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The starting point for the understanding of war is the understanding of human nature.

-- S.L.A. Marshall

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This Day in History
1314: The Scots, under Robert the Bruce, defeat Edward IIs army at Bannockburn.

1667: The Peace of Breda ends the Second Anglo-Dutch War as the Dutch cede New Amsterdam to the English.

1862: Union and Confederate forces skirmish at the battle of Chickahominy Creek.

1863: In the second day of fighting, Confederate troops fails to dislodge a Union force at the Battle of LaFourche Crossing.

1864: Union General Ulysses S. Grant stretches his lines further around Petersburg, Virginia, accompanied by his commander-in-chief, Abraham Lincoln.

1900: General Arthur MacArthur offers amnesty to Filipinos rebelling against American rule.

1915: Germany uses poison gas for the first time in warfare in the Argonne Forest.

1919: Germans scuttle their own fleet at Scapa Flow, Scotland.

1942: The Allies surrender at Tobruk, Libya.

1945: Japanese forces on Okinawa surrender to American troops.