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If we cannot secure our needs for survival on the basis of law and justice, then we must be ready to secure them with army in our hands.

-- Mihaly Karolyi

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Military History
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This Day in History
1862: A Union attempt to capture Charleston, South Carolina, is thwarted when the Confederates turn back an attack at Secessionville, just south of the city on James Island.

1864: The siege of Petersburg and Richmond begins after a moonlight skirmish.

1898: A U.S. squadron bombards Santiago, Cuba.

1915: The French gain ground in severe fighting north of Arras.

1918: Yekaterinenfeld is occupied by the Germans.

1925: France accepts a German proposal for a security pact.

1932: The ban on Nazi storm troopers is lifted by the von Papen government in Germany.

1940: French Chief of State, Henri Petain asks for an armistice with Germany.

1951: The 1st Marine Division reached its objective, a line running northeast from the Hwachon Reservoir through the Punch Bowl, a gigantic volcanic crater.

1955: The U.S. House of Representatives votes to extend Selective Service until 1959.