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Old 06-27-2009, 07:10 PM
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Angry RED ALERT -- La Raza: "If the American people found out..."

RED ALERT -- La Raza: "If the American people found out..."

"Suzanne", a female caller to Mark Levin's show on June 25th, revealed the ominous secret of the Democrat health care reform effort.
I want to tell you that last week I attended a conference on health care reform sponsored by La Raza. And I will tell you that what they had to say, Mark, is scarier than anything that's been said so far on the health care plan.

The kind of comments that were made and the notes that I took... they started the conference out by saying "America does not need health care reform, but Latino immigrants need health care reform."

And someone from Menendez' office [Ed.: Sen. Robert Menendez, D-NJ] promised that he would make sure that "the useless barriers of citizenship would not be in this bill" and that he would make sure that they would use keywords like "streamline"...

It was La Raza, the Childrens Defense Fund and Senator Menendez from New Jersey, a representative from his office...

...Yes [they said they would get free health care for illegal aliens], these are my notes, Mark. They actually got up and said "Latino children need health care more than whites". And then they would say things like "you must go out into your communities, use words like 'streamline', use phrases like 'all workers' and 'all families'," because they said -- and I quote -- "If the American people find out that this bill is about giving health care to non-citizens, they will rise up against it."

...One of the quotes they said was, "We want to make sure we take care of barriers like verification, but we can streamline programs to the more affluent" and, quote, "Useless treatments for the elderly can be gone because we don't need to spend money for people who are going to die anyway."

That's a direct quote from that meeting. They also said, "We are very concerned there will be an effort to include" the illegal immigrants in this argument, so "we must make sure that we focus this" to the American people that it's looking like we want "health care for everyone".

And they also said that 75% of the children who will be picked up in this will be non-citizens and that 44% of the uninsured are non-citizens and they can't possibly allow the American people to know this." [Ed: Oops!]

Menendez' office said that he's going to make sure that "a family of four that makes $66,000 a year or less will pay nothing at all for the new health care. And he was the one who said he was going to get rid of specifics like "citizenship status" and focus on, quote, "equity for all workers".

And he said he's going to make sure that the Latino immigrants are the focus of the health care reform.

And La Raza said if they get this, they don't even care about amnesty, because they've fixed it so that one family member can apply for all extended family members. And... Mark, if you think we have a problem with illegal immigration now, wait 'til you see the borders when this thing gets passed.
"If the American people found out?"

Gee, what a surprise. A group that preaches racial superiority and divisiveness wants to enact a stealth illegal immigration bill -- not dissimilar to chain migration. The bill will reward illegal immigration to the direct detriment of all American taxpayers and especially the elderly.

Kind of puts Judge Sotomayor's membership in La Raza in a new light, doesn't it?

Groups like La Raza encourage the Balkanization of America. They promote mutually hostile political groups that do not form a "melting pot", that do not utilize a common language, and that do not share the principles of America's founding.

Fifty years from now, if La Raza gets its way, America will look more like Yugoslavia in 1993 than America.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Action: Contact Senator Robert Menendez at 202 224-4744, 973 645-3030 and 856 757-5353 and politely tell him we know what he's up to with this health care bill, that illegal immigration is not tolerated by the citizens of New Jersey, and that we will expose him -- as the anti-American traitor that he is -- to the public.

As for those who belong to or support either La Raza or The Children's Defense Fund, I would strongly encourage you to drop your membership and support. The racial divisiveness promoted by these outrageous groups is antithetical to America's civil society.

It's time to politically punish these cretins who are out to dismantle our country.

Update: A press release issued by La Raza on 6/15 mirrors the caller's report (hat tip: Oil for Immigration):
As our nation’s leaders consider health care reform in the coming weeks, NCLR (National Council of La Raza), the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, strongly urges President Obama and Congress to make every effort to ensure that health care reform reaches all communities. No single community stands to gain as much from this important debate as Latinos. In the U.S., one out of every three uninsured persons and roughly 40% of all uninsured children are Latino. NCLR stands for health care reform that makes coverage affordable and accessible for everyone—all families and all children.

..."This debate should be about health care for all, and setting the nation on a pathway to future health and well-being. Adding layers of immigrant verification and bureaucratic red tape to a new health care system would guarantee that millions of citizen children are effectively barred from accessing preventive care and would raise the cost of health care... we are extremely concerned that some view health reform as a way to scapegoat immigrants... Making health care easier to use and accessible for all workers and children is simple common sense."

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Old 06-28-2009, 08:11 AM
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Default Sorry, Fellow White (Black, Brown, Red & Yellow also) Victimized.

But,...if NCLR and/or NATIONAL COUNCIL of LA RAZA and all other Racist Organizations plus similarly race-bating & race-pandering TOTALLY America Controlling Democrats, Black Caucus & ACORN Wish Gifting MANY MILLIONS of: "Criminally Illegal Aliens" here FREE Medical Care from MY/YOUR/OUR U.S. Taxpayer Monies,...SO IT WILL BE!

Hell,...such has already been longtime bipartisan perpetrated on We Americans (PLUS), anyway.
So why make a big-deal about it now?

Besides, whose to stop American Rulers' Absurd Foreign Nationals' Welfare System?
Obama, Biden, Pelosi or Rangle???? Get Real,...and let's not be silly.

Still, one now does finally understand why Europeans have longtime mocked & ridiculed Americans' overall naivete', about our Political Rule & System & politicizing most everything imaginable.

It has also become obvious to me (no doubt others also) that The Most Brave & Courageous Fighters against tyranny in World History never even stand up against their very own daily & Politically Tyrannical Rule. Amazing.

Amazement aside, let's put this latest of many current proposed or actual dictates in an honest or apolitical perspective (quite some rarity these days). Let's do a little role-reversal.

Can you imagine what an overall uproar there would be in America if there were also an NCTR and/or NATIONAL COUNCIL for THE RACE, for White Folks SOLELY-CALLING-THE-SHOTS in America? There would be hell-to-pay for any such obviously despicable and: "In-your-face" blatantly biased & bigotted mean old nasty White American Racists.

Betcha even America's entire TOTALLY Controlling Democrat Political Supremacist Clique would also be demanding mass White Folk pillorings or hangings for such an arrogant display of WHITE: "Audacity",...and quite rightfully so. HOW DARE Whites ever question Blacks or Browns, anyway?

Thus and since not very much White Folks alone can ever do about Our Omnipotent Lordly Rule PREVAILING, I guess I'll just have to be satisfied by apologizing to White Europeans for not previously believing them about The American People's longtime overall meek, passive & naive' acceptance of such. I know it's too late. But you cynical Europeans have finally & quite sadly made me A Believer.

Hey,...dictates are dictates,...and that's that.
Makes no matter what color, shade or hue such come from.

AKA: N.R. Filidei /

P.S. The beginning and/or: "If the people ever found out..." of this thread ALSO makes a
Quite Sad Commentary of America itself, say the least.
My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.

Last edited by reconeil; 06-28-2009 at 08:38 AM. Reason: add: "AKA" & P.S.
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Old 06-29-2009, 05:23 AM
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Once again the INCUMBENT Congressmen and Senators of BOTH parties have created what is coming. Even before Bush, the flood gates were opened for illegal aliens, and every effort was made to see that they thrived here.

There has been minimal effort made to find or even prosecute the millions of illegal aliens in this country who committed crimes down south and here. Sanctuary cities ( do a wiki ) have been in place well before Obama. The IRS, many years ago, set up the ITIN system ( ) to allow illegal aliens to pay US income systems. Many states then allowed this as an ID to get driver's licenses, which gave them legitimacy. This article from 2003 shows how easy it is for illegal aliens to get home loans : ( ).

The Social Security Administration could have stopped dead in its tracks many years ago, the practice of illegal aliens using US citizens's legitimate SSN numbers for various scams, which results in many cases of identity theft. The IRS ( where I worked for 32 years ) could computer match with the SSA, and print out a list of the location of most of the illegal aliens in this country.

Their birth rate will allow the Hispanic population in just 40 years, to go from 14 % to 29 % of the US population. At that time, 2050, the percent of the white population of the US will decline from 67 % to 47 %, which means white Americans will be a true minority then.

As veterans of war, how does it make you feel that they are gaining all of the rights and benefits that many of us still have to fight for every damn day ( read : VA ), even though many of our names could very well be up on the Vietnam Memorial ?? It is beyond pissing me off. It just leaves a dull ache in my gut that never goes away.

Once again, as the 50 % of Americans who are actual registered to vote accept the Party Affiliation BS presented to them, and blindly pull the levers for incumbents, who have sold us all down the river many thousands of ways,
the situation gets worse every election cycle.

We are doomed as a country. Period. As far as I am concerned there is no light at the end of the tunnel, only the destruction of a once proud and self-sustaining nation. The war profiteers ( as President Eisenhower warned us ), international bankers ( read : the Federal Reserve creating Trillions of $$$ out of thin air ), incumbent politicians, and the apathetic, lazy, and clueless US voters, have created together an inertia that is unstoppable.

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Old 06-29-2009, 12:27 PM
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Though, it is truly too bad that few (if any of RULING-elite & mainstream press/media??)
will ever admit such.

Admit such??? Hell,...those career-people-manipulators alluded to won't even MENTION such.
Usually keep such unarguable truths under-the-rug,...AS BEST AS POSSIBLE.

Only things of MAIN CONCERN to such Faux Liberals are whether best pleasing King Obama
or Queen Pelosi & Royal Court most, and just at what point will America's Perpetual
$crewee$, $ubject$, Mark$, U.S. Taxpayer$ and/or: "We The (Schnook$)" finally scream;...
"Bloody Murder" or "Enough is Enough all You Pandering Foreign Nationals Favoring MASTERS".

Naturally, Lords of Realm & Favorable Press always please Themselves, Friends & Cliques,...

Hey,...big campaign contributors don't do such just because great philantropists.
Betcha even Oprah gets a good return on her money?

Also, whom would even DARE suggest the: "Take-Over" of BHO Buddy's financially troubled GE?
Betcha-a-dime-to-dollar Immelt WON'T have to make any competitive bids for Windmills, whatsoever?

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.
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Old 06-29-2009, 11:29 PM
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Why should they "admit" anything ? It is all in plain view. 90% of all the incumbent politicians running in 2010 have no fear of losing at all.
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Old 07-04-2009, 08:36 AM
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Default Thanks, Larry.

Like chit-chatin with You, just as with all other sane & sensible Patriots.
This time your: "90% of all incumbent politicians running in 2010 have no fear of loosing at all" got the old noggin churning.

Sorry though, since on such will have to sort-of disagree with you.
Incumbents OR NOT,...NO Wealthy & Powerful Career-Politicians EVER HAVE TO FEAR LOOSING ANYTHING! Win, Loose, Draw or whatever,..."THEY" ALL (whatever the BENT) always come out on top. So do "Their" Bipartisan Favored Criminally Illegal Alien Minions, also.

Time & experience have taught me that ONLY people here need having: "Fear of loosing at all" and/or most importantly: "Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Happiness",...ARRRRRRRRRRRE quite unfortunately The U.S. Citizen/Worker/Taxpayer. Career-Politicians & Zealots & Destitute or Poor always have it made, due an overall compassionate American Generosity.

Oh by the way Larry,..."Happy Fourth",...or should we all be singing: "Auld Lang Syne" INSTEAD?

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.
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