minority or racial organizations (only ones having TRUE Voice in America). Therefore, it's inconsequential what we say or write,...and pretty-much like spittin-into-the-wind. Truly hope I'm wrong, Friends.

Apparently both Democrats and Republicans just love the quite absurd, stupid and longtime status-quo,...since both have been quite content debating such an absolutely nationally-suicidal matter for over 30 years,...and quite amazingly only making matters worse through their efforts.

Regardless, you, we, just like all other American Citizens not: "Connected" and basically without voice in America, must toe-the-line, forever remain law-abiding and pay our taxes,...or suffer severe consequences. No ifs, ands or buts (or preferential foreigner treatments).

Whereas, most foreigners, minorities and/or non-European races (here legally or otherwise) NEED NOT be law-abiding, since apparently having some-sort-of lordly dispensation. That's what a generally stupid and pro-foreigners over Americans ruling elite mind-sets and/or political-correctness so decree,...and have decreed for quite some time. So,...grin a lot or just grit-you-teeth and bare it, Friends.

Besides, how can all in charge or calling-the-shots here previously alluded to ever rectify such A Great National Problem,...when most quite duplicitously even refuse to classify, label or name The Problem HONESTLY for: "We The People"?

America actually has no: "Immigration Problem",...and never did.
Such was resolved many-moons-ago according to America's NEEDS.
The actual resolution of such was called: "QUOTAS".

NEEDED railroads built in The West,...many Chinese were brought in.
NEEDED workers for Our Industrial Revolution,...many Europeans were brought in
Currently NEED more high-tech or Silicone Valley types,...more Asians will be brought in. That's how it works and has always worked. Well,...except during and after The Jimmy Carter Regime.

Also, America has no need whatsoever for: "Immigration Reform" and/or the making of new laws and policies regarding foreigners legitimately immigrating to America.

Just ENFORCE a multitude of EXISTING LAWS & POLICIES already on The Books. Then, our very longtime, daily and ever-increasing, and actually TRUE Problem of: "America's Criminally Illegal Alien Invasion",...would undoubtedly no longer exist

Then too, and in fairness to The American Citizenry, don't We at least and for-a-change deserve better safety and security that finally having Safe & Secure Borders helps produce,...just like like many other countries have?

Truly don't understand why so many of our political public servants, representatives, leaders, rulers, dictators or whatever,...have denied us having Safe & Secure Borders for so many years, and to date? That the mainstream press/media in general sees and saw nothing wrong with such,...also strikes as they too being quite asininely stupid. Hey,..."Birds of a feather...".

Hey,...only fools in authority don't fully realize that MANY of those daily undocumented and/or clandestinely sneaking into America, have no other mission in life other than killing AS MANY American Infidel men, women and children (babies also) AS POSSIBLE.

Just how many more: "9/11"s are needed before all you political fools previously alluded to,...get your collective heads out of you collective butts? We Defenseless Americans are running out of time,...fools.

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Old 05-11-2006, 04:32 PM
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Now comes then the irony of it all, good grief Pvt. Brown. El Maximo hombre Fox deferred signing a dope legalization bill in Mexico. The pro-legal dope demonstrators in Mexico City came to be muy PO?d and blamed the US for pressuring Fox and thus violating Mexican ?sovereignty?. Say what? No doubt there was some cross-border arm twisting going on but when was the last time Fox did anything but flash the ?up yours Gringo? international signal. ?Never? comes to mind, but maybe I missed some irrelevant transaction like a US host BBQ.

Now then what did I miss? The most plentiful and popular critter in Mexico is ?La Cucaracha? and a little ?mordida? solves any dope ?violation? issues with the badge-wearing banditos and thugs. Sometimes I think paying off the Cops is the Mexican national pastime, alas, legal or not legal is only a handful of Pesos away.

Horns of a dilemma: The Mexican Government is so corrupt and protectionist that they have disenfranchised millions of their own, become totally non-competitive in the global market place, build little or no infrastructure for an expanding population, and point their unwanted, excess, population North as a matter of policy.

The USA is more or less an over pressure steam boiler release valve. Bottle up the border and no doubt there will be Mexican revolution, again. People without hope or a way out do revolution things and have been doing revolution things in Mexico since 1805, over and over again. But at the end of the bloodshed ?for the people?, corruption rules once again and it becomes ?forget the people?, over and over again, status quo. Sometimes I think they are trying to one-up Fidel and Cuban corruption, but they have to really go some to match that act.

Interesting stat; The Mexican GNP exceeds that of the Russian Federation and has nearly three times the per capita income as the Russian Federation. Given half a chance, I?m sure quite a number of Russians would haul buns out of Russia, but quite frankly, I didn?t see the filth and hopeless grinding poverty in Russia that seems to plague Mexico.
Russia has old stuff, worn out stuff and mightily sloppily built stuff that plagues them, plus they got a ton of corruption working as well; old Red habits die hard I reckon. But they seem to perk along and not flush out unwanted population for someone else to look after.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 05-12-2006, 02:23 PM
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Default Scamp...

Whether Mexicans or Russians historically or currently having it and having had it tough,...I really don't care. Nor, should any other American Citizen/Taxpayer care about the well beings of foreigners. That's why God invented Embassies & Charities.

Besides, isn't it flat-out-wrong for The American Citizen/Taxpayer to finance another Welfare State for another country, ALSO?
Don't we ALREADY quite generously pay enough to American Citizens on Welfare,...ALREADY.

All Criminally Illegal Aliens should be deported as soon as caught (as per existing American Law), and even with their newborn American Citizen babies, if so desired. If such not acceptable to The Illegal Alien Parents, the child or children can remain in America with Foster Parents or put up for adoption to suitable and legitimate American Citizens,...of whatever race or ethnicity.
Screw that racist: "Viva La Raza" nonsense.

Regarding Mexico's many failures at revolutions, I could also care less. The Mexicans themselves should just try and try again, until they get it right. The only important thing about Mexico and Mexicans that We Americans should be interested in is:
"Remember The Alamo".

Another important thing worth remembering, that The Mexican Border is the main entry area of many smuggled goods, criminals and enemies into America, and that most of such are sanctioned or permitted and encouraged and at times and even assisted,...BY THE MEXICAN GOVERNMENT and/or as some naively foolish politicians might say: "Our fine friends and good trading partners to The South". Yeah, sure. :cd: :cd: :cd:

The hell with Mexico, Scamp.
Maybe America needs another revolution, and we can get back to having A REAL Two Party System of Governance for-a-change?
As is now, we have 2 inept political cliques taking turns pretty-much accomplishing nothing for Americans,...and especially regarding the safety and security along The American/Mexican Border.

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Old 05-12-2006, 05:17 PM
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"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information on the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.

Is there a case for impeachment?
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Old 05-14-2006, 08:28 AM
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Mexico is a neighbor but I not sure what adjective I would use to further define ?neighbor?. A country that deliberately dumps unwanted population across the border for others to take care of has defiantly lost their compass, rudder, and keel, and is aimlessly adrift on a sea of indifference and corruption. The Mexican Minister charged with cleaning up government corruption has thrown in the towel and states it would take at least 30 years to even make a dent in the problem, an honest man I think. Proper border security would go a long way in lancing that festering boil and bring new realities to the table fairly rapidly or they very well could have a revolt on their hands.

In the final analysis, the source of the problem is on this side of the border and we have made it real easy for Mexico to maintain the corruption status quo. And Mexico isn?t doing anything we don?t openly invite them to do with our beltway blind eye and endless partisan bickering about everything and nothing. The best way to get a good beltway butt kicking is to openly try to address our immigration-border situation, in previous times one might as well pack their bags and head on home because they were toast.

Now the problem has grown to a calamitous level due to the sacred cow nature of the issue, plus the procrastination and as a result, there no good answers now, just least-worst BS cosmetic fixes and ever growing public outrage. Just once, I would like to have the feeling that the beltway bimbos cared half as much about our citizens as they do about the law breaking non-citizens. That would be nice but Pollyanna thinking I reckon. ?They march, they vote? and that is causing some mighty loose beltway sphincters these days and a strong bias toward appeasement and pandering to the law breakers.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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