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RECONaction front (rear) (right) (left)
actions strengthActive National Guard
alternate traversing fireA/A
active statusactions strength
Active Armyactivated mine
active satellite defenseActive Army
activated mineactive preventative program (against terrorism)
active preventative program (against terrorism)alternate traversing fire
action stationactive satellite defense
Active National Guardaction station
Number of terms in this volume: 55
Military History
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This Day in History
1865: Confederate General Joseph Johnston officially surrenders his army to General William T. Sherman at Durham Station, North Carolina.

1865: John Wilkes Booth is killed when Union soldiers track him down to a Virginia farm 12 days after he assassinated President Abraham Lincoln.

1865: Joseph E. Johnston surrenders the Army of Tennessee to Sherman.

1937: The ancient Basque town of Guernica in northern Spain is bombed by German planes.

1952: Armistice negotiations are resumed.

1971: The U.S. command in Saigon announces that the U.S. force level in Vietnam is 281,400 men, the lowest since July 1966.

1972: President Nixon, despite the ongoing communist offensive, announces that another 20,000 U.S. troops will be withdrawn from Vietnam in May and June, reducing authorized troop strength to 49,000.